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Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You (Part II)


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I know you're right, but you can express that opinion without all the insults. Belittling people does not prove your point.


Being upset about losing names is fine. Expecting to receive special treatment deserves to be called out.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Being upset about losing names is fine. Expecting to receive special treatment deserves to be called out.


Fair enough. I'm only suggesting you can do that and be respectful at the same time. Let our little exchange serve as an example.


Have a good one.



(What I really need to do is unsubscribe from this thread LOL)

Edited by InnerPieces
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I personally lost 5 of 8 names during transfers, including 2 names I've been using since PnP days before I started playing MMOs over 10 years ago, and neither of them are any famous name that I'm aware of. I also lost both legacies, as well as 4 low level characters I deleted because there wasn't room for them, and I'm not holding my breath on getting 12+ character slots on a server...so it's not like I wasn't affected by this. It probably took me less than 5 minutes to come up with 5 new names and a new legacy name, and I got over it.
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If people are quitting over a name they need to stop, think and chill.....if you are having to change your name then you need to think about how unoriginal that name must have been....


I have toons on 4 different server and have tried others to check for names and i can get to keep them all if they let me transfer, so yeah maybe im lucky or maybe i just have a more original name then you....


Please BW move my toons from Prophecy of the five to a server i want to be on...its in the same region but a different server type

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From what I have seen, there are two PvE servers and on RP server available for West Coast and yet it sounds like we are automatically sent to the most heavily jammed-packed server there. it is almost midnight and they are still listed as "heavy". I can't even imagine the nightmare it would be during peak business hours..


Why would you say this, nothing that had been published implies this.


In fact its not likely to be this way because part of the playerbase that has not transferred has not done so because they have more than 16 characters total for the current destination servers. Its more likely that the merges go to new destination servers (and possibly brand new servers), that guarantees a greater probability of spaces available.


Probably the best solution would be to bring up brand new servers and merge all active accounts there on the 1st day and then move all non-subbed accounts over the next few days. That lessens the delays in moving the people still playing and reduces the chances of name conflicts.

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Some steps need to be taken. We'll lose names and all that, but if we're to be packed into these boxes, environmental objective respawns need to greatly increase as well as characters per server.


So as not to be misunderstood; There aren't enough boxes in the Black Hole. Fix it, please.

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I see alot of posts on the "character" transfer service. Every day i go and read alot of posts on this subject.

I see alot of response from players, but nothing special from BW.

Seem like they created this thread so that peeps can have a place to steam vent off.

why is it soooooooo long for BW to give us somekind of statement on character transfer and character slots?

the legacy system is nice, but not when you need to have 2 servers to build your characters as you want to experience the story line.


For me a lack of response from BW is telling me they don't really care about us (the client) and when a client is fed up of a service, well you go elsewhere. If you are mis treaded at a store, i am sure you will go shopping elsewhere.



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I see alot of posts on the "character" transfer service. Every day i go and read alot of posts on this subject.

I see alot of response from players, but nothing special from BW.

Seem like they created this thread so that peeps can have a place to steam vent off.

why is it soooooooo long for BW to give us somekind of statement on character transfer and character slots?

the legacy system is nice, but not when you need to have 2 servers to build your characters as you want to experience the story line.


For me a lack of response from BW is telling me they don't really care about us (the client) and when a client is fed up of a service, well you go elsewhere. If you are mis treaded at a store, i am sure you will go shopping elsewhere.




I rather have them not respond if its the same old copy and paste response of"We don't have a word on that yet, blah blah(they give u an alternative solution)" crap I rather not them say a word.

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... The game was meant to be played on highly populated servers - that's what the "MM" in "MMO" means. .....


Well that's what they said... but we have plenty of posts saying it CANNOT be played on highly populated servers.


Strange huh?

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I want an answer to what they are going to do when faced with many many accounts having destination servers full, and origin servers with remaining characters?


When I asked them about it, they told me to delete characters on the destination server... personally this is unacceptable, asking me to delete characters that I've spent time leveling prior to them "moving" server pops' just to make room for characters I have on another server that they decided to "move".


Why should I have to delete any character on any server that I've spent time leveling and playing?


It's BS and you people all know it. I know I'm not the only person that has characters on both destination servers and origin servers and are facing the all slots full issue, now am I?


That's why I want a real person not some drone that only knows how to copy and paste to respond to this massively growing thread that not a single Dev has posted in yet, and answer mine and many others question...


What are you going to do when you force move all those characters left on the Origin Servers to the Destination servers will all slots full???? Whatcha gonna do??? Delete characters on the Destination servers at random? or kill the lowest level ones first? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? We as your collective customers pay your salaries with our combined subscriptions and we have a right to know exactly what is going to happen when you start auto-moving characters.


I can tell you that I'm not the only person that wants to know, and I'm not the only one in this situation either, and I can tell you that if you randomly delete characters from peoples accounts just so you can move others, then you will loose accounts, you will loose money, noone that plays this game will tolerate anyone deleting their characters for any reason, period.


