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1.3: Didn't fix the graphical issues! (Hood Clipping, Big Butt Robes, etc...)


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That's actually ridiculously funny. You're not at university for Computer Science or some other software-related field, are you? You don't have even have any experience at all with professional coding, right?


Who are you to try and mock the person speaking the only truth in this thread? People continuously praise bioware, and all they have done is ignore the problems. Bugs are bugs and they need and should be fixed. Even if they werent in the patch notes i would hope they just slid them along. They are minor but they need to be corrected. A game cant pass for complete if you ignore simple bugs.

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That's actually ridiculously funny. You're not at university for Computer Science or some other software-related field, are you? You don't have even have any experience at all with professional coding, right?


You dont need a degree to code. In 2 years of learning and no degree i could probably code better then most CS majors. Its about your experience and abilities with the language you code with.

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There are graphical issues and clipping issues in ALL 3D video games.


Name one where half your body doesn't disappear into a wall when you got close to it

Name one where your weapons don't poke through your armor

Name one where you ride a mount and your cape doesn't go through it

Name one where your two handed weapon doesn't go through your *** and leg on occassion.


The list of bugs is endless, it's not just TOR.


Are you kidding me? The bugs in tor happen when you're not doing any of the things you mention. They are there when you move normally and when you stand normally. The effects glitches that they have yet to fix most MMOs would definitely have addressed by now.


Why are the people in this thread staying off subject yapping about game play fixes they 'like' when this thread is about bugs in the game that have been there since launch that ruin the experience of the game.


Before buying this game I looked at the serious forums that discuss MMOs and this game is considered a joke by places that have solid insight into games like this. I guess I know why now that I've played it. it's things like this that made it to the game then went ignored, and worse of all. They are simple things that ruin the game. Not stuff like riding my horse through a wall- no stuff like my skinny male toon has breasts(d cups), I can see through my hood, my robe has a fat *** that waddles like a duck if I even think to move- oh and this is all happening WHILE i am standing STILL in the game with a character I am PAYING to play.

Edited by WrZlt
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As I said, it is expected of them. I'm in the middle of my university and I'm beggining to see how things work in real life. If you make any mistakes, you are crushed. Why should it be ok not to fix these lousy bugs? If you'd let me make one more assumption, I'd assume these are easy fixes. It could take a little time to fix, but the fixes would still be straight forward.


Anyway, I just made a video showing how these bugs come to life. I'll post it soon.


My, my. Aren't we just super entitled?


The devs are mostly only going to do what they say they are going to do. And just because you think it's important, and just because you think it should be taken care of, doesn't mean that enough people care about it enough to have BW make it an absolute top priority.


Another thing I hope that you'll learn about real life is that it's not always fair, and you rarely get exactly what you want.

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Who are you to try and mock the person speaking the only truth in this thread?


A professional software developer with 12 years of experience, and currently employed as a designer for a global service with over a million customers.


People continuously praise bioware, and all they have done is ignore the problems/


When people say this, they really mean: "and all they have done is prioritize other fixes over the ones that I really want".


If you've never worked on a huge project, then you have no idea what we're talking about, and your blanket statements aren't terribly useful. They haven't ignored problems. They've fixed loads of them. They've fixed problems that people haven't even whined about on the forums. Should they fix the ones that people whine about before the other ones? No. Because forum goers (in general) are worse than novice game designers and have no idea about how to maintain a piece of software. You keep them happy because they are customers, but you don't take their uninformed opinions as valid design decisions.


Bugs are bugs and they need and should be fixed. Even if they werent in the patch notes i would hope they just slid them along. They are minor but they need to be corrected. A game cant pass for complete if you ignore simple bugs.


But they did fix loads of simple bugs.


....just not the one's that you wanted. And for that, they apparently suck.

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I can't believe they didn't fix the graphical bugs in the game with 1.3! There are so many now!

I will list them here so you guys can know what's going on. I'll try to add more info and footage on the bugs over time as well.



-> Hood Clipping


There are tons of robes that clipp through the inquisitor's head, at least with body type 2. I made a thread that explains it and has many screenshots, so I won't polute this thread any further with it =P



-> Big Butt Robe


All of the "cloaks" are showing a big butt. As if there was a wire frame holding it in place. Just like the old dresses women used to wear. Again, I experienced this with body type 2.



-> Companions holding weapons even out of combat


I have experienced this with the Inquisitor companion, Ashara Zavros. I have seen Jaessa Wilsam with her lightsaber turned on at all times as well. I'm not sure if blaster-wielding companions also have this problem. Why would someone have their lightsabers on in the Imperial Fleet?



-> Lightsaber "blades" showing during conversations


If Ashara Zavros has her lightsabers on, as she always has, or if I had my lightsaber on, and triggered a conversation, the blades would appear floating inside the cutscene with no hilt or character holding them. http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s369/Dubaco/Screenshot_2012-05-28_20_29_49_218612.jpg


When I find better screenshots I'll make sure to post them here.


-> Stealth Walking


If I trigger my stealth and hit the "toggle walk" button, the running animation will still be used and only my speed will be reduced. This makes it look like an awful "moonwalk" going forward. Why can't they add the walking animations for stealth as well? I don't have an operative or a scoundrel to test this with them, though.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fReuxqtpnI&feature=youtu.be


-> Assassin not holding lightsaber well if walking w/ sprint


As you can see, I like triggering my walking animation. Correct lightsaber holding works fine if I don't have my "passive sprint" ability on. If I have it on though, and have my lightsaber turned on while walking, the character's left hand will hover above the lightsaber instead of grab it. If I turn my sprint off though, the lightsaber will automatically move upwards as to fit inside the "hand cavity".


