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why all the secrecy about the hackers on this game?


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Quote: Originally Posted by JoeeyyMagzz


People run around in circles in PvP and have no clue how to play their class, yet they are wearing full BM gear and probably a piece or two of Warhero gear... If you run around in circles in PvE, you'll still be wearing those 50 oranges with level 40 mods in them until they raise the level cap and you get some more leveling gear.


People run around in circles because it works for PvP. If it didn't work, you wouldn't see it. It takes more dexterity to do it as well.


Very true and its not cheating, though it is annoying and a sure sign of a bad player in my opinion


I cant wait for the day collussion is possible in these games so the little idiots that run through you and leap around suddnely start bouncing off things and stay targetted.


Last night in huttaball had a annoying Shadow constantly trying to stand on me to avoid being targetted!

Luckly I play a bounty Hunter for my imp and can PB ground target my AOE blaster attack, high heat but also high damage!


But jesus it was annoying


Since collussion not really possible yet Id LOVE for EA and other games to put in common sense coding for PVP

-If you are moving when you attack you suffer a damage reduction from attack and suffer a damage increase to damage you take

-if you attack from leaping/jumping action you have a 50% chance to flat out miss your target and also you receive double damage from all attacks on you while leaping/jumping

- if you run through a stationary opponent, you can not do any attacks for 3 secs.


Put those common sense rules in and the jump around morons would stop trying to exploit LOS pretty quickly

Edited by Kalfear
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I'm kind of skeptical of BW resolve to stop this problem. On my RP-PVP server that players are being transferred off of, the pubs on that server were blatantly hacking nearly every pvp match I was in and others in my guild. I don’t know how many times we reported hackers and nothing was ever done to stop the abuse.


I wonder sometimes if some of hackers are associated with BW. That would explain why some servers have hackers that are banned and others are left alone.


There is evidence of BW reps abusing their powers.


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If you go online and find the cheater forums dealing with this game you can see the cheaters aka hackers laughing about how when they were banned when BW did its big cleaning house of hacks a little while ago that they were only banned for 1 week. A lot of them even posted about how they simply turned their speed hacks down a little and continue to use them. BW basically gave them a slap on the wrist and is turning a blind eye as they continue to cheat. I got my full war hero and now I never use it because I got tired of seeing the cheaters getting away with it and I refuse to cheat to make it even. Pvp in this game is just dumb atm because of the cheats.
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Something else you'll want to do to help you track potential cheaters is to go into your Chat tabs' "Other" tab and activate the "Combat Information" option. This will record killing blows, both when you kill something and when something (or someone) kills your character.


I had an odd experience yesterday while levelling my lowbie Sage on Hoth. I was standing in the middle of the vendor room in Aurek Base, when out of nowhere, KA-BOOM!, something or someone killed me with one explosive shot. And I never saw another player, either before or after. I went to my "Other" tab to see what happened, and found that I'd forgotten to activate this element, so I have no idea who or what did it.


And now, with all this talk of hackers modifying their games on their client side, it makes me wonder if someone had modified their Client to enable them to travel underground. It could have been an Operative in stealth, but in the middle of Aurek Base? Unlikely that he could slip past the NPCs guarding the entrance.


The lesson: this is a very useful tool for identifying enemy players who kill you. Make sure it's checked on ALL your toons.

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Something else you'll want to do to help you track potential cheaters is to go into your Chat tabs' "Other" tab and activate the "Combat Information" option. This will record killing blows, both when you kill something and when something (or someone) kills your character.


I had an odd experience yesterday while levelling my lowbie Sage on Hoth. I was standing in the middle of the vendor room in Aurek Base, when out of nowhere, KA-BOOM!, something or someone killed me with one explosive shot. And I never saw another player, either before or after. I went to my "Other" tab to see what happened, and found that I'd forgotten to activate this element, so I have no idea who or what did it.


And now, with all this talk of hackers modifying their games on their client side, it makes me wonder if someone had modified their Client to enable them to travel underground. It could have been an Operative in stealth, but in the middle of Aurek Base? Unlikely that he could slip past the NPCs guarding the entrance.


The lesson: this is a very useful tool for identifying enemy players who kill you. Make sure it's checked on ALL your toons.


that was me on my agent...I vanished so npcs couldnt get me. I hunt christians down.

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If you go online and find the cheater forums dealing with this game you can see the cheaters aka hackers laughing about how when they were banned when BW did its big cleaning house of hacks a little while ago that they were only banned for 1 week. A lot of them even posted about how they simply turned their speed hacks down a little and continue to use them. BW basically gave them a slap on the wrist and is turning a blind eye as they continue to cheat. I got my full war hero and now I never use it because I got tired of seeing the cheaters getting away with it and I refuse to cheat to make it even. Pvp in this game is just dumb atm because of the cheats.

Again, I'd send this info to BioWare. Provide them with a link to the pages where you see these sorts of discussions, and send it in. They may not be able to connect the dots to specific cheaters' accounts, but it gives them documented background information, and info on what to look for.

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Again, I'd send this info to BioWare. Provide them with a link to the pages where you see these sorts of discussions, and send it in. They may not be able to connect the dots to specific cheaters' accounts, but it gives them documented background information, and info on what to look for.


I'm getting tired of doing bioware's work for them. Honestly all they need to do is use google if they don't have one person capable of doing that to track down cheaters then I have lost all faith in this game.

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I'm getting tired of doing bioware's work for them. Honestly all they need to do is use google if they don't have one person capable of doing that to track down cheaters then I have lost all faith in this game.


then you have lost faith in every single game... because none of them ever do **** till someone reports a specific person hacking... after all a site selling hacks is breaking no laws...


at this point you should just stop playing games all together or learn to deal with reality

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  • 2 months later...
then you have lost faith in every single game... because none of them ever do **** till someone reports a specific person hacking... after all a site selling hacks is breaking no laws...


at this point you should just stop playing games all together or learn to deal with reality


Yep, seen cheating in lots of games, but your tone makes you sound like a hacker yourself.

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Just one little thing:


I believe this is an exaggeration.


You know, when you get beaten by that school bully, you always tell your dad that there were actually 3 Anderson Silvas beating you and you had your hands tied :D


Just fight back, so long as they aren't prepared to die, you'll win. :D

Edited by Goretzu
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interesting how it seems that the hackers are exclusively concerned with pvp


Well, wagging your peepee in PvE just isn't as much fun as it is in PVP is it? How many times have you seen anyone bragging that they're the most awesomest uber-l33t PVEer in ANY game?

Edited by bahdasz
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Well, wagging your peepee in PvE just isn't as much fun as it is in PVP is it? How many times have you seen anyone bragging that they're the most awesomest uber-l33t PVEer in ANY game?


I thought that is the whole point of for example WoW hc raiding and world firsts :)

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All of the casual gamers and pve'ers are avoiding pvp b/c of people like you.

Or perhaps they are "avoiding" it because they just don't like PvP at all. I know others enjoy it and I'm fine with that, but I don't personally see the point of it.


As far as stopping hackers, if that was the OP's actual subject (kind of hard to tell what it was about, frankly), then I would agree that needs to be addressed.

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