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What were the devs thinking??


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To be fair, there are a few quests where your decisions matter.


There are light and dark choices that determine whether you face combat in some situations. There is the above mentioned Jedi night instance, and I do remember being able to call in a bunch of Republic Troopers to help my Juggy on a quest. If I chose to kill them then they wouldn't have been able to help.


There may be more, but seeing as how those decisions are tied to light/dark points, some people may never know.

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1. All stories are linear. They start with a beginning, run through the story arc in a single direction and come to an end. I have never seen an MMO with non-linear quests and I doubt I'd like a quest where I had to spend an hour figuring out what to do next. Because stories are linear, and our quests are linear, so are the paths we travel along the planets while we do said quests. The meat of an MMO, (or any RPG video game I've played), is kill this, loot that. I expect that. I like that. I hate puzzle games. I like clear cut goals and outcomes in my game. Linear is never an issue for me so, saying linear is bad is really just your opinion and not a fact by any stretch of the imagination. Although, I find it strange that you complain about things being too linear and then complain that you had to actually work to figure out the one way to the hostages. If the game was as linear as you say, you would have been pointed in precisely the right direction.


2. Your choices do make a difference, but not in any way which would effect the game as a whole or your toon dramatically. People always say, "My choices didn't matter", and I'm always finding myself asking, "What did you expect?" This isn't a single person game. I know for a fact that the JK outcome is different depending on whether you go light side or dark side. I know that, in many storylines, in many places, your choice has an immediate effect on the quest you're on. If you choose the one option you may walk away from the quest not having to fight anyone. If you make another choice you may have to engage in combat. Aside from that, what really did you expect from this system?


3. Again, kill this/loot that is the meat of an MMO. I doubt I would play an MMO where I sat around talking all day or trying to figure out puzzles for my levels. Time sinks in the form of travel are also found in just about every MMO, (and every MMO I have played). Even when I have a mount, whether it's driving, riding or flying, it's still travel time and it's still a time sink. Bonus quests are not required to keep level, unless you are just questing. On most of my toons, I quest, do the pvp daily and do my space dailies. On one toon, I don't do the pvp dailies and, with just him, I need to do the bonus quests. There are many ways to gain xp in this game, more than in most MMOs. If you don't like one way of gaining it there are other options.


4. I've gotten story quests from Corso, Vette, Kaliyo. It seems that, at least as far as I've seen, I get one companion quest per toon, and that's fine with me. The companion quests are a good side thing but these guys are supporting characters, literally, and their issues simply aren't as center stage as those of the toon they serve. A companion is what you make of it. If you see them as pets, they are pets. If you see them as Chewie or R2 they become more than pets. Again, this is opinion on your part and far from fact.


5. I've seen my saber briefly lock with my opponent, so I'm sorry to say you are wrong on that account. And, in my opinion, I find combat to be excellent, quite heroic in some cases. Not every gunfight is going to be a magnificent shoot out and not every time you ignite your saber are you going to have a drag out duel. But, there are enough moments where I am either leaping from target to target, kept alive by my healing companion, destroying everything in front of me. Those moments certainly feel heroic to me. What do you consider a suitable level of heroism?


6. Stallers are good, IMHO. Some stories, quite a few actually, have stallers. You are headed to a goal you need to accomplish and something else gets in your way, making you have to work around that to get what you want. It happens in single player games, as well.


OP, in my opinion, you would rather have a single player game. Most of the things you gripe about are MMO based. The world changing choices you want to make, the deep relationships with companions, those are things better left to SPGs, where you're not sharing a world with so many other people who are just as heroic as you.

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If you disagree with me, then please explain how I am wrong. I find many people who were fans of this game in 2009 when they released the trailer feel like it is their duty to defend this game. I myself got sucked into the hype and felt like there was no way this game could go wrong. I played it, I still defended it, until I had seen enough of the boring quests, stallers, choices not mattering, terrible combat, and pets or as SWTOR defined them as "companions."


