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What were the devs thinking??


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Also also:

1 Are you an RPer?


2 Are you tank specced? DPS JKs (and Sith) have rather low defense, so you wouldn't be seeing as many deflections. Genuinely trying to help.


As for "All I do is defend the game" bit, here is my wall of text on the suggestions board for changes I'd like to see.Feel free to peruse it (or not) and leave you own feedback.



In the end, have fun. If not in this game, then the next.


1. I came to this game for these reasons in order, 1. Story 2. Flashpoints 3. Raids


2. I am a dps guardian


3. To be honest, I have fun with this game, I am still subbed, I am just extremely upset about the issues I posted. Many of them are major. In my gaming expierence, I saw these issues, I would not post about them if I did not see them because that is just plain stupid. I can see some these changing in Expansions or somethen like that but I feel like no matter the age of the game or whatever, these are issues that cannot be fixed like in my opinion, the choices not mattering. What I expected was a Mass Effect like game in an MMO. I was also told by the devs in walkthrough's notes and interviews that it would be like that, I felt deceived after beating Corelia because I had just leveled up 50 times and (in my opinion) almost everything the devs said would be in the game was not there or it was only halfway. I am glad you are enjoying the game, and I hope you keep on enjoying, as for me however I am still disappointed that this game (to me) was done halfway to what they said it would be.

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From what I've seen, you may have gotten approximately the same amount of choice as in ME3, as far as the ending of ME3 goes.:D

I never was a ME fan, so them totally blowing the ending had no bearing on me.


You leveled up 50 times on Corelia? Like i said before: Hyperbole much?


That's cool that your primary reason is for the story. Have you played any more than the JK?

I liked my Sith Warrior story, even though I blew through it to get the Legacy I wanted (which is now gone :() and am working through the Operative and Smuggler stories nice and slow. Enjoying them so far.

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Soooo hope this is in plan for the future. Soooo not looking forward this.


Fyi, I meant that there is currently a heavy focus on repeating daily quests that do not change at all on a daily basis. I did not mean that they need a heavy focus on that, I meant it's already here, and that it's a problem that I have with the game.


They need more daily zones and it would be a decent idea to consider daily quests that are random and change from day to day, I'm not asking for a new daily quest for every day of the year, just that the options are a bit more varied. The three daily zones we have are currently very packed with players on top of rapidly becoming stale.

Edited by Celebrus
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Sounds to me like you're the victim of your own expectations. I don't care what 'words' were used to describe anything. Only the reality of the finished product matters. I basically had no expectations for this game save for the hope that it would be fun. It's frankly silly to build something up in your mind and then rage when that build up falls short.


What you're on about is just like seeing advertisements on TV about a product, that product not living up to your expectations and then you raging at them to 'fix' the product to match what you saw on the advertisement. Take SWTOR for what it is. If you don't like it, put in some constructive changes (not raging), wait for change or don't use the product (quit). Nerd raging about perceived 'broken promises' is just plain silly.


+ 100


One of Biowares' biggest failings with the release of SWTOR was failing to anticipate how much people were going to overhype their expectations about the game. I've seen so many comments from people on these forums who had set their expectations to very unrealistic levels. There was no way BW could release a MMO that came anywhere near those expectations.

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A story is, by definition, linear in nature. It would not be story if it was chronologically disjointed, unrelated, purpose-less snippets that did not point or guide the player in a direction.


This thread boils down to the age-old discussion about sandbox vs. themepark.


I have largely enjoyed the story, both the class quests and the planet quests. They also vary a lot from class to class. While the Consular/Sage storyline is a little too "mild mannered" for my tastes, the Imperial Agent/Sniper storyline is a great deal more gritty, relevant and in your face.


Sure, the concept of a storydriven MMO probably does not appeal to everyone. And that's both perfectly fair and understandable.


But overall, I think that SWTOR delivers on what is promised. Perhaps not every single encounter is "epic" and nor should it be...if every swing with your light-saber saves a galaxy or two, you end up desensitized. But fighting a 100 foot tall Gharj on sinking islands in a lava-lake, deep underground, is pretty epic if you ask me. Having 8 or 16 players across trooper, smugglers, sages and knights fire everything they got for over 10 minutes while trying to figure out the "key" to win, is pretty epic too.


