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Getting random invites


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Anyone have problems with people randomly inviting you into parties? Now, by problems, I don't mean, "Leave me alone, I don't want to play with you or anyone!" I mean more along the lines of, "Okay, you invited me to your party. So, what do you need help with or what do you want to do? Hello? Helloooooo?"


I've had 2 instances of this happening in the past 2 days. I usually play Republic, so after getting my Vanguard to Hoth and my Sage off of Balmorra (I hate you so much!) I decided to make a Sentinel. After I did that and was on my way off of Coruscant I decided to finish off the Heroics I had. I solo'd the Heroic 2+ ones (Republic's Most Wanted and Face Merchants. I was overleveled so this isn't me bragging lol) and joined 2 other people for Enemies of the Republic.


All I had to do was finish Trouble in deed and then I'd be off to Ord Mantell. I waited across from the Heroic area and was waiting for people to start asking for parties for it when I got a random invite from another Sentinel. I never decline an invite since I like playing with other people, so I accepted. When I did that she (it was a female character so I'll refer to this person as a she. It makes typing this a little easier) ran to the front of the Trouble in deed starting area...door thing.


I assumed she was waiting for 2 more people to join us. NOPE! She ran straight inside. My reaction, didn't type this, was, "Woah, wait, what?! This is a Heroic 4+ and we're kind of low level for a 2 man party. Are you...-sure, why not? I'll do something crazy." So, I followed and we got destroyed a couple of times. I decided to ask for 2 more people to help while she went back inside time and time again and did...whatever it was she was doing in there.


After about a minute another Sentinel came and joined our party but, you know, no heals. We pretty much hit a wall and died a bunch. The Sentinel who joined us more than likely got tired of it and quit the group. I too got tired of it and quit the group as well as logged off. During this entire time the player who invited us said nothing. Well, she did say "BRT" when she respawned at the medic droid station, but other than that, nothing.


The next day (today) I decided to make my first Empire character, a Sith Assassin because I liked Kira's animation with her double bladed lightsaber so I wanted to try it out. When I got to Dromund Kaas I took up a quest about rebelling slaves and something about a statue. During a cutscene for my class quest I received a random group invite from a player who was spamming "help" in the chat. I walked up to him and asked what he needed help with. He said, "Follow me" while randomly inviting other players to the group (many declined and only one other person accepted).


He led us down to a Heroic area (That I didn't have yet) and just ran off in a direction. I had no idea what our objectives were and if it weren't for the other 2 groups down there I would've died more times than I did. Again, this person barely talked. All he said was "help" when he as defeated and "follow me" which was followed by him standing in one place for a few minutes.


The other player in our group got fed up and just went off to do his or her own quest. I decided to stay a while longer and see if he'll say something. Once again, he said "Follow me" and headed towards the lift in the area that put you back into the normal zone. He stood in front of it so I assumed we were leaving the area so I hopped on. He didn't. He just stood there. I waited for him for a good 4 minutes, but then he hopped on the lift, went up and then back down it.


My reaction was, once again, in my head, "F this", and left the group. Has anyone had experiences like this with random invites? I mean, when you randomly invite people you should at least tell them what the game plan is, right? Or, I don't know, say something that would hint at it. In both instances I tried to talk to them but got no responses (except for the "help" and "follow me" guy). I have to be honest, I feel really bad for just leaving those groups. I have a lot of patience and can put up with a lot, but if you're just going to randomly invite people, say nothing and then go off and get us killed countless times why would I stick around?


I apologize for the wall of text, it's just kind of frustrating.

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It's because of events similar to this that I stopped accepting random/drive-by invites back in the days of EQ1. Just do what I do - put them on /ignore. If someone ASKS me to group, and informs me of the reason the group is being made, that's a different matter. Sometimes I will join a group, if it's just for a few minutes to clear a tough mob, but I have no time whatsoever for "silent" invites. Edited by Dibdabs
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But typing takes time.


I mean, if I am typing I am not killing things and getting phat lootz.


Besides, everyone playing the game is supposed to know everything about every mission, class and otherwise, so no one should have to talk about actual game things. Ever.


