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4 combat class's / 4 social class's


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Everyone here is doing a great debate, please keep it classy. Discussing the implementation of a Social Class or Crew Skill's is the main idea here. Please suggest yours and comment on others! Thank you for reading.



Original Idea: We have our 4 combat class's, remove healing and keep tank, offer different damage spec in replace of healing.


EDIT (7/14/2012) --- After reading many comments and suggestions I have decided to make no changes to Combat classes.


EDIT (7/16/2012) -- Talking about the idea of Social Crew Skills,.


4 Social Classes ---


Architect - Houses, Furniture, (Carpentry)Healing

Entertainer - Singer/Dancer, Musician, Magician(Healing)

Engineer - Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Space Ships



-------------- I need helping thinking for a 4th one, any idea's our welcome. I love this game please don't think this is a hate post, I played galaxies and ever since then have been craving any mmo with any type of a social class.


Please add any ideas this is just the start, :) i know with Engineer we might have to work with the Crew Skills.


My only idea Pilot.



----- Edit (7/14/2012) -----


Architect (Rebel) - Inventor (Imperial) --- (EXAMPLES) Guild Buildings and Resources, Houses, Furniture for Ships/House, ALL CREW SKILL Schematics.


Entertainer (Rebel) - Jester (Imp) --- Big buffs, 10-25% stat increases, does not die, lasts full 1,2,4 hours. Gains XP from general dancing, + ex for dancing inside a rest area, + ex for groups of 4,8 and 18.


Engineer (Rebel) - Deviser (Imp) ---- Builds Space Ships. Pilot Uniforms and Special Ship Parts (EMT, Proton etc)


Still need help with 4th as of 7/14/2012, and on the next couple pages myself and other people explain how these classes would get XP. Thank you for reading and do not forget.....




EDIT: 7/16/2012 - I proposed a question to one of the threads top contributors (Darth_Halford) about Social Crew Skills instead of Classes, please feel free to start adding your own opinions. Much thanks to Shingara as well, we seem to be on the same team with this one :p


PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR IDEAS!!! :-) thank you!!!!

Edited by HolyMamamia
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I don't know why people find it so hard to understand that some of us out there actually ENJOY playing healing classes. I have all three, and you will pry them from my cold dead subscription. Edited by Disguised
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keep the healing specs that's fine, I'm more concerned about some type of social class.


It adds a dynamic to the game and a certain appeal that no other game offers right now and brings in all different types of people.


Just as you enjoy healing there are some people who enjoy pure crafting, entertaining and the tedious work of gathering.


Not trying to turn this into SWG2, any game could adapt the social class, none would be as entertaining as SW.

Edited by HolyMamamia
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I see it as being within reason to create social classes. It would be kinda neat to be an entertainer (make a hot toon that dances in nearly nothing) and just maybe gather mats to sell and make money. But (having not played SWG) how would a class like that level? Are they still capable of combat in some way? Maybe something like an entertainer is a great buffing/debuffing class? Engineers could be designed for combat while being better at crafting but that puts balance into question. How exactly would these social classes work and how would they fit into SWTOR the way it currently is?
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Social class's in the game wouldnt be a bad thing but i cant see how it could be including crafting as craftng is balanced now unless you add new crafting into the game and give a bonus for it to none combat classes for specific crafting, then of course you would have to design a different leveling aspect to the game for the none combat class's and how your companions act and what companions you have.


It really does add a different aspect to the game especialy if the quests they have are tied to bars and the casino for example on nar shadda, to think that at top level as a none combat class your companions form your band or dancing troop and your misssions are to entertain the hutts and other players.


At the end of the day it would be nice to have an alt or a main whos role in the world is to offer unique buffs to players whilst they rp the game. They could even be faction neutral so they all just have one starting zone and can go over the borders at will as they are no threat to either side.


For what classes to have could simply be dancer, musician and tailor all in one branch like we have now for advanced class that they get at level one and the tailor can craft social adaptive gear. Maybe even make it so the social classes are unlocked when you unlock legacy. The reason for the talents being gained from lvl one on them is so you can put more points into more trees and the trees are more shallow then the combat class trees meaning you could be full music and dancer or full dancer and tailor.


Also let there main xp to gain be social xp which they get for performing with other players or entertaining them within rest areas.

