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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You love it when...


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I love it when "getting the girl" on my male toons


I love it when I find opportunities to be deliciously evil on my female toons


You love it when....?

Edited by nysis
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I love it when my Merc gets the chance to kill a boss with a Rocket Punch. :-)


You mean you don't spam blaster shots untll they are at 100 health then use rocket punch for EVERY boss?


I love it when I make Jedi beg......

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I love it when....


I brand my main as "the perfect Republic soldier," with full lightside and using " ..... The Pure" title, yet I delibrately do all of Tano Vik's corrupt side quests.

Edited by Eillack
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I love it when...


My Powertech kills a Force user.


My Operative Shivs a mob in the face.


I call out Blizz and he says, "BLIZZ BRING LOTS OF EVERYTHING!!"


I hear the POWPOWPOWPOW from my Gunslinger's Charged Shot.


My Smuggler talks.


....and so, so many more. But those are my top five. I freaking love this game, even with all the bugs.

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I love it when . . .


I finish a quest expecting a whole mess of respawned mobs to fight through on the way back out, but there's someone just coming in that took care of them all.


my Twi'lek crouches to take a shot while standing in water, and you just see lekku sticking out of the water like some kind of sea monster with a rifle. -cue Jaws theme-

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I love it when...

...I Force Camo up behind a hapless Sniper, then dump an Overload Saber/Master Strike combo on them. They always look so surprised, hehe.

...I finish off a Flashpoint or Ops boss, got to throw the Pulse Grenade of Doom at Malgus once.

...I get a cool/funny dialogue option.

...I get to use the Mind Trick on someone in a conversation.

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