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Lost Island, sorry it does need an adjustment

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"Your content is LAME. It is too easy. I am unsubbing because its boring!"



"Your content is HARD. Make it easy. I am unsubbing because its challenging!"


Also like others have pointed out, you're not one shotting HM Explosive Conflict if you can't clear HM Lost Island. Lying only makes you look even more ridiculous when calling for a nerf.

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OMG one more of this thread.


Lost Island requires organisation, and tactics. Oppositely to what you think, there is way less things happening on Robot that you think.


- Incinerate : 0 damage if interrupted properly. Dedicate a dps for that if your tank is too busy. I'm always interrupter as sentinel and incinerate never goes through (healer very happy).

- Plasma orb : Will drop randomly on anyone in your group (apart from current aggro holder). If you have melee, just have everyone sticking on boss and when blue circle appear, ask tank to move (to previously designated area).


Only source of damage that will be done to player is "channeling full auto style attack", barely scratch players, doing maybe a total of 5/7 K damage (perfectly healable).

The fire traps and the trash does ridiculous amount of damage.


On crazy jumper it was already explained to you.


On last boss same deal, only a few abilities really damage your group

- flurry of bolt on aggro holder, interrupt it.

- Drops 2 waves of bomb on everyplayer (does that twice between each Kolto tanks). People have to be fast on their feet to avoid those AOE.

- Drop small bomb on a tank, have to be dodged (a bit tough to catch, but easy when you got the feeling).


That's the only things your group needs to be better at.


Go Tier 1 flashpoint, assign one of your DPS to interrupt, and have him doing better and better at that.

Interrupt should happen in less than 0.5 seconds. Keybind advised.

Once your dps or tank become good at interrupting flame sweep from Manda boss in FE HM for instance (means this is ALWAYS interrupted very fast), then you can move to droïd and see how easy it is.

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Seriously folks, as somebody already said, this is a Tier 2 instance and should be as difficult as it is (not that it's impossible by any stretch).


Too many mechanics going on? Then yes, sorry to say it, but you need to learn to play/control your toon better. The first boss was a real pain for us and we kept on trying it out and after a few days we finally beat it. After we did it the first time, it was pretty much on farm status.


Can't do it on hard mode? Try it on easy first...


I am not a masochist and still enjoy the fights. Sitting there, not moving and tanking/dps/healing for 5 minutes straight can get really old/boring, I'm glad I actually have to move around and pay attention to interrupts, etc.


I do agree that the rewards for this FP pretty much suck ***** though.....


One more thing, I have a theory: I am going to make a huge assumption here and say that *most* of the people having a hard time with this FP do not use keybinds and like to mouse-click everything.......

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One more thing, I have a theory: I am going to make a huge assumption here and say that *most* of the people having a hard time with this FP do not use keybinds and like to mouse-click everything.......


Reminds me one of my first experience on this boss. As our tries were at best chaotic and we couldn't sort out the plasma bubble right (as I'm a cursed melee), group leader decided to do a "try" with me standing still with the dps and healer at range (silly idea but when you don't know the mechanics, trying things is a good way to learn more from a fight). I told my tank "be careful however you'll have to interrupt now", and the answer I got was "Ah, I'll need to bind it then" :D


That was epic and we couldn't understand how such a skill couldn't be already key bound. But well :)

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I wount want a nerf but I would like the map to be a lil more open. My group runs into the problem that the whole floor is covered in lava and blue ****. anyone have any suggestions to over come that? we run 2 ranged dps. I (the tank) am pretty much full columi the healer and one dps is full columi and the other dps I think is half columi half BM



Edit: First on new page woot woot!! :D

Edited by NewJackCity
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Reminds me one of my first experience on this boss. As our tries were at best chaotic and we couldn't sort out the plasma bubble right (as I'm a cursed melee), group leader decided to do a "try" with me standing still with the dps and healer at range (silly idea but when you don't know the mechanics, trying things is a good way to learn more from a fight). I told my tank "be careful however you'll have to interrupt now", and the answer I got was "Ah, I'll need to bind it then" :D


That was epic and we couldn't understand how such a skill couldn't be already key bound. But well :)


Oh man, all too familiar. I am tank and asked for our dps Sorc to interrupt him as well (I was at one point trying to pick up all mobs so didn't have the boss targeted 100% of the time) and he actually asked me "I have an interrupt?" (Granted he's an older guy and a family member of other guildies so we were mostly just having fun/trying different strats)




He went offline, we got our marauder and after that we beat it first try.


