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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy perks did you buy?


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I got the mount one for my level 10 alt (and I might get the first bonus for gifts). I would have bought the critical one for my crafting toons if it was a general +crit perk, since its only for augments not so sure. I might get the sell junk faster for the toons I normally do dailys with. I might eventually get the transport one, but that seems unlikely.
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For my 37 healy Commando, +30% WZ exp and +20% companion rep from gifts (didn't have the money to get him Legacy of Altruism III.).


If I wasn't so lazy I'd be able to make about nine hundred thousand credits a day from dailies, but... who wants to do that many damn dailies?


Edit: Corellia, Belsavis and Ilum dailies can make roughly 300,000 credits a day if you do all of them; since I've got three 50s, that's 900,000 creds. (I realized this could easily have been misinterpreted to mean that I can make 900k credits from one character's dailies per day which is insane. xD)


Edit#2: Oh, and all of my 50s have the BH teleport thing.

Edited by Flyceratops
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I just started a brand new toon on a brand new server and I'm only lvl 19. However, I absolutely plan to buy some legacy perks when I unlock my legacy. Most likely I'll get the xp bonus for class quests and the xp bonus for space missions. I don't know why everyone else is so angry about the legacy perks, they seem great to me. A way to personalize my leveling experience for each individual character? Count me in! I think it's a great way to change the leveling experience so you don't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over and over no matter what character/class you're playing. I may be the only one, but I'm excited.
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None, they're an idiotic money sink that costs WAY too much. I did fine before them, I'll do fine without them... When/if I ever resub. 1.3 is a joke.


The repair bot and the field respec, cost a wopping 250k.


That's not that much and easily the best of the perks. (level 10 mount is pretty sweet as well and only costs 40k.)

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Edit: Corellia, Belsavis and Ilum dailies can make roughly 300,000 credits a day if you do all of them; since I've got three 50s, that's 900,000 creds. (I realized this could easily have been misinterpreted to mean that I can make 900k credits from one character's dailies per day which is insane. xD)


I was just about to say, I must've missed 600k worth of dailies somehwere! :p

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None quite yet, though I'm going to pick up the the speeder training for my level 17 alt when I log in. The price is quite reasonable, and it is very convenient.


I might be tempted to pick up a couple more, but I am currently saving for a previous legacy addition (a race unlock). xD And honestly, most of the newly added perks don't look useful enough to me to justify the cost. But I am one of those people that hates doing dailies more than occasionally (which is plenty for repair costs and such); it takes something I really want to entice me to do them more often. And I'm not seeing any of the pricey new perks falling into that category. :p


Will probably pick up the QT to your capital world and the 5 sec junk sell for my main later, though. They seem like a pretty good cost-to-convenience ratio to me. ^^

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If you mean the new perks?


I'll probably be picking up the first 2 tiers of +augment slot for all 6 of my crafting characters. I'm mainly a crafter, so unless they've changed it, my legacy level isn't high enough to buy the 3rd tier.


None of the rest of the locks seem worthwhile. My companions affections (those I have) are pretty much all already 10k, and it doesn't take that much to boost 'em with gifts. (though maybe price has come down on those unlocks)


The various convenience stuff all seems fairly pointless, venders/mailboxes are everywhere, and I see no need to respec.


The xp stuff is counter productive. When I do adventure, I'm more concerned with overleveling the content than I am with underleveling it. If they added a perk to zero out space combat exp, *that's* something I might be interested in...


The speeder stuff? Maybe...

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I can bet there are more people that have zero Legacy crap purchased than there are people that have purchased even the first tier of anything....



and to answer the OP's question... none for me as well.. they are really pointless

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