...but in the end it's all a matter to taste. If something doesn't appeal to someone, no amount of explaining will make a difference. Nobody can "talk" me into liking Brussel sprouts either, so I geddit :-)

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SWTOR in my opinion, should have been a single player game.


I guess I'm one of the few people who didn't really want to play another KOTOR (or SWG for that matter). I like SWTOR for what it is, an MMORPG heavy on the co-op questing, with ops, PvP, crafting, and all that other jazz. I don't understand why many people came to SWTOR expecting a single-player-like experience (in spite of the fact that others ironically claim that SWTOR is not an MMORPG, but an SPRPG).


There is no pleasing people.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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I don't think OP even knows how an MMO works. If you want the real Star Wars univers feel, go get a bunch of friends together and make a Star Wars fan film, find a local 501st or Rebel Legion branch and troop with them, play a different singel player Star Wars game, etc.
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You realize the guy was pretty much clueless, right? You have to be pretty dense if his leaving is your final straw.
He is dense, lol. Why you would quit on a constantly updating version of the sequel to KOTOR 2 is beyond me. You all should be THANKFUL, that you have this.
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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


Sorry but are you saying that is a bad thing ,the guy had no clue about the game at all.....They made Jedi Knight Guardians as tanks, Gave them Shield and Absorption as there main stats then provided a load of Accuracy based End game Gear.......His response to questions about it was " Tanks need accuracy to kill other players"...Really George, well put it on the F***ing PVP armour then, not PVE.


Then in the Guild Summit a lot of questions on the economy were brought up, he then stated with a graph that the Average player (94% by his graph) in SWTOR had on average 400k per character.......He then goes on to say how there are not enough credit sinks in the game, and that after 5 months of gaming players should not have that many credits. LOL, Seriously, the guy was a borderline halfwit.


Then to top it all off, a question was asked "why is there no ready check", "George: " We do have a ready check " Slight Whisper: " no we dont " Geroge: " really, ok we will get it added soon"..........that was 3 months ago.......still no ready check, the simplest of game ui features.

Edited by Nippon
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SWTOR has introduced many unique aspects to the MMO world like, story, the legacy system, companions, and more.


Companions are the ones the I love the most in this game or in any Bioware game and I agree that they feel like pets at the moment. I'd love to see more interaction between you and your companions and I'd like to see them talk more often, not just in your class quests but in those normal quests too that are boring as hell. I hate when like 95% of the time your companion just stands behind you like some kind of ghost.. makes them feel really lifeless and dull.


It would be kinda cool if while questing on a planet and entering a specific area, your companion would ask you if you could talk for a moment and then they could tell you about the area or some other stuff they have in their mind.


Oh and I'd love to being able to fully customize my companion's looks like body type, skin color, hairstyle etc. in the future.

Edited by Skorz
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The OP left out question 7:

Why are we all clones that look alike, dress alike, and all have the same job? (a Sorc & a Assassin, yet both are on the same council? ..How many of you are the Emperor's Wrath? ...Yeah, thought so...). :o

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The OP left out question 7:

Why are we all clones that look alike, dress alike, and all have the same job? (a Sorc & a Assassin, yet both are on the same council? ..How many of you are the Emperor's Wrath? ...Yeah, thought so...). :o

So you see an MMORPG that supports as many individual storylines as there are characters in the game running on laptop HAL9000's in the genre's future? Oh wait - you were talking about today's tech. ... nvm. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Companions are the ones the I love the most in this game or in any Bioware game and I agree that they feel like pets at the moment. I'd love to see more interaction between you and your companions and I'd like to see them talk more often, not just in your class quests but in those normal quests too that are boring as hell. I hate when like 95% of the time your companion just stands behind you like some kind of ghost.. makes them feel really lifeless and dull.


It would be kinda cool if while questing on a planet and entering a specific area, your companion would ask you if you could talk for a moment and then they could tell you about the area or some other stuff they have in their mind.


Oh and I'd love to being able to fully customize my companion's looks like body type, skin color, hairstyle etc. in the future.


It would also be kinda cool if we could get non humanoid characters to create. You are also right about the companions interacting with you more on the mission, because if they are not talking to me or having any purpose, then I would prefer if I could do my tasks alone, it would make me feel more heroic, but unfortunately, even though the combat is said to be "heroic" you have no choices but to use a companion or you will die. If you look at all major Star Wars fights like, Vader vs. Luke, Obi Wan vs. Anakin, Luke vs Vader Pt. 2 and more, you will see that there was no other guy fighting someone, it was one vs one, the way it should be.