I will say one more thing about this instance. If you are not all very well geared, it is not one of those placed where you can bring somebody in that's not that great at the game and carry them through the fights. Everybody needs to carry their own weight in here, which honestly is one of the reasons I like it.

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I wount want a nerf but I would like the map to be a lil more open. My group runs into the problem that the whole floor is covered in lava and blue ****. anyone have any suggestions to over come that? we run 2 ranged dps. I (the tank) am pretty much full columi the healer and one dps is full columi and the other dps I think is half columi half BM



Edit: First on new page woot woot!! :D


As one said plasma orb doesn't stay there for ever.


You have more than enough space in the room to place easily 11 plasma orbs before you run out of space using dropping any on the lava.

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Oh man, all too familiar. I am tank and asked for our dps Sorc to interrupt him as well (I was at one point trying to pick up all mobs so didn't have the boss targeted 100% of the time) and he actually asked me "I have an interrupt?" (Granted he's an older guy and a family member of other guildies so we were mostly just having fun/trying different strats)




He went offline, we got our marauder and after that we beat it first try.



Granted games are not the same for everyone, and fun is not the same for everyone. However, it's not because "it's in the game" that I have to do it, or it has to be accessible for me. That mentality needs to change imo. That's not how human mind is made. There ought to be complicated stuff so you learn, there ought to be things you think hard so you progress.


LI is designed for one crowd, the all other FP are designed for another crowd. Nothing you get in LI is better than what you can get through doing story mode ops (designed for everyone) and daily FP Hms. Rakata chest ? you can get BH one in 10 days now (10*5 (daily LFG)+6 (BH weekly)+5 from story mode ops (1 week)). IMO it's fair and the loot is fair. It would increase the frustration even more if all bosses dropped Rakata, and it would clearly reward too much.


So only thing I ask is to keep a little portion of the content for players who like the challenging stuff, and to stop asking for nerf to anything you can't beat.


Or wait, there are many better players than me in PvP and I just can't beat them, can you just make sure they can't kite me while damaging me and can't use abilities faster than I do ? please please this is breaking my fun and I may unsign if those good players keep doing PvP :(


Also can I have all profession in the games on one toon ? that breaks my fun to have to pay a slicer for my augments :( Please do or unsub !


/sarcasm off

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took my friend though it yesterday. he hit 50 about 2 weeks ago, casual playing, full columi arsenal.


after teaching him the mechanics of the fight, we "breezed" (hour and half). the droid boss took 5 tries, until he got the positioning and movement down. we didn't hit a snag again until the final boss, where he died to the poison once, battlerezed, and one shotted the final boss (though our healer was damn near fainting).


bottom line, the instance has a refreshing amount of gear AND skill check. you need both to pass.

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this instance needs a nerf big-time, there is no justification making a fp-boss harder than an ops-boss.


Well, if the ops boss is a facepalm, even this kind of statement is weak. Is LR5 harder than Heavy Fabricator ? definitely not !


Is it very hard to, let's say, not be selfish and consider that 1 out of 11 HM FP can be for players liking Challenging content where 10 out of 11 are for players preferring the casual and stressfree playstyle where it would take a serious amount of noobing to wipe on a boss ?


Every game needs content for everyone, and not all the content have to be done by everyone.


As long as they don't do nightmare mode FP, one FP for the competitive crowd is not much.

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Is it very hard to, let's say, not be selfish and consider that 1 out of 11 HM FP can be for players liking Challenging content where 10 out of 11 are for players preferring the casual and stressfree playstyle where it would take a serious amount of noobing to wipe on a boss ?

i have a feeling a large amount of the rage associated with this instance, is due to people having horrible pugs.


I will openly admit, that this would be a damn near impossible instance, if people are not on mumble, OR a group comprised of people who already know the instance very well.


if *ANY* of the party is not sure about the instance, voice coordination is pretty much a necessity (or I guess the fastest typing ever, while moving, and people who actually read party chat while fighting).


also, i think people feel like they "must" do the instance, because of the weekly 8 BH comms.

