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so tanking builds for 1.3


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I have been testing this build since 1.3 with no issues at all. Subbed Slash in for Overhead strike and agro is no issue, adding the extra damage from swelling winds more than makes up the damage difference between Overhead Strike and Slash. In Soresu i have the agro and focus is good enough, when i flip thru to Shien stance, things feel like they are melting quick and flowing in power. This is based with playing PVE 70% and PVP 30%. I really hope they modify Defense tree to make it more efficient and more survival then the lackluster form it is in now. Those War Hero Relics are very nice option for us post 1.3 with the defense and shield rating...:-)

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Glad it's working for you. Just curious, do you pvp in that spec?


I never PvP in that spec as it feels completely useless. I want to mention it has nothing to do with 1.3.


I PvP in a Focus spec with tank armor and DPS implants, earpiece, and relics. I'm also augmented with full +18 power, +12 endurance augments. This gives me a combination of some defense, endurance, and enough DPS to really contribute while in Soresu form. I'm able to better protect my healer (that I guard) because I'm quickly killing the people trying to kill the healer. :)

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Any input on this build? I plan on testing it tonight since my guild will be running some new 50s through EV/KP storymode, so I'm not too worried about causing wipes, etc. since I'm well geared. We will be running EC HM tomorrow though with the regular ops crew.


I've been running the 31 GS build and different hybrid builds since 1.3. I definitely find the 31 GS underwhelming, and in fact I've lost aggro a few times unless I include taunt as part of my rotation.


What are people's thoughts on including Force Rush for the 60% crit chance to Blade Storm? I am including to increasing my aggro.


I am dropping Momentum, which is something I usually consider a core tank ability. Any thoughts?


I am dropping Blade Barrier as well. I'm kinda mixed about Blade Barrier TBH. 1.3 supposedly made it better but I can't really observe a NOTICEABLE increase in mitigation, but the hard numbers may actually support using it. Thoughts?


I'm including Shien mainly to make myself more flexible. Our guild usually brings two tanks for ops, but most of the time only one tank is required. Since I have a decent DPS set, I might as well make myself more useful when only one tank is needed.

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Any input on this build? I plan on testing it tonight since my guild will be running some new 50s through EV/KP storymode, so I'm not too worried about causing wipes, etc. since I'm well geared. We will be running EC HM tomorrow though with the regular ops crew.


I've been running the 31 GS build and different hybrid builds since 1.3. I definitely find the 31 GS underwhelming, and in fact I've lost aggro a few times unless I include taunt as part of my rotation.


What are people's thoughts on including Force Rush for the 60% crit chance to Blade Storm? I am including to increasing my aggro.


I am dropping Momentum, which is something I usually consider a core tank ability. Any thoughts?


I am dropping Blade Barrier as well. I'm kinda mixed about Blade Barrier TBH. 1.3 supposedly made it better but I can't really observe a NOTICEABLE increase in mitigation, but the hard numbers may actually support using it. Thoughts?


I'm including Shien mainly to make myself more flexible. Our guild usually brings two tanks for ops, but most of the time only one tank is required. Since I have a decent DPS set, I might as well make myself more useful when only one tank is needed.


Nearly the same as my own build now except i have put two points in purifying sweep for the debuff.


Momentum i dropped because i.m.o this talent only really works well with a spec that includes zen leap for free bladestorms all the time :)


Blade Barricade i put one point in , like yourself i'm not convinced that that the damage reduction is scaling right but with a vig spec you might as well benefit from the faster blade storms/barricades.


Tried a variation with the 2 points in force rush and while a nice extra a critical on my tank dps is not really that impressive although i did find it seemed to be useful in the last 30 percent for crits on dispatch - not likley to be needed in a raid group that is geared for the content but useful maybe for progression raids with undergeared dps members.

I have had no problems holding agro while just specing to overhead slash without force rush.

Edited by Harey
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I've been using this build since 1.3. I haven't been able to test it in EC yet, but we've done HM EV and KP and it's been good so far. I find that Commanding Awe is better than both Shield Specialization and Inner Piece combined, and Overhead Slash now does more threat (and damage) per second than GS. It's a shame they had to completely ruin the top tiers of the Defense tree though. I mean, a cooldown to Force Push in 5th tier of the tanking tree? And Solidified Force is worthless except for pvp now. The only skill from the top tiers of the tanking tree I miss (aside from the old GS) is Cyclonic Sweeps, as I find I'm a little bit more focus starved than before. On the other hand, Unremitting is extremely useful for all those enemies that punt you away as soon as you leap in, and Effluence's free sweeps are nice for maintaining aggro.


