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The Best Star ship


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I can't believe it's a question, the Imperial Agent starship is clearly the best with the Sith starship coming in a close second. Maybe the Bounty Hunter Ship in 3rd, Jedi, Trooper, then Smuggler. Generally don't like the pub ships.
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I'm tempted to not count the Imperial agent ship, because although it looks the nicest over-all... it's Startrek.

Plain and simple.

Jem'hadar engines and a Starfleet interior.


Excluding the obviously wrong place wrong time ship, I'd argue the Sith ship being the best. Practical, sexy lighting, decent placing of all things.

However. If you were to imagine a ship invasion of any kind, the Trooper interior is best for defending inside of...


But for sheer player-practicality(sp) would be the defender used by Jedi. Bop, boop, out.

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The Agent's ship is sexy. Star-Treky, perhaps, but it's a sexy ship.


Not too fond of either the Sith's or the Smugglers. Smugglers feels like a Smuggler's ship should, but it's round-about nature would make it hard to defend, and it's a pain to get around with. Sith's is just so... red.

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Agent, IMO. I don't like the trooper one especially because of the multiple levels. I play on a lot of alts and can't take the time to memorize where all my companions are, so a ship with multiple levels is harder to navigate when I'm trying to find someone to talk to. I'll give the Jedi ship points for easy egress, but I prefer the orientation of the Sith ship. Agent and Sith ships just look way cooler in space combat, whereas the Jedi ship looks like a flying brick.
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  • 6 months later...

I personally like most Defender and Fury models. Which belongs to sith inqusitor/warrior and Jedi Consular/Knight.

The reasons are similar:

- Both ships have very tradicional design, similar to some well know spececraft from uiverse. Fury is in lina with TIE. And Defender is another corelian model.

- Both ships have short running distance fron cockpit to exit.

- The room layout is quite sensible. Also ships look solid.

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My bounty hunter is eventually going to steal her brother's IA starship. Only because she thinks it's purty. And she has some experience stealing ships. That being said, though, her ship is the first one I've really named. She calls her ship "The Bad Boy". Because it is.


I myself favor the Knight / Consular ship. Because it's real easy to get out of. You run down from the bridge, leap over the railing, and exit the door in one smooth motion! It's awesome!


I will say, though, there's something pretty cool about the smuggler ship. I finally figured that's why my guy smuggler stays in shape. He has an indoor track! Around and around and around ...



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The agent has the sleekest and most beautiful ship. It's an 'E' type Jag, an F-18, an Arabian horse.... But the Warrior/Inquisitor ship is just as fine in it's own thoroughbred, stealth bomber, muscle car way.


The republic seems to thing that color, spaciousness and style are of the dark. ;)

Edited by errant_knight
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The agent has the sleekest and most beautiful ship. It's an 'E' type Jag, an F-18, an Arabian horse.... But the Warrior/Inquisitor ship is just as fine in it's own thoroughbred, stealth bomber, muscle car way.


The republic seems to thing that color, spaciousness and style are of the dark. ;)

Couldn't agree more.

But I also hate the BH ship,

I assume that was stolen from a pub in Act 1.


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BH's ship is my favorite. It's just, you know... charismatic. It's not fancy and beutiful, but if I can imagine any starship having its own personality, it would be bounty hunter's ship. Edited by Yria
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The Sith ship is my favorite- simple solid layout and all on one level. And it's got that TIE fighter resemblance.

Smuggler ship is a close second just cause it's like the Millenium Falcon.


All the ships are interesting though the IA ship does seem like something out of Star Trek and the trooper ship exterior is kinda ugly

Edited by Projawa
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I like the reasoning behind the IA ship. It's a luxury starship retro fitted with military hardware. So that you can fly around without arousing too much suspicion :p


It is my favourite. Second favourite would be SW/SI ship VERY Imperial lol

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1) Imperial Agent: Beautiful to look at and the concept behind it works so well, the military starship disguised as a luxury space-yacht.

2) Jedi Knight/Consular: It just seems to epitomise what a Jedi ship should be

3) Sith Inquisitor/Warrior: Intimidating appearance, lovely lay-out, just a little to spartan for what I imagine a Sith ship to be. I feel there should be holocrons and artifacts and a rather more 'force wizards tower' feel to it. But that's jsut me.

4) Smuggler: It's just so fantastic...

5) Bounty Hunter: Really great, nice simple lay-out, a little too utilitarian for my taste but it fits the BH perfectly.

6)Trooper: Very much a military vessal, fits the class well but I find it a little dull.


The margins are very small in my opinion, the six ships ranging from an 8 to 9.5 out of ten. They are all great.

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Sith Warrior one by far - simple and well planned with a nice bedroom, altho I would say that my bedroom is in rather loudy place, almost near my cattle gather and probably cht chat. lack of holocorons in the cabin and ancient tablets is also a little bit lacky
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