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all for endurance or what?


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People stack endurance mods and enhancements pulled from specific BH, Camp, and WH gear pieces at the expense of some of their secondary tanking stats. For instance the best tanking endurance enhancement is found in the Camp boots from Nighmare Pilgrim. Edited by Kapro
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But the decline in expertise value is so small even past the soft cap. I can't see how it's worth it. Maybe it would be worth it on a healer who would then live a bit longer and cast more heals on himself and in turn live even longer.
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But the decline in expertise value is so small even past the soft cap. I can't see how it's worth it. Maybe it would be worth it on a healer who would then live a bit longer and cast more heals on himself and in turn live even longer.


Actually I'd say tanking classes are the only time health mega stacking would serve much value. A healer that stacks to say 22kish may be hard to chew down if he has support, but he'd probably have better survivability having 18-19k health and the extra healing output to top off.


If he is unsupported (i.e. no taunt/guard/peel) then he's basically buying himself 2 non crits or 1 crit extra at the expense of a considerable amount of lost healing output. If the choice is getting off say eight highly effective heals or 9-10 mediocre heals I know what route I'd prefer.


All that is assuming the lost expertise (especially on the damage received end) is still within the very small percentage-lost range.



A tank class on the other hand can get a lot of mileage out of ramping up his health pool.



1.Stalling as the last one alive at a node being able to eat an extra hit or two (unhealed tank mitigation may stretch that additional health a tick more as well)


2.Guarding a healer-- With the damage being split, that's the equivalent of giving that healer a free gigantic health pool.


3.Cap-interference-- that one assassin/shadow that goes right to stall, his being able to last a long time is very useful.


So really that is the only type of class where coughing up power/mainstat/crit/surge/even a little (as long as it is little) expertise for endurance stacking seems useful.

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but there is any REAL proof, that this is not a cheating?


Have you tried asking him? You know, something like " Hey m8, you have awesome HP. How did you manage to min/max you health that high? Do share with a fellow shadow."

And if that doesn't work just add him to your friends list and invite him for a Operation or LI HM.

Doing that beats the hell out of wearing a tinfoil hat in the middle of the summer :cool:.

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here http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/


ppl like you make me sad. Anything you do not yet understand MUST be cheating! :rolleyes: L2P.


its called using customized tank gear.


lol, this link is realy real proof.


After 1.3 there are so many FREEE exploits, bots and hacks, that now i don't trust anyone. I think, you would also not trust, if you would see: teleports, one-shot or no-cd abilities on wz.

And the saddest thing is, that Bioware do NOTING with it, because most all data are on client-side. And they fear loose more subscribers, if they start total company of banning exploiters, bots and other cheaters.

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lol, this link is realy real proof.


After 1.3 there are so many FREEE exploits, bots and hacks, that now i don't trust anyone. I think, you would also not trust, if you would see: teleports, one-shot or no-cd abilities on wz.

And the saddest thing is, that Bioware do NOTING with it, because most all data are on client-side. And they fear loose more subscribers, if they start total company of banning exploiters, bots and other cheaters.


erm... the link has a character builder, and you can make and gear the character as you like, 100% customizable. Go make an assassin, gear him etc. and see what hitpoints you can get with it.


my dps sorc has 23600 hp for gods sake.


Besides, if you claim that someone is cheating the burden of proof is on you.

that Bioware do NOTING with it, because most all data are on client-side

Bioware does nothing on 99% of cheat reports, because they are bogus, created by the ignorance of players.

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yeah, yeah 2kk damage during wz it's REALY bogus.

If you spent more time on wz, you would have realized why i'm thinks so about cheating and non-act of bioware

Edited by Kelord
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I think a lot of people make things up. They see someone bit above average and call it cheating and sometimes they add few Ks to the value to make it sound more important.


I pug a lot, which means I often group with real noobs in green gear and never ever saw 2kk damage done. Hitting big HP is also not a problem since 1.3. My gunslinger can easily have 23k HP while still having 1200+ expertise and I didn't even swapped any mods around, just basic WH gear with augments everywhere + trooper buff + fortitude stim + companion bonus. Need to point out that I don't have even single Endurance augment, just "normal" purple cunning or power ones. I don't have it yet but I think if I had fully augmented rakata/campaign gear my HP would hit way above 25k.


IMO stacking HP on classes that are not tanks and for PvP especially is quite stupid. Squishy class with 18k vs 27k is like what? 2-3 GCDs more survivable? Wonder what his other stats look like. Maybe he was wearing his PvE gear?


Again about calling someone cheating. If you find something bogus just report if you are lazy or try to figure out how to reach same result in legit way. I am quite sure in 99% of cases it is possible.

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yeah, yeah 2kk damage during wz it's REALY bogus.

If you spent more time on wz, you would have realized why i'm thinks so about cheating and non-act of bioware


My time spent in WZs (..actually, my time spent enjoying PvP in MMOGs during the last 16 years) tell me you're a classic case of a generally clueless player who tends to accuse anything he personally does not understand (or anything that beats him) as a "cheat."


Happens all the time.


(ps) Ever heard the concept called "burden of proof"?

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As the thread speaks for me i have to say its not all for endurance i m on shield and absorb hard caps i also have weapon dmg close to a dps geared shadow so why not to swap my mods and enhancements for more hp i get healed for about 9k from WZ medpacks 2.7k from my combat readiness 600 per tick of my telekinetic throw cause my health pool so i can easily protect the healers all the time without a single death... So its not all for endurance i reached my caps on my reductions so time to stack endurance....
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I m also not cheating and i m not on PVE gear...


As Jugg or Mara can reach 2k+ strength and the same time having 35%+ crit and 75% crit multiplier in the same way i reached 2426 endurance and i didnt sacrifise anything i just had to get some WH pieces 5-6 more times in order to swap the best mods//enhs with the worst....


If you notice 2 out of 5 WH piece (the same goes for PvE gear) have worse mods and enhancements than the rest!


Just get your legacy belt/wrists fixed , then swap those 2 mods and enh and here you are...also 1% total health from your pet buff and 50 more endurance from datacrons ....


There is no Cheating here just some more effort to improve your gear!


Yours sincerely,

Luna :p

Edited by Marios
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