I'm in full Rakata with some Black Hole, but I have it in orange augmented armor so I'm not getting the boost to Blade Barrier. Even so, my DR is just over 51% (20% for Int/Elem), 26.79% Defense, ~37% Shield, and ~40% Absorb. I've also been using one of the Campaign Shield Amplification relics. With the boost to stats from augments and the new build, I feel tougher since 1.3.


As far as pvp is concerned, I feel as if this build can still perform a solid tanking role (maybe even more so than pure Defence) with the added benefit of more damage. Again, Unremitting is a golden skill, allowing me to leap into Sorcs without fear of their common punt reaction.

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Have read thru most of these and everyone seems to have a variation on what they like to do. I like PvP but want something I can tank with as well without loosing too much DPS.


I've bee toying with this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMudz0MZ0MZfRr0rhzzz.2


It seems to accomplish most of what I want to do and only looses one point in commanding Awe, it's either that or Blade barrier which I'm torn about which is more relevant.

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Welcome to cookie cutter builds. It's just too bad you can't get hilt strike/backhand for that extra stun/interrupt for pvp. It's also too bad BW felt the need to make the worst tank damage potential even worse. There's no room to play with builds anymore. Edited by Hambunctious
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Welcome to cookie cutter builds. It's just too bad you can't get hilt strike/backhand for that extra stun/interrupt for pvp. It's also too bad BW felt the need to make the worst tank damage potential even worse. There's no room to play with builds anymore.


Your 100% correct. With the build I just posted I find that my DPS is cut in half. I do have a bit better surviveability but not enought to make the build worth it in PvP as I get burnt down quick from force damage. I really don't feel like much of a Tank in PvP. Now a Scoundrel Sawbones healer, there's a tanking class for PvP. It takes 3 to take one down.

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Your 100% correct. With the build I just posted I find that my DPS is cut in half. I do have a bit better surviveability but not enought to make the build worth it in PvP as I get burnt down quick from force damage. I really don't feel like much of a Tank in PvP. Now a Scoundrel Sawbones healer, there's a tanking class for PvP. It takes 3 to take one down.


^ 100% correct and person you are quoting too


You don't feel like a jedi anymore, you are like commoners with glowing wet noodle stick. In overall hybrid soresu is far behind than other tanks. Still playable but not fun anymore.

The 3% defense from SSM as replacement to previously 6% damage is not fair. Damage was decent - just decent - back in 1.2 but now Bio level it to the ground.

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Have read thru most of these and everyone seems to have a variation on what they like to do. I like PvP but want something I can tank with as well without loosing too much DPS.


I've bee toying with this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMudz0MZ0MZfRr0rhzzz.2


It seems to accomplish most of what I want to do and only looses one point in commanding Awe, it's either that or Blade barrier which I'm torn about which is more relevant.


why have you dropped blade barricade?:rak_02:

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Blade Barrier really still isn't that good. With it occurring before armor, even an increase to its size is cut nearly in half most of the time (not always, but often). I did a big write-up about tank builds in 1.2, and came to the conclusion that doing the vigilance build is 13% more damage (at minimum, is always higher after 30%), at nearly no defensive cost. The 1.3 changes didn't fix any of that.


I'm currently using this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500hMG0uZ0MZcGr0rhdzM.2


The 2 points in swelling winds could probably go somewhere else. If you're sacrificing Victory Rush for Blade Barrier, you're losing quite a bit of damage for not much tankiness, not to mention playing a much less dynamic character-- I have a lot more fun playing with the crit buff then just mashing overhead slash everytime it's up.

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im using this build atm




not sure if its any good


I think that specing into the defense tree is largely a waste of time. As far as I can tell hilt strike and guardian slash are basically worthless damage/threat wise when compared to overhead slash. This obsession that bioware has with tanks generating more aoe threat is strange to me. I dont know why the did it. I think that they basically broke the defense tree and made it so everyone has to use hybrid specs now.

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