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Force of Wills: The Ties that Bind


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Nar Shaddaa





She had spotted him come and go every month, he flew into the red light district, hired one sometimes two alien girls, then left. Whatever his business was the girls were terrified of him, and were always left with welts, and bruises, he liked it rough, Rateah wondered if he might like it to be rough on him for a change, instead of the slave girls he abused. He was Sith, really Sith, the full pureblooded red kind of Sith. Ava had told her to think, to back off, this was not their kind of mark, it was too dangerous, but Rateah was single minded and determined to stop him. Self righteous she thought herself a protector, a jedi without the code, she worked with what little training the Jedi had given her, and whatever tricks she had figured out on her own, she was 14 and felt invincible, so much so that she thought she could take down a Sith Lord.


Everything had gone wrong. Ava had pleaded with Teah not to leave Coruscant, but the string of deaths including the fat senator had made staying impossible, so they had spent the rest of their money on tickets to the Smugglers moon, where they could remain anonymous. Ava now lay in a heap on the ground, her pistol far out of reach. He had thrown her with the flick of a wrist, his power was overwhelming, Teah felt crushed by the press of the dark force he emanated.


He laughed at her, a deep rich laugh, and she felt her entire head go red with anger and shame. She tried to fade away, she tried to increase her speed, but her minor command of the force made her clumsy. He tripped her, flicked her, never hurting her, he toyed with her, seeing through every trick. Finally her grabbed her in a force choke, enough to make her uncomfortable, enough to keep her from speaking, he allowed her to breath.


“It’s like you knew I was celebrating an anniversary today, my little Manka kitten. I thought I had received all the gifts I was going to receive today, and then you came and swatted at my heels.” Lord Kaervrek was amused, she was like a kitten, fierce but unfocused, her claws were sharp but mostly harmless, he sensed her potential, there was a deep well within this one, her anger, and fear and hatred were acute. He glanced over to the Miraluka who had stupidly tried to shoot him, runt. Never take the runt, they are sickly and weak, no he would take the fighter, the kitten with spirit.


“Come little kitten”, he set her down, tethering her to him with the force, “Let’s go find you a collar.”


Rateah resisted, tried running to Ava, she could see her stirring, she tried to call out but somehow the Sith prevented her, around another corner and Ava was out of sight. Rateah started to cry, then felt a hand slap her across the face that sent her reeling.


“Do not cry for her, do not cry when the weak fail.”The Sith admonished her.


“She’s not weak.” Reteah replied, her voice working again. “She’s my sister.”


“I could have killed you both easily, but you amuse me, and you’re sister was a waste of my power. If she is not weak as you say, then she will survive. If not, she will die. Now put her out of your mind, you have your own survival to look to.” It was Teah’s first lesson in becoming Sith.


Lord Kaervrek pulled her along, to his favorite slave broker, and bought her a collar, black, with little jewels that matched the grey of her eyes. He snapped it onto her neck and tested the control, adjusting the shock to his liking. He bought her simple but luxurious clothing, Rateah was surprised at the modest cut. She didn’t know that she was still too young for Lord Kaervrek’s tastes, she also didn’t know that she would go to him willingly in the years to come.



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Aaron climbed the tall tree careful of his new uniform, he would be leaving for basic training in an hour. It was a large twisting tree it was old, there was carvings in the truck, hearts and promises engraved into its ancient bark. The tree overlooked the ruins of the ancient Jedi enclave, an old Jedi had once told him the area was strong with the force, but it warred with itself, it used to be a place of light and learning, but darkness had corrupted it. Aaron had nodded and served the Jedi his meal when he worked at the local Cantina. He supposed it made sense, Aaron didn’t like it here, there were no birds or animals, it always felt like there was a cloud hanging over the area, even when the sky was blue and a chill even in the worst of heat waves. It was Mitka’s refuge and hiding spot, a place she knew people wouldn’t come to torment her. Her long legs were dangling, she was looking at her hands, they had a special relationship, brother and sister. Aaron somehow always knew where to find her when she ran away, she did that often, Cohen could make her laugh, but Aaron was her shoulder and her ear, they would sit for hours just talking he would listen to her hurts and frustrations and heart aches. She would surprise him with wisdom beyond her years, the intolerance of the planet had forced her to grow up, despite the family doing its best to shield her. He put his big arm around her and gave her a squeeze, her lower lip quivered.