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I shouldn't have said ever, and I should have implied predictability. Let me use a little map to explain.











Tank at spots X and Y, raid stand at A, B, C, then D, then back to A. Moving bosses between X and Y every other sphere. Boss has big enough hitpoints, melee don't have to make any movement decisions. Just follow strat. Or if you want to simplify it even more, stack whole entire raid at A, B, C, and then D, and move together.


Just to clarify - this is the whole room, or just the square in the middle? If the whole room, that seems like a lot of movement. If the square in the middle, is it big enough to drop a plasma bubble in one corner and not have it hit you in an adjacent corner?

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Well, if the ops boss is a facepalm, even this kind of statement is weak. Is LR5 harder than Heavy Fabricator ? definitely not !


Is it very hard to, let's say, not be selfish and consider that 1 out of 11 HM FP can be for players liking Challenging content where 10 out of 11 are for players preferring the casual and stressfree playstyle where it would take a serious amount of noobing to wipe on a boss ?


Every game needs content for everyone, and not all the content have to be done by everyone.


As long as they don't do nightmare mode FP, one FP for the competitive crowd is not much.


G4-B3 is a cakewalk in any difficulty mode(8-man) and in my opinion easier than LR-5(which doesn't make LR-5 hard).


We can clear LI in 15-20min with range, melee or mix.

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G4-B3 is a cakewalk in any difficulty mode(8-man) and in my opinion easier than LR-5(which doesn't make LR-5 hard).

not if you're the only one in the raid who can work the puzzle. ugh. i get a headache everytime we do that place. I man 2 buttons, call out the sequence, and have to run down to tank the boss when the other tank starts crying, and then charge up and start it all again. -__-

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not if you're the only one in the raid who can work the puzzle. ugh. i get a headache everytime we do that place. I man 2 buttons, call out the sequence, and have to run down to tank the boss when the other tank starts crying, and then charge up and start it all again. -__-


Well terrible people excluded ofc... =d

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I kind of agree with the OP on this one. And I'll tell you why.


First .... The group I normally run with does not consist of Mid to early 20 year olds (or younger).


Second .... We have no problem with more difficult content (heck one of our normal DPS took 3 hours to get through a Foundary .... what an awesome pug group he got)


Third .... one of our normal DPS has really bad arthritis in his hands and is over 50.


Fourth .... our group has columi/black hole/rakata gear ...... it's not a gear issue.


As a group we have only been past the first boss in HM LI exactly 1 time. By the time we got to the second boss it was so late we threw ourselves at it 2 or 3 times and then called it a night. We haven't gotten past him since. The overall view of the mechanics is easy. It's the combination of them and the soft 'enrage' at 20% that's annoying.


Don't tell me to watch YouTube videos cause we've watched plenty. Don't tell me to L2P cause I know how.


Balls drop .... not overly difficult, but combine that with the tank having to move the boss .... poof incinerate goes off cause the tank is out of range for his interrupt ..... wipe. Oh you say have a DPS do it? Right .... they run into the fire of the lava (that doesn't do the laughable damage others have said) shortly thereafter .... bamm their dead. Oh have the healer cleanse the incinerrate? Right ..... the tank has taken too much damage now and can't catch up if he even made it through the incinerate.


We have no problem changing our tactics. That's how we figured out HM EV/KP. We made our healers do all the work cause we lost too much DPS and hit enrage timers (mostly cause we end up melee heavy we think). And if you want to change the loot so the rewards for this is better than maybe we would attempt it more often, but with the gear we have and the wipes we end up taking we spend several 100's of credits on repair bills and then we have to spend more time on dailies just to do it over again.


I like content .... and in all so far from what I've seen I like HM LI. It's not the mechanics of the fights, it's the amount of the simultaneous mechanics that cause the issue. Especially when you have to combat a server side lag ...... I can't tell you the number of times I move out of the bomb only after it hit because we didn't even see the reticle on the ground when it was going to hit. Only after it starts doing damage to us do we even know its there.


Flame me if you will, but just cause we aren't as young as some of you others and thus reaction times can't interrupt incinerates before even the first tick doesn't mean we should be penalized ... it's a game for goodness sakes.


:sy_armor: Flame on!

