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Your experience with the group finder?


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In answer to the OP


So far I have used the GF twice, once today and got HM Directive 7, once yesterday and got HM Kaon.


Both times I got stella groups, no ninja-ing of loot and we completed the FP in good time


So personally I think the tool is amazing - I love FP's and for me it was doing Black Talon back at lvl 10 following release that made me think "this game is different"

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I've used it twice now for Mandalorian Raiders on my lowbie Operative. Both times, we initially had two tanks because we had players check for both DPS and tank roles. I was healing and it's annoying to have to divide my attention between two people pulling threat. I finally had to tell one of them to switch stance so that I could focus on one target.


In one instance, we had 3 different DPS leave the group. We queued up for replacements and found them quickly, but it resulted in a Marauder who joined the group fighting only the last boss with us and getting a chestpiece and weapon drop out of it. Bad luck for the rest of us who had actually stuck it out, done the work and gotten through the flashpoint incident-free.

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For best results, I use the group finder as a supplementary tool and not just a "set and forget" type deal. You can mouse over the group finder icon to see how many people are currently queued up for each category. The tool is also server-specific for a reason: to preserve the community. So don't be shy! Ask General chat if anybody would like to queue up with you. Strike up a conversation in your group and maybe grow that friends list with names of other people who like to run the same content as you. Community, community, community! Trust me when I say that a cross-server tool may decrease your wait-times but it will also greatly decrease your grouping experience. Anonymity destroys personal accountability to play nice/fair. Add to that the lost potential to make new friends/guildies and you will see stagnation in the community as people simply log on to run their "daily dungeons" and log out, never leaving the fleet.
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First day, It worked fine found a group for a flashpoint really quick no problem. :D Looking for planet side groups, different story. :( Also it usless when level past a max point. :confused: Which I find funny seeing how Bioware, gave new ways to get extra XP and level faster. :rolleyes: Between those and dailys my TOONs are leveling like crazy. Then I'm lockout of groupfinder, :eek: usless....
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I don't understand why you can't queue for lower level flashpoints.


I want to do Collicoid War games at level 50, normally I could solo it fine probably, but you need 3-4 people to get past that force field area. I have to group up the old fashioned way instead of using the group finder which would be far easier

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Really? The loot ninjas have already started? That didnt take them long.


They've been around. Not as much recently that I've seen, but when the game launched I got a couple. The ones starting now probably think this is WoW and they'll never see people again, but once they figure out that same server LFG means that they're running with the same people who didn't put up with it last time, it'll die down again.

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I've also been in the queue for Taral V and Maelstrom for over half the day and had only a single group form, only to be reentered into the queue when one of the DPS hit "decline invite."


So far, I like the concept and the idea of the Group Finder, but I think it's still riddled with bugs right now and there aren't enough people using it through different level ranges to make it worthwhile just yet.


I've only managed to land one group on my mid-level character thus far with two other pops that ended in someone declining. It's not a very frequent popper that's for sure. I expect that they'll eventually do what others have done and make it cross-server to enhance the player pool.

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So far as a lvl 50 healer it's been positive. Though I feel the dungeons are just too long. Every single run I've been in has had people drop out and forced to wait for reps. It's really dragging the over all experience down taking 2 hours to clear a single run. Over all though the LFG has made the game fun for me again and it hasn't had any appeal to me for months so thats good. I worry about how useful it'll be for my low level alts though.
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My biggest issue with it is that it doesn't seem particularly useful while leveling. I tend to level 2 to 3 levels above the planet I'm on, so the "Planetary Destinations" don't ever seem to match where I am and what I'm doing.


It really needs to be opened up to allow us to select FP's/destinations that we want to select, rather than being limited to the selections it thinks are appropriate.




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I've had great experiences on The Harbinger as a Sith Marauder. I didn't run very many flashpoints on my way to 50, so I'm not experienced with a lot of the fights. I did work to gear up for the hard modes, doing my dailies, and upgrading when I could so I would be prepared in that way.


So far the people I've grouped with have been very patient in explaining the boss fights. And I have to say grouping on The Harbinger has been a really great time overall. There are some good people on that server.

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My experience hasn't been good. The actual group finder itself has worked well, the problem has been grouping with players who don't know the Droid puzzle on KP so wiping because boss enrages, or not getting past Soa because players ignore simple "follow me" requests and time after time, after time, lose most of their health taking bigger drops on the way down rather than just waiting a few extra seconds for less damaging drops to fall into place. Sadly no Sages were grouped with party so Salvation wasn't an option. Even if it was, people still wouldn't group up for heals.
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My biggest issue with it is that it doesn't seem particularly useful while leveling. I tend to level 2 to 3 levels above the planet I'm on, so the "Planetary Destinations" don't ever seem to match where I am and what I'm doing.


It really needs to be opened up to allow us to select FP's/destinations that we want to select, rather than being limited to the selections it thinks are appropriate.





totally agree its completely useless unless we can select all quests regardless of level

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Does anyone know how to select only one role for queueing? I had my friends gathered and queued up for 2 extra players for EV SM and they got roles they never played before eg. My assasin friend got in as tank while he plays madness. Is there any way in which you can only select one role and this option is saved ? Dual spec does not exist... :(
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So Far I have not had a decent experience with the LFG tool. I wait a while for a group and when it was forming one of the characters didn't join, so we had to go back into the que.


Then I did get a group. We started the group and one of the other guys dropped out because they didn't like the tank in our group.


They need a better way to measure you level of power. - Then only allow you in that Hard Mode if you high enough level.


2nd, the LFG is useless for heroics on planets. :( I know a lot of people say we need X Realm, which I think would be great, as there is 3 Aussie Servers we can que up with. I stayed on this month for update 1.3:( but disappointed. So will be signing off until the game updates some more.