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The OP left out question 7:

Why are we all clones that look alike, dress alike, and all have the same job? (a Sorc & a Assassin, yet both are on the same council? ..How many of you are the Emperor's Wrath? ...Yeah, thought so...). :o


In every other MMO it's been everyone being the "one" to save humanity or whatever race of sentient beings that inhabit that planet. Here not everyone is the Emperor's Wrath, and not everyone is Darth Nox. Only the players that play your class and there advance counterpart is. So you're much more unique storywise than any other MMO makes you out to be. Would you rather have it so you end up being a bum on the street? Maybe killed by your master and your character is now perma dead or his/her story just doesn't continue anymore?

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Sounds to me like you're the victim of your own expectations. I don't care what 'words' were used to describe anything. Only the reality of the finished product matters. I basically had no expectations for this game save for the hope that it would be fun. It's frankly silly to build something up in your mind and then rage when that build up falls short.


What you're on about is just like seeing advertisements on TV about a product, that product not living up to your expectations and then you raging at them to 'fix' the product to match what you saw on the advertisement. Take SWTOR for what it is. If you don't like it, put in some constructive changes (not raging), wait for change or don't use the product (quit). Nerd raging about perceived 'broken promises' is just plain silly.


This is the self-help section of the thread for those who need advice from the unengaged.

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1. The story and planets are extremely linear- SWTOR might have commited the worst sin possible in an MMO and that is that they made almost all the planets linear. I found myself with my trooper in tatooine looking for a base where hostages were held. Unfortunately, after running around for 15 minutes into an Imp base, I had to google search a map of tatooine just to find out that there was only one way into the base. This is just one example out of many. The story is also linear, It is go here, go there, kill this, kill that, and there really is no mystery on where you are going at all.


Welcome to MMO's. This is in all mmo's


2. Even though the devs did say most choices you make matter, the fact is they dont. Played my JK to level 50 and without giving any spoilers, lets just say I saved people, killed people, and helped people, but did it matter? Nah it did not, all I got was a mail message with a commendation or a companion gift but not once did I regret any choice I made and I sure as hell did not play the perfect character.


How would you like it to matter? What you say in the VO's do matter to your story but, there not going to have it matter to othere players. There is just no real way to make it matter to everyone.


3. Pointless quests and travel time kill the story- This is a key issue to the game, the planets may be linear but, they are sure large. The problem with them being so large is that I may have a story quest that makes me feel like I am in a rush and that I have only 2 minuets to get to my next objective, but when I have to travel 10 minuets on a slow speeder, it takes me away from the story. Along with the long travel time, SWTOR still could not avoid the kill this, pick up that quests. By level 30, I had enough of the boring quests so much that the only quests I listened to, were my story quests. Another issue I found is that these boring quests, are so out of the way of the story quests, it makes them even more pointless. The bonus quests for example, some of them might have stages and they make you kill an excessive amount of enemies, or loot an excessive amount of items. Well you a likely saying, "why dont you just skip those quests, the are bonus after all." Well the issue with that is that if you skip bonus quests, you will find that the quests will quickly out level you (unless you do the pointless planet bonus series.)


So what your looking for is the pick up the quest and more 10 feet and do it there? My fist 50 I did not do 90% of the bonus quest and was far from them out leveling me. You just need to go to all the quest hubs. As for the loot sell what you do not need.


4. Lack of companion use - The sad part about SWTOR is that I had more attachment to my 8+ companions in KOTOR 2 then the 5 or so I had in SWTOR. I currently have a level 50 JK and I almost have all companions maxed out on affection (with the exception of T7) and only Kira has given me a story mission. This makes me feel more like the companions are "pets" not companions.


I use my companions all the time on my 50's. Most of there story is done why you level so I do not see what your really looking for in them. Also how did not not get there just Pet's with another name?


5. Combat is not heroic one bit- The devs not only promised that the choices would matter, but they also promised that combat would be heroic. Once again, what they said was a stretch, sure you might take on 4 or 5 enemies at once but still, the lightsabers dont lock, the lightsaber barely deflect blaster fire, and it still feels like I am taking a plastic club and just bashing the person to death without them even responding to me hitting them.