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Balls drop .... not overly difficult, but combine that with the tank having to move the boss .... poof incinerate goes off cause the tank is out of range for his interrupt ..... wipe. Oh you say have a DPS do it? Right .... they run into the fire of the lava (that doesn't do the laughable damage others have said) shortly thereafter .... bamm their dead. Oh have the healer cleanse the incinerrate? Right ..... the tank has taken too much damage now and can't catch up if he even made it through the incinerate.

:sy_armor: Flame on!

the movement is what makes this fight, pure and simple. the tank can carry AT LEAST 50% of the group, if he/she knows the fight.


the ball dropping is not as easy as it sounds - at least not if you do it right.


as the tank, my directions to the rest of the party is simple

  1. "stay behind the boss at all times"
  2. move when I move, even if the boss does not

from there, I will ROTATE the boss so that his butt is facing the corner I want the ball to drop.


  • by controlling that, I can drop 2 lightning orbs into 1 cubby, before the party has to move.
  • it also allows me to pinch off the path that the adds have to travel to get to my healer, allowing me to easily freeze/aggro/aoe them. they never get to the healer nor dps.
  • after the 2nd orb drops, and I need to move him, i'll back up, and the rest of the raid follows me.
  • if the boss stands in the lightning, and starts casting incinerate, I jet charge in, which interrupts him, and then back up. I take a total of 2 ticks of lightning, which does little to no damage.
  • throughout the fight, the boss will pick a random target to beat on with his blaster - TAUNT even though he won't focus on you, this reduces the damage dealt to the target


it's a pretty simple fight, as long as your tank can chew gum and walk at the same time.


just cause we aren't as young as some of you others and thus reaction times can't interrupt incinerates before even the first tick doesn't mean we should be penalized ... it's a game for goodness sakes.

reflex has nothing to do with age. i know some young people with the reflex of a sloth, and I know some old photographers (70's) that have finger dexterity and reflex like a ninja.


unfortunately, "it's a game", and part of any game, is beating a design, and the design is made for people to overcome.


I hate to say this, but if your reflex is not up to par to interrupt the incinerate, you have ZERO chance of beating the final boss, which requires even faster reflex to get out of the poison cloud.

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No reason to flame you, you carry an opinion I carry a different one.


My opinion is that it's indeed a game : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Game?s=t&ld=1032


The definition of game varies depending of people, it can be "an amusement or pastime" or a "a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators." As you see both definition varies heavily when it comes to the challenging part between an "amusement" and "a competitive activity".


A MMO is all this, it's both, it's an amusement for some, it's a competitive activity for others. Some want to push themselves harder than others, some like to figure out a fight and spend hours on it till it finally is down, others train themselves for hours to be the best in ranked warzones and others just like stressfree and facepalming content where they would basically just need to go to point A, kill boss 1, loot box, and be happy.

None of this activity is better than any other nor any of this activity deserves to be considered a bad way to enjoy gaming. However, they are not heavily compatible and thus needs to be offered to players, not breaking each others out till the point where only one activity is possible.


I'm very sorry to hear about your group not being fully capable of performing as well as younger players. Still, younger players or older who can still perform at 95% of their class capability still deserve to play the game and enjoy it as much as your group does.


The game is given different difficulty level on some content. It's wrong to consider that those difficulty levels mean nothing. If hard mode is easy for everyone, then why is it even called hard mode ? You already have 10 instances working like this. Only 1 is not.

What you want to do is basically removing from me the only instance my kind (competitve) have a little fun on because you consider that you "deserve" to be able to play through all content in the game.


It's not possible at the moment, what you take for you, you remove it from someone else.


I can assure you that as a melee dps I've been interrupting all incinerates on boss and rarely take more than 3K damage on anything. It's my job on this instance, nothing else. A range dps can even do that without sticking to the boss.


It doesn't have to be for you ! http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/10/04/the-soapbox-it-doesnt-have-to-be-for-you/

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so i have run this in under 40 mins about 10-15 times now on my healer, but last night i tanked it for the first time.


we had 2 melee dps (shadow and sent) and at first a commando healer, then a sage came in... all for the first boss.


The method i like is where everyone stacks behind the boss, if there is melee, and the tank just goes around the room.


It took about 10 tries but I finally got it down 4 minutes before the servers went down.


The tank needs to be on top of the incinerate interupt and be able to see when the blue drops (which is a problem since the game doesnt seem to want to load those graphics until there is one big ball and one small one... luckily i can base it on my damage...).


