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The type of community we have...


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On my server, I made the horrible mistake of asking in general chat for ''how you can augment your gear ?''


Someone deliberately made me delete my helm. I placed it on the table, and it simply vanished.


200k credits joke. I hope the little rat had his fun


(BTW, obviously, I don't even considered for a split second asking for a item restoration)


And also, it's wondeful to get racist slurs for asking on chat ''can anyone craft me an augment kit with my mats'' ?

Edited by Angedechu
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On my server, I made the horrible mistake of asking in general chat for ''how you can augment your gear ?''


Someone deliberately made me delete my helm. I placed it on the table, and it simply vanished.


200k credits joke. I hope the little rat had his fun


(BTW, obviously, I don't even considered for a split second asking for a item restoration)


Well, you didn't drag the helm's icon into the Mod Table did you?

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Umm... Would you be willing to describe exactly what happened?


If you just dragged the item out into space (as if to drop it), then a confirmation dialog should have come up. At that point, it should have been clear what was about to happen. You'd have been silly to click OK on that.


So... what did happen?

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Well, you didn't drag the helm's icon into the Mod Table did you?


Socialist, how someone is supposed to know, first hand, that this make the item vanish ? (There was no confirmation box)


It's a bug, it's happen. What enrage me is that the dude told me SPECIFICALLY to do this. Why the f... would someone deliberately mislead someone else ?

Edited by Angedechu
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Socialist, how someone is supposed to know, first hand, that this make the item vanish ? (There was no confirmation box)


It's a bug, it's happen. What enrage me is that the dude told me SPECIFICALLY to do this. Why the f... would someone deliberately mislead someone else ?


He probably assumed you would open the mod table first, before dragging, which makes sense. You have to open your cargo hold before you can put items in it, or the AH to sell items. So I can see how he would assume you knew to open the table UI first.


So he did nothing wrong, IMO.

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Oh, and after 20 minutes of asking in trade chat, someone took my 43 Augment Kit MK-6 parts to craft me augment kits.


Obviously, he played the ''I ignore you, pig'' game after.


400k credits stole from me in 20 minutes. I think I will go level my own characters and crafters, that's going to be FAR less expensive than dealing with the community.

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Do you need to make useless drama by just only one person and say "zomg people is horrible, I want my 200k credits back, waaaaaaaa, :(" cause for THAT!?


... oh, forgot people always tend to make like everything's horrible. Meh.

Edited by EdrallXGSTAR
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I think I will go level my own characters and crafters


There is something to be said about being self-sufficient in crafting... Sucks that you got scammed out of those mats. I craft things for people all the time on my server.. hate scammers.

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Oh, and after 20 minutes of asking in trade chat, someone took my 43 Augment Kit MK-6 parts to craft me augment kits.


Obviously, he played the ''I ignore you, pig'' game after.


400k credits stole from me in 20 minutes. I think I will go level my own characters and crafters, that's going to be FAR less expensive than dealing with the community.


I do agree on you that people should be helpful, learn to share et al.


Still, there are plenty of immature people playing this, so you should be more 'on guard' and not too trusting, just in case.

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And of course, the reaction when you say this on the trade chat is ''you are a retard'' and ''moron''.


I'm done with the trade. I tried to use it one time since december, and I got scrounged for 400k. I'm going to VENDOR the items I get.

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Yes, the community we have! Full of people who would rather blame others for their own short-comings, huh?


You have almost certainly realized, since making this thread, that YOUR folly was not right-clicking the mod table before YOU deleted your own item. That's a tough pill to swallow, I know. However, continuing to blame someone else for your own actions is just immature.


Perhaps you could try to answer your own question(s) before going to a community full of people you don't know? Independence is a good thing. Any real effort on your own part to answer your own question(s) would have resulted in a far better result for you and probably answered a lot more questions about the modding system than you had to begin with.


1.) There are several articles on this (the official) site about item modifications. Example.

2.) You could also try the better known fan-sites (here, here, here, or here for example).