“You were going to let me leave without saying goodbye?” His soft brown eyes searching her face.


“How can I say goodbye to you?” She answered back, he was her best friend in the world and he was leaving.


“I’m being selfish, I don’t want you to go, life is going to be miserable without you.”


“Not miserable, you’ll still have Cohen.” He had a twinkle in his eye. Mitka snorted.


“Right, he’s too busy juggling his three girlfriends and avoiding his own trouble to be bothered with mine. He can’t be serious, he doesn’t listen, he’s not you.” Mitka whined. She loved both of her brothers, but Cohen had a special talent for infuriating her.


“Have you read the letter yet?” Aaron changed the subject.




“Why not?” Their mother had recently given Mitka a letter, it was a letter written by her biological father when she was born.


“I don’t want to know what he has to say, I don’t want to read about how they didn’t want me. I get enough of that on a daily basis from everyone who lives on this stupid rock. Besides mom told me everything I need to know. Evil Empire egg donor ordered me killed when she discovered I was force blind, evil empire sperm donor decided that was a bad idea, hired mom to take me away, mom being a decent human being adopted me into an awesome family.” She smiled at Aaron and elbowed his ribs.


“Is sperm donor really evil? He didn’t kill you, he probably saved your life, he might have even loved you.” Countered Aaron.


“If he loved me, why didn’t he leave with me? Why did he choose to stay with Evil Egg donor?” Mitka had that stubborn look on her face, so Aaron gave up.


“Just, read the letter will you, knowing where you came from, will help you figure out where you’re going.”


“I know where I’m going, as soon as I’m old enough I’m enlisting, like you, and I am going to kill as many heartless Imps as I can get my hands on. Can you just imagine the look on their face when my red *** whoops them?” Mitka had a dark grin on her face. Aaron just shook his head.


“Well then I suggest you start practicing your aim, because it’s terrible.” Aaron handed her the gift he had been holding onto.


“Torchy? Aaron, daddy gave Torchy to you! You can’t give her to me!”


“Yes I can, and I just did. You need her more than I do, and listen to dad when he gives you shooting lessons would you? He’s a smart man, not as smart of you, but not many people are. He has experience and a good eye and can teach you a few things if you would let him.” He swung down from the branch. “Now would you walk me back and say a proper goodbye?”




Mitka could feel tears stinging her eyes as the Weather Light took off with her oldest brother inside. Her father, Corso, wrapped her up in a bear hug, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. His daughter was a tough nut, with a real soft center, just like her mom.


“Hey daddy?” Mitka looked up at her father, an older version of Aaron, with big old dreads.


“Yeah Princess?”


“Maybe, when you have the time, you could take me out shooting? My aim is terrible.”


Her father’s face broke out into a huge grin, “Absolutely sweetheart! Why don’t you help me feed the rontos, then I’ll go grab Sparkles and Dusty and we can head out into the bush.” They walked towards the barn arm in arm, Mitka rolling her eyes at the silly names her dad gave his weapons. Corso squeezed her tight, he had been afraid as she got older that she wouldn’t be interested in these kinds of things, he had found it harder and harder to relate to his young teenage daughter. Cohen caught up to them.


“Can I come?” Two of his girls had started talking, he needed to lay low for a while, and he would feel better armed.


Corso didn’t answer, but looked at Mitka.


“Fine, but no making fun of me! This is serious and I need the practice!” Mitka pointed at him as she talked.


“I know you do, you couldn’t hit the wide part of the barn, you are really bad!” Cohen couldn’t help himself, as he danced away from her fist, she was so funny when she was mad.


“Cohen!!” Her yellow eyes flared and she chased him, intent on giving him a good smack.



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Drummond Kaas





Oriah was home between semesters, she couldn’t wait to go back to school, she spent most of her time avoiding her family reading her father’s journals, she had read all 20 of them, twice. This was her third read through, she had learned to read to her father’s soundless voice, on his words, his ideas, musings, and tactics. She excelled at the academy, not burdened with the whims of her Sith mother and brother or her step fathers suspicions and discomfort. Her mother had married Pierce in the years following her father’s exile, or death, Oriah was never told. She was told that he was never coming back, and that Pierce was to be her step father. She never liked the man, but the two had a grudging respect for one another, he never lied to her, or mocked her, though he was prone to nicknames.