I also main tanked karagga hm for the first time (so I was in mostly columi with one BH , one rakata and one tionese) right beforew comming in here, so i had a little practice. The strat is very similar, except you move away from balls instead of out of fire.


When you look at the LI first boss, I start him at 9 o clock, with me at 8 and group at 10. after the ball drops i move him around the corner thats at 7 o clock so no one has to stand on the grate, and i just move around the whoel room like that.


I have heard that if you interupt all the plasma arcs, that you will never get a ball.... but i highly doubt that, but the dude said hes done it 3 times like that...


i still have to learn to tank the other bosses... and i hate the bonus boss.... not even sure if the tank runs around during that part.


I agree with the OP in that there are simply not enough people that can do this reliably. trying to find a group for this is harder than findind a group for HM EV... which gives rakata off every boss. If they are going to make the fights this difficult (I admit they are faceroll for a few groups ive been with, but ive been with more fail groups than win) then the rewards should match. rakarta boots for downing that droid seems reasonable.

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Is the group set up, all of the above in Rakata/BH gear, Esh was in full Col/Rakata and a few pieces of BH


Now before all the random troll QQ you guys just suck. We can clear raid content with no wipes at all.


The mechanics of the fight need to be adjusted. When our group can spend 4 hours and only pass to the second boss. Someone said it best, "Content should not be put out for the few". Thats what your hardmode operations are for.


The mechanics on the first boss alone, there is just to much going on at once, the fields are to large and randomized even when you have your ranged following each other. And for one is HIGHLY melee DPS unfriendly. Trying to kite the boss through melee dropped zones and oh ya, he stops in the middle of one to incinerate, pray that someones ranged interupt isnt on CD. There is far to much going on in that fight and needs to be toned down.


The second boss, dont even get me started, the platform activation times are far to long for a rapid shot elemental damage poison and dot. The timer on that needs to be damn near halfed and the elemental damaged curtailed as well.


If you want to play elite only plz la, then go make your own game, not a game where the majority can not complete it and we pay the same monthly as you.


Oh and btw one of our players has one hand. So we are handy capped as is and still can clear out hardmode EV in half the time it takes for one attempt at this horried designed instance.


Savrak's a gear check and you're geared, so if you're losing, you're doing something really wrong. You need to push all 3 buttons at the same time to get him down. And bring medpacs with you to do the healer a favor.


That said, whoever said this instance is easier with melee is nuts. Ranged doesn't stress the healer with splash damage from late interrupts on incinerate, has more room to range flaming rakghouls while staying on boss, doesn't need to be withing 4 feet to get an interrupt off, has more wiggle room about where plasma arcs or rakghoul virus get dropped without going off target (etc). It's just flat out easier across the board. I end lorrick's first phase with zero stacks on ranged every single time. I don't think I've ever done that with melee without either being cleansed or losing time on target.

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That said, whoever said this instance is easier with melee is nuts. Ranged doesn't stress the healer with splash damage from late interrupts on incinerate,
ranged should be no where around the boss. the interrupt is 100% the tank's responsibility, it makes no difference if it's ranged or melee dps.

has more room to range flaming rakghouls while staying on boss

I'm not sure what strat you use, but when I tank him, he's moving the entire time, slowly moving toward the bacta tanks. This heavily FAVORS melee, and during the flaming rakghouls, he's moving all the time, again, heavily favoring melee.

doesn't need to be withing 4 feet to get an interrupt off,
again, interrupts are 100% the tank's job. not sure what a ranged or melee is doing interrupting.
has more wiggle room about where plasma arcs or rakghoul virus get dropped without going off target (etc).
has to stop dps to move out, whereas a melee can continue to dps while moving.
It's just flat out easier across the board. I end lorrick's first phase with zero stacks on ranged every single time. I don't think I've ever done that with melee without either being cleansed or losing time on target.
i have found having 2 melee to be considerably easier than having 2 ranged.
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Now before all the random troll QQ you guys just suck. We can clear raid content with no wipes at all......


The mechanics of the fight need to be adjusted. When our group can spend 4 hours and only pass to the second boss.


In Short:

You clearead EC Hardmode but can not finish Lost Island?

Not sure if trolling or just lying!

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