Edited by Shingara
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I don't know how to caption last a previous post to specify a direct respond to the post two above.

this is in response to Xezkial


SWG used just general dancing as experience in cantinas. You gained more experience for bring in a group and having people specificity click to "watch" you. After 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the group, you got a particular special buff. The dancer got xp and usually a generous tip, and we got a really kick butt buff. ( they're money usually went to buying clothes :) which I was thinking could be something for a 4th class? Crafting Social Gear??)


As for Engineer you could get xp from crafting, all beginning/moderate items are legacy gear so its usable by everyone depending on level of *USER* and still sell-able.


Architect s the easiest one, you go from building chairs and small space ships to guild battle cruisers and custom storage lockers bank vaults houses etc.


You give them a class mission like everyone else, mostly orientated around crafting.


I heal 8 man ops with 5 healing moves. out of a entire 24 key bar you can allow 4-6 keys for dps, allow them 4-6 dps moves enough to also complete missions and have some fun in pvp. (personally id find a Guitar Slam 3 second stun a great way to go out)


I truly will keep paying and playing for this game, I want to feel like this is a Star Wars universe =(

Edited by HolyMamamia
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You WoW kiddos never played SWG so you have no idea.


Well, its hard to find one of the 20K people who played that game for any length of time...


Listen, I played it at start. There are parts of it that I liked, but it didn't sell because the things you loved about it don't sell. And, hate to break it to you, but Bioware is in the business of making money, not wasting resources so 10 former SWG players are happy.

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Well, its hard to find one of the 20K people who played that game for any length of time...


Listen, I played it at start. There are parts of it that I liked, but it didn't sell because the things you loved about it don't sell. And, hate to break it to you, but Bioware is in the business of making money, not wasting resources so 10 former SWG players are happy.


There were alot more pople who played original swg then you think, if you cast your mind back if your old enough before wow mmos hung around the 600k mark max, swg was right up there as one of the best. What made it great smedly killed. Dont blame the original concept of the game being bad because it wasnt, I would even go so far as to say that pre cu swg was the best mmo ever created, it was better then wow's geargrind and is very similar to what people are screaming is great about gw2 and secret worlds. Its just a fact that smedly tried to copy wow and failed hard.

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I agree, why would I want to grab a lightsaber or a blaster and assault a sith battleship when I can sit in a bar and have nerds perv at me.


The latter sounds much more appealing to me.


Well you see this is the cool thing about having different aspects to a game, your not forced todo one or the other, you can chose which todo whilst at the same time not feel the need to oppress others views on what they find fun.

Edited by Shingara
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We have our 4 combat class's, remove healing and keep tank, offer different damage spec in replace of healing.


4 Social Class's ---


Architect - Houses, Furniture, (Carpentry)Healing

Entertainer - Singer/Dancer, Musician, Magician(Healing)

Engineer - Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Space Ships



-------------- I need helping thinking for a 4th one, any idea's our welcome. I love this game please don't think this is a hate post, I played galaxies and ever since then have been craving any mmo with any type of a social class.


Please add any ideas this is just the start, :) i know with Engineer we might have to work with the Crew Skills.


My only idea Pilot.


This game isnt SWGs.



It would be nice if the fans of that game would leave it there, and quit harping about changing this game. The stuff you want works in a MMO sandbox, and last I knew, this isnt one.

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There were alot more pople who played original swg then you think, if you cast your mind back if your old enough before wow mmos hung around the 600k mark max, swg was right up there as one of the best. What made it great smedly killed. Dont blame the original concept of the game being bad because it wasnt, I would even go so far as to say that pre cu swg was the best mmo ever created, it was better then wow's geargrind and is very similar to what people are screaming is great about gw2 and secret worlds. Its just a fact that smedly tried to copy wow and failed hard.


Man you guys need to get your facts straight.



600k would of made SWG the top MMO prior to WoW.....that title was held by EQ, which sat at roughly 450k.


SWG started a notch over 300k, and quickly fell below that threshold. What was worse was that of the 200 to 250 ish K it held prior to NGE, a plethora of those accounts were folks that held multiple subs due to one character per server.


SWG was a huge failure.....so it would be nice if we could quit hearing about it here, and all the attempts to NGE this title into something it isnt.

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There were alot more pople who played original swg then you think, if you cast your mind back if your old enough before wow mmos hung around the 600k mark max, swg was right up there as one of the best. What made it great smedly killed. Dont blame the original concept of the game being bad because it wasnt, I would even go so far as to say that pre cu swg was the best mmo ever created, it was better then wow's geargrind and is very similar to what people are screaming is great about gw2 and secret worlds. Its just a fact that smedly tried to copy wow and failed hard.



