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Recruit gear - not worth getting.


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New 50's NEED recruit gear. The ~900 expertise it provides is a fairly significant difference over regular PvE gear, even if it pales in comparison to WH.


If nothing else, it shows a commitment to want to PvP. When I see someone waiting to start a warzone without Recruit gear, I'm going to call them out on it. They're basically a wasted slot in the group, if for no other reason than a healer can't even heal them effectively to keep them alive and in the match.


If you were queued up for hard modes in green gear, the group would kick you out. I don't know why they implemented this stupid vote kick system than can only be used if someone is AFK. Should be if you get 5-6 votes, you're out, period.


I've leveled 4 toons through PvP and Recruit gear. It sucks, especially for melee. The gear is free, so there's no reason not to get it.

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I don't know why some people are so obsessed that every newly dinged 50 should get recruit gear....Recruit set will not provide you with minimum power to compete.


In my 3rd match as a brand new lev 50 Mara (I had never done sub 50 pvp), I scored 520k damage and 80k healing. I was in full Recruit gear.


By your own admission, Recruit gear improves survivability by 30-50% over blue lev 50 gear. Why would you NOT use it? It doesn't really even cost 320k to use, since you can sell it and recapture the 320k value as you gear up.

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The funny thing is the only alt I got recruit gear was beacuse I coudln't beat the level 50 story boss and having full recruit gear made the fight way easier, and expertise obviously doesn't work on that encounter. That was an alt I have no intention to PvP with either (only leveled him for Legacy purposes).


Recruit gear is pretty good, but most people prefer to just lose their way to WH, which I don't necessarily blame them for doing.

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Sad that your sttitude although completely and totally incorrect runs rampant.


WH sniper 2 or 3 gcds? As soon as you said this I knew the whole post was invalid


People should have the courtsey to admit they plan on losing their way to WH but they never do. I do that on some of my alts but it's because I don't care about what happens to those alts, not because it's actually a good idea for progression.

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An easier way to make sure people take the recruit gear if they intend to pvp is, to make recruit pieces a requirement to buy BM pieces. Same as how you need a BM piece to buy the WH piece.


Then people who intend to pvp will make sure to pick the recruit gear.

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I don't know why some people are so obsessed that every newly dinged 50 should get recruit gear.


Yesterday i was bored and decided to "feel the difference". I swapped augmented WH gear on my operative to Recruit (every slot) and made few warzones. And then bought 47-50 blues without expertise, and did the same.


My impression - recruit gear don't worth 320k. It worth nothing at all.


Absolutely for sure its better that under 50 lvl blues, but it doesn't matter when you are facing WH or WH/BM geared players. It doesn't mtter. Recruit set will not provide you with minimum power to compete.


In blues you got murdured in 3 hits.


In recruit gear you will be murdured in 4-5 hits. (3-4 against maras and PT) And Snipers will trash you in 2-3 gcds. And im not exaggerating.


You will not do any meaningful damage nor in blues nor in Recruit gear. You will be a lamb in a sloughterhouse untill you get BM set.


I will better take 320k with my alt and suffer my way throug period of obtaining BM, rather than not taking 320k and suffering my way through period of changing Recruit on BM.


Thats... wrong


Anything that turns you on.


*shrug* :rolleyes:

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An easier way to make sure people take the recruit gear if they intend to pvp is, to make recruit pieces a requirement to buy BM pieces. Same as how you need a BM piece to buy the WH piece.


Then people who intend to pvp will make sure to pick the recruit gear.


I'm kinda thinking that having Recruit gear should be required to even enter the queue. With all the emphasis BioWare put on Expertise, it's really kind of pointless to PvP without it.

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I have a tip for any readers who are unsure about what they should do for PvP when they hit 50.

When you hit valor level 40, you can start collecting ranked comm's. So when you hit 40, start PvP'ing and top out both your ranked and regular wz comms. When you hit 50, use your 2k WZ comm's to buy a BM piece(s). Then convert 2000 of your ranked comms into 2000 regular comms (the exchange rate is 10 ranked for 10 regular) and buy another piece(s) Convert your remaining 1500 ranked comms into regular comms and buy another piece(s). I'd recommend making armor pieces a priority if you're wondering what to buy because they are more expensive and offer the 2- and 4-piece set bonuses. And since you're getting most of the more expensive pieces out of the way right off the bat, the remainder of your BM "grind" will but far quicker and far less painful.


The catch to this though is that you have to PvP a lot in your 40's. A lot. Some people enjoy doing this, like me. Others don't and would rather quest, which is totally fine. Questing is fun too. So it really comes down to preference and what you're willing to put up with.


This. No point in getting full recruit when you do this. The rest of your BM can be had in a day or two. It is a waste of money to take recruit gear when that money can be spent on augments. It is a waste to throw all your eggs in one basket by getting that one WH piece, when the rest of your gear is worthless.


The only way recruit gear isn't worthless is if you casually pvp. Anyone that pvps a fair amount will replace it so quickly that it's pretty dumb not to take the money to spend on augmenting BM gear, that will actually improve you overall much better in the end.