Oriah flipped the page, her father had kept holorecords of his work, but her mother had destroyed them, he had also kept physical journals, written on smooth white paper his penmanship immaculate. Oriah narrowed her eyes at a passage seeing something she hadn’t noticed in the past. She turned her head sideways, then turned the book on its side. The pattern was deliberate, though difficult to see, there was a code embedded in her father’s journals, something he didn’t dare write plainly. Oriah, checked the following page, then the next, then another journal, the code showing up time and again. It was absent in his earlier works, showing up the year he began his service to her mother, grabbing a pen Oriah started jotting down the complicated, yet oddly simple pattern, looking for the cipher. She would unlock the secrets her father left here.


Marek was 16, an acolyte at the Sith Acadamy of Korriban, he had proven as powerful and fierce as his mother, he had even heard one of the overseers comparing him to his grandfather. Marek had puffed with pride at that one, his grandfather was a force in and of himself, and the young Sith aspired to be like him. He was home, on his once a year break from the academy, afforded only to high born students. As son of Wrath and heir to Lord Kaervrek his blood line could be traced back to the original joining of Dark Jedi and the ancient Sith species, his ancestors aided in birthing the Empire itself. He was as highborn as they came. No matter how much breeding he had though, his eyes were almost always on her, a slave, his grandfathers slave, only she was free now and a Sith in her own right. Her grey eyes made him fluster, she was alien, and he normally wouldn’t look twice at an alien, but Rateah had an allure. He had followed her around since boyhood, trailing after her, asking annoying questions, keeping her from her duties, and to his dismay getting her shocked in the process. His grandfather had freed her, then sent her to Korriban to be trained. She came back, into his service and as something more. Marek didn’t want to wait for his inheritance, he wanted his grandfathers position now, he wanted his hand on the small of her back, and his lips to brush the top of her head. He caught his grandfathers eyes, who returned a wry grin, his desire was obvious.


Marek stalked out of the parlor where his mother, grandfather, and a good number of the Sith Council were enjoying tea and a slave auction. He paced, briefly reveling in his frustration and desire, before subduing his emotions. Rateah exited the room, closing the door behind her. He wanted to take the two steps it took to get to her, and either strangle her or kiss her. Mostly he wanted to be near her. She winked at him, he grinned, the same feral grin his grandfather had.


“You’ve gotten taller.” Her voice lilted slightly, the past years softening her Republic accent, she almost sounded Imperial. He enjoyed the sound of her voice, even if she was still speaking to him like a boy. Her eyes were ringed with Lord Kaervreks’s mark, branded onto her face. She had tried to run away shortly after he brought her to Drummund Kaas, runaways were branded, easily recognized if they tried to run again. It was a constant reminder that she was not his. He was tongue tied, and he flushed, he could speak to countless girls, other acolytes, soldiers, he liked to think he flirted pretty well. He was no boy, he had bedded girls before, but Rateah left him mute.


“Hello Teah” was all he could manage.


She strolled to him calmly, she was a wisp of a woman, Marek was already a full head taller than her, and still growing, but she tilted her head, lifted her feet onto her toes and kissed his cheek, leaning into his body as she did so by placing both of her hands on his chest, “You’ve grown more handsome as well.” She walked away with a laugh in her throat, intent on the task her master had sent her on. Her scent lingered in his nose, spices and heat, a contrast to her cold white skin and black tattoos. Mareks heart was beating out of his chest, he wanted her, he vowed one day she would be his prize.



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I feel bad for Oriah she just lost father and do not know if alive or not.:(


Ardyth will when she die. Please her kill already and her father too.(Casue really my sith warroir is dark side but he not that bad of a guy):mad:


Qustion: What happen to Quinn and Shiloh.


I hope Quinn the one to kill Ardyth casue really he been through this crap and hope he and Shiloh escape soon.