Simple solution is 1. give us more slots per server, or 2 open up more than 1 destination server from the origin servers to compensate for full slots.


It's not rocket science but the drones that only know how to copy and paste there in your CS Dept. believe that it is.


We want answers!

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Devils advocate time: How many people would cancel that already transferred if BW caved to the holdouts and let them keep their names after everyone else had to lose names?


They aren't going to open a bunch of new servers for the special snowflakes that feel they are more entitled to keep their names than the tens/hundreds of thousands of people that already transferred. You aren't that important.


How many times does this have to be said before people accept reality? Good God...


I'd agree, except that there's a difference between those who chose to transfer and those who chose not to. The one's who transferred and lost their names valued the experience of grouping with a larger pool of players (and/or the items offered prior to July 30th) more than the name(s) they chose at character creation. Those that are currently holding out on the Origin servers value their current names and/or a less crowed playing environment than the items offered and the opportunity to more easily group with other players.


So, I would say the special snowflake descriptor would be better substituted with differing colors of gelatinous blobs that can be grouped into one of two categories. We'll make things simpler by focusing on the ones that cared about names and either held on to them by staying behind or decided to forgo them in exchange for one or more of the perks for transferring.

So, what we have are two groups of blobs with two distinct colors; it doesn't mater what those colors actually are, only that they are noticeably different from each other. One color represents those that cared less about their names than the transfer perks and the other represents those that care more about their names than the transfer perks.


Time for the conclusion: the ones that lost their names after the transfer are less likely to quit if these new servers are made available because they've already shown that they were willing to sacrifice their names for the transfer perks. Everyone made a choice about what they valued more; why shouldn't the players who can clearly be seen as those who cared more about their names get to keep them if it wouldn't cost more than the combined revenue they'ed put out by keeping 20 servers, other than the current destination servers, open?

I'm not all knowing when it comes to questions of ethics (much less anything else), so please, let me know if I've overlooked something in my counter-argument.

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If people are quitting over a name they need to stop, think and chill.....if you are having to change your name then you need to think about how unoriginal that name must have been....


I have toons on 4 different server and have tried others to check for names and i can get to keep them all if they let me transfer, so yeah maybe im lucky or maybe i just have a more original name then you....


Please BW move my toons from Prophecy of the five to a server i want to be on...its in the same region but a different server type


The whole "your name was unoriginal" is seriously the most lame argument ever. As if the name "I pea" is the pinnacle of all names. Now in my case I'm a writer and I had given my characters names of characters I had written into Star Wars fan fiction for years and I chose a legacy that matched my first character's surname. I was excited at the chance of seeing these characters come to life in SWTOR and many of my adventures in the game became inspiration for my stories.


No, I didn't steal plot lines directly from Bioware but I did link certain events that happened in the game to characters I was writing about three thousand years in the future. Now that I'm being forced to move, however, I've lost all those names and I even lost my legacy. The feeling that I had before is gone and I now look at my account and see a bunch of strangers. If ever again I feel inspired to write it's not going to be the same as it was.


Name is an important part of a character's identity and without the character you have no story. I should think if anyone that Bioware would understand that. Am I going to cancel my account over it, though? No, probably not. It's still a fun game and I like it but this nevertheless feels like a betrayal and complaining about it makes me feel better. :p

Edited by JadeRose
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Some people care only about PvP, some people care only about PvE.

Some people care only about combat, some people care only about names and character looks.

Some people care only about crafting, some people care only about quests.

Some people care about everything and others don't care at all..

etc..etc.. ad nauseum..


The point is that everyone has different desires in a game (and life.. blah.. blah)

And the game that does the best to cover all of those bases will be successful.

So don't dis another player because they have other preferences than you do, variety is the spice of life.


Besides, all these players are asking.. is for the devs to do a better job than those in the last game they played..

..and left.

Edited by --Grim--
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This appeared in another thread:


Hi folks,


Just wanted to hop on here to let you all know that at no point will we be deleting your characters later this summer when we automatically move any remaining characters from origin servers onto designated destination servers. More details about how this will work out will be forthcoming, but I can assure you that automatic character deletion is not going to happen for this upcoming move.


Thanks everyone!


Joveth Gonzalez | Online Community Manager

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So, tell me why we should believe you. You also stated that transfers would be optional, and we all now know that was a lie.

Edited by Baldak
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This appeared in another thread:


Hi folks,


Just wanted to hop on here to let you all know that at no point will we be deleting your characters later this summer when we automatically move any remaining characters from origin servers onto designated destination servers. More details about how this will work out will be forthcoming, but I can assure you that automatic character deletion is not going to happen for this upcoming move.


Thanks everyone!


Joveth Gonzalez | Online Community Manager

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So, tell me why we should believe you. You also stated that transfers would be optional, and we all now know that was a lie.


Probably because deleting characters makes no sense for any party involved.

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I'd agree, except that there's a difference between those who chose to transfer and those who chose not to. The one's who transferred and lost their names valued the experience of grouping with a larger pool of players (and/or the items offered prior to July 30th) more than the name(s) they chose at character creation. Those that are currently holding out on the Origin servers value their current names and/or a less crowed playing environment than the items offered and the opportunity to more easily group with other players.