3.) There are even several youtube video's detailing the process (



I think there is an important lesson to be learned here, and it isn't about how other people are out to get YOU personally or how the community failed YOU. Try to be a little less self-centered.

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As a general rule, when getting someone to craft things for you, if you are going for large amount of items, trade in small batches (like to make 1-2 items at a time), and do it that way, as a buffer to protect you from being overly scammed.


This is coming from me having 12 years of MMO experience and being scammed a number of times myself. It happens, the best thing you can do is treat it as an expensive lesson in trading, and not to do it that way again.


Most people are decent and honest, but those who are not give the rest of us a bad name.

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Oh trust me. I'm never going to trade anything again. Ever. Ever. Ever.


But I supposed that to find this rude that someone just grab your 43 augment kits parts is ''stupid''. After all, you are a moron to hope that people will craft the items you ask them to craft AFTER tipping them and giving them the mats.

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Oh trust me. I'm never going to trade anything again. Ever. Ever. Ever.


But I supposed that to find this rude that someone just grab your 43 augment kits parts is ''stupid''. After all, you are a moron to hope that people will craft the items you ask them to craft AFTER tipping them and giving them the mats.


No one said that wasn't rude, or that you were stupid for that (at least on here). What is being said is that it does happen, and that it happens to most people at least once in their gaming experience. You can either choose to never trade again (like you are) or treat it as an expensive lesson, and be more careful next time.

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I'm sorry that happened to you OP. I've seen other instances of this, in particular to noobs who get to the fleet for the first time.


On the other hand, there are some great folks out there too. I needed help crafting an item I needed to get the Taunlet pet. I had the mats but not the schematic or craft skill. I asked in general chat and someone was nice enough to craft it for me at no charge. I tried to pay them but they refused saying it was their job as part of the Taunlet hunt.


So... I don't know, I guess it does come down to the luck of the draw but, there are good people out there. I for one will help anyone that needs it. That is how I can pass it on.

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43 parts. That was worth, on my server, 200 k credits


This was the first time, since december I tried to use trade. This is the last time.


We get that. What server are you on? 200k isn't that much in the big scheme of things, and I totally understand that you are upset. but I can guarantee that this is the exception, not the norm, for trades and crafting.

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Oh, and after 20 minutes of asking in trade chat, someone took my 43 Augment Kit MK-6 parts to craft me augment kits.


Obviously, he played the ''I ignore you, pig'' game after.


400k credits stole from me in 20 minutes. I think I will go level my own characters and crafters, that's going to be FAR less expensive than dealing with the community.


You should get that back if you report it.

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And if you wonder, no, I won't lose my time making a ticket.


Asking for a ticket to give you back items that were stolen from you is like asking the Galactic Senate to do something.


They're not going to give you back items that you traded to someone else, but you MIGHT be able to get back the helmet you accidentally deleted.

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And if you wonder, no, I won't lose my time making a ticket.


Asking for a ticket to give you back items that were stolen from you is like asking the Galactic Senate to do something.


Then you really only have yourself to blame. Every MMO I have ever played would correct a situation where you gave a crafter materials on the stipulation that they were to craft you something in return and then they hauled off with the materials.


I honestly don't believe the entire story has been put out here. What you describe is not common (in my experience) though it does happen. That is what Customer Service is for, you know.


I usually have my tickets resolved (satisfactorily) within a day at most. The Customer Support has REALLY improved in this game over the past several months.

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Take the time and fill out the ticket to get the helmet back. No reason not to, worst that happens is they say "no" and you're in the same position. One of CS's roles is dealing with restoring things that are gone as a result of bugs. Having an item be deleted without a confirmation box would count as a bug.


As far as trades...I don't trust people very far so I usually use the GTN if possible, then I go to guildmates or friends. I also have made an effort to establish a collection of trustworthy crafters by trusting them with low-level/cheap mats and slowly working up to items of significant value. The basic rule, however, is never hand something over to a stranger that you can't afford to lose, cause you might.

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