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Nar Shaddaa




Avacynne stood outside the rehab center clenching and unclenching her fists, she had been standing outside the doors for an hour, an internal struggle raging inside her. She had been doing spice since she was 14, since Teah had been taken from her. She looked at her hands, spotted all the familiar injection sites, she was 24 now, she had numbed ten years of her life.


As a Miraluka the force was inherent in her, but she preferred to use her own wits and strength to get by, she was never good at manipulating the flow, or controlling it the way Teah could. After Teah left, taken by the Sith, she resorted to pick pocketing, she tried her hand at the brothels, but she never got many clients, the empty eye sockets a turn off. Eventually the Madame kept her on as security, Ava was a great shot, and took care of anyone who would hurt her girls, or try to swindle her. The whores preferred her to the big brutes who would leer at them, and only keep them safe in return for favors. As thanks they would share their spice with her, and once Ava discovered she could block out the force altogether she was hooked. She would take enough spice to render her blind, and vulnerable, but she didn’t care . She managed through her shifts, with the promise of blindly floating out of her skin once she was done. Occasionally some of the whores would join her, she never knew who, sometimes girls, sometimes some of the boys, she would wake in various states of undress, but they kept her safe, her blasters always ready, her small metal visor close at hand. It was a constant cycle, almost all of her money went to spice, when she found herself with enough spice but with extra credits, she bought cheap ill fitting armor. She was small, any armor that would have been truly useful would have needed to be custom made, but Ava didn’t care, she learned to get around and be effective in her oversized armor, she always managed to shoot first anyways, and her targets always fell.


She found herself in front of a minor Hutt, one of his enforcers had tried to hurt one of Ava’s girls, and he had died for it. He hired her on the spot, doubled her salary, and much to Avacynne’s joy he was in the spice business. She left the brothel without a second thought, although she still spent her nights there, this time paying her friends for their time and security.


She started taking odd jobs, hunting down quick bounties to supplement her pay, she needed more and more spice to numb herself, eventually she made more money off of bounties then from the spice lord that she left his service and went into business for herself. It was the best scenario, she would do enough jobs to buy a large amount of spice and go on week long benders where she felt nothing, where she didn’t see. She didn’t see Teah carried off, she didn’t see Master Elliah’s face full of pity and sadness, she didn’t see the swirling light and dark that was always around, she didn’t see herself, the angry and weak failure. She drowned the terrified girl that she was and didn’t let her resurface.


A new bounty hit the board, the reward one of the biggest she’d seen. The client was a man named Braden, he hired multiple hunters, a competition of sorts. After taking down the mark, he had paid her and offered her something more.


“You’re a good hunter, you could be a great hunter. I think you could even win the great hunt.” He had told her over drinks. Ava knew about the Mandalorian tradition, every hunter did.


“Do I look like a Mandalorian to you” She snorted, itching to get out and find her dealer.


“You look like a spice head” Ava pulled a pistol on him, it was true, but she didn’t like hearing truths. She liked it better when he called her a good hunter.


“I want to work with you, I haven’t seen this much raw talent in ages, but I won’t work with you like this.” He stood up to leave ignoring the pistol, her arm was shaking terribly, she needed a fix.


“If ever you decide you want to be more than this, realize your greatness, this is my holo frequency, I’ll set you up with rehab, help get you clean. I’ll invest in you, because I think you could be a great investment. Then come find me, and we’ll get to work and win you the Great Hunt.” He left a card on the counter, and walked away from her.

That was a week ago, and his words, and Teahs old encouragements, that she was a survivor, that she was strong had bounced around in her head with the spice haze until she called him. He was the first person to truly put his faith in her, believe in her, believe she could stand on her own two feet and be something.


“I want to win the great hunt.” Was all she said, Braden had not expected to hear from her again but smiled when he did.


She took the handful of steps it took to walk into the rehab center and checked herself in. She wouldn’t disappoint him.


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I feel bad for Oriah she just lost father and do not know if alive or not.:(


Ardyth will when she die. Please her kill already and her father too.(Casue really my sith warroir is dark side but he not that bad of a guy):mad:


Qustion: What happen to Quinn and Shiloh.


