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One money sink too many.


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Have to agree here. The money sinks in this game are well into the extreme. Costing 100k to move mods in a single piece of gear is over the top. Heck, we have trouble keeping our guild bank funded just allowing repairs in progression raiding.


If it were one or two that would be fine, but with everything costing so much from legacy, to moding, to slotting, to missions costs, to repair, it forces people to stop playing and having fun just to grind boring content in order to maintain enough income to, well, enjoy the game. That, more then any of the silly complaints we read on these forums, is something that is hamstringing this game. I'm even getting bored with having to stop playing to grind income, and I basically love the game.

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I have not needed to fund my leveling characters ever with higher level characters. I've always had enough to get whatever I needed and quite often enough to get other things I wanted.


If you WANT to use augments on you level 20, expect to pay for them. However, you don't NEED augments on your level 20 so if you can't afford them you aren't missing out on anything.


Augments aren't meant to be mandatory. After all, they didn't do a leveling pass to make mobs, quests and the like harder because of the addition of another 20% to your main skills, did they? No, they didn't. If you want to make your life a little easier, then you earn the credits you need to do so. Reward for effort is the fundamental driving force behind online gaming.


The cost of augments and the time consuming act of finding a mod station to put the bloody things on your armor are both gates intended to slow the acquisition of said augments.


When the system got changed from a RNG-fest to a crafted system, the loss of the randomness gate had to be replaced with something else, so we got the grind for Slot Components and the credit sink costs. Fair trade. I'd rather grind a bunch of greens for slot components than throw away a bunch of much hard to craft Custom gear because it didn't have a crit slot on it.


I totally understand what you're saying, and I actually agree with you. I think I'm looking at it as kind of a crafting imbalance point of view than as a necessary money sink.


Okay. Let's look at Biochem. Anyone can get the Biochem crafted blue stims and medpacs. Just buy 'em off a crafter on the GTN. Making a biochemist saves you money because you can just make the re-usable ones and not have to buy them off the GTN all the time, so you're more likely to use them. So, as an armormech, a crew skill that doesn't really have any perks that are solely for the crafter, I look at adding augment slots as that same little edge like a biochemist having re-usable stims, medpacs, and adrenals.


I guess one of the things that bugs me is that, as I'm leveling, Armormech is pretty much useless once I've crafted all the orange gear that I want for my companion and myself. So I was like "Hey, it's more useful now that I can be self-sufficient and make my own augment slots." To give me that little bit of edge I lost in refusing to pick up biochem again. I'm already grinding for all the stuff to level up my crafting and my gathering, and sending people out on slicing missions constantly to hope to get a crit craft and get an amormech Augment schematic. So then, after all that work, getting the mats and getting leveled and getting the right schematics, and eventhough I crafted my own gear, my own augment kits, and my own augments, I still have to pay money to the station to put the crap in. I understand that there needs to be money sinks, but does that make sense to you? Because it doesn't to me.


So, perhaps what I'm purposing is to take the cost out for Sythweavers, Armstech, and Amormech. To me, it seems like that would get rid of a bit of the giant crafting imbalance we have in the game.

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Money sink are in videogame to keep economy healthy.

There is something wrong when it's the contrary, when money sink IS the economy. It's not healthy.


I'm not arguing about it's easy to have money, l2p... But the way this game handle economy. It's all about daily grind to fuel your money sink.



Come do mine... In fact.. Do everyone's, as you and your kind seem to have endless time to rinse & repeat the daily junk like a Hamster on a wheel. Thank you. :o

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Think aout it this way. Bioware dont take player feedback serious, they know most players can afford it.And stil

they do it. They actually think that making even more grinds in the game it will keep players around...........

We are paying them real life money so they can give us a real life job of grinding ingame credits......go figure


Next up pay 10 000 credits to enter the warzone.Also just in, in legacy 1.4 pay 500 000 credits to unlock the unlocks in the legacy....


Agreed! I think BW has taken the UK Gov's tax ideas and added them to swtor - We'll be paying for our ships soon & getting taxed on Air in Britain. :o

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Umm.. we already pay to use our ships. Each planet destination has a credit cost.


It costs me more to take a speeder on a planet than it does for the fuel to travel across the galaxy. That totally makes sense.

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I agree that Bioware is focusing too much on money sinks, or just not really understanding the impact they have on the game in general. The outrageous and countless money sinks are what turns me off of this game quicker than any other aspect.
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Money sink are in videogame to keep economy healthy.