Nobody wanted to change their character names, and the majority of us who pre-ordered (which is probably also the majority of current players) did it so we could get the names we wanted - and many of us were apprehensive about losing our names in the transfer. The main difference isn't that the vast majority of players value a certain playstyle or a vanity pet over their character names. The main difference is that a minority of players just can't handle having to change their character names for any reason and are trying to pass it off as some rare positive quality deserving special consideration.


If the remaining population on the 32 East Coast PVE servers are merged into one server, what do you think the chances are of keeping all your character names? Let's say there are 50 players on each server who have not transferred yet, and each has 8 characters. That's over 12,000 character names. If I were a betting man, I wouldn't put the odds in your favor.


And you would hate it because you'd be surrounded by everyone else who just can't get over the fact that they lost their character names - and then you'd randomly group with the person who has your main's original name. Dante Alighieri would have to come back from the dead to add "Circle X: Fleet".;)

Edited by MadBlue
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I'm not moving my 1 character on LoL until they let me move it to the rest of my characters on Progenitor. Partly because it's bloody pointless (haven't actually played the character in about 3 months) and secondly because its name is taken on ToFN but not on Progenitor. Edited by Fantazm
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By all means quit then, but don't blame it on your "discovery". The game was meant to be played on highly populated servers - that's what the "MM" in "MMO" means. The overview of the game says:

Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and be the hero of your own Star Wars™ saga in a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts.


It doesn't say "play online with up to 20 of your friends". The fact that so many servers were at low population was an extremely bad thing and was never what BioWare was hoping for.


Honestly, though, Have you even tried one of the destination servers? Or are you going on what other people who have also not transferred have said? Granted, people's experiences may vary, but I've never had a kill or node stolen on The Shadowlands. People will generally invite you to their group if they see that you're on the same quest. Also, Fleet aside, people tend to be so spread out, it's not like everyone is on top of one another except maybe for level 50 dailies.


... unless you're talking about names, because I'm not sure if "must have the name I want" is a play style.


The MM in MMO means that a large number of people can play on the same server at the same time. Doesnt mean I have to be on the most crowded ones. I have tried the destination servers, not by transferring a character, but by making one. I did notice considerably longer times to finsish some quests and a higher difficulty finding nodes, since they were being taken by others. I didnt run into any KS'ing or node stealing.


If they would keep enough servers up so we could have at least a couple low-mid population servers I would be ok with it. But it looks like they want to shoe horn everyone into the high pop playing style. Its their game, so they can do what they wish, I however do not have to continue supporting it by spending my money on it each month.


In about 5 weeks my sub will be up, and once all of us who like our names, or low pop servers, or whatever other issues are up here are gone then all of you who prefer high pop play styles will by here without us and wont have to argue anymore...... although I get the feeling you (generic you here, not speaking about a specific person) will find some other reason to argue and insult people. At least thats the impression I get from many of the posts here.

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So im going to lose 9 charactors. that sucks bilge water. I have 17 charactors on 5 servers that are on the "free transfer" list,but all of them are set to go to the same server, So i assume after my 8 slots are full the rest go bye bye. Why am i not able to have a couple choices of servers to transfer too? and that ones always "very Heavy " or "full". I dont want to stand around with 10 other people waiting on the same 6 or 7 crates we need for a mission because they only respawn every 5 min or so.
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So im going to lose 9 charactors. that sucks bilge water. I have 17 charactors on 5 servers that are on the "free transfer" list,but all of them are set to go to the same server, So i assume after my 8 slots are full the rest go bye bye. Why am i not able to have a couple choices of servers to transfer too? and that ones always "very Heavy " or "full". I dont want to stand around with 10 other people waiting on the same 6 or 7 crates we need for a mission because they only respawn every 5 min or so.


5mins? Ive never seen it take that long 30sec to a min and a half. respawns in WoW did on the other hand take every bit if not longer than 5mins

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Really,try the Black Hole. besides my main issue is why i am only allowed 1 server to transfer to? that sucks!

and what happens to the ones that dont fit? flushed down the toilet like a dead Gold Fish?


Namadii Corridor to The Harbinger 4 characters The Jekk'Jekk Tarr to The Harbinger 1 character Vornskr to The Harbinger 2 characters Zaalbar to The Harbinger 2 characters Krath to The Harbinger 7 characters Space Slug to The Harbinger 3 characters Kaiburr Crystal to The Harbinger 1 character Wall of Light to The Harbinger 2 characters

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Since players are still concerned about the fate of their characters, we thought we'd remind everyone of Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez' post about character transfers:


Hi folks,


Just wanted to hop on here to let you all know that at no point will we be deleting your characters later this summer when we automatically move any remaining characters from origin servers onto designated destination servers. More details about how this will work out will be forthcoming, but I can assure you that automatic character deletion is not going to happen for this upcoming move.


Thanks everyone!


We hope this helps. Thank you!


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