Chat is for politics,religion, and complaining about how you were the only competent player in the warzone that you just did. :t_wink::t_tongue::t_cool:

Edited by Mithros
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I had a similar experience, but it ended up being a positive one. After getting an invite from someone that was doing the same mission as me, I decided to accept (I usually don't). Followed them, they said nothing, whatever. They then invited four other people to join, and the random pointlessness began. Another player asked what was going on, I agreed that clarification would be nice.... nothing. So the other player and I broke off and did a Heroic on our own. Ended up going quite well, but I will certainly hesitate to accept random invites.
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Yep! I usually decline random ninja invites. If they are insistent I may ask them what they want (and to date have not received a response back I might add). But my experience with such people is that they are selfish and unable to communicate - so I prefer not to.


After my experience which I will relate below, I now no longer respond to pleas for help on fleet either.

The other day I saw a guy spamming "pls help me" on fleet - so I asked him what he needed help with. This was a BIG mistake. He said he needed 22 pieces of Titanium and it was too expensive on the GTN. I chked the GTN and he was right - they were selling for 8K a piece. So I told him I agreed it was overpriced on the GTN and I would sell 22 to him. I asked him to decide what a fair price was and PM me. He then said he had no money and tried to trade me some random items which I refused. He said he would PVP a little then contact me back I said fine.


However, he then proceeded to bombard me with private messages and whined and complained for the next two hours!! The theme being titanium is too expensive (I had agreed with him multiple times it was), he needed a discount (I not only agreed I told him to name his price - and he wouldn't). He just whined and whined and made it very annoying for me. I finally stopped responding to him.


He then followed me onto the planet I was on (Ilum) and since I was at the main base it wasn't too hard to find my character. He started jumping up and down next to me PMing "offers": "14K" then "no 13K" then "No 12K" and so on. Notice that his offers were progressively getting less... Finally to get rid of him I traded the titanium to him and he gave me 10K. I didn't care what he gave - his behavior was just so appalling! He then ran off without so much as thank you.


The very next day he PMs me again - not even a "hi how're you?" he jumps straight to business "hey come help me with cademimu" I responded "? Why? because I helped you yesterday?" and he responds "It's a flashpoint", "I need help". This is how he earned himself the extreme honor of being the first person on my ignore list.


The point I guess is that there are some very immature, selfish, annoying people playing this game as well. They will waste your time and if given the chance make extreme pains of themselves. With time you will learn to recognize the signs of such people "random ninja invites without a word as to why and it's not apparent why, spamming "Someone please help me" without giving details of what they need, etc.

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I had this happen a few nights ago. I was pvping with friends, but we split the group up for a minute to switch alts or something I don't recall and I got a random invite from someone. This has never happened on my operative, I can only assume they wanted a healer for something, because all operatives are healers. :rolleyes:
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i had something like this kinda happen i was on Hoth to collect the Maxrix shard to put together my matrix cube and this character tosses me an invite and shoots me a tell, can you help me with 1 quest really quick. i said sure 1 quest that wont take long... well it was his class quest and he wanted help with the whole thing. none of my guildies were on at the time and all i was really doing was getting the last shard i needed. so i figured sure ill help out a little. so we get to the first part and im helping him kill stuff no biggie then for some reason i stopped a second for something and noticed he went on up a head and was getting rocked by 1 npc and i see miss miss miss miss miss... you get the point. so i then realizr dude your 7 lvl's below where you should be at this point. so i let him know in a nice way that hey man your to low of a lvl to do any damage on this planet yet, why dont you do some wz's or go back a planet and do some side quests and get at least 2 levels so you can actually do something. his reply was. No, thats why i invited you, so you could kill them for me.... i told him this, dude ive got 3 50's and no one lead me around and killed everything for me as i just clicked on npc's im not going to lvl your toon for you im sorry. he then throws a fit and starts calling me names, so i just left him there in the middle on a cave i think it was all alone and told him good luck. and i quick traveled out. now when im out and about and get a random invite i always ask questions before accepting them.. i'll gladly help someone on any day. im just not going to do your quests for you.
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Probably most of us have had it... Random invite, accepted, then the person says nothing and continues doing whatever solo quests they're doing. Sometimes you accept and it's already a group, but everyone is off in separate areas and no one is saying anything. After a minute or two, I was about to leave, then the person who made the invite kicks me from the group.


