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Merc. pvp 1.3


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I have a few more suggestions.

1. Advanced target is a MUST 3/3 points. It boost railshot which is our bread and butter.

2. Do NOT get supercharged gas from the healing tree.

3. Pick Degauss or IR sensors, not both.

4. Get Rapid Venting.

5. Move Integrated Cardio into Systems Calibration.

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Hey guys, Im leveling a mercenary and I'd like to have some input as far as expertise goes. I've read several post that say to go with the fire tree but not real indication especially after the changes in 1.3. Please give me some critique or some pointers on this build. Thanks.




This is the build you want to have in PVP.




Stabilizers is required for PVP otherwise you cannot cast while getting beat on.


Upgrade Arsenal replaces Hired Muscle for only a single point.


Muzzle Fluting is an absolute must, otherwise Power Shot takes too long to cast.

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If you are standing there trying to cast while getting beat on, you're doing it wrong. That's what the Arsenal tree is for. Pyro is all about staying mobile and kiting (or trying to kite at least). Personally I run this:




If I am ranged, I need to be able to cast Power Shot without every random AE or melee tickle causing me to lose time on the induction.


I will gladly trade 1% endurance and worthless Infrared Sensors for the ability to cast/channel without pushback. I tested it without going with another 3% Crit, was worth it in PVE not in PVP.

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I will gladly trade 1% endurance and worthless Infrared Sensors for the ability to cast/channel without pushback. I tested it without going with another 3% Crit, was worth it in PVE not in PVP.


Is this a PvP or PvE conversation? If it's PvE then my post can be disregarded.

If not, then I guess it comes down to play style. More endurance is never a bad thing. Infrared Sensors is great when running around or guarding objectives and catching an Assassin or Operative before they open on you or anyone else, and the 2% damage reduction isn't bad. I am always mobile and hardly ever use Power Shot, and only cast Unload if no one is around me and I want to proc my rail shot. It's all preference.

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If you're really interested in PvP, then make a powertech.


Merc PvP is beyond rough. You will work twice as hard for a third the results.


Sadly I agree with this. I love BH but Merc is inferior to PT in the DPS role in pretty much every way. They have way more Hybrid synergy as well. Merc is designed to be inside the lines on talent specs and the one Healer/Arse hybrid was instantly nerfed into obvlivion with the heat management changes.


Pyro PT's are vastly superior to Mercs on staying power, and damage due to their other low teir talents that boost their key abilities... bottom teirs get really nice boosts to rocket punch and elemental dmg which makes their Pyro spec beast over Merc. Not to mention they still survive considerably more dmg, while a Merc is running his butt off with very few actual kite skills...PT only has a couple gap closers granted...but they can still dmg at ranged so.....


Merc can be fun for sure especially as pyro spec....But you just cant compete with a PT Pyro period.


People think because Merc has a couple heal buttons as DPS Spec that should make up for absolutely no way to disengage your enemy or effectively kite..... Go hit up one of your Merc Pyro or Arse buddies and ask them to try and heal in a fight on open ground....Then laugh when your basic attacks do more dmg then they can heal and now they are back peddling because they are to high in their heat range to do a dps rotation and the fight is over.....


Think of it this way...If you miss an interupt on a DPS merc heal...its ok because you are letting them heat cap themselves to their oen inevitable doom...

Edited by Soljin
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Is this a PvP or PvE conversation? If it's PvE then my post can be disregarded.

If not, then I guess it comes down to play style. More endurance is never a bad thing. Infrared Sensors is great when running around or guarding objectives and catching an Assassin or Operative before they open on you or anyone else, and the 2% damage reduction isn't bad. I am always mobile and hardly ever use Power Shot, and only cast Unload if no one is around me and I want to proc my rail shot. It's all preference.


Speaking only about PVP.


Why would you move when it is not in your or your team's best interest for you to move? Why ignore one of our hardest hitting abilities when you can actually use it effectively. I understand that we need to be mobile, but not to the point of ignoring important abilities.


Priority should look something like this:


Is the target burning? No, Incendiary Missile.

Yes? Is Rail Shot on cooldown? No, Rail Shot.

Yes? Is Thermal Detonator on cooldown? No, TD.

Yes? Is Unload on cooldown? No, Unload and cancel if Rail Shot procs.

Yes? Is heat under 50? No, Rapid Shots.

