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Healing is fine, they said. Just gear up, they said.


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Healing is hard, they said. Just whine on the forums, they said.


I'm not a fan that there is no counter to coordinated focus DPS. I feel like, in order to maintain a skill based contest, you should be able to counter this.


Sorry but I don't want healers in my team like OP that are asking for a counter to focus fire. I've seen healers begging for many ridiculous things on the forums, but this is just #1 in my Top 10 most ridiculous healer complaints.


Warzones with 2 healers isn't enough, warzones with 3 or 4 healers can do the job.


http://db.tt/dr9YDYjT matches like that where we were constantly healing each other while the other team were constantly hitting us. Mid was uncapped until near the end and the match lasted 30+ minutes.


This is a direct proof that healers have no god damned right to complain. Cross healing is 10x times easier than DPS focus fire.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Healing is hard, they said. Just whine on the forums, they said.




Sorry but I don't want healers in my team like OP that are asking for a counter to focus fire. I've seen healers begging for many ridiculous things on the forums, but this is just #1 in my Top 10 most ridiculous healer complaints.


And we don't want to heal you or your team :D

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i'd rather be in the team that will focus fire the crap out of you.


Yeah cause that's hard to do in this game LOL!!!! It's np all my other toons are tanks so someone else can deal with playing a broken class. I only heal hardmodes now and when I'm not doing those my sorcerer sits. No worries GW2 will be out soon enough and I can play an un- nerfed warlock in that game and don't have to heal anyone but myself.

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Healing is hard, they said. Just whine on the forums, they said.




Sorry but I don't want healers in my team like OP that are asking for a counter to focus fire. I've seen healers begging for many ridiculous things on the forums, but this is just #1 in my Top 10 most ridiculous healer complaints.




This is a direct proof that healers have no gosh darned right to complain. Cross healing is 10x times easier than DPS focus fire.


Healers need some way to counter a dps focus burst, or what is the point of healing? As we stand now, no healer can withstand any 3 derpPS button smashing in his face long enough for peels.


The way you counter healers should be through careful coordination of CC and LoS'ing them from the burn target or doing a mild focus, then hard switching for your hard focus.


It should be damn near impossible for a team of 3 uncoordinated dps to kill a great healer.

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This is a direct proof that healers have no gosh darned right to complain. Cross healing is 10x times easier than DPS focus fire.


Scoreboard numbers don't prove anything. We can't see what tactics were or were not used by either team.


I will point out that multiple healers are easily countered by multiple 1v1s.


If the other team has 3-4 healers, simply put 3-4 DPS on them. You will completely shut down their healers as you force them to run for their lives.

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Healing is hard, they said. Just whine on the forums, they said.




Sorry but I don't want healers in my team like OP that are asking for a counter to focus fire. I've seen healers begging for many ridiculous things on the forums, but this is just #1 in my Top 10 most ridiculous healer complaints.




This is a direct proof that healers have no gosh darned right to complain. Cross healing is 10x times easier than DPS focus fire.



This had to come from a Pyro PT who can run around and poop out 4k+ instants on 30m range on full WH players every few seconds.

This game is just dumbed down to a huge zergfest of high burst classes, it's absolutely not fun to play for tanks and healers.


Oh, and cross healing is easily countered. Even with my Sorc who has 0 burst I am most of the time able to focus them down one after each other. When my team sees their HP drop, I get mostly help from 1-3 other players. With my massive amount of cc I keep the other healers from healing as long as possible while doing this.


Cross healing will only work against PuG scrubs. In rateds, the squishiest healer will get picked up and focused down while the other 2 heals are cc'ed. Since most of the rated teams have 2+ Pyro PT's, this won't take the dps more than a few seconds.

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Healers need some way to counter a dps focus burst, or what is the point of healing? As we stand now, no healer can withstand any 3 derpPS button smashing in his face long enough for peels.


The way you counter healers should be through careful coordination of CC and LoS'ing them from the burn target or doing a mild focus, then hard switching for your hard focus.


It should be damn near impossible for a team of 3 uncoordinated dps to kill a great healer.


Ok buddy, we need 3 coordinated DPS using voice communication, coordinating perfectly all their CC: stuns, interrupts, make sure not to give full resolve to the healer, and if the stars align and Great Holy Jebus shows some mercy, THAT ONE SINGLE HEALER will finally die!