Another very annoying thing that happend once was I was on a low level alt on Ord Mantell. I got a random invite. I accepted, then the person asked for help. I said sure, because I had assumed the person was in the same area and that's why he asked me. Turns out he was some distance away and trying to do an area with level 8 mobs and he was level 5 (I was level 8 or so). I should have told the moron to return after he levelled up some, but I made the mistake of going there. Once I get there, we take down one group of mobs, then he says he has to leave. Not even a sorry.


For me, I don't think any good has ever come out of a random group invitiation.

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I love grouping with folks and helping people that need it. However, I ALWAYS decline the random invites where you just get the pop-up and no other interaction with the player. 9.5 out of 10 times those things don't end well.
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I've gotten a few as well. I always decline the random invites, especially since they always come without even the small courtesy of a PM telling me what the heck the invite was for.


If it happens a 2nd time (since the first could have been n00bishness or an accident), I immediately put that person ignore.


There's little enough in-game etiquette as it is, what with the boat-drivers constantly sitting on top of mailboxes and bank/GTN terminals. And the beggars. And the people who treat the entire fleet as their own on-demand online help system, rather than reading the patch notes (which are right there on the launcher). And the jerks who, while you're busy clearing mobs next to a mission objective, run right past and tag it, making you wait for a respawn.


Some of it is just carelessness or laziness...but frankly I've no patience for outright rudeness. Which is how I classify random unannounced party invites. If that makes me a bit of a misanthrope, so be it.

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But typing takes time.


I mean, if I am typing I am not killing things and getting phat lootz.


Besides, everyone playing the game is supposed to know everything about every mission, class and otherwise, so no one should have to talk about actual game things. Ever.


Chat is for politics,religion, and complaining about how you were the only competent player in the warzone that you just did. :t_wink::t_tongue::t_cool:


My god's better than your god because my god eats Skittles. Praise the rainbow!



Also, wow, I didn't realize this kind of thing has been going on for a while. That story about the Titanium was nuts!

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My take on all this is:

a, they are young kids on someone elses account

b, they are foreign and don't speak my language

c, they are socially inept and play the game like a simgle player rpg and treat you as an npc!


As said above best avoided ;)

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I've gotten a few as well. I always decline the random invites, especially since they always come without even the small courtesy of a PM telling me what the heck the invite was for.


If it happens a 2nd time (since the first could have been n00bishness or an accident), I immediately put that person ignore.


There's little enough in-game etiquette as it is, what with the boat-drivers constantly sitting on top of mailboxes and bank/GTN terminals. And the beggars. And the people who treat the entire fleet as their own on-demand online help system, rather than reading the patch notes (which are right there on the launcher). And the jerks who, while you're busy clearing mobs next to a mission objective, run right past and tag it, making you wait for a respawn.


Some of it is just carelessness or laziness...but frankly I've no patience for outright rudeness. Which is how I classify random unannounced party invites. If that makes me a bit of a misanthrope, so be it.


I could not agree more.



Whenever I get a random invite, I accept and keep on doing what I was doing. eventually, they'll leave the group.


Lol. I like this.

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I just came back to SWTOR after a break from all mmos, this was the one I didn't get burned out on, and was just commenting to a friend about this. I don't remember getting this many random invites when the game first game out. I learned long ago in my first mmo, random invites are just rude, I will never accept a random invite and don't.


I even got one on my Sentinel the other day when I logged on just to send credits to my Consular lol. Wasn't even on a minute and someone randomly invited me. If the people don't have the courtesy to ask me if I want to join and tell me why they're inviting me, then that's their problem lol. Plus, the fact that they randomly invited I usually take as a hint that they're a newbie to mmos and don't know any better. I already ran a guild in FFXI years ago and burned out on helping people. I still help, but I pick who I help now, and I don't believe in rewarding rudeness by accepting the random invites either.