If the devs told us what there game was like directly then I would be totally fine with the product. They did not have to say that the combat was heroic, or that the choices have "MAJOR" impact on the rest of the story, or that companions all have a "unique" story to them. They promised way to much and either completely failed at what they said or only went halfway. This video proves my point with combat...


Sounds to me like you're the victim of your own expectations. I don't care what 'words' were used to describe anything. Only the reality of the finished product matters. I basically had no expectations for this game save for the hope that it would be fun. It's frankly silly to build something up in your mind and then rage when that build up falls short.


What you're on about is just like seeing advertisements on TV about a product, that product not living up to your expectations and then you raging at them to 'fix' the product to match what you saw on the advertisement. Take SWTOR for what it is. If you don't like it, put in some constructive changes (not raging), wait for change or don't use the product (quit). Nerd raging about perceived 'broken promises' is just plain silly.

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1) Utter garbage. ALL MMOs are linear. WoW leads you down the exact same leveling path for every character you play, using the same dungeons in the same order, same zones, and same quests. There isn't even a class quest so the experience doesn't vary from character to character. All MMOs do this. There is always a well beaten path for you to follow that leads in perfectly straight line.


2) They do matter. I leveled the same class twice, changing my alignment the second time. The experience was similar, but definitely unique in its own aspect.


3) Again, nothing new to MMOs. Leveling in SWTOR has been the fastest leveling I've ever seen from an MMO. Distances only appear large, but they are relatively small. Zones are compact and flow together. Massive 'taxi' rides that other MMOs have that often take upwards of 10 minutes of waiting to complete are avoided.


4) You just complained about running around too much, and now you're complaining about not running around enough? Companions or not, running around questing is running around questing.


5) Subjective. It doesn't feel anymore more or less heroic to me than other games. Not amazing, but not sub-par either.


6) Stallers are a blessing in disguise. It SUCKS flying through class quests and coming up short on levels. You almost have to do at least 1 or 2 heroics a planet to make sure you're still on pace with the leveling curve. These stallers and bonus quests actually help bridge that gap, ensuring you earn the proper amount of xp before continuing. Removing them would only make leveling in this game even faster, and it's already at lightning speed.

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Sure there was inexperience with MMO's but still, they delayed launch many times, it took them many years and like a hundred million dollars to make a rushed game that delivers every aspect to the game either halfway or not at all


True, but EA could have given them a hurry up as they put a lot of money into the project and wanted to see a return in their investment.

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1. Name one MMO that is non-linear. Every MMO bread-crumbs you from one quest hub to the next. And, let's face it, there are only 2 types of quests: kill x things and fed-ex quests. Everything can be boiled down to those 2 arch-types.


2. So the choices did matter. Because they didn't matter much (or to your high expectations) does not mean they didn't matter at all.


3. I'll agree that there seems to be a lot of travel in game. But all your class quests are based in the same zones you could be questing in. And some of the bonus stuff is stupid. "1) Kill 50 guys. 2) Pick up 20 boxes, but first, you have to kill all the guys standing around the boxes." That sort of stuff is stupid. But, bonus is bonus. Skip them. Also, see my 1 about quests.


4. True. A few more quests with my companions would be cool. But then people (like you) would be hollering about BW forcing you to run all over the galaxy to fulfill bonus fluff quests.


5. Once again, its more you than the devs. My sith deflects blasters all the time (it is cool when I kill a guy with that). Sorry that BW can't meet you and your expectations on Mt. Olympus with a gold plated sparkle pony.


6. Just repeating previous complaints to make it look more impressive than it is. Also (I haven't started my JK yet till I unlock Chiss) how many books/movies has the protagonist about to reach his goal to have it suddenly snatched away? Complaining about 6,000 year old literary devices is like the woman complaining there aren't enough benches to sit on the other week.



