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How do you balance Real Life while playing?


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I'm just asking this for fun. But how do u guys fit this in with Real Life?


Do u guys work Full Time or are u College students like me?


I usually try to play this very early in the morning for an hour or two. If I do it during the night, I make sure that all the work for the entire day is done first....

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Okay, I'll bite. I work full time. However, I'm single and live in my own house so my evenings are generally my own aside from a few that are taken up with other social activities. No kids and no spouse frees up all kinds of time.
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I'm currently in the military, so I only get to play when I'm on leave, but it's worth keeping a sub open tbh. When I used to work for an IT company while raiding steadily in WoW, I went to work and then played in the evening, and always made sure to let the guild know if there is a change in my schedule or a real-life commitment that would keep from my raiding on the raid nights. I'm one of the officers, so I had phone numbers, skype etc. to contact the others.


That is what most do I suspect :p

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Okay, I'll bite. I work full time. However, I'm single and live in my own house so my evenings are generally my own aside from a few that are taken up with other social activities. No kids and no spouse frees up all kinds of time.


Same here, live in my own place, no kids, work full time, and my girlfriend lives about 2 hours away from me currently, allowing me quite a bit of time for gaming.

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Okay, I'll bite. I work full time. However, I'm single and live in my own house so my evenings are generally my own aside from a few that are taken up with other social activities. No kids and no spouse frees up all kinds of time.


That's how I was a few months ago. Now I have my g/f and we go swimming, watch shows online, and we also play SW:TOR. Usually we play 1-2 hours most nights, but she tends to sleep in, so on the weekends or while she's at work I hop on and play too.

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Married, children. You prioritize. Then you play SWTOR with your free time.


Same here. Oh, and you try to ignore the wife and kids so you can play. Never start a FP without checking schedule or needs first. It does not fly when the wife needs help with the kids and you say; "Okay, I'll help in 30 minutes."


Have yet to run an Operation yet, probably for this reason.

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I am single with no kids, and do not plan on getting remarried in the future, so my time is my own outside of my full time job. I do some other activities besides gaming, and have a house/yard to manage, so I don't spend all my free time with games, but I also don't have to be overly concerned with other people's priorities and feeling guilty about whether or not I am pleasing them. I have always been a responsible person for the most part, so I do not have issues with neglecting necessary responsibilities. I also don't watch any TV outside of a Netflix DVD or streaming movie. People tend to waste a lot of time with the TV.
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I work full time but I'm single and live alone (not counting the cat), so my spare time is pretty much my own, although I have quite a bit of other activities aside from SWTOR that take up much of my play time (which I don't mind).
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I sleep 2 hours a day, the rest of the time is spent in front of my computer logged onto SWTOR!! With a full pot of coffee always at the ready!!!!


Haha jk, I work full time.. and get to play a couple hours every evening after work. I have been trying to get my Fiance to get into PC gaming so she can start playing this with me, and a few other games. But she said she just wants to stick to her PS3 for right now :confused:

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I work 9-5 mon-fri and from december to april I was playing 12 hours a day (nothing else to do after work) but since I got a GF in May I've only been playing a couple hours a day (and often not at all) however she will be playing the game soon too! =)
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no lifers like me are as much of a product of circumstance as outright devotion.....



it could be convienient that i have two jobs,which both involve working out of home,and one of them is fixing computers


next time i find a spider web in a clients computer ill put a trollface sticker in it`s place,just to show em,lol (nah jsut kidding i wouldnt do that)


also most of the time my jobs require me being up very late at night...so my sleep schedule is highly irregular

Edited by Baphomet_x
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Hello there,


When i first got this game, it was a 24/7 thing. than i started falling in school. took a break got a 3.1 gpa. than got back into it. got my jedi guardian to 50. than i stopped for a bit. got a job and a gf. so i want to get back into playing this game more. all my friends that did play with me stopped. or moved and i havent spoken to them since. i want to join a pretty organized guild soon. anyone want a level 50 jedi guardian playin for them?

i am experienced in some hardcore pvp, pve, and i want to start raiding. did it a few times in wow. but stopped. :D

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I own & operate a global legal services firm and am pretty much on call 24/7, though it's a rarity having to pull 20-hour days. Fortunately we have excellent staff to cover the bases most times so I can usually play a few times a week for 3 or 4 hours at a clip. Weekends can be hit or miss though, and I don't participate in any extended play sessions where I'm aware that I may have to bail on the party. I define my gaming style as casual; being one who schedules gaming around real life and not the other way around. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well, no matter your awesome job or relation to anything or anyone, The Golden rule of gaming remains: Don't use the time you need for important things. Ergo, like one person already mentioned. FIrst, your prioritize, you take care of everything that is important in your life (Friends, Job, Sleep, etc.) And in the remaining spare time you may do what you want, and if that's the time you use up for MMO'ing that's perfectly fine and up to you. Other then that there's no magic secret to balancing real life and playing. If you personally have issues setting priorities then I'd suggest stopping to play altogether, because you're going down an unhealthy route when a Game gets the priority within your mind compared to, let's say, social contacts or the job.
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I'm in my final year of highschool, so I only play on weekends. I probably won't renew my subscription while I have my exams on at the end of the year so I can concentrate on school. After that I'll have a lot of free time so I will be able to play a lot more, so I think the sacrifice will be well worth it.
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I guess I'm really lucky, because I get to play this game and spend quality time with my boyfriend at the same time! :)


But seriously, I'm a college student. Spent maybe 2-3 hours 3/times a week Mon-Fri, weekends a bit more. This summer, however, I was unable to find a job in the crap hole of a town I live in (no one here hires seasonal) so I've been playing way more than I probably should be. But that'll change in a couple of months.

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I'm a single mom with two teenagers and work full time. Now that they are older, I have more free time in the evenings and weekends to play.


It's all about balance and priorities. Real life comes first, then game life.





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I work full-time, 10 hour days. I will sometimes play in the evening when I get home to unwind and then maybe a soiid day on the weekend. No kids, but I do have a SW:TOR wife. She doesn't play but wishes me well while I go off to war (rolling her eyes). The odd time she sits next to me and watches me play.......yeah....she likes to watch lol.


I do spend plenty of time out of game. I stay socially and physcially active.


Never let the game consume you

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Married 20 years, 2 kids, 1 grandkid and work full time here. My son is out of the house, my daughter is 16.


During the regular TV season I play on nights that my wife and I don't have shows we like to watch together. Otherwise I get in a couple hours after our shows are done before I go to bed.


During the times when it's all repeats, I play when I want when I'm not at work. If my wife wants to do something, I turn off the game. My kids want to do something? Turn off the game. Family comes first. Then game.

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I am 17 years old and working ( Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Long work week and Wednesday, Thursday - Short work week )... working for 14 hours per day so i am playing only when i have free day because i am too tired from work so often i go only sleep at night when i come home from work
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