I hope Quinn the one to kill Ardyth casue really he been through this crap and hope he and Shiloh escape soon.


i say... death by killik swarm :D

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Carrick Station – Republic Fleet



How did she go from a Sergeant to a Lieutenant in the blink of an eye? Mitka was still in shock after the entirety of her squad defected and then tried to have her killed. She had been so proud to have been assigned to Havoc squad, as far as she knew they had never recruited any members straight from the academy, and now she was the CO, her only squad mate a very angry recently demoted Cathar. It was overwhelming, she had no practical experience, well except for storming a rebel volcano base. Still she felt like she was in over her head, and she was pretty sure Jorgan agreed. She had tried talking to him about his demotion, tried to offer support, isn’t that what a good CO does? All he had replied with were bitter words and angry sentiment.


They sat in an overcrowded hangar, waiting to board the passenger ship that would take them to Coruscant. She was writing a note to Aaron to let him know about her promotion, balancing her datapad on her helmet that rested on her lap. She wanted to melt into her chair, everytime she glanced up, she was met with angry emerald eyes, and whenever she looked around, she was met with even more disapproving glares from the rest of the passengers, as if her very presence was an affront. She wished they could have taken a troop transport, they were uncomfortable and cramped, but at least she wouldn’t have had to deal with ignorant civilians, just ignorant soldiers she could pull rank on.


Her data pad was yanked from her hands and two large men stood in front of her, they smelt of strong liquor.


“I hope you’re not thinking of boarding that ship, Sith.” One slurred.


“I have every intention of boarding that ship sir, could you kindly return me my datapad.” She answered politly.

The drunk replied to her by snapping her pad in two and throwing it to the ground.




Mitka clenched her fists, she was back on Dantooine, dealing with school yard bullies, she was back at the Acadamy dealing with other cadets who simply couldn’t see past her skin. Only she couldn’t punch these ones, she could get seriously reprimanded for physically assaulting a civilian. She also didn’t want to live up to everyone’s expectations of her, that all Sith were evil and violent. Even though she was feeling very evil and violent in that moment.


“Sir I suggest you and your friend move along, you’ve clearly had too much to drink, and I would hate for you to do something you regret.” She kept her voice polite, calm, don’t give them a reason.


“I won’t regret wiping the hangar with your ugly face, your kind killed my family, so either go back to where you came from or I am going to kill you, you damn dirty Sith *****!” He grabbed her by the collar, shaking her as he spoke, spittle spraying her face, his breath was intolerable.


“Take your hands off of me.” All pretense of politeness were gone, her bright yellow eyes narrowed. She heard knuckles popping behind him. Then a hand tapped him on the shoulder, he let go of her and started to turn his body when his face was met with a fast moving, solid Cathar fist. Mitka side stepped and let the drunk fall senseless beside her. She and Jorgan both looked at the second drunk, who decided it was better not to mess with Republic troopers. Smart man.


Jorgan grabbed both their bags and hefted them over his shoulder, weapons having already been checked at security, and bent down to gather Mitka’s broken datapad.


“I could have handled him.” Mitka said taking her bag and tossing the broken pad into the trash.


“I have no doubt sir, but I’ve been wanting to punch someone since we left Ord Mantell. Couldn’t let the opportunity go to waste.” And for the first time since meeting him Jorgan favored her with a sly grin and a wink.


Mitka started thinking maybe the two of them could get along after all. Once boarded and settled into their cabin they made their way to the mess hall.


“Listen Jorgan, I know I’m green, I know you don’t think I should have this command, and frankly I’m not sure I should either, but here we are.” He glanced sidelong at her, but kept his peace. “You have held command posts before, been a leader in the field, and I’d appreciate any wisdom or advice you can send my way. We’re a team, as far as I’m concerned you’re a highly valuable asset, and I don’t intend to waste it on some misguided attempt to prove something.”


Jorgan was surprised at her maturity, at her respect. He had been angry at the demotion, at serving under a pup 10 years his junior, but this pup didn’t have any of the bravado or ego that fresh soldiers usually have. He was impressed with the control she kept, and he was happy to offer any knowledge he had.


“You play sabacc?” he asked


“Not well.” She replied with a sheepish grin. Jorgan also noted that she was very easy on the eyes, especially when she was relaxed and open.


“Let’s grab a bite, I’ll take your money and we can talk tactics.”


