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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is EA/Bioware just sitting on a gold mine?


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There was a good system used by Cryptic (as strange as it might seem to say that) for microtransactions whereby you could buy cosmetic changes or account services (like name changes etc.), but where subscribing members also got given a stipend of so many points each month. As such, you never had to buy any points if you stayed subbed for long enough.


I'd really like to hope that we'll be able to get more character slots and other services soon, even if we have to pay for them.


Umm, Cryptic has never had a "Good" system. Prior to STO going F2P - P2W - Gamble your spare dollars away for nothing. Cryptic was a subscription game that charged for access to the game then charged for new content, (New ship models) Bridges, uniforms and pets might be seen as cosmetic but overall Cryptic was double dipping from their player base.


Now that Cryptic's games have gone F2P you're dealing with Perfect world's F2P model. Yes, you get a stipend for subscribing but you're paying $15 for $5 of value and giving $10 to Cryptic to access a F2P game. And to add to that the value of your $5 has been diminished when Cryptic raised the price of all items in the C-store. It's literally better value for money to simply buy your C-points as you need them and avoid paying any sub.


Lifetime subscriptions are equally as worthless unless you plan on ignoring the game for a year or more before you log in to collect your stipend.


Back on the main topic, I'm fine with micro-transactions that remain "micro" and are purely cosmetic changes like appearance changes or paid services like name changes, race changes and server changes.

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Microstransactions and/or RMT are a GOOD thing, as long as they aren't game breaking (i.e "Pay to Win").


Someone commented about them being invented by someone hell bent on making money..



uh.. well yea.. that's what these games are to EA and Bioware. it's their business. Making money is what they are supposed to do, and the better they do it, the better the game gets.


It's simple. If they take in more RL cash money, they will have more money to put into the game.



the idea of more money going in to BW/EA coffers resulting in more game development doesnt hold water. They see the success of the shop and focus their development on creating more shop stuff and less game.

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I believe the main reason we dont see things like paid server transfer..barber shop etcetc is because it would require the developers to write some code that doesnt break the game...and the track record to date for anything new is abysmal. Not exactly sure why they are even charging a monthly fee to play still!!! This game had so much potential but is fast becoming a dead duck. I am still hoping Bioware can pull something out of the hat before August 28th....but not holding my breath.
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It is definitely a goldmine, in both microtransactions and subscribers. The only thing keeping it back is EA's monumental greed. As it is right now, the current team working on SWTOR are having major issues fixing bugs and overall management (shutting down the servers for a 4 hour maintenance on a wednesday to fix 1 bug about updated mods that no one even knew existed does NOT qualify for maintenance worthy bug). If they put in more people, more money and more effort, then this game will flourish, but right now there is nothing more than a skeleton crew running SWTOR.


Bioware is full of technical and customer service fail. And they seem to not like to be told this, considering I'm sure this post will get deleted.

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If they added a store that sold appearance items like speeders, pets ,gear and weapons models...they would pull in money hand over fist. And I would be fine with that, I love playing Star Wars dress up and since my LARP group kicked me out for being Darth Buttnaked and covering my self in olive oil I have no place to do it. Also sell Perk unlocks. none of that is pay to win. Models and speeders (as long as the same speed as in game ones) have no impact other than looks and the perks are all available, its just an alternative to grinding for those that have the spare cash.


I guess XP boosting stims or something too. Seems like everyone does in cash shops but I really level up so fast anyways I never felt the need for that. Perhaps valor and WZ Comm stims, let you get those at a faster rate. You don't NEED it but its nice.


The real question is...would it be fairly priced...EA is down right scary and I can see them making Tera blush with their prices.


Sure some people will run to the hills screaming bloody murder because its UNFAIR that they can't get cash shop only items but most people will think its a fun addition that can be ignored or indulged in. Perhaps even add in a system like LOTRO has where you get currency for the cash shop by doing achievements and what not. So if you bust your butt in game you can still get the cash shop stuff with out paying a single cent. Or just ya know work a second shift once a month.


On the flip side they could just start putting War Hero gear in a cash shop for 20$ an item...and that would just be bad but I think the cash shop model has evolved enough that most companies are aware of the negative impact pay to win schemes have in the long run. But this is TOR and EA. TOR seemed to miss the boat on the last 5 years of MMO evolution anyways and EA wants money...LOTS OF MONEY!


I honestly think they are working on this but hamstrung with all the bugs they have to fix first.

Edited by pipda
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I say OK to micro-transactions as long as you can't buy anything AT ALL that effects actual gameplay. If they have a bunch of cool social gear, mounts, pets, or starships then I'd be ok with that. I'm only scared of micro-transactions when people can just buy their way to the top. But SWTOR isn't even a year old yet guys. Let em stabilize the game. SWTOR may prove to be a sleeping giant yet.
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There was a good system used by Cryptic (as strange as it might seem to say that) for microtransactions whereby you could buy cosmetic changes or account services (like name changes etc.), but where subscribing members also got given a stipend of so many points each month. As such, you never had to buy any points if you stayed subbed for long enough.


I'd really like to hope that we'll be able to get more character slots and other services soon, even if we have to pay for them.


You haven't played a Cryptic game for some time, have you?

Those days are long gone.


Their new Chinese overlords converted them to a full blown pay2win / payORgrind company, and their games show it.

It can be argued that micro transactions are the lure of the Dark Side. Once you've embraced them it's only a matter of time until you eat little puppies or work for Zynga or PerfectWorld.

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The 1.3 added legacy is trash, it needs to be server wide, idc if they increase the prices 10x, i want them to be server wide, legacy is a LEGACY which is your descendants, not just yourself, whoever overlooked this design should be slapped in the face.]


Given you can have 8 toons per server, 10x seems silly. Just saying.

Edited by Longarms-IV
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