No thanks.


PS: When is this GW2 getting released? Would be nice to see all self-righteous, complaining and whining healers gone from SWTOR.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Ok buddy, we need 3 coordinated DPS using voice communication, coordinating perfectly all their CC: stuns, interrupts, make sure not to give full resolve to the healer, and if the stars align and Great Holy Jebus shows some mercy, the healer will finally die!


No thanks.


PS: When is this GW2 getting released? Would be nice to see all self-righteous, complaining and whining healers gone from SWTOR.


You are so right! It is completely ridiculous for Bioware to design a game where teamwork is required in team-based warzones! The NERVE!

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PS: When is this GW2 getting released? Would be nice to see all self-righteous, complaining and whining healers gone from SWTOR.


Have fun playing this game with the other 3 PvP'ers left.

I don't want to say that GW2 will carry away every PvP player, but PvP in SWTOR has no competitive aspect, it's just a dumbed down button-smashing zergfest of high burst classes.

If people don't leave when GW2 is out, there will be more people leaving with every single fail patch BW releases.

Edited by iphobia
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You are so right! It is completely ridiculous for Bioware to design a game where teamwork is required in team-based warzones! The NERVE!


There is plenty of team work, yet the OP for some reasons thinks that it's ok for him to survive alone while it's not ok for 3 enemies to beat on him.

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What I think is the biggest issue is, before if a DPS wanted to kill a healer, he had to use well-placed interrupt, stun and cooldown to drop the healer on the floor, now tho cooldowns are removed, instead of having an occasional burst, DPS gets burst 24/7. Ofcourse this is probaly a blast for the DPS'ers but for the healers its highly annoying. Yes some healers(scoundrels/operatives) are viable and quite good, the two other healing classes however, lack their on the run healing. Guard helps no doubt, but I still think there should be some changes.
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Ok buddy, we need 3 coordinated DPS using voice communication, coordinating perfectly all their CC: stuns, interrupts, make sure not to give full resolve to the healer, and if the stars align and Great Holy Jebus shows some mercy, THAT ONE SINGLE HEALER will finally die!


No thanks.


PS: When is this GW2 getting released? Would be nice to see all self-righteous, complaining and whining healers gone from SWTOR.


What is your solution? Right now one powertech / vanguard can not only shut down, but out right kill, any healer by hitting whatever buttons light up in random order.


Yes, you have to have teamwork to kill a class whose only role is supporting his team, to think otherwise is quite foolish.

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There is plenty of team work, yet the OP for some reasons thinks that it's ok for him to survive alone while it's not ok for 3 enemies to beat on him.



3 derp dps not using interrupts, coordinating bursts / cc's; should not even bring a great healer below 80% in a balanced game.

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What I think is the biggest issue is, before if a DPS wanted to kill a healer, he had to use well-placed interrupt, stun and cooldown to drop the healer on the floor, now tho cooldowns are removed, instead of having an occasional burst, DPS gets burst 24/7. Ofcourse this is probaly a blast for the DPS'ers but for the healers its highly annoying. Yes some healers(scoundrels/operatives) are viable and quite good, the two other healing classes however, lack their on the run healing. Guard helps no doubt, but I still think there should be some changes.


Healers got a crapload of skills that improve self healing. Everywhere you look you see this crap in their trees.

It's not my fail if a sorcerer stays obliviously IN MY LINE OF SIGHT as a Sniper, spamming heals.


many healers like to say how they are skilled and how DPS is herp derp when they are the ones that don't even have a clue about using such elementary things like line of sight to their advantage. Seriously what do you expect?


Enter any random Warzone and watch carefully how healers stay in sniper's line of sight.


And then we got 30%-40% of those that actually have a clue, and now how to LoS, and suddenly they don't ever die to snipers any more! And I cannot do nothing about that, because i cannot hunt them down beyond the corner that is 30 meters and most probably with his friends being around. Here you go, one of the key burst classes is no longer a threat to you.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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There is plenty of team work, yet the OP for some reasons thinks that it's ok for him to survive alone while it's not ok for 3 enemies to beat on him.


