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Request: Please disable taunts when outside of tank stance.


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As a DPS class without the ability to taunt, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and cause eveyrone on the field to deal 30% less damage.


DPS Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins are no slouches when it comes to dishing out DPS, and often are the top of the DPS boards.


I'm baffled they still have the ability spray taunts across the battlefield.




For Anyone with a Powertech:


- Open up your Naga mouse editor

- Go to create Macro

- Make a macro that every time you press Rail Shot, you also send your Single Target Taunt, and your AoE Taunt

- You are now a protection pro.

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Mm, just what this game needs is to decrease TTK even further...


Oh, wait...


Fix the problem with Pyrotechs (crazy Burst damage), don't break something that isn't actually the issue. The damage trees of the other two classes that can taunt are quite underwhelming (mega-smash stupidity aside), it's only Pyros that need fixing.

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Mm, just what this game needs is to decrease TTK even further...


Oh, wait...


Fix the problem with Pyrotechs (crazy Burst damage), don't break something that isn't actually the issue. The damage trees of the other two classes that can taunt are quite underwhelming (mega-smash stupidity aside), it's only Pyros that need fixing.


You sir, I could even work with. My reply to your reply is "Then please also give taunts to Marauders and Snipers."



I still think the best and easiest fix is to disable taunting when not in tank stance.

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Naw taunts are fine, be happy most of the bad dps that have taunts in this game don't know how to use them!


I'm always left bewildered whenever I see an Assassin/Juggernaugt/Powertech with a protection score = 0


Not using a no-cost of resource ability off the GCD? I'd consider it a /guildkickable offense.

Edited by KettleBelll
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If taunts outside of tank stances are removed my spec (infiltration) will have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Other classes will do more damage and have more survivability. Even dps gear tank and hybrid shadows (which are already more powerful than infiltration) will still be able to use taunts.

The problem is the damage being put out by hybrid shadows and assault vanguards combined with the other things they can do - taunt, guard, pull, etc.

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The potency of taunts in PvP is lost on the typical player. A well placed AoE taunt can easily decide which side wins/lose the warzone.


So you REQUIRE the dps guardians to be gimped sentinels? To even bigger extent?

No thanks.

On the powertech part i agree.


Of topic, but the LAST thing I'd ever call a dps guardian is a gimped sentinel. Very few can play it well, but those that do, I am very impressed by.

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Of topic, but the LAST thing I'd ever call a dps guardian is a gimped sentinel. Very few can play it well, but those that do, I am very impressed by.


Yeah, those who can play it really, really well can reach the level of a slightly above average Sentinel.


Sentinels do more damage and have better survivability. If they take away the taunts we'll lose the very last thing we have over a Sentinel.

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If taunts are removed from outside tank spec then it makes it only fair that all healing abilities are removed from outside healing spec


both ideas would be in my opinion ridiculous since this is a team game and the reasons for keeping these abilities in game is to help keep squishies on your team alive and on task

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As a DPS class without the ability to taunt, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and cause eveyrone on the field to deal 30% less damage.


DPS Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins are no slouches when it comes to dishing out DPS, and often are the top of the DPS boards.


I'm baffled they still have the ability spray taunts across the battlefield.




For Anyone with a Powertech:


- Open up your Naga mouse editor

- Go to create Macro

- Make a macro that every time you press Rail Shot, you also send your Single Target Taunt, and your AoE Taunt

- You are now a protection pro.


Dude, you forgot Powertechs don't press Rail Shot, they click it.

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As a DPS class without the ability to taunt, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and cause eveyrone on the field to deal 30% less damage.


DPS Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins are no slouches when it comes to dishing out DPS, and often are the top of the DPS boards.


I'm baffled they still have the ability spray taunts across the battlefield.




For Anyone with a Powertech:


- Open up your Naga mouse editor

- Go to create Macro

- Make a macro that every time you press Rail Shot, you also send your Single Target Taunt, and your AoE Taunt

- You are now a protection pro.


Yes, because taunting right before you score a killing blow is a great and effective way to use taunt. Or taunting totally useless targets like that healer or tank you happen to attack. Never, ever, macro a taunt unless you want to be bad.


