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Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You (Part II)


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We all are forgetting, that it is also possible they expect to lose more players over time, or that the game will fall into a pattern of active and inactive subscription cycles like most MMORPGs. We are approaching the fall. A lot of major MMORPGs are going live with major expansions and such. SWTOR is not seemingly going to have anything to answer that. So what seems crowded now, may not be later.


And as is popular to kvetch about on another thread, at some point, paid transfers, among other services, may come online. Names changes and jumping to other servers may become a reality and we thus might see number parse out some.

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Like many here have already stated, I pre-ordered and started playing in the head start to get my character names,

Brand X Y Z, I would have kept trying different servers until they found a home. Fortunately I got the names right away, played 3 characters up to 50, 50, and 46. Now all of a sudden here comes server transfer, which was doled out on a per server basis, so it's not like you had a choice on when or IF you were going to be bitten by the transfer bug. Now here's where the story gets even murkier server transfers are "optional" you can go or you can stay in your happy forest. Little do you know after that announcement they are going to light the forest on fire and evacuate you whether you want it or not, so you can go voluntarily and get a tasteless piece of candy, or get dragged out afterward. Gotta love all the choices. For a company that keeps toting story, story, story, they sure don't give a carp about characters. Ironically perhaps this would not have been such a big issue if there was more than just one destination server, at least there would have been the illusion of more choice and who knows, perhaps some people would NOT have needed to change their names. None of the people that have my character names have been one ever in all the days I've checked. Also seems that there are 4 West Coast servers vs. 8 East Coast servers, why aren't there more West coast servers that are staying around? Anywho, peanut gallery that doesn't agree, no need to voice your vitriol here, others in the same boat, I feel your pain. 6 Month recurring subscription /cancelled

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Also seems that there are 4 West Coast servers vs. 8 East Coast servers, why aren't there more West coast servers that are staying around?


My guess would be that there were fewer people on West Coast servers than East Coast servers, so they didn't need to make as many West Coast destination servers. Either that or it's a conspiracy against players on the West Coast. <shrug>


You do realize that pretty much everyone who transferred was in the same situation as you, right? Except we could smell the smoke before we saw the fire. I don't think there are many people who transferred who really believed that the origin servers were going to be sticking around for much longer.

Edited by MadBlue
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I'd agree, except that there's a difference between those who chose to transfer and those who chose not to. The one's who transferred and lost their names valued the experience of grouping with a larger pool of players (and/or the items offered prior to July 30th) more than the name(s) they chose at character creation. Those that are currently holding out on the Origin servers value their current names and/or a less crowed playing environment than the items offered and the opportunity to more easily group with other players.




Most of the people that transferred also valued their character names, but have been to this dance before and had the experience and/or sense to realize that voluntary transfers were only step one, and that all the origin servers would eventually be closed. The sooner they transferred, the better chance they had of getting their names on the new servers.


As for the people that value a less crowded environment, I can somewhat sympathize, as I play solo about 90% of the time, but in the real world, a company like EA isn't going to keep dozens of dead servers open for these people.


I know some people are holding out because they don't have room on the destination server for all their characters. I address this below.


They have clearly stated that all the origin servers will be closed by/around the end of the month. People still holding out are living in fantasy land if they think they are getting new servers to transfer to or are going to stay in their own little fiefdom. Best case scenario (which I think is likely) is that all remaining origin server characters can transfer to any destination, since they have said they wouldn't force people to delete characters.


As far as losing you character's name because you were forced to move to another server, how's this for a fair solution?


In the event server merges are announced, allow the character that was created first to keep its name. Please don't make all characters from the server that's being absorbed have to change their names. Here's an example to spell it out:


It's been decided that all the characters from "Little Server" will be moved to "Big Server". There is a character named "GeorgeLuc" on both servers. Little Server GeorgeLuc was created 01/12/2012, Big Server GeorgeLuc was created 05/24/2012. Even though Little Server GeorgeLuc is being moved he gets to keep his name because he was created first.


Please keep in mind, it's not the guy on the low population server's fault. He didn't know his server was going to be merged when he created the character on it. Bioware, please consider this or another equally fair method when it comes to forced mergers. Choosing a diplomatic way to go about it may save you hundreds of subscriptions. Thanks!


It's a little late for this. I doubt their database even remembers the names of all the origin server characters that have already moved. Again, they're not going to reward the holdouts by forcing people on destination servers to lose their names to transferees. Besides...what if the character created on 1/12/12 is no longer subbing, but the character created 5/24/12 is?


Frankly, I doubt EA is going to lose sleep over losing a few hundred (maybe) customers over this...nor should they.

Edited by HarleysRule
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I am hoping to get some info and when i can get all my toons together on 1 server instead of having toons sitting unable to play them because they are on a server you made me move too.....i have lvl 50s on a EU server and want all my toons in 1 place but you wont let this happen and wont give any kind of answer as to if and when this will happe.......