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My experience has been absolutely terrible. I will disregard the bugs that prevent searching for an extra player when someone drops out for no reason. My first try, I decided to do a normal flash point, since it had been a while for me doing PvE content. I am rakata with some columi. I get LI normal with a sentinel in recruit gear. After going through 3 healers and 6 wipes on the last boss I had had enough.


Second one, similar story, HM Taral V, players trying to stealth where the can't, rushing through, trying to skip mobs that lead to more delays and then dropping out.

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The thing with queues not popping are people are not using it. On the several servers I'm on, I still see LFG and LFM spam all over the place like it was before the patch, so I guess it'll take some time before people realize its there.


As for me, I ran 3 FPs across 3 chars and haven't had a single issue, so I'm happy :cool:


This is exactly it. With the population increase, its not even needed (let alone the tragedy of a cross server tool), as people are getting groups in like 10 seconds on my server.


Yes, it will eventually be used more as time goes on, but its going to take some time before it gets there, which is why posting a review thread for a long term addition, after 48 hours is ridiculous. LOL Not sure what the OP was thinking when they put this one up. Pretty silly to even speculate. More so to be still crying about cross server.

Edited by Blackardin
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Still waiting in queue.... 30 minutes. Cross server please.


If you are sitting there waiting in queue as you watch group after group form and go on their way then I'm not sure what to tell you there friend. LOL


People will eventually start leaning on this tool, but you might want to put a note in chat, or jump in with one of the hundreds of groups that are forming all around you. ;p

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I've used it twice now for Mandalorian Raiders on my lowbie Operative. Both times, we initially had two tanks because we had players check for both DPS and tank roles. I was healing and it's annoying to have to divide my attention between two people pulling threat. I finally had to tell one of them to switch stance so that I could focus on one target.


How is player error the game's fault? Honestly, are people incapable of communicating? "Hey, we have two tanks, which of you want to go dps?" How does that qualify as a review of the mechanic, and not a review of players ability to read and communicate? LOL


In one instance, we had 3 different DPS leave the group. We queued up for replacements and found them quickly, but it resulted in a Marauder who joined the group fighting only the last boss with us and getting a chestpiece and weapon drop out of it. Bad luck for the rest of us who had actually stuck it out, done the work and gotten through the flashpoint incident-free.


This is the beauty of the LFG tool being server only. Did you put those three quitters on ignore? Will they soon find themselves screaming in the dark if they continue to just abandon groups without so much as a "by-your-leave?" You didn't ignore them but are using them to complain about a fault in the mechanic?


Further, would your luck on the chest piece be different if there were no LFG tool? How about if it was cross server? Would that change the loot drop?


I'm not sure how one would qualify this as a review of the mechanic at all.

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So far it has functioned. I've qued as a Tank and waited quite a bit before it popped. The pick up from where you are and drop off at the Fleet is a tad annoying but in all honesty I can understand it as part of just the way the game works.
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So far through my leveling experience, Group Finder stinks. Why? Because you're usually overleveled for planets, so you can't get the right FPs or even planets to pop up. I've been on Taris, and the whole time the only FP available was Hammer Station (not even Athiss, and I checked every level from 21-24), and my very own planetary group finder was shaded out (Nar Shadaar was the only option I had).


It works for end game FPs and planets, but deffo not while you're leveling.

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I tried again on a busy Saturday night, with my level 50 and level 21 Characters. The wait time is huge. The amount of people that drop out is high. You are getting people in Hard Modes who don't even have the basic stats to play through them. Therefore you group just can't succeed.


I sat for over an hour on my 21 and never got into a flashpoint . Still had to spam chat to join up in heroics:(


This tool needs some massive revamping and x server - I held out on suspending my subscription because I was really looking forward for LFG, but have been not impressed with its current implementation. My son and I have decided to suspend to allow the game to evolve with more content and refinements to the system....then we will be back as we have enjoyed this game since December, but really want new tools to work right so we can fully enjoy the game.

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The mayor problem with FP 10-49 lvl is that the XP for doing them is a joke.

Sadly bioware dont understand these basic things. Reason the dungeon finder is great in wow is that in wow one can actually lvl doing dungeons.I mean players say the same thing, when you leave a fp and see th reward is 2.4000 credits and you dident even gain 1/6 of a lvl doing the FP players dont care about them. I guess bioweare still think players do them for the story ^^

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Did The False Emperor HM today, 3 of the 4 people were first timers (including myself), we did complete it, it took 3 tries on the last boss but it took a little timing for the tank to figure out a few things.


Overall, it will be easy henceforth.


SM ops are harder and harder to find as people are locked out, I suggest you add more.


Edit: also, I've not seen Teral V yet, with over a couple dozen HM runs with multiple toons- Is it really there? has anyone been able to get into Teral V with the group finder?

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?

Its both good and bad, i still pref to look in /1 or do it with guildmates as they atleast understand english.


only bad thing i have had is the ( [sdrateR] read that backwards Keep getting warnings for using that word ) that nomaly didnt do the flashpoint due not being able to speak any english at all now get groups too.

And most of the time they dont understad the tacts at all and as said dont understand when you try to explain.


Also its good cuse i been building up reputition as healer fast so i get a lot of whispers if i wana join from time to time. so as i said both good and bad.


oh and another thing all these ninja looters remember to ignore them so they will have a harder time to get groups, once enough ppl ignore them they wont have anyone to play with.


Peace out forumers :)

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Its fun.

It basically Added PvE content to the game for me.

Simply adds tons of new endgame content, but i rlly still need more, bored D:



The waittimes can be a little anoying.

Worst Part of the Group Finder System:

Role Resets After Patch

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