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I'm kinda thinking that having Recruit gear should be required to even enter the queue. With all the emphasis BioWare put on Expertise, it's really kind of pointless to PvP without it.




Here I am with 5RAK/7COL:


Force in Balance rating: 1520-1584

HP: 16322



Here I am in Recruit:


Force in Balance: 1249-1313 *1.1662= 1457-1532

HP: 12352


So please explain why I should be kept out of any WZ with numbers like this...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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The only way recruit gear isn't worthless is if you casually pvp. Anyone that pvps a fair amount will replace it so quickly that it's pretty dumb not to take the money to spend on augmenting BM gear, that will actually improve you overall much better in the end.


That dude gets it.

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What I always find funny is the DPS players who complain at the players who join with or without recruit gear.


Guys, you don't have to try and heal them. Wait full to dead in 3 seconds I don't try either.... And thats pretty much with or without the gear. When I do my pre round check and I see players sub 13K long months of experience tells me you can't target and get the heal on them fast enough for the to survive after the first health drop. Thats @ 2.2 seconds that has been conclusively proven time after time is wasted unless you spend it on a player nearer 14K.


Ask your healers, they will tell you it doesn't matter if they have it or not they are blood stains until they get better gear than recruit. GIve em a HOT a bubble if that's your thing but casting the big heals on them is pointless they are dead 95% of the time before it lands.

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Here I am with 5RAK/7COL:


Force in Balance rating: 1520-1584

HP: 16322



Here I am in Recruit:


Force in Balance: 1249-1313 *1.1662= 1457-1532

HP: 12352


So please explain why I should be kept out of any WZ with numbers like this...

because those stats don't mean jack without expertise. You'll end up taking bigger hits, and doing less damage.

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What I am interested in figuring out is the difference between full recruit gear and running in campaign gear. Is expertise that powerful that it trumps that huge of a difference in gear level?


Expertise not only mitigates how much damage you take but also affects how much damage you do to others. Someone with zero expertise only scratches someone with a decent amount of expertise.


The effects are even more prevalent when there's more than one person wailing on you.

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The difference between dying in 3 hits and dying in 5 hits is massive. It gives me a chance to save you. It also makes my heals 15% more effective. Do Recruits kinda suck? Yep. Are they useless? No. I've seen Sentinels in 90% Recruit put out 300k damage. I've seen tanks in 90% Recruit put out 150k damage and 200k protection. I've seen healers in Recruit put out 250k healing. Not awesome, but also far from useless especially if the player is playing the objectives.




Recruit gear isnt good. Mostly because you will be sitting at 13k hp which is beyond awful.


But newbs coming into WZs with half greens is worse.


Half the fresh 50s i see are wearing lvl 30-40 greens at 50 which quite frankly amazes me. Honestly i dont understand how its possible.

Edited by Gidoru
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Expertise not only mitigates how much damage you take but also affects how much damage you do to others. Someone with zero expertise only scratches someone with a decent amount of expertise.


The effects are even more prevalent when there's more than one person wailing on you.


My healer is almost full campaign, but she just recently got the recruit set to PvP in.


We did a game of PvP today, her in recruit, me in BM. We did our usual strat where we hold a node ourselves and send the rest of our team to another, worked great on our old mains on our old server, and worked fine leveling up. This time, not so much. It worked great when the Imps were focusing on me or splitting DPS between me and her, but as soon as more than one of them attacked her she dropped like a rock.


What I am wondering is if its really better for her to be in full recruit gear with 13k hp over her PvE gear which has over 20k.

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What I am wondering is if its really better for her to be in full recruit gear with 13k hp over her PvE gear which has over 20k.

you have to remember that not all pvp is "spock like".


by that i mean that not all people pvp'ing is analytically, especially in the heat of battle.



  • arsenal merc throws one 1 heal - a bunch of people hone in on him because they see the cast, and collapse on him, while the operative HEALER sits unnoticed in the back popping instants.
  • tank with "20% HP" (which is higher raw value than the dps next to him at 50% HP), but everyone tries to kill the tank, because he's at a lower %.

what i'm getting at is that sometimes people react on impulse, and in this case, it is very likely that impulse actually makes the right decision.


you approach 2 people, and you see one with 20k HP, and another one with 13k HP. without even considering the classes, most people would aim for the 13k player. if she was standing around with 20k hp, they may think she's wearing social gear wtih BM augments thrown in.


basically, having a player with 13-14k hp just signifies to everyone else "hey look, i'm new, come kill me"

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not sure if i have a screenshot but i did like 600k healing my first wz at 50 on my healer op.


its not useless lol you just have to remember that your squishy and make sure you got your team there to back you up.

Edited by Motoeric
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Recruit gear isnt good. Mostly because you will be sitting at 13k hp which is beyond awful.


But newbs coming into WZs with half greens is worse.


Half the fresh 50s i see are wearing lvl 30-40 greens at 50 which quite frankly amazes me. Honestly i dont understand how its possible.


i'll tell you how it's possible: they likely don't know what recruit gear is. not everyone that plays today has been playing since launch. have you tried telling them about it?

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