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Legacy-Friendship and -Ignore


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Hi there,

I searched, but i didn't find anything on this topic. I would LOVE to have a legacy-friendship and even a legacy-ignore. I have met some great people over SWTOR. I have one friend, each of us has 4 characters, so we have to have 4x4 characters on our friendslists, if we want to see whether the other one is online or not. I would love to be friends with his legacy, so I can see if any of his characters comes online.

To prevent abuse, I would send a Legacy-friendship-request that one has to accept.


I would also love to have Legacy-ignore. I mean this in the context of "if one of my characters ignores a character, the whole Legacy ignores this character". I met some people during the game, if I meet them never again, it will be too early. I have to ignore them with each of my characters, so I don't actually get into a dungeon finder group with them (or read their spamming in the /1).

It would also be great to ignore a whole legacy, though I think that this is too much to ask. (A Warrior scumbag doesn't turn into a better person if he playes an Imperial Agent, though the class is fairly powerful in every other condition :D)


I hope I'm in the right forum.



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I agree.


Someone could log on their level 11 whatever for the express purpose of trolling the fleet, and then after they get bored of that, they could switch to their level 20 and act like an entirely different person.

But they are only acting.

The person that they are is the same idiot that was acting up a few minutes ago. I want to ignore that player.

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Except if you are playing in an RP server which means that you can role play as a "bad boy"...

In an RP environment someone could log on to his alt and spam real life matters: the final purpose of ignore would be the same: to exclude that person. If someone is RPing a drunk who shouts across the fleet he is just making the environment richer and deserves more praises than ignores.

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The ignore I can see it would make it easier.


But the friend might be a little more difficult. There have been instances where someone logs in and they don't want anyone to know they are on. There could be reasons for that. They have had a trying day, something happen in real life and they just want to be able to play without anyone knowing they are on. You could also be an officer or a guild leader and don't want people knowing you are on. In the case that you are friending the entire legacy this make this impossible.

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I could see several variations that would be nice.


Allow /friend to place a character on the friend list of all your toons on that server. Do the same with /ignore.


Cause /ignore to ignore not only the character you see, but that person's entire legacy.


Allow a legacy friend that requires the person to approve of the friendship. They would need to allow a person to either not accept, or simply leave a character off the Legacy Family Tree to be invisible.

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This is a great idea on both accounts (ignore and friend), but you would need to include a /roleplay option (hides level, class, race, etc...) for roleplayers and a /anon option (hides your online status completely) for people who want to log in and be left alone (for whatever reason). Edited by Vemtaz
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  • 3 weeks later...
Complete agreement. -- I ran into someone just today... didn't even have to see him play. The attitude was enough. If I can help it, I will never run with that person. I can ignore the toon, sure, but I'm thinking bigger. It's not the pixels I have a problem with, it's the person. A Legacy Ignore would be wonderful.
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  • 5 months later...

I would love to see any variation of these suggestions added.


1. A friend list and ignore list that is shared by all characters on my legacy. For the RPers out there, make this a separate list from your individual character's friends list. I'm tired of having to add names/notes 8 times.


2. A legacy-friend option that adds all of my friend's toons to my friend list in one shot.

2a. A "hide" option that you click before you login. Useful for those times when you don't want to be bothered.

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