This is a good source for MMO sub data and it puts SWG at 300k at peak and then dropping real fast hence the NGE.





If you can come up with your source for up there were nearly 600k I'd like to see it . SWG numbers held for about 1 year and then dropped like a ton of bricks when WoW came out that was the reason for the NGE the game was dying a painfull death. At its death it had 12k subs I'll try and dig out the source for that it buried in another forum.


BW are not going to waste resources on creating non combat classes so a handful of SWG vets can play uncle owen in the Star Wars universe I for one don't want that and I really don't understand the obsession with it. As a kid I wanted to be Luke Skywalker running around having adventure in the galaxy and TOR delivers that on my Jedi Knight. The whole point of the original film was Luke was bored ******** on Tatooine being his uncles labourer why in gods hell would you want to play that in an online game is beyond me and I imagine Luke would be confused as well. The irony in this thread and SWG vets makes me laugh.

Edited by Calerxes
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Man you guys need to get your facts straight.



600k would of made SWG the top MMO prior to WoW.....that title was held by EQ, which sat at roughly 450k.


SWG started a notch over 300k, and quickly fell below that threshold. What was worse was that of the 200 to 250 ish K it held prior to NGE, a plethora of those accounts were folks that held multiple subs due to one character per server.


SWG was a huge failure.....so it would be nice if we could quit hearing about it here, and all the attempts to NGE this title into something it isnt.


If you read what i wrote which you obviously did not i said that the max number was around 600k mark not that swg had 600k subs, swg had around 300k and then the cu hit end off. swg pre cu wasnt a huge failure, the cu and nge were. get your facts right next time.


And no one is trying to nge anything because if you knew anything people are actualy refering to this stuff from swg pre cu which is not the nge. And if something like this is added and does not impact on your game which it would not thats a possibilty of 300k extra subscribers to the game which would influx money into the game for more development of content.


So how is that a bad thing exactly ??????

Edited by Shingara
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I agree, why would I want to grab a lightsaber or a blaster and assault a sith battleship when I can sit in a bar and have nerds perv at me.


The latter sounds much more appealing to me.


Pretty much all the Anti-SWG players in this thread suffer from anti-social disorder picked up from WOW.


Besides I haven't seen an instance where I could actually board a sith battleship unless it was to gain a capture refugee or disable a tractor beam to run.

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We have our 4 combat class's, remove healing and keep tank, offer different damage spec in replace of healing.


4 Social Class's ---


Architect - Houses, Furniture, (Carpentry)Healing

Entertainer - Singer/Dancer, Musician, Magician(Healing)

Engineer - Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Space Ships



-------------- I need helping thinking for a 4th one, any idea's our welcome. I love this game please don't think this is a hate post, I played galaxies and ever since then have been craving any mmo with any type of a social class.


Please add any ideas this is just the start, :) i know with Engineer we might have to work with the Crew Skills.


My only idea Pilot.


Pre-CU SWG is alive .. if you google you can find out where. Lots of people returning to the original Star Wars sandbox!

Edited by Urael
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Im sorry for my grammar, never said I was an expert =)


Trying to float the idea around


Does anyone have an idea for a 4th class?


If you really, really opposes this idea please tell me why?


LOL they're not going to do away with tanks and healers. They'd have to redesign every encounter in the game.


Why would I need a dedicated crafting class when my combat characters can craft just fine? I thought having classes like Image Designer was one of the dumbest ideas ever.


If you read what i wrote which you obviously did not i said that the max number was around 600k mark not that swg had 600k subs, swg had around 300k and then the cu hit end off. swg pre cu wasnt a huge failure, the cu and nge were. get your facts right next time.


They might have had 600k launch month, but they never had more than 300k subs after that, and it was bleeding down from there. Devs that worked on SWG have said so publicly. They didn't come out with the CU because the game was growing.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Well, its hard to find one of the 20K people who played that game for any length of time...


Listen, I played it at start. There are parts of it that I liked, but it didn't sell because the things you loved about it don't sell. And, hate to break it to you, but Bioware is in the business of making money, not wasting resources so 10 former SWG players are happy.


If you're going to use numbers at least make them reasonable. Really? 20k subscribers? The game was out for over eight years and you think it only had a playerbase of 20k? "Star Wars: Galaxies" was actually reported to have close to 500k subscribers in it's prime which at the time was quite huge for an MMO on the market. Even the emulator that fans have created has over three thousand members. I also can bet that there are quite a bit more then ten former "SW:G" hanging around here. Just my two credits.

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