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Any other female players out there who like to play male toons?


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Well, I'm a female player and I don't 'hide behind' a male toon. Most the 'straight' ladies I know play a male toon for one reason, 1) they don't want little teenage hormone-bombs annoying them or 2.) They play them for pretty much the same reason most heterosexual male play females. They (female players) would rather look at some nice male avatar while playing (the same as most males like to look at a hot babe instead of some beefcake for hours at a time per session, msot games are targeted to adolescent males)


Myself, I play a female bounty hunter because I'm female and I'm also 'not straight' and I'm totally hot to trot for Mako, she rocks my world! :D

(I get accused of 'perving on my pixels' all the time)

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I know that the objective of this theme is to get us (female players behind male toons)out of the closet! * joking *


Yes, I am female player and role player.

My main characters are often women.

But always book a room for a male character I tend to give a cocky attitude, intimidating, funny, somewhat macho, chivalrous at times, unfaithful, and why not say ... a bit cre.tin.


And frankly, I love playing with him.

Secretly I think he's the man I would be if I weren't a woman ... haha.


I enjoy playing the smmugler history as a male, and role playing him, But everyone knows my gender because the shouts and laughter in ventrilo during PVP.


English is not my mother language, sorry, I try my best!

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I have to say that my mains are men but I let my g/f design a female character (my Imperial Agent) and I've actually really enjoyed playing it. Might be the storyline but she seems to react very differently to situations than my other characters (which are essentially lightside/darkside clones of each other).


I guess I'm an RPer. I also want my characters to "fit" together and it quite frankly doesn't makes sense for my entire Legacy to be one gender... so I suppose that means I'll probably create at least one more female toon.


Haven't noticed anybody treating the toon different...


- Arcada

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I'm female and I typically play male characters, but not exclusively. For me, it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to be anonymous - I have always played in a close knit group of real life friends. I do play female characters occasionally, and after 6 years I can't say I've ever experienced being treated any differently by what I play... I know some have, it's just not a factor for me.


Why do I play male characters, you ask? I just like to. Maybe it's partly a bit of a tom-boy side I have. I don't have issues being female in real life and I'm heterosexual, but RP'ing as male is just fun. I tend to create characters as if I was writing a story...t.hey can't all be the same gender, of course.


PS - yes I do swoon over my IA's voice

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I usually play female characters in game and for one reason, they feel "lighter". It's silly probably but it's always been the case before.

When I rolled a sorcerer however, I chose to play a male rattataki. My first male character ever and I'm quite happy with the result.

Anyway, I'm a woman and I play a male character (one out of 4). It's really interesting when trying to rp a guy too. ^^"

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