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All servers down?


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Simple server bounce is ~15 minutes. Add to that the time to add a patch, maybe a little more time to make sure nothing breaks while bringing the servers back up and letting the patch propogate, ballpark about 30-45 minutes unless there are complications. As always, Your Mileage May Vary.


You could go outside and fry an egg on the sidewalk as a distraction... :p

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Normally Twitter is really good at giving news on restarts. Follow #SWTOR


Fuuuuc Twiter.


Why should players give #SWTOR a nice high follower count, just so we can get messages about when the servers are going down.

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Waaaaah! I want my 6 cents back!


I love the way people threaten to "take their business elsewhere" on forums, too. I always like to think of them stomping away from their keyboards in a huff. Then, when the servers are back up, they just crack another Dew and log back in.


I know, right.



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Seriously?? Have you have you ever worked in IT for a large company?? How about we not insult the intelligence of those that do and actually know what they are talking about..


**** happens.. Even Forrest Gump knew that.. Maybe you should too..


Yes I have. Thanks for asking. :) Started in the late 80s as the rise of PCs started. Did installs of non-dedicated Netware during the 2.x days. Compiling my own netx clients very early on. Different client server landscape back then.



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Plus people from The Shadowlands and the other US server that crashed have been roaming the forums for the last hour. lol Watching people complain about lag when we couldnt even experience the lag.


Probably, storms/heat wave causing havoc on the data centers. Sometimes you can avoid this and you just have to go outside (weather permitting) and breathe fresh air.


It's 104 degrees.and feels like 115..I think I will stay in today.

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I upgraded my connection specifically for this game. :D

I dout you have a 100 megabit/second connection as only government militaries have that, your obviously reading your output wrong run your connection on a internet speed test online and youll get you're actual internet upload/download speed. heres a link for speed testing. http://www.speedtest.net/

Edited by Doomla
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Waaaaah! I want my 6 cents back!


I love the way people threaten to "take their business elsewhere" on forums, too. I always like to think of them stomping away from their keyboards in a huff. Then, when the servers are back up, they just crack another Dew and log back in.


I bought a pre-paid card...and I'm not letting it to go to waste. :p

But guess what, I don't have the time to be playing 24/7...I have to work and see my kids, sundays and everyday nights are the only chance I got to play a game and be a geek.

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Waaaaah! I want my 6 cents back!


I love the way people threaten to "take their business elsewhere" on forums, too. I always like to think of them stomping away from their keyboards in a huff. Then, when the servers are back up, they just crack another Dew and log back in.


I don't think the half a million people who left the game are logging back in and cracking a 'Dew' ...


The truth is that many people have already left and most didn't say anything on the forums.


Denying that problems exist in a game, or that people get pissed off by those problems, doesn't do anyone any good.


If this game ends up with too low of a population I don't think you'll find it humorous when it goes the was of Tabula Rasa.

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make sure you post anything about anything in this thread, we don't want the Forum Nazis to close it and link here. You might possibly fill up the forum servers and then they would have another server to spend half a day restarting.
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Don't forget the rest of us, when you're asleep it's prime time for the other half of the world.



Today is SUNDAY and TWO THIRTY (2:30 PST) and, even worse, FIVE THIRTY eastern (5:30 EST). This is PRIME TIME for most people to play the game. A lot of people can only play on the weekend. So, TO MOST PEOPLE, this is a major hit in their subscription. Remember, bro, not everyone plays twenty-four hours a day for the whole month. Your irrational logic knows no bounds.

Edited by RedRapture
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I dout you have a 100 megabit/second connection as only government militaries have that, your obviously reading your output wrong run your connection on a internet speed test online and youll get you're actual internet upload/download speed.


what military are you at?

fort riley: 10mg at best

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I dout you have a 100 megabit/second connection as only government militaries have that, your obviously reading your output wrong run your connection on a internet speed test online and youll get you're actual internet upload/download speed.


I doubt you know what you're talking about, 100 mbps is really not that rare, especially in Europe, where residential internet is several times faster than in the US.

100 MB/s however is a different matter, that you will (mostly) only find in data centers...

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I dout you have a 100 megabit/second connection as only government militaries have that, your obviously reading your output wrong run your connection on a internet speed test online and youll get you're actual internet upload/download speed.


Charter Communication in the midwest have upload speeds in excess of 100MBps. I average on a bad day between 85 and 92 MBps with and upload speed of 7MBps. I am reading this properly on sites such as speedtest.net and speakeasy. You're blowing smoke.

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make sure you post anything about anything in this thread, we don't want the Forum Nazis to close it and link here. You might possibly fill up the forum servers and then they would have another server to spend half a day restarting.


Duly noted. i am not posting anything about anything in this thread. Thanks for setting me straight.

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