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All servers down?


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Sadly, I got lag while out in Balmorra questing. Everything would freeze up for a minute, except chat, and then would slowly get better again. Was happening all day. (Not on a Mac, and definitely not on dial-up. Yay 12MBPS!)


Yea, that's similar to what I was getting and a lot of other people on Balmorra General chat were saying the same thing.

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Still funnny, reboot in the middle of a weekend. To most IT professionals what are the chances of those servers coming back online in reasonable time? "Ohhh this one reboot will be just fine" Crash, bang blue screen, kernel panic and ohh crap that patch didn't handle well. ROFL :D


Come on folks this is Bioware's first MMO insert excuse, by additional excuse, blah blah.



That depends on your definition of "reasonable".

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Still funnny, reboot in the middle of a weekend. To most IT professionals what are the chances of those servers coming back online in reasonable time? "Ohhh this one reboot will be just fine" Crash, bang blue screen, kernel panic and ohh crap that patch didn't handle well. ROFL :D


Come on folks this is Bioware's first MMO insert excuse, by additional excuse, blah blah.



Seriously?? Have you have you ever worked in IT for a large company?? How about we not insult the intelligence of those that do and actually know what they are talking about.. Problems can popup at any time.. Even on weekends.. How about you cut them some slack.. Because like you, they have families and stuff too.. Bioware is doing an awsome job.. Every MMO has these issues at one time or another.. This isn't new or out of the ordinary..


**** happens.. Even Forrest Gump knew that.. Maybe you should too..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I was about to say how long does it take to restart a server. But then I realised its running swtor I know how much time it takes to shut this game down on my desktop I can only imagine how long it takes to take the whole server down. Go to task manager and kill it its takes 60 mb of ram and is taking all 7 cores to 100%


You are not the first person to say something like this. I don't seem to have any problem. It seems to be hit or miss. Some people have horrible issues with shutting down the game, while others just don't. Wierd.

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Seriously?? We pay $15/month. So, lets say 30 day month, that is .50 cents a day. That would be 2 cents an hour. So, exactly how much do you feel they should 'refund' you?? 6 cents? maybe 8?


lawl someone doesn't know what day it is :rolleyes:


Today is SUNDAY and TWO THIRTY (2:30 PST) and, even worse, FIVE THIRTY eastern (5:30 EST). This is PRIME TIME for most people to play the game. A lot of people can only play on the weekend. So, TO MOST PEOPLE, this is a major hit in their subscription. Remember, bro, not everyone plays twenty-four hours a day for the whole month. Your irrational logic knows no bounds.



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Seriously?? We pay $15/month. So, lets say 30 day month, that is .50 cents a day. That would be 2 cents an hour. So, exactly how much do you feel they should 'refund' you?? 6 cents? maybe 8?


Waaaaah! I want my 6 cents back!


I love the way people threaten to "take their business elsewhere" on forums, too. I always like to think of them stomping away from their keyboards in a huff. Then, when the servers are back up, they just crack another Dew and log back in.

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Still funnny, reboot in the middle of a weekend. To most IT professionals what are the chances of those servers coming back online in reasonable time? "Ohhh this one reboot will be just fine" Crash, bang blue screen, kernel panic and ohh crap that patch didn't handle well. ROFL :D


Come on folks this is Bioware's first MMO insert excuse, by additional excuse, blah blah.



Don't blame BW for this its EA Crappy severs we are dealing with. Plus how many years did it take wow to get their servers straight... oh wait they still kinda suck too lol.

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If the servers stay down much longer, I may be forced to confront the reality that i have no life outside of MMOs. This will necessitate massive amounts of psychotropic drugs to be purchased by me, thus injecting thousands of dollars into the economy. BW is just doing its part to get the economy back on track.


For now, though, I am still sitting comfortably in my nearly impenetrable denial bubble.


Amen sister.

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We deserve to know a aprox uptime. 23.27PM where I live and I would like to know if the server will be up in a reasonable time or the "usual" 5-7 hours.......


I mean they have to know how long it takes to restart a server, unless they have no clue at all

Edited by Icestar
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