Its almost to the point that i dont want to play the game any more and am close to ending my subscription


I am stuck on the Juyo server. Wanted to transfer to the Prophecy of the five server but they won't let me.

The Juyo server is dead. So I have no choice to transfer to the only 1 server they gave me?

This sucks. Atleast tell us this or answer our tickets so we will know. I am running around on the fleet all by myself. lol

So they are removing servers and transfering people anyway soon even if they don't transfer. lol...



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I have hopefully a simple question that I hope someone can answer for me. I don't mean to derail the conversation, so maybe someone could private message me the answer?


To receive the rewards for transferring servers, I read that you have to have an active account on July 30. Does that mean that you need to have an active recurring subscription using a credit card, or is it sufficient to have game time added to your account from a Game Time Card?


I ask because it's much easier and convenient for me to use a GTC, and I'd hate to miss out on those just because of my chosen method of payment.


Thanks for any help or responses.

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I have hopefully a simple question that I hope someone can answer for me. I don't mean to derail the conversation, so maybe someone could private message me the answer?


To receive the rewards for transferring servers, I read that you have to have an active account on July 30. Does that mean that you need to have an active recurring subscription using a credit card, or is it sufficient to have game time added to your account from a Game Time Card?


I ask because it's much easier and convenient for me to use a GTC, and I'd hate to miss out on those just because of my chosen method of payment.


Thanks for any help or responses.


you just need to have payed up your subscriptions it dosent matter how just be activly subscribed,

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I want to know when we are going to be able to have a couple of options to switch our servers to????


My son started his own toons before transfers were available and put all his toons on the ONE SINGLE SERVER that i was given to switch to. I am on Mask of Nihilus and my son is on Drooga's Pleasure Barge! I have too many level 50 toons on my server that I am not willing to separate and have waited long enough for other options. I have cancelled my account and maybe will check back.


I am disappointed by the lack of options plus the anticipation of a new server, and not being able to do anything about it. :mad:

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There are a lot of people i think more people will come don't you think or not. ?


I strongly doubt this will happen, it's the same thing as asking if the game's issues will be solved in one month. I strongly doubt it, If I get proved wrong it'll be a miracle.

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If your as upset as I am, call customer service. The more people that call the more they will have to listen. Flood the phone lines till they understand. this thread has 41 pages, 409 posts with over 24,504 views I think that says a lot of people are really upset with how this has been handled.


SWTOR had 2 million people playing at launch. They are down to about 1.4 million people after 7 months.. they are obviously are a little scared. Losing 600,000 players should have said lets not upset our players anymore. I don't think they are listening. And rightfully so but if they keep up this trend they will be under a million people very quickly.


The Customers service phone number for the US is - 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867). The guy I spoke to over there was very cool. But I think we should call instead of posting in a forum... maybe it will help a lot more.



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I really don't like playing in a heavy use environment - moderate to light is my preference.

Is there any chance at all that the West Coast PVE servers that are being destroyed could be combined into a single live server? (same for East coast PVE, West PVP, East PVP) Then those of us who like a moderate environment could continue to play and enjoy the game.

I've been through the wait time to log thing. I've been through the having to camp a spawn point so I could get the 'kill X' & 'loot that' goals. I've dealt with Kill Stealers who pick off the creature that finally spawned. I've been through the desperate hunt for resourses (yes, you can send the companion on a mission, but that kills your finances fast).


None of these things are fun.


The name thing - that's a moderate irk and merely contributes to the more serious Not Fun factors listed above.


The goal of playing a game is to have fun. If I'm forced to one of the two currently overcrowded (any server that experiences wait times more than once a week, or ever has a wait time of more than 10 minutes is overcrowded) west coast PVE servers, I won't be having fun. Which means that bio-ware will no longer recieve my money as I unsubscribe.

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1.3.3 Patch Notes




Implemented optimizations to improve overall server stability.

During this maintenance, we are implementing new functionality that will be used later this summer to support automatic character transfers from remaining origin servers to designated destination servers.



Well, I guess that answers all of our questions as to where we are heading.

Shame... It really was a very nice game...

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1.3.3 Patch Notes




Implemented optimizations to improve overall server stability.

During this maintenance, we are implementing new functionality that will be used later this summer to support automatic character transfers from remaining origin servers to designated destination servers.



Well, I guess that answers all of our questions as to where we are heading.

Shame... It really was a very nice game...


Er, yes.


That's exactly what they said they were going to do in the announcement that sparked off this whole thread. You did know what you were commenting on in the first pace, right?


And it still is rather a nice game. For those of us not too self absorbed to notice.