And one other thing I've learned, it's also NOT my job to teach them to not be rude lol. I just go on with my gameplay, complain a bit to my friends (who also played FFXI with me and were my officers in my old guild) about the rudeness of random invites and laugh it off. Then I get back to playing. =D

Edited by YukariOro
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I play alot of healing classes. Love em all. And I have also been targeted manhy times bby random invites with no whipers or "feel". lol


After accepting a few when I was a scrub.. and suffering what happened to you (and worse) ;I decided to add anyone who blind invited me to my ignore list immediately.


Gaming has been great since. met alot of fun players willing to do crazZzy stuff... & barely get any blind invites anymore.

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This is a fun read. I find it strange when I get a invite right when I get to a planet, look around and no one is there. First I think I might know the person but it always turns out to be some crazy. If I ever need a hand with something I ask in general chat for a hand, explaining what im trying to accomplish.


The best one was reading about how the guy kept harrassing the player for cheap materals, going so far as traveling to the planet they were on and leaving with out saying anything after they got what they wanted. Sheese, I never quite a group even after its done without saying thanks for the group or something like that.

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I play alot of healing classes. Love em all. And I have also been targeted manhy times bby random invites with no whipers or "feel". lol


After accepting a few when I was a scrub.. and suffering what happened to you (and worse) ;I decided to add anyone who blind invited me to my ignore list immediately.


Gaming has been great since. met alot of fun players willing to do crazZzy stuff... & barely get any blind invites anymore.


I just decline them and even put a few senders on ignore for spamming me invites after ive declined!


If someone is so lazy they cant ask me if I wanna group before sending a invite

I owe them nothing at all


If I want to group I will ask in a /1 *request* or over guild channels

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I throw out invites during dailies if someone is starting the thing at the same time as me, or we are going after the same mobs, saves time. However, if they join, I do say hi, and since we are both at the same place, what it's for is pretty clear.


That said, I ran up on a low level player in the heroic zone on Hutta that invited me. Never talked and kept running and attacking mobs that would kill them if I wasn't there. Only time I got a response to a question is when I asked if they wanted the holocron, and they said yes. That was it. I still wonder if it wasn't someone credit farming in the most useless way possible.

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I will accept and send random out of the blue invites when I'm in the daily areas. Really, there, you'd be silly not to since grouping makes your life sooooo much easier.


While leveling, I'll either ignore the message-less invite or I'll wisp them to verify that they're either silent or of the "come help me do something random" variety. I can't think of a single time when a wordless invite outside a daily area ended up in a good group.


But please, accept group invites in the daily areas, please. Those blasted dralls are an endangered species.

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I play alot of healing classes. Love em all. And I have also been targeted manhy times bby random invites with no whipers or "feel". lol


lol, I've played heals and tanks in various mmos, and this always happens when you're in those classes, sadly. People seem to be even more prone to sending you random invites on those occasions, sadly. Have also played classes that could teleport or summon, and would get people pestering me about teleporting them right then or summoning. This was especially annoying when I was playing healer class and running a guild, often I'd get people doing this when I was busy heping a guildie. It's like these people think you have no life inside the game even, that you just stand around waiting to teleport or summon people lol. Those always have gotten put on my ignore list, just stopped replying, insta-ignore lol.

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I will accept and send random out of the blue invites when I'm in the daily areas. Really, there, you'd be silly not to since grouping makes your life sooooo much easier.


Some people don't care about easy, like me. I am burned out on dealing with idiots and people trying to rush me, so if you send out a random invite like that, without asking me first, no I will not accept. Your own fault for not asking first, and yes, you are rude if you don't ask first.


Not only that, but you assume I have the time to group, maybe I just hopped on for 15 or 30 minutes or even 2 minutes, and I don't have time to group with you. But because you randomly invited and didn't ask if I wanted to join first, I have no idea what you want me to do, if you want me to run a heroic that I may not have time for, or if you're just trying to work with me on getting a mutual quest done. If you don't give me the info I need to accept, I will not accept, plain and simple.


Not asking first, is just plain inconsiderate of the other person's time and needs.

Edited by YukariOro
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Anyone have problems with people randomly inviting you into parties? Now, by problems, I don't mean, "Leave me alone, I don't want to play with you or anyone!" I mean more along the lines of, "Okay, you invited me to your party. So, what do you need help with or what do you want to do? Hello? Helloooooo?"