Yeah, we get that. That is all you had to post. As soon as you realize that it is you and not the game, the more fun you will have.


1. In other mmo's there are mountains, oceans, lakes, and multiple ways around areas. In chat when I say, "lets raid this" people know what I am talking about.


2. I am not basing choices off your or my standards, I am basing it off what they (the devs) told me, they promised a real heroic story with choices that have "major" impact on my story and sure you might here someone talk about what you did but in the end, it never mattered if I killed this person or that person.


3. Just like I said, I was expecting people to give me that response. Fact is you cant skip bonus unless you plan on getting out leveled by the quests


4. What I said was that I would like to see companions be more integrated with the story. There is a simple fix to what you said on how I would "Holler" at Bioware, make them BONUS, not required.


5. I'l give you that, if you just stand in one area with doing any damage whatsoever, you will deflect blaster bolts, but I dont feel like doing nothing for cinematic purposes, I want to see my lightsabers make contact with my abilities from level 5-50 not just with the ones from level 1-4


6. It is a fact that the game wastes your time with pointless tasks in the story

For example, in the JK story, you go to one planet and stop a weapon from destroying a planet, then the next planet, you do the exact same thing, just to stall you for your final fight with the emperor


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All very good points. I want to defend Star Wars I want to say how great it is cause it has so much potential.


The story isn't compelling enough and doesn't have any real impact on the game world, character or plot. Was just doing a daily the other day that can only be picked after completion of the main plot and had a lowly sith talking down to the Emporers Wrath and a member of the Dark Council (SW and SI) . Which shows just how meaningless the titles and the completion of the story was. Worse than this though is how the stories became bland, all this expense to track down a single member of your old squad or a spy.


I completely agree with companions I feel nothing for them. The Dragon Age Companions or Mass Effect were interesting unlike the companions in TOR which were such a massive part of the pre game marketing. All they end up being is a presence buff and picking the options which make them happy. As any other choice doesn't effect them and costs you affection points.


And they are just the things that TOR was bring to the MMO. The gameplay, graphics and class choices are solid and familiar whether bioware could have looked to do more is debatable. Could space combat and mini games have been better or more choice in species and class builds or even character customisation been more fleshed. Probably but they did get the multiplayer aspect of the questing and dialogues right and if the options in conversation had more effect would be great. First time though black talon it can really feel great, you get to killed the captain or spare him and it seems to have an effect on the game at least until you get off. And even then you get another quest because you did the Talon. Sadly this wasn't carried on and the captain or his widow never make another appearance all completely forgotten.

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Sure there was inexperience with MMO's but still, they delayed launch many times, it took them many years and like a hundred million dollars to make a rushed game that delivers every aspect to the game either halfway or not at all


In all Honesty....What MMO isn't rushed out the door with glitches, problems that take them a year to solve, and crushed hopes of fans who were following the development with exited anticipation?


Look at Diable 3. The longest development cycle of just about any game out there, backed by the same company that made its two previous successors (yeah I know the original Dev's aren't there anymore...but I don't want to sidetrack this thread). And...they had tons of cash to develop it (probably more then Bio did for SW). and it was probably the worst release in ages. From the company that has long been touted as setting the "standards" for many MMO's in the industry.


this is something I knew would happened. As excited as I was about a KotOR style MMO that expanded the SW universe, It was going to be an MMO...so i held back on my expectations. And I wasn't very dissapointed. It's like movies...I had heard that Sherlock Holmes 2 wasn't as good as the first one, so I went in expecting a poor shoot-off of the first...and wasn't disappointing. If i had walked in expecting a better version of SH 1, I would have been pissed.


You really need to have a skeptical view of MMO's nowadays. it pays off in overall enjoyment, really. start low, and you will probably have fun.

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1. In other mmo's there are mountains, oceans, lakes, and multiple ways around areas. In chat when I say, "lets raid this" people know what I am talking about.


