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Do you even use Cauterize on a combat sent?


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It's situational but I wouldn't remove it from your hotbar. You could even go so far as spec the talent Inflammation in the second tier of the watchman tree if you really wanted too, not that combat is lacking for roots/slows. I'm not going to bother myself but I did think about doing that.


Also, disagree with removing riptose. Does it proc as often as it does on my Jugg? No, but it procs often enough to still want to keep it on the hotbar. It's off the GCD so it can be 'mashed' with something else and it cannot miss, be parried or dodged. If you do use it though I would advise putting two skill points in Recompense in the watchman tree.


I do agree that you should drop slash as soon as you get blade rush.

Edited by Ridickilis
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It's situational but I wouldn't remove it from your hotbar. You could even go so far as spec the talent Inflammation in the second tier of the watchman tree if you really wanted too, not that combat is lacking for roots/slows. I'm not going to bother myself but I did think about doing that.


Also, disagree with removing riptose. Does it proc as often as it does on my Jugg? No, but it procs often enough to still want to keep it on the hotbar. It's off the GCD so it can be 'mashed' with something else and it cannot miss, be parried or dodged. If you do use it though I would advise putting two skill points in Recompense in the watchman tree.


I do agree that you should drop slash as soon as you get blade rush.


I tried with and without riposte and I found it didn't proc enough to make it useful. I also had so many other abilties to use...at any one time...that I never used it.


But if you can fit it in, more power to ya.


I use cauterize in PvE more than PvP so I keep it on my hotbar.

Edited by Arkerus
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Riposte costs more focus than Blade Rush (since Blade Rush refunds a point, and sometimes two), and does less damage. When you include the low-damage force builders required to pay for it, it cannot increase your sustained DPS, despite being off the GCD.
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Riposte costs more focus than Blade Rush (since Blade Rush refunds a point, and sometimes two), and does less damage. When you include the low-damage force builders required to pay for it, it cannot increase your sustained DPS, despite being off the GCD.


In PVP Burst > sustained dmg

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