I've had 2 instances of this happening in the past 2 days. I usually play Republic, so after getting my Vanguard to Hoth and my Sage off of Balmorra (I hate you so much!) I decided to make a Sentinel. After I did that and was on my way off of Coruscant I decided to finish off the Heroics I had. I solo'd the Heroic 2+ ones (Republic's Most Wanted and Face Merchants. I was overleveled so this isn't me bragging lol) and joined 2 other people for Enemies of the Republic.


All I had to do was finish Trouble in deed and then I'd be off to Ord Mantell. I waited across from the Heroic area and was waiting for people to start asking for parties for it when I got a random invite from another Sentinel. I never decline an invite since I like playing with other people, so I accepted. When I did that she (it was a female character so I'll refer to this person as a she. It makes typing this a little easier) ran to the front of the Trouble in deed starting area...door thing.


I assumed she was waiting for 2 more people to join us. NOPE! She ran straight inside. My reaction, didn't type this, was, "Woah, wait, what?! This is a Heroic 4+ and we're kind of low level for a 2 man party. Are you...-sure, why not? I'll do something crazy." So, I followed and we got destroyed a couple of times. I decided to ask for 2 more people to help while she went back inside time and time again and did...whatever it was she was doing in there.


After about a minute another Sentinel came and joined our party but, you know, no heals. We pretty much hit a wall and died a bunch. The Sentinel who joined us more than likely got tired of it and quit the group. I too got tired of it and quit the group as well as logged off. During this entire time the player who invited us said nothing. Well, she did say "BRT" when she respawned at the medic droid station, but other than that, nothing.


The next day (today) I decided to make my first Empire character, a Sith Assassin because I liked Kira's animation with her double bladed lightsaber so I wanted to try it out. When I got to Dromund Kaas I took up a quest about rebelling slaves and something about a statue. During a cutscene for my class quest I received a random group invite from a player who was spamming "help" in the chat. I walked up to him and asked what he needed help with. He said, "Follow me" while randomly inviting other players to the group (many declined and only one other person accepted).


He led us down to a Heroic area (That I didn't have yet) and just ran off in a direction. I had no idea what our objectives were and if it weren't for the other 2 groups down there I would've died more times than I did. Again, this person barely talked. All he said was "help" when he as defeated and "follow me" which was followed by him standing in one place for a few minutes.


The other player in our group got fed up and just went off to do his or her own quest. I decided to stay a while longer and see if he'll say something. Once again, he said "Follow me" and headed towards the lift in the area that put you back into the normal zone. He stood in front of it so I assumed we were leaving the area so I hopped on. He didn't. He just stood there. I waited for him for a good 4 minutes, but then he hopped on the lift, went up and then back down it.


My reaction was, once again, in my head, "F this", and left the group. Has anyone had experiences like this with random invites? I mean, when you randomly invite people you should at least tell them what the game plan is, right? Or, I don't know, say something that would hint at it. In both instances I tried to talk to them but got no responses (except for the "help" and "follow me" guy). I have to be honest, I feel really bad for just leaving those groups. I have a lot of patience and can put up with a lot, but if you're just going to randomly invite people, say nothing and then go off and get us killed countless times why would I stick around?


I apologize for the wall of text, it's just kind of frustrating.


I just have a "no blind invites" policy. If you want to group up, I'm ok with that if you send me a tell first, or advertise what you want to do in chat. If I want in, I'll send you a tell. If I get excessive blind invites, I will set my Group Invites to auto-ignore. No muss. No fuss. lol


EQ wasn't that bad, compared to City of Heroes. That was blind invite hell. So far, TOR isn't nearly as bad as CoH. lol

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Some people don't care about easy, like me. I am burned out on dealing with idiots and people trying to rush me, so if you send out a random invite like that, without asking me first, no I will not accept. Your own fault for not asking first, and yes, you are rude if you don't ask first.


For the daily areas, I'd think it was rude for two people to rush to the same box that just respawned instead of sharing it by an invite, so while I understand that a wisp is the more polite way to do it, I really don't have an issue with something message-less in that situation. So if by chance I happen to send you an invite someday just understand that not everyone sends a blind invite because they're rude; you can decline of course, no skin off my nose.

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