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I'm surprised and disappointed by how poorly this was handled. I'm not sure why the community is being kept in the dark, and when we are given the rare response or two they are in the form of some kind of doublespeak that would make George Orwell proud.


An MMO company is doing its job if the players care about the characters they create. Right now I don't even know what the fate of some of my characters is going to be. This doesn't feel like good business practice. I've been really enjoying this game, but all this upheaval has distracted from that. Players should be busy playing, not hesitating to play because they are uncertain whether some of their characaters will even be playable in a few weeks.


I've been patient and positive but I'm starting to feel cynical. I'm envisioning one of my characters being moved to a server with no empty slots on it and that character being greyed out and unplayable until I delete another or until more character slots are offered. (So, sure the character has not been deleted, but it's not playable either.)


I would like to be able to move my remaining character(s) to a server that has slots on it.


And I would like to be able to play that character(s).

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It feels like BW dont want us to play the toons we worked so hard on to get them geared and and at a lvl that makes then fun to play....


Pre 1.2 people asked for more content, BW told us try playing new toons till more content arrives so thats what we did now it feels like it was all a waste of time as those toons are now sitting dead unplayable because BW wont allow us to move to a server we want, People say oh well im happy on my server so will stay, yes its a little low on pop but i like my toons.....The promise comes of Yeah you can stay there and keep those toons......Then BAM!!!!!! oh yeah remember we told you that you could stay on your low pop server, well we lied....sry but those toons are gonna be moved somewhere we are not going to tell you but just move them anyway....


Screw that BW i want to play where i want to play....not where you tell me to play

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Bioware is probably thinking......."we are failing......GW2 is about to come out........we can't compete :(.....can't have all the issues fixed by august 25th unfortunately."


Good luck bioware........it's all you have left is luck and miracles.

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Er, yes.


That's exactly what they said they were going to do in the announcement that sparked off this whole thread. You did know what you were commenting on in the first pace, right?


And it still is rather a nice game. For those of us not too self absorbed to notice.




Could be a bit self absorbed BUT that is how they advertised the game. "make your star wars charecter and make YOUR saga" well about half of the charecter is there identity witch has been, or going to be, ripped involentarally from us. This could arguably be considered false advertising after all its no longer that charecters saga when that charecter cant exist with in its created peramiters.

Edited by demonmana
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My situation is a little different. I play both Imperials and Republic. Both of the servers i played on (Swiftsure and Daragon Trail) were West Coast PVP and both had the same destination server. I moved all my Republic to the Bastion but i no longer have slots left open. I now have a 50 Sorcerer and a 41 Sniper that i would like to move to different servers. This may also answer why the cant just merge, some people have too many characters to merge to just one server given the current limit of 8. i am hoping they give me the opportunity soon to move these characters to a server where i can play them. It is never as simple as it appears but it is hard to be patient since I couldn't play most of Republic for months on the dead server and now i can't play my imps. I am sure it is tough coming up with and implementing solutions quickly enough for everyone but i hope this gets resolved soon. I am happy to have all my Republic together though so i am prepared to wait a little longer for my Imps.
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I think they now have a plan for making sure nobody loses their toons. Way too late though.


And they must think it will not be popular, or they would have announced it already.


It is really surprising to me that they didn't plan for this years ago. Every mmo has gone through the same growing / contraction pains (except WoW of course). Considering that track record, any intelligent dev would have been ready for this a looong time ago.


Something was really messed up in SWTOR's management / design area. They had industrial strength blinders on. And sadly, that may still be true.

Edited by --Grim--
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Ive just got back after 3 months away and found out im virtually the only person on the sever Goluud Corridor (EU) so i decided hit the forums and found this ominous thread *** is going on server shut downs i take it please could someone advise me where to transfer to on the English EU servers thanx
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Ive just got back after 3 months away and found out im virtually the only person on the sever Goluud Corridor (EU) so i decided hit the forums and found this ominous thread *** is going on server shut downs i take it please could someone advise me where to transfer to on the English EU servers thanx


http://www.swtor.com/transfer lists all the origin servers, and their destinations.


Good luck, and welcome back.

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I think they now have a plan for making sure nobody loses their toons. Way too late though.


And they must think it will not be popular, or they would have announced it already.


If they don't announce anything until it goes live, you are in the same position that everyone was in when origin/destination servers were announced.


Let's just say that they announce that all excess characters will be transferred to s specific "overflow" server. Some possible problems arise:


People create 8 dummy names on their original destination server so that their characters all get transferred to the overflow server (while not a problem in itself, it essentially allows people more of a choice of where to go than they allowed everyone else).




People create 8 character names on the overflow server and some people forget to delete the names when the characters are transferred and are unable to transfer, causing customer service headaches.


If they announce that destination servers will have character slots increased to 16, people will be upset because they can't reserve all their names now.

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