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How do you balance Real Life while playing?


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Same here. Oh, and you try to ignore the wife and kids so you can play. Never start a FP without checking schedule or needs first. It does not fly when the wife needs help with the kids and you say; "Okay, I'll help in 30 minutes."


Have yet to run an Operation yet, probably for this reason.

It's definitely a balancing act...I have a 16 year old son who has an inquisitor on my account and he's always bugging me to play it..."you can when you chores are done" :-)

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I think I balance it nicely even tho I play quite a lot. I have a husband that plays too that introduced this MMO world to me last december. We're in the same guild with bunch of fun people. I know that if I didnt have as fun and same minded ppl in the guild I wouldnt wanna go online that much. Oh yeah and me and husband dear both work full time and are a bit over 30 years old.

We used to go out quite a lot but that kinda seems boring to do really often so I much rather do a raid or lvl an alt and drink a few beers at home than run around in bars as often as we did :D I know a couple friends are questioning about our preference to play rather than hang around in bars with them but they still seem to enjoy doing it all the time so no wonder. Of course we also hang around with the friends and do social stuff during free time.

I'm online most of the days of the week, like after work I log in and play till evening or till I go to bed. Sometimes when there is nothing planned for the weekend and husband is working I might log in during the day and just goof around with guildies all day till very late at night/morning :D

This will be my first summer after starting to play MMOs, I know I will be out a lot when the weather is nice so surely getting online less than during the winter/spring.

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Interesting question, how do you balance your real life while playing...


I think I balance my playtime to not interfere with my higher priority real life activities. If you start doing the other way around, means start balancing your real life to fit into playing a game, that's really bad. First you sacrifice all your free time, because playing becomes your main and only hobby. Next is usually household chores. Then outdoors and sports. Then social life. Then sleep. And then studies and work. The order might be different, but it measures by the number of hours you play per period of time.

I think 8 hours per week is sort of a healthy maximum for the people with balanced real life.

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I'm just asking this for fun. But how do u guys fit this in with Real Life?


Do u guys work Full Time or are u College students like me?


I usually try to play this very early in the morning for an hour or two. If I do it during the night, I make sure that all the work for the entire day is done first....


I work more than full time, but I just play about an hour a day on my toons (lots of them) on rested xp only.

I just do a few missions then log off for the next day. no more than 1-2 hours a day max.

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I probably work around 50 hours a week. I also go out from time to time to socialize (I know! I'm such a crazy nerd!) and have a bunch of other hobbies.


For me, a lot of it comes down to prioritization. I enjoy gaming more than TV watching so I don't watch TV. I think the average person in the US watches 5 hours of TV a day (I find this crazy personally). So I take that time and spend maybe half of it on games, the other half on getting in a decent work out and doing other stuff I enjoy.


While maybe 2 hours a day of games is not going to make me the uber-leet-battlemaster, it is enough to run most operations/level characters/play a few battlegrounds. I tend to plan out anything I intend to do with a group (level an alt, run an operation) so it's not that bad. If, say, every Tuesday, I know that from 9-11 I'm going to be running an operation well...that's not much of a commitment. (Then I spend another day running dailies or whatever for a few hours.) I'm never going to be the person with 8 super well geared alts...I just don't have that kind of time. But it's not that hard having *one* well geared alt. Or leveling a bunch of different characters slowly.


Also, I make sure that my guild knows that if it's a hot date or them, it's the hot date. (Although I may try to schedule the hot date for a non-raid night.) If I have to travel for work, that's that. I try to be polite (to not sign up if I can't be there, if there is an emergency, to let everyone know ASAP). But I don't join guilds that demand a set 10 hour a week, no matter what, raiding schedule.

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During the week i will put in a couple hours at night, depending on mood or if me and the missus have other plans.

I will (obviously) keep up on the forums from work on free time as well.


Usually Sunday is my big game day. I tried to play on friday nights, but its usually more involved and i end up doing something, or being distracted and accomplish little anyway. Sundays i can easily put in 6 hours of playtime with no real interruptions as the wife is *usually* at work.

This made my first level 50 take forever to get. But now, im finding it much easier(also god bless the LFG tool introduction) to level others up.

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During the week I stay up late, much later than I should, to play for a few hours. I usually play from around 10pm til 1:30am or so, and then wake up saying "FML!!" at 6am to go to work.

^^^^^ This 100%

Working 50hrs (ish) a week, helping the wife around the house and with the kids, training in martial arts 3 or 4 times a week and an evening or two out with friends.....all on approx. 4hrs sleep a night so I can cram in a few hours TOR time between 22:00 and 02:00.....not a healthy lifestyle long term.


I've cut back on TOR a bit recently as the late nights were starting to affect me quite a bit. Also my gaming suffers as I have real life things to due when my guild are running Ops :(...damn that real life getting in the way again!!!!

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