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sith parties- what would they be like?


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If a bunch of big shot sith threw parties on the same night, which one would you go to? Also, what would they be like.

I believe Darth serevin's would be a very classy dinner, as he is a diplomat. Kallig (how i view him as) would throw a massive backyard party, in an attempt to repicate project X.

thoughts? other darth's party ideas?

Also, i would go hang out a vowran's, as he is probably the leat likly to choke/zap his guests.


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If you play and Imperial Agent then Kaliyo tells you I think on Dromund Kaas



She had a friend that went to a Sith party. He was the entertainment. He came back wrong and she had to put him down.



So I'm going to say that I don't ever want to find out what Sith parties are like, because my mind does not need to be broken. Not yet.

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If you play and Imperial Agent then Kaliyo tells you I think on Dromund Kaas



She had a friend that went to a Sith party. He was the entertainment. He came back wrong and she had to put him down.



So I'm going to say that I don't ever want to find out what Sith parties are like, because my mind does not need to be broken. Not yet.


yeah was gonna say, that was creepy. probably tons of slaves treated as disposable toys.

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We see a "Sith party" in the Inquisitor's early quests on Dromund Kaas. Zash sits drinking heavily, trying to drown out the constant gossiping coming out of two other Sith Lords.


So apparently, Sith parties are just like regular ones, except whenever they play Piñata, they string up a slave and hit him until his red candy falls out.

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We see a "Sith party" in the Inquisitor's early quests on Dromund Kaas. Zash sits drinking heavily, trying to drown out the constant gossiping coming out of two other Sith Lords.


So apparently, Sith parties are just like regular ones, except whenever they play Piñata, they string up a slave and hit him until his red candy falls out.


There are way more Imperial citizens at that party than actual Sith, though. Made me feel like it was just an Imperial party she went to.

Zash goes to solidify her alibi when you go to kill Darth Skotia.


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*Darth Thanaton throws a party*


Darth Thanaton--"You there, stop drinking that punch! Thats new punch, not traditional punch!"


Random party goer--"Mi lord, that makes no sense...and your invitations said to bring "Traditional Alcohol", but no one was sure what that meant, so most of its rum and moonshin-"


Darth Thanaton--"You have neither the Power nor Authority to make that decision *lightning*"



In short, everyone would come expecting fun, only for Thanaton's party to be a Traditional ball with stuffy clothing and designated small talk subjects. At the next dark council meeting, everyone would awkwardly try to avoid the subject.

Edited by Antagonasty
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Now about Jedi parties = Meditation (Oooooooooooooooohm... )


Smuggler parties = Who shot first?


Trooper parties = Biggest killer-machine-gun-ever. So /yay and /cheer (or /spit if wanna) to the winner


Imps Agent party = All hidden


Bounty Hunters party = Seeking the biggest bounty head. Just what do bhs among themselves tipically, :rak_03:

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A Sith party, Palps and Vader are totally wasted...


Palps: Hey...Hey, Darth? Darth?

Vader: Yeah? What?

(the Emperor draws a circle on a napkin)

Palps: That. That's what.

Vader: What? It's a circle. It's a good circle, I'll give you that.

Palps: No. No, no. Space station.

Vader: What?

Palps: Yep.

Vader: (in disbelief) What?

Palps: Yep, it is.

Vader: No way!

Palps: It is. It is, big time.

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A Sith party, Palps and Vader are totally wasted...


Palps: Hey...Hey, Darth? Darth?

Vader: Yeah? What?

(the Emperor draws a circle on a napkin)

Palps: That. That's what.

Vader: What? It's a circle. It's a good circle, I'll give you that.

Palps: No. No, no. Space station.

Vader: What?

Palps: Yep.

Vader: (in disbelief) What?

Palps: Yep, it is.

Vader: No way!

Palps: It is. It is, big time.


Family Guy FTW! :D

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how would spin the bottle work?


There is a prospect with a variety of terrifying levels.


I should imagine a bottle would be Force-spun in mind air, occasionally colliding with the head of a slave and then... things.


Things would happen.



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There is a prospect with a variety of terrifying levels.


I should imagine a bottle would be Force-spun in mind air, occasionally colliding with the head of a slave and then... things.


Things would happen.




sith take on 7 minutes of heaven in a closet?

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At first, I read this as "sith panties- what would they be like?"


I laughed.


Please, no one answer that question.


My Sith Jugg doesn't wear any. Malavai was quite pleased.


I'm not sure how to take the conflicting accounts of sith parties (Kaliyo's and Zash's.) Unless Zash is so sociopathic that the horrible things Kaliyo says goes on in sith parties are dull to her.

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My Sith Jugg doesn't wear any. Malavai was quite pleased.


I'm not sure how to take the conflicting accounts of sith parties (Kaliyo's and Zash's.) Unless Zash is so sociopathic that the horrible things Kaliyo says goes on in sith parties are dull to her.


Considering she, with her enthusiastic, cheery attitude, says, "Apprentice, meet me up in my quarters..." like a bubbly 5 10 year old just moments after she screams and kills some one, would imply she is a bit sociopathic. :p


Although to be fair, I think it is just because Zash has a poor assortment of friends.

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