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Operative and Gunslinger -vs- Scoundrel and Sniper


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For visuals, I think the Sniper's animations are WAY better than Gunslingers. The skill names are cooler too. :p


As for Op vs. Scound. Do you want to use hidden knives or a shotgun? I chose knives. :D Plus, the Op uses a knife more than the Scoundrel uses the shotgun. Our stun and everything short of 10m is a knife. Where as the Scoundrel uses a crotch kick (stun) a pistol whip (We stick a knife in their chest), backblast (shotgun) vs. back stab, Shootfirst(shot gun) vs. Hidden strike(over head reverse grip stab).


These are my biased opinions of course!

Edited by Amien
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Both republic mirrors suck. But if i had to make a choice, then i say that scoundrel compared to operative sucks more than gunslinger compared to sniper. Anyway, why play guns akimbo when you can have a sniper rifle? Why punch someone when you can cut him down with a vibroknife?
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I haven't played the Smuggler story past level 17, but from my knowledge of the Agent storyline vs the other ones I have played, and the general consensus on the forums, is that the Agent storyline is pretty much the best in the game.


So, if you're playing solely for story, I'd say go Agent. And I see two different options when it comes to which AC to play (note I've never played an Operative, so all I say in regards to them could be completely ignorant).


1) Play an Operative if you want to stealth past all the mobs on your way to complete you quests. I do this with my Jedi Shadow, and it makes going through planet quests for the 5th time a lot more bearable. I'm considering rerolling my lvl 13 gunslinger as a scoundrel for this very reason.


2) Play as a Sniper if you actually want to fight mobs and stuff - I say this because I imagine healing your companion through 50 levels isn't as quick/fun as just letting your companion heal you (though that may be a matter of taste) - and if you're gonna do dps, its probably easier to be a kill everything from range than have to stealth your way behind everything you want to fight. Though I could be wrong on that.


And if you're playing not only for story, but to be competitive in end-game PVP/PVE, then decide if you want to be:


1) a healer

2) a stealth class

3) a close/mid range dpser

4) a long range dpser


1-3 = Operative, 4 = Sniper. But only you should be making that decision - don't go by whatever people on the forums say is OP or terrible.

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I really dislike scoundrel animations, so operative was an easy choice for me. I also prefer sniper to gunslinger, but it was the lesser of two evils. shiving people is a lot more appealing than hitting them with the butt of my gun. Its like, if you're gonna do something like that you might as well just shoot the guy...



Theres also the practical purpose of slow release medpack vs kolto probe. Kolto probes hover around the target for the duration of the heal, while slow release only flashes green every 2 seconds or so. The probes make it easier to see who has the buff in warzones (I don't feel as if I have to stare at raid frames every second of the match that way).



Plus its entertaining seeing 5 probes swirl around someone after they comment on them.

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