There is something wrong when it's the contrary, when money sink IS the economy. It's not healthy.


I'm not arguing about it's easy to have money, l2p... But the way this game handle economy. It's all about daily grind to fuel your money sink.


This is my number one problem with the game in its current state . There is only one avenue to make money , DAILIES . I hate dailies , and after 6 months I don't want to go to Illum , Belsavis , and Corellia to do the same mission I was doing 6 months ago every day just to have money to support my charachters .


IMO the best thing they can do is increase the credit drops in operations , flashpoints , pvp , and space missions or bring the cash you make from dailies more in line with the other 4 .


If you want to keep subscribers give players options to make money , not just dailies . You don't even make enough credits from flashpoints or ops to pay for your repair bill . If you can make your money while doing things you enjoy , its win for Bioware and all there players . Forcing players to do something they don't want to do ( dailies ) just to have enough cash for mods , augments , repair bills is terrible game design .



Thats one thing I liked about Wow , they had plenty of dailies , pvp dailies , pve dailies . But they didn't FORCE players to do them . Instead they added there cool vanity items to dailies , or a trinket , or a mount , to where you ran the dailies because you wanted to , not for the gold .



There is just no choice in this game and I do believe thats whats driving away a large part of subscribers .

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Thats one thing I liked about Wow , they had plenty of dailies , pvp dailies , pve dailies . But they didn't FORCE players to do them . Instead they added there cool vanity items to dailies , or a trinket , or a mount , to where you ran the dailies because you wanted to , not for the gold.


Instead, they put BiS items on Reputation vendors, so you had to grind dailies to be able to get the best piece of gear possible in a certain slot. Is that any better? Not really...

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Instead, they put BiS items on Reputation vendors, so you had to grind dailies to be able to get the best piece of gear possible in a certain slot. Is that any better? Not really...


What BIS item was on a vendor ? there was nothing there that could compete with Heroic Raid loot , most of the stuff on the cata firelands vendor couldn't compete with normal raid loot ..

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No. You're really not getting the point. If they're only meant for high level characters then why are they in the game? Why does my low level aromor mech have the option to put augment slots into her gear? And further more. why. does. it. cost. money? I have already bought (or made) the augment slot. I've already bough (or made the augment). It has already cost me a substantial amount of money, so why do I have to pay just a little extra to put an augment slot in there?


yes i get the point.... there is something in the game that you feel you can't afford so it shouldnt be there.


And the reason I say it's dumb to say put a MK-6 in everything is because I would end up paying 30,000 crdits, per moddable peice of gear, at level 20. That's chest, bracers, head, legs, belt, feet, gun. That's 210,000 credits just to put the augment slots into the gear, ignoring the GTN prices of the actual kits. That seems just a tad excessive to me.


the credits are peanuts.... 210 000 creds is nothing. one of my toons is lvl17. its cybertech crafter. it financed my whole legacy. by that i mean it financed 7 further toons.... all craft skills maxed, all gathering skills maxed at least once, all (bar my shadow but i'm workin on it) companion affection at 10k. and they all (companions also) have the best pve gear available... all purple mods/arm/enh/barrel/hilt. it isnt hard to do.... you just need a bit of patience



I do take mods out of armor. I do see how that has anything to do with this. I find a piece of armor, I usually keep it. Sometimes I cannibalize a new piece of armor to put mods into another slot (IE, my chest piece has better mods than this chest piece I just got, but the one I just got has mods better than my pants.) Plus, if I'm putting MK-6's into all my gear, like you suggested, I'm surely not going to want to throw away that gear, so changing out mods would make sense. :)


you do realize that you don't have to remove a mod to put a new one in?

Edited by tidmass
missed a bit
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yes i get the point.... there is something in the game that you feel you can't afford so it shouldnt be there.




the credits are peanuts.... 210 000 creds is nothing. one of my toons is lvl17. its cybertech crafter. it financed my whole legacy. by that i mean it financed 7 further toons.... all craft skills maxed, all gathering skills maxed at least once, all (bar my shadow but i'm workin on it) companion affection at 10k. and they all (companions also) have the best pve gear available... all purple mods/arm/enh/barrel/hilt. it isnt hard to do.... you just need a bit of patience




you do realize that you don't have to remove a mod to put a new one in?