2. I am not basing choices off your or my standards, I am basing it off what they (the devs) told me, they promised a real heroic story with choices that have "major" impact on my story and sure you might here someone talk about what you did but in the end, it never mattered if I killed this person or that person.


3. Just like I said, I was expecting people to give me that response. Fact is you cant skip bonus unless you plan on getting out leveled by the quests


4. What I said was that I would like to see companions be more integrated with the story. There is a simple fix to what you said on how I would "Holler" at Bioware, make them BONUS, not required.


5. I'l give you that, if you just stand in one area with doing any damage whatsoever, you will deflect blaster bolts, but I dont feel like doing nothing for cinematic purposes, I want to see my lightsabers make contact with my abilities from level 5-50 not just with the ones from level 1-4


6. It is a fact that the game wastes your time with pointless tasks in the story

For example, in the JK story, you go to one planet and stop a weapon from destroying a planet, then the next planet, you do the exact same thing, just to stall you for your final fight with the emperor


1) Nice try at a re-direction. You feeling that insecure about your position?


2) Link plz. Or are you mis-remembering? If a guy you killed is not there, that would lead me to believe that choices have a change. :rak_02:


3) :D


4) Your other posts are complaining about bonus, non-related questing. It stands to reason that people would complain about companion quests.


5) Do you look? I deflect bolts, block and parry constantly.


6) And? Every MMO, every GAME, has filler.


The Empire has multiple super-weapons on different planets? Oes Noes!!!!

Would it have changed things in your mind if one planet had a weapon to destroy and the next had a weapon factory to destroy? Same outcome.


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1) Nice try at a re-direction. You feeling that insecure about your position?


2) Link plz. Or are you mis-remembering? If a guy you killed is not there, that would lead me to believe that choices have a change. :rak_02:


3) :D


4) Your other posts are complaining about bonus, non-related questing. It stands to reason that people would complain about companion quests.


5) Do you look? I deflect bolts, block and parry constantly.


6) And? Every MMO, every GAME, has filler.


The Empire has multiple super-weapons on different planets? Oes Noes!!!!

Would it have changed things in your mind if one planet had a weapon to destroy and the next had a weapon factory to destroy? Same outcome.


1. No I am stating my opinion just as you were stating yours


2. View every dev walkthrough before the game came out and view this http://www.swtor.com/info/overview


3. :)


4. Companions are part of my story, picking up 10 cat teeth is not


5. First off, it is rare that someone deflects my attacks, secondly, I should not have to look very hard to see it, and finally, you only deflect bolts if you just stand there without doing anything.


6. Occasional fillers are fine with me, problem is the filler the JK had, lasted 7 late level, level-ups that is WAAAYYY too long and it kills the story


If you have anything smart to say about this post, then feel free to comment if you are going to insult it and defend this game no matter what like a child please keep it to yourself

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What were the devs thinking??



Who says they were thinking?


In all honesty though it's pretty obvious what they were thinking: make as much money as possible while cutting as many development corners as possible. Look at how much they bragged about outsourcing so many different aspects of the game:



The problem is of course, when you have all these cheap hired hands working on the game, in all these foreign countries, how many over there do you think actually care about an American franchise like Star Wars? Most of them just want their money and then move onto the next assignment. Why do you think most mobs just stand there completely unscripted, or all races use the same body... in a 2011 MMO... shoddy craftsmanship dude, by people who don't care cuz they won't be held accountable.

Edited by Taurusaud
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SWTOR has introduced many unique aspects to the MMO world like, story, the legacy system, companions, and more. Unfortunately, the game has its many flaws that drag the game down to an extreme disappointment.


There has been plenty of story in past MMOs. The Legacy system is a credit sink, credit sinks are present in most MMOs, this means Legacy is far from unique. Companions are pets. I wouldn't say that any of these three examples are things that SWToR was the first to bring to the genre, in fact I'd go so far as to say it has brought nothing new at all.