Yes? Can you stand still for a GCD? No, Rapid Shots.

Yes? Power Shot.


This should have you using Power Shot at least two or three times every fifteen second rotation period. Which you need to be doing in order to get Rail Shot procs. Pyro a lot more mobile than Arsenal, but it does not have the ability to be supremely mobile and retain all of its dps capability.


As for Infrared Sensors, the benefit of Stealth Scan is usually fairly predictable and it is rarely on cooldown when we need to use it. Plus we have other ways of clearing stealth if need be, Sweeping Blasters, Jet Boost, DFA, etc. I would rather be able to cast through an AE or melee tickle when I need to, than get 1% endurance and shortened cooldown on a situational ability.

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Speaking only about PVP.


Why would you move when it is not in your or your team's best interest for you to move? Why ignore one of our hardest hitting abilities when you can actually use it effectively. I understand that we need to be mobile, but not to the point of ignoring important abilities.


Priority should look something like this:


Is the target burning? No, Incendiary Missile.

Yes? Is Rail Shot on cooldown? No, Rail Shot.

Yes? Is Thermal Detonator on cooldown? No, TD.

Yes? Is Unload on cooldown? No, Unload and cancel if Rail Shot procs.

Yes? Is heat under 50? No, Rapid Shots.

Yes? Can you stand still for a GCD? No, Rapid Shots.

Yes? Power Shot.


This should have you using Power Shot at least two or three times every fifteen second rotation period. Which you need to be doing in order to get Rail Shot procs. Pyro a lot more mobile than Arsenal, but it does not have the ability to be supremely mobile and retain all of its dps capability.


As for Infrared Sensors, the benefit of Stealth Scan is usually fairly predictable and it is rarely on cooldown when we need to use it. Plus we have other ways of clearing stealth if need be, Sweeping Blasters, Jet Boost, DFA, etc. I would rather be able to cast through an AE or melee tickle when I need to, than get 1% endurance and shortened cooldown on a situational ability.


I agree with most of what you're saying. In my experience I've found if I stand still and cast, I get focused by melee and die faster, which is not beneficial to my team, and is why I don't like to cast Power Shot unless there is no one close. I am always kiting melee which you can't do trying to cast Power Shot or Unload. No I am not putting out as much DPS as if I was standing there casting constantly, but I find being alive and playing objectives to be better than my damage done at the end.

And a clarification on Infrared Sensors, it increases your stealth detection level, which lets you catch stealthers walking around you. The decreased cool down on Stealth Scan is just a bonus.

Again, these are just my preferences due to my experience. I probably don't have the same play style as you which is why we don't see eye to eye. Not saying 1 of us is better than the other, just a different way to play the Pyrotech tree :)

Edited by Hartburn
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As pyro, power shot shouldn't be part of your rotation at all, unless you really need that PPA proc to reset railshot and that no one is on you at the time (don't waste power surge on that) and even then it takes 3 power shot casts to proc PPA tops and by the time you do, unload is ready to use for that. Edited by Sookster
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Am I the only pvp'er playing arsenal? Has anyone tried it since 1.3? I think it's now on par with pyro and has superior burst. It's a completely different play style than pyro but isn't as useless as it was before 1.3. As a support dps (assisting other dps) I think you can really cut through targets even being healed. Pyro is still the best at keeping mobile and kiting. Because you can sustain dps longer on the run, I'm sure you score higher dps at the end of the match but I'm finding arsenal is finally viable. It's still harder to play if you are not used to being sniper like. Took me a while to realize you can't stand toe to toe with melee and to just run when they turn on you. But now I'm fairing much better against ranged classes and as long as I can keep distance I seem to be hitting really hard now. Edited by Choffware
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As pyro, power shot shouldn't be part of your rotation at all, unless you really need that PPA proc to reset railshot and that no one is on you at the time (don't waste power surge on that) and even then it takes 3 power shot casts to proc PPA tops and by the time you do, unload is ready to use for that.


Umm this is exactly why Power Shot is part of the priority rotation, because you WANT to be using Rail Shot every six seconds.


Think of it like this, what is the cooldown of Rail Shot if you did not use Power Shot. If you get a proc on the first Unload, then you get one free Rail Shot, after that it is no faster than one Rail shot every fifteen seconds. Kind of a waste of three talent points, eh?


Use Power Shot, even in PVP, if you can't/won't then you need to rethink your spec.

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