The OP wants to be able to survive a single bad DPS beating on him while he is on his Sorc healer. I know it wasn't in the OP, but that is the general idea of this thread.


Sorc healers cannot actually survive, they can die or flee.

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Healers got a crapload of skills that improve self healing. Everywhere you look you see this crap in their trees.

It's not my fail if a sorcerer stays obliviously IN MY LINE OF SIGHT as a Sniper, spamming heals.


many healers like to say how they are skilled and how DPS is herp derp when they are the ones that don't even have a clue about using such elementary things like line of sight to their advantage. Seriously what do you expect?


Enter any random Warzone and watch carefully how healers stay in sniper's line of sight.


And then we got 30%-40% of those that actually have a clue, and now how to LoS, and suddenly they don't ever die to snipers any more! And I cannot do nothing about that, because i cannot hunt them down beyond the corner that is 30 meters and most probably with his friends being around. Here you go, one of the key burst classes is no longer a threat to you.


This fellow has all the answers right here, folks. Cover, spam burst, pro profit.


Yeah the healer ducks your LOS, and the LoS to his teammates. Congratulations, you've just eliminated the other team's primary support because your damage is too high to heal through. Why you can't possibly see the problem with this is beyond me.

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The OP wants to be able to survive a single bad DPS beating on him while he is on his Sorc healer. I know it wasn't in the OP, but that is the general idea of this thread.


Sorc healers cannot actually survive, they can die or flee.


Not even having the opinion to fight but rather running away 24/7 and then drop from 100% to 0 in one stun/root, sounds like a perfectly balanced class to me.

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Have fun playing this game with the other 3 PvP'ers left.

I don't want to say that GW2 will carry away every PvP player, but PvP in SWTOR has no competitive aspect, it's just a dumbed down button-smashing zergfest of high burst classes.

If people don't leave when GW2 is out, there will be more people leaving with every single fail patch BW releases.


Zergfest? You're clearly bad then. Only bad PvPers zerg. Like the genius tank who guards me voluntarily, then goes charging across the turret into 4 reds. Or the idiot DPSers who refuse to focus down the healers, even though, I myself, a healer, marked them. Cause you know, they are too busy beaing bad button mashers to actually pay attention to anything past 2 feet in front of them.


You know, bads.

I know, I hate it when they show up in my PUGs.


It takes intelligence, skill, and gear to win warzones. when GW2 comes out, the only difference - at best for it - will be similar pvp but without the gear requirements. Sure, I'll be checking it out, but only because no sub. It cant be any worse then Diablo 3.

Edited by islander
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Not even having the opinion to fight but rather running away 24/7 and then drop from 100% to 0 in one stun/root, sounds like a perfectly balanced class to me.


What's your expertise rating? Just curious.

Mine is only 1215, and I don't have this experience at all. I don't even run with the 21/20 spec that gives you optimal surviviability.

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What is your solution? Right now one powertech / vanguard can not only shut down, but out right kill, any healer by hitting whatever buttons light up in random order.


Yes, you have to have teamwork to kill a class whose only role is supporting his team, to think otherwise is quite foolish.


Well, out of respect, thanks for asking at least for a solution. I understand that healers are people too and they want a fun game too. There is no simple solution to making healing fun, not annoying and balanced at the same time.


For example I as a DPS have the following questions to the healing design concepts:

1. Why so much self-healing skills. Why reward healers for healing themselves more than for healing their team mates?

2. Why Ranged DPS has a disadvantage at killing healers compared to melee? Why they get a 12s interrupt, Merc DPS not even having one LOL.

3. Why Ranged DPS is the least threatening to guarded healers, the extent of it being just a nuisance?

4. Why healer survivability grows exponentially with every additional healer? Why make some healing skills explicitly state "HEALING RECEIVED" instead of "Self-Healing".


You want to improve your survivability, OK, i understand that, but any small buff to healing will make the points above completely unbearable, with game turning into a heal bot fest. where nobody dies, and PT Pyro like Carthy having a 35 minutes game on alderaan where nobody can take the middle node and total healing raising to 3.8 millions? Why you never remind us about those games?


If I had to choose one of the lesser evils, then to me definitively would be a more annoying experience for healers but at least make sure that we don't have WZ where battles have no resolution.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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