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After being gone for 6 months, I'm back, and


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You've won me over.


I wholeheartedly believe that the sole reason we ever saw a numbers drop was specifically because this game should've launched with 1.3 content, and not any early.


This game is in a perfect state of infancy, and I sincerely hope to see your numbers climb back up to where they should be over time.


After switching to Droogas, I immediately got picked up into a guild, did a premade HM, then a couple pugs, finished off my dailies, and am content for the day.

Looking forward to a continuing subscription. :)


And will definately pay for the 'expansion' you're planning to drop, hopefully it'll help recoup some losses so we can keep the ball rolling, guys.

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Unfortunately SWTOR still has the same content WoW has, we need something new and fun, but not having a groupfinder tied a anvil to swtor.


Now that we have it they have opened up the gates to PVE content :D

Edited by Daethorz
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I completely agree with the OP; SWTOR reached it infancy stage with 1.3, now there can only be positive stuff coming out. The only annoyance is the frequency of releases and overall management of resources, releases, bug fixes etc.
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This is literally the same game you left 6 months ago. A handful of new bells and whistles isn't going to change that. It is still WoW in space, and until they remake the game from the ground up, that is never going to change, and the people that expected different from this game will never be fully satisfied, whether they stay or not.


To be honest, the game was misrepresented to the majority of people that purchased/pre-ordered it as something new that wasn't necessarily going to remake the genre, but that would at least bring something new to it, which it really hasn't. Story driven MMOs have been here before, and pretty much everything else that this game has done, WoW paved the way for, it has added nothing new to the genre, and thats what a lot of people expected.


I'm happy that we finally have the game they intended to give us at launch, 7 months after the fact, but most people that were even somewhat interested have given this game a shot already, the hype has already come and gone for this game, and it wont be back.


In short, the game will never reach the level of success that it was projected to reach pre-launch, and it's great that you're hopeful that people are going to start flooding back in after 1.3, but they wont, feature heavy patches don't really tend to draw eyes or reel in the subscriptions.

Edited by Celebrus
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This is literally the same game you left 6 months ago. A handful of new bells and whistles isn't going to change that. It is still WoW in space, and until they remake the game from the ground up, that is never going to change, and the people that expected different from this game will never be fully satisfied, whether they stay or not.


To be honest, the game was misrepresented to the majority of people that purchased/pre-ordered it as something new that wasn't necessarily going to remake the genre, but that would at least bring something new to it, which it really hasn't. Story driven MMOs have been here before, and pretty much everything else that this game has done, WoW paved the way for, it has added nothing new to the genre, and thats what a lot of people expected.


I'm happy that we finally have the game they intended to give us at launch, 7 months after the fact, but most people that were even somewhat interested have given this game a shot already, the hype has already come and gone for this game, and it wont be back.


In short, the game will never reach the level of success that it was projected to reach pre-launch, and it's great that you're hopeful that people are going to start flooding back in after 1.3, but they wont, feature heavy patches don't really tend to draw eyes or reel in the subscriptions.


Didn't take long for the first Eeyore to show up.

Edited by Trenter
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The reason your so satisfied with 1.3 if you have not tried any of 1.3 (save the group finder and yes shoulda been in at launch especially in its simplistic state)


Wait until you try to use adaptive gear which is what they made big about 1.3.


Good luck, b/c Adaptive gear is useless and a waste of time unless your in Black Hole or Campaign(/war hero) gear. The absolute best you have do for around 250 credits is re-mod a chest peice and aug it while keeping the set bonus from other 4 peices(head, gloves, legs, feet) and use the 'Unify Color' option.... this still leave you looking like a clown.


Until your in the highest tier gear you would be gimping yourself(and losing set bonus) to put it on and spend millions re modding and augmenting it.


1.3 over all was another massive fail. GF was only thing worthwhile and that could have been added on its own.


The Legacy perks, everyone HATES! I have yet to see one person who likes them

Edited by WutsInAName
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I agree that the game should have been launched at this stage, however I think it would have been perfectly fine if Denova had come out in 1.1. EV and KP were really fun, and it would have been OK to give us a couple months of them before Denova. Other than that though, yes this is how the game should have been released.


That said, it was still a hell of a lot better than anything else on the market and is only getting better.

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I like them, your post is now invalid.


Please post what specifically it is about them that you like?


Also how do you feel about Adaptive gear? Using it? Liking it? Thought so.


Ya i know your just being felicitous.



NO ONE likes em, they are lame, per character and only meant as a credit sink,

Edited by WutsInAName
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The reason your so satisfied with 1.3 if you have not tried any of 1.3 (save the group finder and yes shoulda been in at launch especially in its simplistic state)


Wait until you try to use adaptive gear which is what they made big about 1.3.


Good luck, b/c Adaptive gear is useless and a waste of time unless your in Black Hole or Campaign(/war hero) gear. The absolute best you have do for around 250 credits is re-mod a chest peice and aug it while keeping the set bonus from other 4 peices(head, gloves, legs, feet) and use the 'Unify Color' option.... this still leave you looking like a clown.


Until your in the highest tier gear you would be gimping yourself(and losing set bonus) to put it on and spend millions re modding and augmenting it.


1.3 over all was another massive fail. GF was only thing worthwhile and that could have been added on its own.


The Legacy perks, everyone HATES! I have yet to see one person who likes them


Well you found one. I love the crafting legacy perks and I will buy all levels of them on my characters once I get each of the 8 to 50.

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Please post what specifically it is about them that you like?



Ya i know your just being felicitous.



NO ONE likes em, they are lame, per character and only meant as a credit sink,


I like that they're per character. Some characters I like to level in a WZ environment (heals mostly). Others I like to do space battles with (that agent ship is hot!).


You may not like them, but that doesn't mean everyone hates them GRR ARGH FOREVER.

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Well you found one. I love the crafting legacy perks and I will buy all levels of them on my characters once I get each of the 8 to 50.


What do you do when you catch up to the rest of us and realize crafting is for the most part useless, uninspired, and plain ol just not worth the time.


Just grab slicing and biochem, no need for any other.


Augments are hot right now, but demand is crashing fast along with prices.

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I played for 2 months after release and dropped my sub. The game world felt dead. It was a PITA to get groups for instances.I recently resubbed after getting sick of Tera. I have been having a pretty good time. The free servers Xfers helped. I am on a bustling server now and actually feel like im in an MMO. the groupfinder is great. The PVP combat is still the best of any MMO hands down. Looks like some classes have ben balanced a bit. All in all having a lot of fun. Looking forward to playing for a long while. Unless GW2 is better...
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Well you found one. I love the crafting legacy perks and I will buy all levels of them on my characters once I get each of the 8 to 50.


1% increase in chance of critical....... you love that, really?:confused::confused:

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Didn't take long for the first Eeyore to show up.


Damn reality, always sneaking up on you when you least expect or want it, right?


Sorry for bursting everyone out of their euphoric haze, but somebody had to do it.

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Sorry for bursting everyone out of their euphoric haze, but somebody had to do it.

In short, the game will never reach the level of success that it was projected to reach pre-launch


You mean marketing did its job? :eek:


Not really a bubble-burst to find out that the product didn't live up to the hype when there's money to spend hyping it. It was marketed to be a good game, and I find that to be true for me.

Edited by psi_overtake
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