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Quitting War Zone matches is AWESOME


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It depends if you are a pro quitter. If you wait around and try and "comeback" like a noob then the math does not work. If you quickly identify your team as bads and drop it works perfect.


Pro - Quitter

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

10 minute win

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

30 second quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute win

30 second quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute win

Total 58 minutes three wins 420 comms daily done


Hero who plays w bads

10 minute win

(You should expect to win 50% of your matches)

15 minute loss

15 minute win

10 minute loss

(No additional time since I only added it to the quits above)

Total 50 Minutes 2 wins 440 comms no daily, more credits, more actually playing the game


If the next match is an 8 minute win, you are ahead by staying.


Dude, u so pro!


Edit: What the heck am I thinking? 2 wins and 2 losses DOES complete your daily.

Edited by LarryRow
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Hero who plays w bads

10 minute loss

15 minute loss

15 minute win

10 minute loss

Total 45 Minutes 1 win 440 comms no daily


These numbers are all wrong if you are assuming bads. Bads get steamrolled meaning the matches last 2-5 minutes each giving you this (assuming 3.5 minutes per loss time on average):


3.5 minute loss

3.5 minute loss

3.5 minute loss

3.5 minute loss

3.5 minute loss

3.5 minute loss

Total 21 Minutes \ 0 Wins \ Daily Complete

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It seems that many who write here are skip the recruit and batllemaster gear and entered directly in WH gear.And when they first log in they are immediately declared by Bioware "elite" PVP players so you are not required to bother with ordinary players with ordinary equipment.

What I propose to Bioware to introduce a title "dedicated elite quiter" and when such occurs in wz that we ordinary players with poor recruit and batllemaster gear back off and let you to get on wz and win it by yourself.

Edited by ivandidi
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If the next match is an 8 minute win, you are ahead by staying.


Dude, u so pro!


While I agree with you completely, I would also like to point out that you didn't add in the load times to the non quitting column. It won't be as much time as the quitting column, but it would still add a few minutes to the total time.

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It depends if you are a pro quitter. If you wait around and try and "comeback" like a noob then the math does not work. If you quickly identify your team as bads and drop it works perfect.


Pro - Quitter

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

10 minute win

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

30 secondquit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

1 minute quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute win

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

30 second quit

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute win

Total 65 minutes three wins 420 comms daily done


Hero who plays w bads

10 minute loss

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute loss

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

15 minute win

30 seconds to load fleet

1 minute to wait for queue to pop

1 minute to wait for match to start

10 minute loss

Total 57,5 Minutes 1 win 440 comms no daily


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I think the OP was trolling...but I do quit out of warzones some times. Not because there are baddies or pros, but because sometimes real life demands it. I'm on call 24/7 and have a wife and two kids under three years of age. I actually feel like I would be doing my team a favor by quitting vs. going afk and waiting for the timer to kick me. Or even better when my daughter comes in and starts pressing random keys and opening screens and turning on options in swtor I never knew existed lol.
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You leave the troll post and delete the trollers posts? :rolleyes:

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While I agree with you completely, I would also like to point out that you didn't add in the load times to the non quitting column. It won't be as much time as the quitting column, but it would still add a few minutes to the total time.


LOL that post of mine totally shattered my record for most number of edits, trying to get the math fair and accurate. You might have seen it before I got it polished. I didn't add the times to the full matches from the first set, so I didn't add them to the second set.


I also didn't add the "waiting for match to start" times to the 30 second quits because I'm assuming those quits were from seeing low HP and quitting before the match began.


Never Hassle kind of took care of it, but I looked at a few other things in mine.


I think the OP is not really advocating quitting but trying to claim that he's smarter than Bioware and has figured out how to game the system. Luckily most of us agree that's not really the case. I think they've done a good job listening to feedback, examining the incentives, and balancing win/loss rewards to provide maximum return on investment from persistent participation.


It's also pretty convenient that his little Quitting/non-quitting chart stopped after 1 hour. Clearly with 2 hours of play you would be well ahead because your daily would be done no matter what.

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Keep in mind, many people who play this game really have no long term thinking ability.


Take this morning for instance, I log in to do a few matches. Q's are slow to pop. I notice while I am in the queue this guy says "q for 50wz". We just happen to be on the same team. Things go badly midway and he quits.


Now I'm willing to bet another wz is not in progress, so he waited for a queue, endured a loading screen on start and exit, and got nothing for his efforts. I on the otherhand endured the same loading time and at the end, I received, credits, valor and comms. Not to mention I am also available for the next wz q.


It gets even funnier when I do ranked war zones. I run them everynight. They usually start out pretty weak since I want to get them started, so I take anyone. I do not worry if they have vent, gear or composition. Things started going badly pretty quick, I said "guys its over. Come to our node and farm def medals." We do that and everyone ends the match with 3 or more.


A guy says, "this is too boring for me, I'm out." I already had been telling people we were full before last match. I reply to each until I find one, invite and requeue. We get back in wz in less than 2 minutes. Same thing get beat but by the end of the night I had accumulated quite a few RWZ marks. The regulars had a fun time, we shoot the bull in vent and we are getting better. As far as the guy who found it boring, I don't know how he fared for the night but I felt like I came out on par.

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Prior ot the server merges, you can actually see the pro quitters quit your game immediately and then join back in 1 minute later and quit again and repeat this about 3 times because you have the only game with any spots available.


It's even funnier when after the 5th time the quitter got back on your team he decided he'll play the game to try to get a medal to get something for his efforts, and fail to do so.

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