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Queue time = no subscriptions = no money


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I know this topic has been beaten to death, but it seems no one is listening..


The game goes live tomorrow, and every server has a queue time on it.


The answers is not more servers, it is better hardware. Fire whoever you outsourced your hardware requirements too and hire someone new and start transitioning now. If you do not get this fixed before everyones free month is up, no one is going to sign up for a subscription. Any queue on any server is cause for alarms and emergency funds to fix. IF hardware is not an option, you need to start offering free transfers to other servers to help balance them out. A 'FULL' server should very rarely have a queue time even during peak hours, populate accordingly. Do not concern yourself with how many players can play with each other, that will all work out when everyone gets to 50.


No subscriptions = no money for bioware = cutbacks in staffing = bug fixes and GMing is slowed down = even the hardcore players start to leave because they are fed up.


when average joe snuffy gets home from work and wants to play, he doesnt want to pay x money a month to have to wait for 30 min to 3 hours to play, he wants to play now, cause he still has to feed the kids, kiss the wife, and goto bed because he has to work tomorrow.


When average gamer is in a flashpoint/raid/whatever and disconnects, having a queue time not only hurts his playtime, but every person he was in a group with. with your current setup, endgame content isnt a possibility.


You have an awesome game, one that all other MMO's in the future will be measured against.. As it stands now, the measurement will be 'what not to do'.. and not 'look at all this great content'...


I have been paying Blizzard $30 a month since 2005, and still am.. If you want a similar commitment, you have to get rid of queue times, it was blizzards first big issue too. fix it.

Edited by jrwizzard
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I know this topic has been beaten to death, but it seems no one is listening..


The game goes live tomorrow, and every server has a queue time on it.


The answers is not more servers, it is better hardware. Fire whoever you outsourced your hardware requirements too and hire someone new and start transitioning now. If you do not get this fixed before everyones free month is up, no one is going to sign up for a subscription. Any queue on any server is cause for alarms and emergency funds to fix. IF hardware is not an option, you need to start offering free transfers to other servers to help balance them out. A 'FULL' server should very rarely have a queue time even during peak hours, populate accordingly. Do not concern yourself with how many players can play with each other, that will all work out when everyone gets to 50.


No subscriptions = no money for bioware = cutbacks in staffing = bug fixes and GMing is slowed down = even the hardcore players start to leave because they are fed up.


when average joe snuffy gets home from work and wants to play, he doesnt want to pay x money a month to have to wait for 30 min to 3 hours to play, he wants to play now, cause he still has to feed the kids, kiss the wife, and goto bed because he has to work tomorrow.


When average gamer is in a flashpoint/raid/whatever and disconnects, having a queue time not only hurts his playtime, but every person he was in a group with. with your current setup, endgame content isnt a possibility.


You have an awesome game, one that all other MMO's in the future will be measured against.. As it stands now, the measurement will be 'what not to do'.. and not 'look at all this great content'...


I have been paying Blizzard $30 a month since 2005, and still am.. If you want a similar commitment, you have to get rid of queue times, it was blizzards first big issue too. fix it.


Queues happen at launch. Two weeks from now, they won't. Trust me that it's better to have this than an overabundance of servers that end up being closed down in three months.

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Uhm, uhm, uhm. Did you always get everything you wanted the moment you wanted it when you were young? If so, it's about time to grow up.


Switch server if it's that bad, it's not that hard. And this takes time. Unless you want them to mess up more important things so the game dies shortly after release?


I have queues on my server, i would much rather see them than no Queue.

Do something while waiting, WoW had queues before aswell.

So did alot of mmorpgs, and still do. Live with it.

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I really think people who have no idea how MMO launches work shouldn't be telling successful game developers how to launch an MMO.


Bioware knows more about the business than you do, Bioware has done more research than you, and Bioware actually knows what the hell they are doing. Unless you are some salty old MMO development veteran, you should probably shut up.

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I'll still play. Things will calm down either way, especially if people like you can justify quitting because of queues. Also Bioware already stated they're looking into this.


It's not hard to log on and start your queue and go do something else for a 30 minutes or so. I know when I come home from work or wake up I don't want to instantly jump STRAIGHT into my computer chair and instantly play a game.


Queues honestly should be expected on any kind of launch or major content patch day etc that everyone wants to get in at the same time. It happens... Even WoW several years in still had HUGE queues on xpac releases major content releases etc.

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it goes live in 2 days -.-



i know. that guy expect 2 much lol.... look at rift they offered free char transfer so i dont see y not for this game in like 6 months from now. but still its new of course their gonna be ques and im good with it because then i can get stuff done wile waiting. im not in a rush to 50 due to i wanna enjoy the game. its already challenging enough lol

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it goes live in 2 days -.-


Actually, it goes live tomorrow at midnight. The servers are coming down at 10pm and then going back up at 12 for the launch. Apparently you guys are not paying attention.


As for the OP, what are you crying about? The game hasn't launched yet. When it does, you'll see a lot more servers. I would expect them to open more servers today but that hasn't happen. Have patience man, it's just a matter of time before you see more servers. I've started 200 in the queue and I have no complains. Here's what I did.


Put on my shorts to get comfortable, went into the kitchen and put pizza in the oven, came here and started reading this crap and now I'm 82 in the queue. I'll be in the game before my pizza is ready. So chill and have patience. Nobody is leaving because of queues. World of Warcraft did it and look how far they got. :)


Again, the game goes live tomorrow for those who didn't know.

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I have been paying Blizzard $30 a month since 2005, and still am.. If you want a similar commitment, you have to get rid of queue times, it was blizzards first big issue too. fix it.


So you pay for 2 accounts on WoW? Cause last time I checked, subscription was only 14.99

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I just want them to fix the things like..my son was just playing PVP and had 30sec left and the game crashes then log back in fast and yep 20 min wait. So gets back in the game dead haha in the city and got nothing for all that pvp because the game crashed.


Man I play on EU so the server is not FULL KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK ON WOOD! But man being in a group and crash and have to wait.. wow I would be upset. And show people ALL.. not just the ONE post where they know about the problem and are WORKING on it.. key words not just watching it..


So yeah.. just cancel and wait.. not worthi it.

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Hello jrwizzard!


We appreciate your interest in talking about server queues and how they are impacting your game play but we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there as it will help bring your issues to the attention of people already reviewing the thread.


Thank you!

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