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Haks on Prophecy of the Five


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Will someone please tell me what Hacks are being used to avoid fire damage in Hut Ball? I thought it may just be lag but 3 nights in a row I've seen Imperial players walk through the fire without taking any fire damage? It's unbalancing the game as I beleive they are using it mitigate other damage types as well. Running FRAPS now and I will post when I get a good shot. Edited by Jakoby
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Will someone please tell me what Hacks are being used to avoid fire damage in Hut Ball? I thought it may just be lag but 3 nights in a row I've seen Imperial players walk through the fire without taking any fire damage? It's unbalancing the game as I beleive they are using it mitigate other damage types as well.


You probably see a lot of unexplainable things on POT5 don't you?

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I am in the PotF and have seen lots of 'unexplained' constant "fast running" by Rebs (Sentinels and Sages in particular) and counting X-mississippi, while dead, past 8 seconds and they are still running fast.....leads me to think hax.

Bad players need to cheat to be good and BW doesnt have an automatic detection method (if even possible) guess jsut ahve to call them out on videos and player behavior reports!

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A marauder/sentinel can use a cooldown that gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Are you sure thats not what you saw?


Don't introduce rational thought please. We are trying to get a witch hunt going and you are ruining it.

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A marauder/sentinel can use a cooldown that gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Are you sure thats not what you saw?


Was a Sorc. but I have seen Marauders do it as well but they still ticked minor damage. The individuals I've seen took NO damage at all.

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A marauder/sentinel can use a cooldown that gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Are you sure thats not what you saw?


This is not it but while you mention it this ability coupled with the damage they can put out make them a slight bit OP. Just saying...

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Was a Sorc. but I have seen Marauders do it as well but they still ticked minor damage. The individuals I've seen took NO damage at all.


Its possible to shield yourself and force speed through the fire and take little to no damage.

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Will someone please tell me what Hacks are being used to avoid fire damage in Hut Ball? I thought it may just be lag but 3 nights in a row I've seen Imperial players walk through the fire without taking any fire damage? It's unbalancing the game as I beleive they are using it mitigate other damage types as well. Running FRAPS now and I will post when I get a good shot.


Any and all Sith Warrs / Jedi Knights have a leap that can by pass the fire vents in HB; if caught with a bit of lag it can appear they walked through it..

Force Speed (other similar abilities) + Shield buffs + 100% resolve bar allows a person to take little damage and move through it easily.


Also remember each player is always 1-2 second lagged behind/ahead you; the common misplacement is they "walked" through fire; scream hacks when majority of the time it is lag. Hell a cat sleeping near a modem can cause a weeks worth of lag if not careful.

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Yeah I've seen lots of strange things on POT5 since transferring.


Initially I attributed most of it to lag and servers not being able to handle an influx of people, but it is far worse than it was even during early release, so unless the server performance took a few serious steps back then this shouldn't be due to the load.


One of the things I've been noticing, apart from amazing speed some people run at (yes I'm aware of all the speed buffs classes get, been playing this game over a year now), is that only certain people lag me TREMENDOUSLY when entering my screen in warzones. I can have a large battle going on and everything runs smoothly, until that one person comes on your screen and my performance gets sooo choppy, I think a frame updates once a second or two. Needless to say, I do not end up winning the battles I'm unable to fight in, however the person that lags you always does.


Which got me thinking -- what if it's an exploit? What if they figured out how to bombard your client with so much information that it lags you and allows them a few seconds in which to take you out. If this were happening often and with different folks, I could confidently say that it was random but it is only certain people that trigger it.


Or it could be random and 1.3 introduced serious performance issues in warzones, rendering them unplayable at times around certain opponents. :(

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Its possible to shield yourself and force speed through the fire and take little to no damage.




Also, not always does the shield animation work, yet the stat from the shield does. This can make it look like he ran through with no buffs at all.

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You people realize that he could already be over the other side of the fire on his game, where as he's still walking over it on yours, right? A good way to discern this is if you stun or root someone on a pit, and they take no damage and then appear at the edge on the other side a few seconds later coming out of said stun/root. His connection to the game is not running in perfect harmony with yours to the game server.
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I saw an agent / op do this the other night and wondered the same.


No other toon was near this agent and they ran right through the fire with zero damage. I was watching from the side running to get ready to CC them assuming they would stop in front of the flame.

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Yeah I've seen lots of strange things on POT5 since transferring.


Initially I attributed most of it to lag and servers not being able to handle an influx of people, but it is far worse than it was even during early release, so unless the server performance took a few serious steps back then this shouldn't be due to the load.


One of the things I've been noticing, apart from amazing speed some people run at (yes I'm aware of all the speed buffs classes get, been playing this game over a year now), is that only certain people lag me TREMENDOUSLY when entering my screen in warzones. I can have a large battle going on and everything runs smoothly, until that one person comes on your screen and my performance gets sooo choppy, I think a frame updates once a second or two. Needless to say, I do not end up winning the battles I'm unable to fight in, however the person that lags you always does.


Which got me thinking -- what if it's an exploit? What if they figured out how to bombard your client with so much information that it lags you and allows them a few seconds in which to take you out. If this were happening often and with different folks, I could confidently say that it was random but it is only certain people that trigger it.


Or it could be random and 1.3 introduced serious performance issues in warzones, rendering them unplayable at times around certain opponents. :(


I think your right on. Alot of this stuff is post 1.3 and I just attributed it to server load but it's progressively gotten worse.

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This is not it but while you mention it this ability coupled with the damage they can put out make them a slight bit OP. Just saying...

That's because he forgot to mention it also eats half of current health.

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