How would you think Heroic combat would be in a game? Saber to lock when you block you just have to look for it. Also if your going by PvP people move so your not going to see it. AI in game's is not up to the point where there smart and react to every move.


6. Finally, the game uses a lot of stallers- Without giving any spoilers at all, Lets just say in the JK story, right when something important could happen the game makes you do repetitive tasks like destroying weapons or such just to stall for the epic conclusion to the planet or chapter.


So what your saying is that they need less quest fills but by going off your #3 they need to add more. so what one is it?


Also when you post threads like this post what you do not like and how you would like it to get better. Also point out how you would fix it. Kind of like all the people that cry out that they do not like the daily quest in game but they never post what would be better to take it's place.

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


Ironicaly enough, combat is imo one of the things BW did reasonably well. It's about as balanced as you'd expect mmo pvp to be and I dont subscribe to the "its not heroic enough" theory, atleast not in pve. Try masterstriking a trash mob to death and tell me that's not badtooshie. They've also polished the most major animation issues that plagued coreographed combat at launch.

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He was the combat designer, not the lead designer.


He was the lead combat designer.


And the combat is pretty much the only thing in the game that I am OK with (with some notable exceptions like perma-locking in PvP and the lack of an auto-attack).


Combat is also something that Bioware has experience in. As opposed to all the MMO aspects of the game where they do not have any experience in and where the game fails miserably (like the failed player economy with a GTN that is simply horrible and crafting professions that are made utterly useless, the lack of end-game content, the lack of chat-channels across planets so you can talk to more than 10 people, testing patches so that you don't go live with easyto-see bugs like forcing people to pick an environement, cross-server grouping so you don't have to wait an hour, a LFG tool that doesn't even let you pick lower-level content like Esseless...).


They gave the Star Wars MMO licence to the wrong company, a company with a good single-player reputation but zero experience in MMOs. Let's just hope that Bioware will hire a bunch of MMO veterans and get their act together. Fast!

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Welcome to MMO's. This is in all mmo's


No, it's not. In other MMOs, you do not have such a narrow path that you HAVE to walk. In LOTRO for example, you got enough quests to level like 3 times, so you can pick the ones you want to do. Or in SWG where there was no linear leveling either. SWTOR has a very, very narrow leveling path.


And to make matters worse, in SWTOR you can not be under-level. If you are too much behind, you can not progress: they put an end-boss on every planet, a boss that you can't defeat if you're like 5 levels lower or so. They drew out a path and you GOT to follow it.


So what your saying is that they need less quest fills but by going off your #3 they need to add more. so what one is it?

You can easily have both. You can add quests that are optional.

Edited by Yogol
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you were much better off playing it linear for efficiencies sake


Efficiency isn't always a winning argument: when you level your 2nd, 3rd, 4th toon, it is NOT fun being forced to do the same content AGAIN (class quests aside).

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As far as I'm concerned I dont have a problem with many a mmo feature people moan about, probably has to do with my relative lack of experince with mmos prior TOR.


What bugs me is funnly enough the story quality. Quest design more specifically. After origin planets it takes a nosedive. It's so onedimensional it hurts. It feels like it's the same 3 templates with different VO every time. Gets very dissapointing as you move from planet to planet to blow up shield generators and weapon stockpiles again and again and again and again... ugh.


I really hope the words of D.E. about going back to the origin world style AAA storytelling in the future come true.

Edited by aeterno
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For example, in the JK story, you go to one planet and stop a weapon from destroying a planet, then the next planet, you do the exact same thing, just to stall you for your final fight with the emperor


I'mma stop you right there bro. Because if you think thats a mindless, un-important filler then you've missed the point. You shouldnt be ready for the final showdown in any story right after becomming a semi known person.

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No, it's not. In other MMOs, you do not have such a narrow path that you HAVE to walk. In LOTRO for example, you got enough quests to level like 3 times, so you can pick the ones you want to do. Or in SWG where there was no linear leveling either. SWTOR has a very, very narrow leveling path.


Not when it came out it didn't. In fact you had to do everything to hit max level, over 5 years in that game leveling areas have been added and areas have been reworked. For the first year it was very linear leveling.

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