Actually what some people really have a hard time grasping is not everyone has all the credits they do.So it isn't peanuts to some.You have to look beyond your nose.Not everyone has the same loot.Everyone plays it different.I craft myself and you make big chunks of change and as you know it also takes a lot of time commitment farming mats.If your buying mats off the GTN it's going cost you.

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Actually what some people really have a hard time grasping is not everyone has all the credits they do.


But everyone has the same capability to make said credits. It's their choice whether or not to do so.

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What BIS item was on a vendor ? there was nothing there that could compete with Heroic Raid loot , most of the stuff on the cata firelands vendor couldn't compete with normal raid loot ..


Sons of Hodir enchantments, Stone faction in cata head enchantments etc.

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Sons of Hodir enchantments, Stone faction in cata head enchantments etc.


The amount of time to get that was miniscule , and you only needed it on one charachter , then you could buy it for the rest of your charachters . Not to mention you could buy 2 mammoth mounts for getting revered and you didnt even have to do the dailies you could trade in the tokens( relics of ulduar ) from flashpoints or farm them off the mobs in the area , or buy them off auction house . Or trade in a triumph badge for 120 rep from running dungeons .


However here you have to do dailies ALL the time to keep up your credit flow .

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But everyone has the same capability to make said credits. It's their choice whether or not to do so.


Are you a politician or a banker?


Exactly what Im advocating is more ways to make credits , more options ( like other games ) allows you to make the money while doing something you enjoy and keeps you subscribing longer . If your constantly doing somehting you don't enjoy , you won't keep doing it for long .


Whats wrong with more avenues than just dailies to make money ?


You want to decrease LFG ques and have more people use it , make it financially worth the players time .

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But everyone has the same capability to make said credits. It's their choice whether or not to do so.


When can I expect my Character to recieve financial aid from you for being homeless, oh rich one?

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Whats wrong with more avenues than just dailies to make money ?


Exactly, we should have gambling, racing, moisture farming on Tatooine, ect.. This is the Star Wars Galaxy the possibilities by which to aquire credits should be endless.

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You want to decrease LFG ques and have more people use it , make it financially worth the players time .


I make 50k/day/character doing my LFG runs. That's enough money to keep me stable, so it is financially worth my time. If I want to buy a big ticket item, I know I'm going to have to work for it. There's nothing wrong with that.



As for whether I'm a politician or a banker... neither. That statement does not hold true in reality, but in the game it does.

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I hate it too. I am an alt-aholic crafter with no 50's on a dead server so I have little money to spare and no easy way to generate more. Making all of the components, the kit and the augment, are no problem but I cannot afford to install the kit so I stopped making them! :(


Why are you still on a dead server? Should have taken your free xfer.


I can see the other people's points, but I lose sympathy for those who chose not to take their transfer and then complain about the economy, queue times,etc.

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I make 50k/day/character doing my LFG runs. That's enough money to keep me stable, so it is financially worth my time. If I want to buy a big ticket item, I know I'm going to have to work for it. There's nothing wrong with that.



As for whether I'm a politician or a banker... neither. That statement does not hold true in reality, but in the game it does.


Your ignoring the point , 50k a day is peanuts in the grand scheme of things it won't even buy you a MK6 kit on this server . You can make 200 k a day doing dailies easy .


Would you rather make your 200k grinding the same mission you have been doing for 6 months , or doing something you enjoy while associating with other people ?

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It shouldn't cost anything, at all, for the removal or for adding anything to items - we - ourselves, create.


ME, or MY crewmember are MAKING it OURSELVES. US. Not an NPC from Tattooine... NOT some douche I met on the fleet, my own crew - who work for me - who help me - who are my SLAVES. (Sith side's so much fun)


So, who exactly is getting the money for ripping mods, when the player *personally* does that part? The item is made, the mod is in hand, or in the item... who's getting the coin?


Adding in sinks, so that we the playerbase will grind is fine. BUT - making anything and everything in the game cost money, a substantial amount at that, only brings boring grinding for boring grinding sake. You'll not find me spending 6 hours a day in the blackhole with 8 level 50's going in doing their respective daily missions... only to net around 1mill a day, so that I can then proceed to waste that money on changing mods, buying new suits and implimenting additional augments to said item.


It's just not for me, 6 hours of SWG... I never spent more than 2 hours at anytime fighting... I spent more time moving around, socialising and spreading my hard-earned credits to *other people*... not some space pixie that we never see.

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