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If you have anything smart to say about this post, then feel free to comment if you are going to insult it and defend this game no matter what like a child please keep it to yourself


I made this my signature, thank you.



There is also


LOL he was only in charge of combat, I gota laugh how things get so blown out, next he will be the President of Singapore.../facepalm

He was in incharge of ONE part of the game....


Errm... It's star WARS.. you see, today in theme park mmos especially like SWTOR, combat is basically the main aspect of the game. But I guess you were mostly dancing during HMs..

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1. No I am stating my opinion just as you were stating yours


2. View every dev walkthrough before the game came out and view this http://www.swtor.com/info/overview


3. :)


4. Companions are part of my story, picking up 10 cat teeth is not


5. First off, it is rare that someone deflects my attacks, secondly, I should not have to look very hard to see it, and finally, you only deflect bolts if you just stand there without doing anything.


6. Occasional fillers are fine with me, problem is the filler the JK had, lasted 7 late level, level-ups that is WAAAYYY too long and it kills the story


If you have anything smart to say about this post, then feel free to comment if you are going to insult it and defend this game no matter what like a child please keep it to yourself


If I sound childish, it is only because I'm trying to argue down to the level of your complaints. :cool:

Everybody is an adult when they are defending their opinions, while only children would argue with them.


1) You go from:

1. The story and planets are extremely linear- SWTOR might have commited the worst sin possible in an MMO and that is that they made almost all the planets linear. I found myself with my trooper in tatooine looking for a base where hostages were held. Unfortunately, after running around for 15 minutes into an Imp base, I had to google search a map of tatooine just to find out that there was only one way into the base. This is just one example out of many. The story is also linear, It is go here, go there, kill this, kill that, and there really is no mystery on where you are going at all.


1. In other mmo's there are mountains, oceans, lakes, and multiple ways around areas. In chat when I say, "lets raid this" people know what I am talking about.


That is called re-direction.


2) from your link

Choose the Light Or Dark Side


Meaningful choices throughout your journey will determine your path down the light or dark side of the Force.


Your opinion is they are not "meaninful" enough. Fine. That's your opinion. But, as you said in your OP:

Unfortunately, my expectations were far to high for this game and it was a complete disappointment.

Your perception is not the dev's responsibility.


3) ;)


4) What if they are force-infused cat teeth that a sith needs to resurrect a long dead sith-lord? I still agree with you that companions are lacking.


5) Are you tank specced? If not, then your dodge will be quite low. Might be why you don't see them enough. I don't think anybody could deflect a blast while hitting someone. Animation frills must give way to game mechanics at some point. How would you like it if you couldn't attack because the game decides the next blaster bolt that won't hit you for .3 seconds will be deflected? As it is now, if you deflect and hit at the same time, the attack animation takes precedence.


6) I'll take your word for the JK line. Played any others?


For me, the story only sorta matters while leveling. At 50, I'm working on gearing up while playing alts at a pace I enjoy.


Also, are you an RPer?


I like this game for what it is. I have a massive wall of text on the Suggestions forums for improvements I would like. But I'm not going to start whining because someone has a differing opinion.

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If I sound childish, it is only because I'm trying to argue down to the level of your complaints. :cool:

Everybody is an adult when they are defending their opinions, while only children would argue with them.


1) You go from:





That is called re-direction.


2) from your link



Your opinion is they are not "meaninful" enough. Fine. That's your opinion. But, as you said in your OP:


Your perception is not the dev's responsibility.


3) ;)


4) What if they are force-infused cat teeth that a sith needs to resurrect a long dead sith-lord? I still agree with you that companions are lacking.


5) Are you tank specced? If not, then your dodge will be quite low. Might be why you don't see them enough. I don't think anybody could deflect a blast while hitting someone. Animation frills must give way to game mechanics at some point. How would you like it if you couldn't attack because the game decides the next blaster bolt that won't hit you for .3 seconds will be deflected? As it is now, if you deflect and hit at the same time, the attack animation takes precedence.


