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Official Q&A Thread for July 13th Blog Post

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There is currently a few new versions of the PvP relic available, most notably the War Hero ones which are best-in-slot even for PvE after patch 1.3. War Hero Relic of imperiling Serenity gives +41 Endurance, +57 Expertise and +113 Defense.


So, my question is this:


Will Campaign Relics have similar versions, which rival the enormous stat boost of the War Hero Relics, made available in the near future?

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Are there plans or will we ever have the current Bind on Pickup gear converted into BIND ON LEGACY?


Background: the initial Bind gear was developed to fight off gold sellers. Now, we have LEGACY, which is pretty much account on server. Therefore, bind gear is no longer needed per character, so it can and should be extended to Legacy, or account. It is quality of life, or normality, since we can keep the original idea intact : gear cannot leave the account, but it can be traded freely among the characters within the account, while still preserving the "no GTN sell".

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Question regarding color crystals in the future:


I suspect we will be getting more colors, but will these be your traditional colors or more of what i consider awfull to say the least, black core saber colors? personally i hate them and would love to see more traditional type colors, mabye a green that looks a bit more like the ones in the movies.


for example when gaining the lightsaber as a jedi consular on tython, the green blade is or atleast was, when i did the class quest some months back, a diffrent green, it was more white at the core and the green itself was darker.


other colors are also very welcome ofcourse, but please...no black core, i'm sure there are others agreeing with me, just as i'm sure there are people that actually love these colors, but every single crystal added so far, except for the limited white one, have been a black core.

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I am a hardcore roleplayer. As a roleplayer it would be nice to sit back on a couch, and chat with my pals about the galaxy and our whereabouts. When are chat bubbles coming in along with sitting in chairs, stools, couches, beds etc? Thanks BioWare!
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Question about future content:


A while ago Bioware wanted to know which future planets the community would like to see in future content of SWTOR.

The Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk was, in my opinion, most named and favorite of a lot of community members, as well as Wookiee as a playable race. Furthermore, Geonosis, Yavin 4 and Dantooine were highly favorite!

My question is: what will be done with the feedback of the community? Will we see Kashyyyk and the Wookiees or other of the above named planets in future content or will nothing be done with it? I was surprised to see that the planet of Makeb (never saw it in the feedback or heard of this planet) and the introduction of the Cathar-race were announced instead of what was given as feedback!





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In the last Q&A, it was answered that there may be an address to the "chainability" of skills in the future if they become a problem. Is there any chance that this "chainability" nerf can be implimented to the teams of stun-locking Concealment Operatives rather than nerfing the tree for everyone?


Thanks in advance.

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Currently warzones are all aimed at 8 vs 8 combat. Are there any plans to throw in more variety in terms of numbers, involving more mass styled warzones, eg 48 vs 48. Or smaller squad based pvp, eg 4 vs 4.
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Has there been any discussion about possibly implementing reverse-grip lightsaber forms/animations?

The same way Starkiller from "The Force Unleashed" or Ahsoka Tano from "The Clone Wars" wield their sabers?

Edited by SykesNinetyTwo
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Is the previously mentioned schedule of monthly patch updates still planned to start happening? As of now, it takes a month of PTS testing for a patch to go live. As a result, patches take, minimally a month and a half to two months because of the delay between developer and community advertisement of any patch, and deploying the patch. With 1.3 now released long after a month since 1.2 but the quote (I am paraphrasing) of content getting pumped out at a fast pace being stated, I am curious if anything has changed.
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Are there any plans to add a more in-depth stat comparison on items? as it stand we can only see the main stat increases. For those that can't spend forever working out every little detail, a in-depth stat comparison would come in useful. We could preview the item against our current stats.
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Q. Based on previous statements for PVE (where you said you didn't want certain classes effectively excluded from group content because other classes were deemed to be superior) will you be taking the same approach to PVP balance? Currently ranked WZ setups are only looking to take two DPS classes and one healing class almost exclusively. Edited by Ntranced
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Good afternoon, I play a dps Shadow in PvP, and have noticed what is going on for rated warzones and the effects 1.3 had on gameplay.


My question is what are you going to do to make Infiltration and Balance Shadows be useful for rated Warzones? Infiltration dps and survivability is lacking so much that bringing a Sentinel is by far a better choice. Infiltration's rotation is so easily countered as well. Spinny 1, Spinny 2, hmmm what's coming within 4 seconds? Balance can do dps, but is very complicated, slowly done, and vastly sub-par to Balance Sages, not to mention as low survivability as Infiltration.


I would also like to throw in a word that dps scoundrels are all pretty much forced to go healing in rated WZs. So question number 2 is why were all the stealth dps specializations allowed to be turned into garbage after the nerf to burst dps? There had to be some knowledge that you has some specs in game that relied on burst.

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While the current character transfer system is fantastic for buffing up server populations, are there any plans on allowing open transfers? For instance, say some one has high level characters on two servers and wants to condense them onto one server.
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My question is will we ever get to see/participate in overarching story lines that go beyond any singular class. Where the actions of the community as a whole shape the outcome of certain universe shaping events. Events that you have to participate in when they are happening and decisions that are actually permanent and unchangeable through replays once the event is over. And make it something that all players can experience at any character level not just something for those of us at level 50.
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I love doing the PTS title missions when you launch a big patch - both to help test and also because I'm a completionist. Unfortunately, even though I thought I completed the requirements for the last patch's titles, I never received them. There was also a lot of confusion on the forums regarding the exact requirements for the titles. I was wondering what you thought about creating a PTS achievement similar to the vehicle achievements so that we know we will get the title once it's pushed to live? This may also cut down on forum confusion.
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Are there plans for post character creation customization? Paid specie changes or an in game way to change the look or a character?

You’ve open up all specie through the legacy system and are adding more species. It would be nice to play Cathar Assassin without having to level another one.

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