That night, while Jorgan snored softly in his bunk, Mitka grabbed the still unopened letter from her bag. The letter from her biological father. She turned it over in her hands, tracing her name on the envelope written with a flourish from a hand she knew nothing about. She put it back, deep in her bag, hidden, and secret, for some reason it was a comfort to have it near. Not tonight she thought to herself as she turned over in bed and fell asleep.



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I wish peolpe would treat Mitka better than anymore than a sith.:(


I great idea put Mitka in trooper storyline.:cool:


I don't blame Jorgan for being piss off. I mean it was rest of squad that defected how that his faults.:mad:


Still are going bering jedi knight storyline soon or not?


Is which Class is Mitka. A Vanguard or a Commando

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Still are going bering jedi knight storyline soon or not?


Is which Class is Mitka. A Vanguard or a Commando



There is a Jedi, just waiting for the right time to introduce her. Mitka is a Vanguard, been leveling her along side my husbands smuggler, she's an angry little tank.

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At this point in the story Mitka is 22, she turns 23 while on Tatooine, Jorgan is ten years older then her.


Rateah, Avacynne and Kianna (that jedi knight you've been pestering me about ;) ) are in their late twenties between 27 and 29. Ava and Kianna begin the ingame story arc when they are approx 25 years old, imagine they are in the middle of their in game stories and this story is like a side quest story for them, weaves in and out of their in game story. I have yet to play an inquisitor, so while Rateah is an inquisitor, she dosn't follow the ingame inquisitor story.


Marek is 21

Oriah is 18


Aaron is 26

Cohen is 24


Ardyth and Ainsley are in their mid to late 40's

Kaervrek is in his late 60's

Shiloh is in her late 30's

Quinn is somewhere in his late 40's

Pierce is mid 50's


I think those are all the major players. Plus a few companions who I don't care as much about their age, like Mako, Torian, Corso, Akaavi, Doc, Kira, Rusk.....Scourge is old and Immortal...



From this point forward the story should be making lateral moves and there won't be as many big time jumps, at most a year or two, but no more jumping 5-10 years at a time.


Thanks for the question, I hope that helps to clear thing up for you and any other readers who may have been confused with the time line and how old everyone was.

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And she just hit level 47 :cool:


Hey, same as My BH! :cool:


I think those are all the major players. Plus a few companions who I don't care as much about their age, like Mako, Torian, Corso, Akaavi, Doc, Kira, Rusk.....Scourge is old and Immortal...


:eek: But Torian is so pretty! ;)

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The Emperor’s Fortress


JK spoilers



She was staring at her hands again, quiet, with a troubled look on her face, her black hair hug in front of her eyes. Scourge watched her a moment longer, willing her to break free, perhaps this time. Kianna had been in the Emperor’s thrall for nearly a year now after the failed attempt at his Lords life, no, redemption, absurdity. He challenged her to think for herself, subtly he would present her with scenarios or items that would stir up memories that directly challenged the planted memories and control the Emperor had placed in her mind. He asked her about her past, her dreams, especially her dreams for there was her subconscious warring with the Emperor’s will. When she would grow quiet, thoughtful, troubled, he knew she had discovered inconsistencies, her mind trying to make sense of the contradictory information, she blinked, she was like a malfunctioning droid, if permitted she could stay in this state for hours. Part of his duty, and the duty of the overseers training her was not to allow such moments, she was especially strong with the force, her will had been difficult to bend, taking the Emperor more than mere minutes to bring her to heel. Scourge let out a breath, not today, he strode up to her and placed a large red hand on her slender shoulder, breaking her out of the loop that played in her mind, trying to make sense of her surroundings, of her being.


“Come Acolyte” he commanded.


“Yes my Lord Scourge.” She followed like the obedient dog they had made her.


It was a farce, making her Sith, she would never truly be Sith, she would be corrupt, a dark side adept at most. Her passion had been unleashed, and it was magnificent to behold, she had bested him using the light, she had been fierce as a Jedi, using the dark side made her unstoppable. The idea, of course was to never allow her strength to culminate into any kind of power, she would never be free. She would never live the sith code, they had made it a point not to teach it to her, she was not free, and was not to be given any ideas that might set her free. Scourge mused that so long as the Emperor lived, no Sith anywhere would ever be free. This broken Jedi, could kill him. Scourge had seen it, hundreds of years ago while aiding people he had considered friends, he had done the same for Revan and the exile, helped them break their bonds, plotted to stop the emperor only to turn and betray them.


