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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My MVP vote goes to...


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If it's not a Sage healing you, they're just building up secondary resource. Some people do it to be annoying of course, but for Commando/Merc especially, they want those 30 charges before the match starts and has nothing to do with Guard.


And for ops it's stacks of TA.

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I like to give it to whom ever talks the most strategy. Or who ever seems to be taking the lead on trying to organize us. Most of the time it's obvious stuff like...


2/6/0 Me and Bob will take 2.


...but I just like it when there seems to be someone acting as the leader. It calms me down. I get nervous when nobody talks all match except for '2 INC WEST'.


So in summary, I give it to the strategist.

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If we win I give it to the guy who contributed the most to the win (be it strategy, responding to or calling "inc", healing, or objectives.


If we lose I give it to the guy with the least number of medals as he hurt our team the most and I want him in better gear as quickly as possible so that he won't be hurting the team the next time I'm grouped with him.

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As a healer I sure as hell do vote for the peeps that guard me


I would *love* to do this, but how do I know who threw the guard on me!? If there is only one person with guard-points, then I know. But it'd be nice to know during the game so I know who to stick next to (and, of course, who to prioritize first when deciding who to heal :) ). Short of asking, of course. Asking works fine before the match starts, but in the heat of battle who wants to take the time to type "who threw that guard on me?" or even answer "me".


My MVP goes to whoever came into the match at the last minute due to quiters. Then by guard points. Then a mix of objectives/healing/dps, or if someone was lone guarding a node and stayed there the whole time even though nothing happened at that node. Although, on my non-healer, that lone defender is often me, so I give it to the guy that comes running (speedering) when I called "inc 2 west". If someone in chat took control of strategy in a non-abusive way, I'll often vote for them. In huttball I vote for whever the other person is that's actually trying to play huttball instead of deathmatch - becuase there's often only two of us. :)

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I like to give my vote to the person with the most deaths as well. It mean's one of 2 things.


1. They didn't give up. Like in a loosing civil war. I hate it when people give up early and just sit on the node.


2. Probably under geared and need help.

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I would *love* to do this, but how do I know who threw the guard on me!? If there is only one person with guard-points, then I know. But it'd be nice to know during the game so I know who to stick next to (and, of course, who to prioritize first when deciding who to heal :) ). Short of asking, of course. Asking works fine before the match starts, but in the heat of battle who wants to take the time to type "who threw that guard on me?" or even answer "me".


My MVP goes to whoever came into the match at the last minute due to quiters. Then by guard points. Then a mix of objectives/healing/dps, or if someone was lone guarding a node and stayed there the whole time even though nothing happened at that node. Although, on my non-healer, that lone defender is often me, so I give it to the guy that comes running (speedering) when I called "inc 2 west". If someone in chat took control of strategy in a non-abusive way, I'll often vote for them. In huttball I vote for whever the other person is that's actually trying to play huttball instead of deathmatch - becuase there's often only two of us. :)


When I notice I have guard, I ask in ops who is guarding me if I can. I then place a target marker on their head so I can see their distance away from me easily without looking for their name (that way I can try to stay as close to them as possible.) iill also sometimes just set them as my focus target. But yes, as you mentioned it's hard to do this in the heat of battle.


This helps me know who guarded me :)


You can always just looked for the ability graphic and who it's shooting at you from to see who is guarding you... This can be hard to see sometimes though.

Edited by Shlamorel
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