6) I'll take your word for the JK line. Played any others?


For me, the story only sorta matters while leveling. At 50, I'm working on gearing up while playing alts at a pace I enjoy.


Also, are you an RPer?


I like this game for what it is. I have a massive wall of text on the Suggestions forums for improvements I would like. But I'm not going to start whining because someone has a differing opinion.


And this is why I don't make threads anymore, the community hops on your back and keeps jumping up and down until it breaks.

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To be honest i cant get bored of running around as a Sith Twi'lek inquisitor, Shocking people with force lightning and stabbing them with a Green lightside Lightsaber that makes a awesome noise everytime i draw it.
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If I sound childish, it is only because I'm trying to argue down to the level of your complaints. :cool:

Everybody is an adult when they are defending their opinions, while only children would argue with them.


1) You go from:





That is called re-direction.


2) from your link



Your opinion is they are not "meaninful" enough. Fine. That's your opinion. But, as you said in your OP:


Your perception is not the dev's responsibility.


3) ;)


4) What if they are force-infused cat teeth that a sith needs to resurrect a long dead sith-lord? I still agree with you that companions are lacking.


5) Are you tank specced? If not, then your dodge will be quite low. Might be why you don't see them enough. I don't think anybody could deflect a blast while hitting someone. Animation frills must give way to game mechanics at some point. How would you like it if you couldn't attack because the game decides the next blaster bolt that won't hit you for .3 seconds will be deflected? As it is now, if you deflect and hit at the same time, the attack animation takes precedence.


6) I'll take your word for the JK line. Played any others?


For me, the story only sorta matters while leveling. At 50, I'm working on gearing up while playing alts at a pace I enjoy.


Also, are you an RPer?


I like this game for what it is. I have a massive wall of text on the Suggestions forums for improvements I would like. But I'm not going to start whining because someone has a differing opinion.


I respect your opinion, the problem I got with you is that all you do is aggressively defend this game as if it is your duty. It seems like you are offended of what I am saying like an attack on you personally

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


So the guy you most directly blame for the current state of the game is leaving, and it's a bad thing? Some people just like to shout "DOOOOM!" to whoever will listen.

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So the guy you most directly blame for the current state of the game is leaving, and it's a bad thing? Some people just like to shout "DOOOOM!" to whoever will listen.


He's leaving by choice, not because he was laid off or fired or because Bioware didn't value his work.


He chose to walk away from a project that he had lost interest in and was no longer passionate about by all indications. That doesn't say anything positive about the current state of the game or where it may be headed, whether you liked Georg or not.


I don't see how it could be viewed as a positive thing when lead developers don't care about the game anymore.

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He's leaving by choice, not because he was laid off or fired or because Bioware didn't value his work.


He chose to walk away from a project that he had lost interest in and was no longer passionate about by all indications. That doesn't say anything positive about the current state of the game or where it may be headed, whether you liked Georg or not.


I don't see how it could be viewed as a positive thing when lead developers don't care about the game anymore.


If he truly left on his own because he lost interest, then it's good he left. If he left for more money or whatever, we don't know if that's good or not...depends on who replaces him. I don't know if this is good or bad (I guess that depends on your view of the game's combat), but if you think the game is lacking as is, or suffers from bad design decisions, I'm not sure how you can consider it bad that he's leaving. AoC players literally partied when the lead designer of AoC left right after launch (sorry can't remember his name ATM). Few argue that AoC didn't improve after he left...of course most people also thought it was too little too late for that game.

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If he truly left on his own because he lost interest, then it's good he left. If he left for more money or whatever, we don't know if that's good or not...depends on who replaces him. I don't know if this is good or bad (I guess that depends on your view of the game's combat), but if you think the game is lacking as is, or suffers from bad design decisions, I'm not sure how you can consider it bad that he's leaving. AoC players literally partied when the lead designer of AoC left right after launch (sorry can't remember his name ATM). Few argue that AoC didn't improve after he left...of course most people also thought it was too little too late for that game.