The vision of the Jedi with red eyes and skin as blue as a clear Drummond Kaas day had haunted him. Scourge remembered when the Chiss allied themselves with the Empire. They were adamant that the race could not be force sensitive, a treaty was signed banning all but Chiss from stepping foot on Csilla and in turn they served the Empire well. Perhaps they hid their force users, Scourge did not know but he had begun to doubt, perhaps he had betrayed his only chance at killing the Emperor, and they were doomed, his Lord would fufill his plan, and the Galaxy would cease to be. At least Scourge would die, a release he often craved. His heart told him to keep faith, it was a true vision, even as his mind told him it had only been a pleasant and vivid dream.


Kianna choked the man before her, he seemed familiar, she dropped him peered at him.


“Kiki, Kianna, c’mon girl, don’t you remember old Doc?” He spoke to her his voice hoarse his eyes hopeful when she took a closer look. She wrinkled her nose when he called her Kiki and batted him away sending him flying into a metal wall rendering him senseless.


“Don’t call me Kiki.”


“Why not it’s cute?” He grinned at her, that maddening grin, Kianna prided herself on being able to keep calm, but ever since Doc had come aboard her ship, he had managed to shake her calm. She wanted to slap or kiss the grin off of his face, both reactions out of line with the jedi code.


“Jedi aren’t supposed to be cute.” She countered soberly, biting her lip to keep from smiling.


“Says the girl with the sweetest little freckles on her nose.” He tucked her loose hair behind her ears, “and that thing you’re doing right there, the lip biting thing, also cute. I can’t help it if you have a cute nick name too.”


Kianna blushed, “Well I don’t like that nick name.” He was standing very close now, when did he get so close? She could feel his body heat, smell his cologn, and it actually smelled really good. She felt desire flare and broke his gaze, intent on walking away, like she always did only his arm was around her waist and she wound up closer to him instead.


“It’s a good thing you don’t get to choose your nickname then.” He mumbled into her hair, breathing her in. She felt his heart beating through her chest, it beat as quickly as her own. All she needed to do was look up into those brown eyes and her resolve would be broken. She had always been a good Jedi, she even turned in two young padawans who had been in love, she was by the book, one kiss wouldn’t change that, what was one kiss? Kianna lied to herself, she knew the second she kissed Doc, that’s all she would want to do, she would want it to lead to more, she wanted him like nothing else. He didn’t wait for her to decide, one of his hands moved to her face and tilted her head up, her lips met his. Her arms went around his neck, she went up onto her toes she pulled him closer. She heard a moan escape his lips as he deepened the kiss and one of her hands raked his hair. Her back was against a wall, she didn’t remember moving, his lips were on her neck when the holo rang, breaking the moment, causing her to remember herself.

“Doc?” Only it wasn’t dark chocolate eyes staring back at her, full of lust and desire, no the eyes were red, and intense, there was a question there, something he never asked. “I think I know that man.” Pain lanced through her head the second she said it.


“How do you know him?” Scourge had dismissed the overseers, her companion brought to a kolto tank, a large part of her training was torturing her friends, she was so close to breaking free.


“I…” the headache intensified, she squeezed her eyes shut against the pain.


“Look at me, who was that man?” His voice was barely above a whisper, his hands squeezed her arms, leaving bruises.


Her eyes opened, bright with unshed tears, “Doc, I loved him. Or…was falling in love with him. He kissed me…and it was wrong…” A tear fell. “Did I kill him?”


“No, you did not kill him.” Scourge relaxed his grip on her, stopped himself from wiping away the tear. They had made her like a child, in suppressing her mind they had suppressed her intellect. All she was, all she was allowed to be was raw emotion, she had no filter, she simply felt every emotion that came to her to its fullest.


“Come Acolyte, your training is done for today.”Scourge led her back to her chambers, he smiled while his back was to her, a quick feral grin, she was close.