As for why should they be able to? Well, other classes can certainly do other things they can't. Pure dps classes like sniper or mara can heal debuff and group buff. Operatives and Sorcs can spot heal, which is essentially the same thing as taunting. Instead of preventing the damage, you are replacing it back. Is it as effective? Probably not, but other classes do have stuff that the tank dps classes don't have as well.

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As a healer class without the ability to interrupt all the instant massive damage dealing abilities of DPS, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and can permanently interrupt and lock out a healer's main healing ability.



I agree with the OP- nerf interrupts.

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You sir, I could even work with. My reply to your reply is "Then please also give taunts to Marauders and Snipers."



I still think the best and easiest fix is to disable taunting when not in tank stance.


Sentinels and Snipers are supposed to have 5% more damage than the classes that can taunt. I'd say that is actually pretty true with the exception of Pyrotechs. An equally geared and skilled Sentinel has more damage output (plus also more group utility and survivability) than either of the DPS Guardians trees. Both Sentinels and Snipers also get to inflict a 20% healing received debuff which is very close to an anti-taunt.


If anyone needs something added to them it is the DPS trees of the 'healing' classes that need to receive something equivalent to taunt that they can use for free and off the GCD. Such an addition would go a long way to closing the gap between Pyrotechs and Sages, for example. I don't think it is coincidence that those three ACs are considered the weakest DPS builds (excluding the small minority who still think scoundrels haven't been nerfed enough.)

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As a DPS class without the ability to taunt, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and cause eveyrone on the field to deal 30% less damage.


DPS Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins are no slouches when it comes to dishing out DPS, and often are the top of the DPS boards.


I'm baffled they still have the ability spray taunts across the battlefield.




For Anyone with a Powertech:


- Open up your Naga mouse editor

- Go to create Macro

- Make a macro that every time you press Rail Shot, you also send your Single Target Taunt, and your AoE Taunt

- You are now a protection pro.


you do realize that if the pyro tech taunts you it does not reduce the damage you put out to him. Not saying it isn't good to throw a taunt on someone that is trying to kill your healer, but in a one on one fight if they taunt you all they will be doing is wasting a valuable cooldown. That is why as a general rule I don't actually like macroing multiple abilities together.

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As a DPS class without the ability to taunt, I am quite jealous of these abilities that are off the GCD, cost no resource, and cause eveyrone on the field to deal 30% less damage.


DPS Powertechs, Juggernauts, and Assassins are no slouches when it comes to dishing out DPS, and often are the top of the DPS boards.


I'm baffled they still have the ability spray taunts across the battlefield.




For Anyone with a Powertech:


- Open up your Naga mouse editor

- Go to create Macro

- Make a macro that every time you press Rail Shot, you also send your Single Target Taunt, and your AoE Taunt

- You are now a protection pro.


Some dps classes have heals, give heals to Powertechs!

Edited by SajPl
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I'm always left bewildered whenever I see an Assassin/Juggernaugt/Powertech with a protection score = 0


Not using a no-cost of resource ability off the GCD? I'd consider it a /guildkickable offense.


It should be.



When i pug pvp on my lowbie jugg my taunts are always on CD.

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You sir, I could even work with. My reply to your reply is "Then please also give taunts to Marauders and Snipers."



I still think the best and easiest fix is to disable taunting when not in tank stance.


but then aren't you just playing devils advocate instead of actually debating the issue at hand

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Making taunts require tanking stance is a very needed change. It makes actual tanks more viable in pvp and if you want to play a dps spec you sacrifice something to do that. (Which is what the rest of us do excepting snipers and marauders).
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Snipers and Marauders get the 20% trauma that's not clearable. It's our version of taunting.


This and Marauders get the only group speed buff in game in regards for group benefits- and a small AoE heal depending on spec.

Which the marauders seem to forget more often, that they bring more to the group than just their dps and their high self sufficience with the bunch of def CDs,


If you put taunts to the def stance you nerf the only group abilities several classes have to bring to the game.

Edited by Twor
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