Personally I think the combat in the game is fairly fun, one of the better things about the game, pvp is one of the few things that has me coming back, and as that is completely combat focused, I do enjoy the combat system. The game is mostly lacking in the following areas imo: Lack of end game content, lack of interesting/engaging mini games and events, lack of economy/viable crew skills, heavy focus on repitition of daily quests that do not vary from day to day.


I really doubt that Zoeller's absence is going to be the catalyst that leads them to actually making this game feel fun, rather than a scheduled course of activities that I must repeat daily, most of which has very little to do with the combat system.

Edited by Celebrus
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Personally I think the combat in the game is fairly fun


For the most part I agree. But after those long "solo flash points" known as end of story missions I actually get tired. And soooooo need a cold frosty adult beverage! :)


The game is mostly lacking in the following areas imo: Lack of end game content, lack of interesting/engaging mini games and events, lack of economy/viable crew skills, heavy focus on repitition of daily quests that do not vary from day to day.


Soooo hope this is in plan for the future. Soooo not looking forward this.

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I respect your opinion, the problem I got with you is that all you do is aggressively defend this game as if it is your duty. It seems like you are offended of what I am saying like an attack on you personally


Nah, its cool.:rak_03:


I aggressively defend this game because I enjoy it. I enjoyed WoW for years til I saw them caving to the babies who can't be bothered to actually play the game. I really can't understand the people who can't enjoy the game because it is not perfect or because the animations aren't perfect or there aren't benches to sit on. It is what it is. Not what you believe it should be.


If I seem offended, it is probably because it offends me when people aren't honest with themselves and take to the forums to defame the whole game because of one thing that they believe is lacking. These sort of people who are willing to write off the entire game because some little (mostly) insignificant aspect of the game isn't up to their impossibly high standards genuinely baffle me.


Also, I may have been overly aggressive with my first post because of the title of your post. Hyperbole much?


Also also:

1 Are you an RPer?


2 Are you tank specced? DPS JKs (and Sith) have rather low defense, so you wouldn't be seeing as many deflections. Genuinely trying to help.


As for "All I do is defend the game" bit, here is my wall of text on the suggestions board for changes I'd like to see.Feel free to peruse it (or not) and leave you own feedback.



In the end, have fun. If not in this game, then the next.

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I disagree as well but the reason I do is that simply I do not believe hype. I do not believe devs. I have played these games too long not to realize that these games are linear. Quests are going to be everywhere etc

An example a designer for Rift came on and talked about how, at any time, anywhere the world can change and a rift can appear changing the face of the world.

Sounds great doesn't it, problem is rifts are stagnant they appear in the same places It wont appear where I am standing because where I am standing isnt one of the 8 spots a rift is going to be

I mean I could go on and on in game but honestly your choices will affect the world and that was something you thought was even possible? really?

So something simple like blowing up a building on Hoth everytime you visted hoth that building to you would be blown up? So every single persons maps and buildings trees and npc are unique to them? In a single player game sure in an mmo no. Oh it can be done, but I doubt it will ever


Games pretty much in the 2nd gen are all the same sure you had multiple choices from as an example 30-40 in wow and eq2 but really people all did the same things. RoM, a ftp is extremely linear, AoC, Vanguard, Warhammer linear Rift again until 43 or so completely linear and you were much better off playing it linear for efficiencies sake.


The old games were completely open EQ you could do 10-20 in about 8 zones and when the cap was raised you could do 50-55 in about 8 zones, but sadly all games are reskins with a few minor changes. We get glowsticks in this one

The things you mention are tre no doubt but it isn't this game it is mmorpgs


I havent played Tera and I only did bolsetered pvp for the most part in gw beta though

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