Edited by Earthmama
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This is cross posted on the challenge thread





Mitka stood on the balcony of the small house the mayor had offered Havoc to use as their base of operations. Armor long forgotten she stood there in a black tank top and light weight cargo pants, she was enjoying her first Tatooine sunset. Elara was nose deep in a book outlining common desert planet ailments and treatments, 4X was in sleep mode, avoiding unnecessary motor and circuit overheating. She had sent Jorgan out to secure speeders for the following day, she wasn’t ready to deal with him yet. The dossier on Fuse was on the table inside of the house, she had read it, and re-read it, she knew she shouldn’t trust him, but something about him, she wanted to.


The first sun dipped under the horizon, the sky was on fire with reds, and pinks, and oranges, against an impossible blue sky. She heard him come in the front door, his armor hit the floor with a thud, it was hot out easily 45 degrees Celsius, and she imagined the Cathar was sweltering in his fine layer of fur. He emerged from the house in a t-shirt and the same regulation pants she had on. She followed him with her bright yellow eyes, a slight frown on her burgundy lips.


“I brought a peace offering” He held up a bottle of beer, dripping with condensation, she grabbed it, thankful. A beer was exactly what she needed. He let out a low whistle when he looked out at the view, “wow!”

They both took long deep swings from their beers, the cool smooth drink, cooling them from the inside.


“Did you know beer is cheaper then water here? He asked, he was avoiding, looking past her, he was feeling guilty. Finally he sighed, and his emerald green eyes met hers.


“Look, I’m sorry for what I did on Nar Shaddaa” he took another swig, “I was out of line, I just…I know guys like Balkar, all looks, and charm and only ever after one thing. I was trying to…”


“Protect me?” Mitka finished his sentence for him, he nodded sheepishly. She wasn’t angry, his heart was in the right place, but she was sad, it was a sadness that had persisted throughout most of her life.


“Aric, I have a ridiculously over protective father, and two older brothers, my honor has all the protection it’ll ever need.” She ran a hand through her dark hair.


“I don’t need another brother, or a second father, I need….”


“A friend.” It was Aric’s turn to finish her sentence.


“Growing up, guys like Jonas Balkar, never gave me a second look, if they ever looked at all. I never went to prom, or had a boyfriend, Aric, I’ve never been kissed, I’ve never….been with…a man. Boys would look at me….and see my red skin, and my impeccable Sith bone structure, they would see the enemy” She took a long drink from her beer, thankful for her red skin hiding her blush. “Want to know why I was top of my class at the academy? I had to prove myself every day, to the other cadets, my instructors, prove that I belonged there, because I sure as hell didn’t look like I belonged there.”


“So when a handsome SIS agent flirted with me, told me I was pretty….Asked me out. I said yes, I didn’t care if it would have never turned into anything serious. I was happy for the attention. He’s the first man to have ever called me pretty outside of my father.” She turned away from him then. “And you go and call him, and chase him off.”


She heard Aric take another drink and put his bottle down.


“Jonas was wrong” Aric spoke to the back of her head, she reminded him of the sunset, breath taking, the same colours, a cool wind picked up and tussled her short bob, revealing ridges on the back of her neck. “You’re not pretty” He reached out and took her arm, turned her to face him, saw the hurt in her eyes at what she thought he was saying, “You’re beautiful, stunning. And all those boys from your past are idiots, if all Jonas saw was pretty he’s an idiot too, because you are so much more than that.”


Mitka looked at Aric Jorgan, his hand was still on her arm, soft, almost like velvet, not at all what she thought his touch would feel like. She had never thought of Aric like this, but the electricity was undeniable. Her heart beat fast, he leaned down and his hand rode up her arm to cup her face, his thumb caressed the ridge on her cheek, and then he kissed her. His lips were soft, but insistent, there was passion there, but he held back, wrapped his other arm around her waist, held her lips captive for a moment longer. Mitka was dazed, her knees weak, her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip, still tasting him there. He waited until she opend her eyes again, and was steady on her feet.


“You are the kind of women who should be kissed, often, by a man who knows how.” His voice was low, husky.


He left her on the balcony, her fingers came up and touched her lips again, she looked back up at the sky, getting darker, the second sun dipped below the horizon. It was Mitka’s 23rd birthday.


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