-> Taxi's Propeler Bug


After 1.2, the taxis began to display a straight "chain" of the propeler's exhaust fire leading back to the taxi pad. This "chain" can cut through buldings and depending on the taxi's position it can even go through the taxi back to the taxi pad. I couldn't find a more detailed screenshot about this. I will update this post when I do.




-> Out of place NPCs, as if they weren't "tagged" properly


I've found this problem to happen more often at higher level quests. There are some NPC's placed as if they were "objects" in the world. When I hover my mouse above them, they are highlighted, but no information is shown and they don't display any name tags. They are always immobile and placed at a weird spot. They are also always inside of an instance.


-> Imperial trooper standing in the middle of a republic trooper group. Nothing happens with him as I kill the republic troopers. It is in a hoth instance, when you face the little elephant and discuss about the power generation problem for the imperial outpost. I though there would be some reason to place an imperial trooper there, but as I finished the quest I realized I met no other imperial troopers inside. Maybe it's from the republic instance?


-> I was about level 45 and was called back to Nar Shadaa. I had killed Darth Paladius back when I was level 25 in my first trip to the planet. When I arrive at my Cult's house after so long I see a standing Sith Pureblood in the middle of the room, with no tags, no info, no name. Although If I hover my mouse above him, he is highlighted. I'm am almost sure it's the Darth Paladius model.



-> I was in belsavis just outside of an Inquisitor Instance as I saw a droid walking (as in moving) inside of the instance. The strange thing is that we can't see any enemies or NPCs inside an instance before we go in. When I went in prepared for combat, the droid freezed (as in stopped moving) and I realized he had no info, names or tags of any sort. Again, the only interaction I could have with it was hovering my mouse on him as make it highlighted.


ps.: It is importante to note that my cursor changes accordingly to the NPCs nature. It was the standard orange arrow when I hovered above the Imperial Trooper and Darth Paladius. When I hovered above the droid, the cursor changed to the red "target" reticule. I couldn't attack it though.


-> Various Graphical Oversights


I'll post in this section some random graphical oversights:


Two Hoods on the same character: He is wearing one and the other one is lowered down.




As you can see, there are plenty of bugs that are easy to fix, yet they have done nothing to adress them with 1.3. Do you have any other graphical bug I could add to the list? And don't worry, I will upload the screenshots eventually, and maybe even upload a video about the stealth walking bug.


ps: There is no use to send them a ticket. They will always say the issue is under investigation or is working as intended. They are certainly not working as intended. =P


Were any of these in the patch notes to be fixed?


Can OP point to where anyone said these were to be fixed in 1.3?

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Ok, I agree the title I chose for this thread was terrible and that it made some people to judge it before reading it. It was a moment of childish furstration after all. Can we please stay on topic?


I just edited the original post to prevent any more problems.


edit: I just finished uploading the "Stealth Walking" video. I hope it's good =P

Edited by Dubaco
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Ok, I agree the title I chose for this thread was terrible and that it made some people to judge it before reading it. It was a moment of childish furstration after all. Can we please stay on topic?


This is the cost of impatience and the inability to control your frustration. Take it as a life lesson.


That said, I found the post informative, even if some of the posters have completely unrealistic ideas about how bugs are fixed.


There is some good news, though. While most people probably haven't been paying attention (they're only looking for complaints after all), I've noticed a general consolidation of graphical glitches. Equipment clipping glitches aren't totally weird anymore... rather they all begin to act the same way and with a consistency that annoys some and encourages me. You see, in software, similar problems (within the same subsystem) tend to have similar solutions and consistent problems tend to have simpler solutions (ie: requiring fewer changes) than inconsistent problems.


I look at things like the Sith-Mask issue and the clipping issues with Twilek-headbands and Miraluka eye-coverings and see them all behaving the same way. They're all failing, but they're failing in the same way. Bioware already said they are planning on including the Cathar, and they're going to have similar issues for their strange (in some cases) head shapes.


What this all points to is the slow development of a significant change that may resolve a lot of these bugs at once. As a developer, I can tell you that those are the solutions you want to see, not the quick-fix solutions that makes this one face shape work for those two armor pieces. You want a generalized fix so that you don't have to deal with it later. From my perspective, I see signs that this may be what Bioware is doing.

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The companion bug thing is pretty annoying, but I found a semi-workaround. If you disable their weapon ability (I.E. Exanguination for Jaesa/Kira) their weapon activates/deactivates normally. I usually turn these off so my companion's weapon functions like normal, as the weapon abilities really aren't that necessary, and if really needed for a fight, can be activated/deactivated at the click of a button. Hopefully the devs will be able to fix this issue without us having to do this, but for now, it's a workable fix for me. :)


What is that ability for Qyzen?

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What is that ability for Qyzen?


I'm not quite sure, as I've never rolled a Consular yet, but an easy way to find out is to check all of his abilities. Any of them that works as a passive weapon-based ability, (I.E. Increases Companions armor penetration by 15%, or each attack has a chance to add a debuff that does <insert internal damage here>) are the ones that cause the weapon to almost always be drawn.

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I facepalm whenever I see threads like this.


If they didn't say they'll fix it, why would you expect them to be fixed? Seriously?


Is it so im-freakingly-possible to comprehend the idea behind "we didn't say we're gonna do this, so we won't do this."


They stated that they can only do this much for 1.3: ranked warzones, LFG tool, improved graphics, fixed a few minor bugs, rebalanced class skills, add augmentation options, allow for free PVP gear.


The game patches, loads, and you log in and say "why didn't they fix the big butt robes?"


<_<; I don't defend BioWare, I am merely puzzled by your faculties of observation. It's like hearing someone say "I'm going to jump", and you watch him jump and you ask "why didn't you sing?"

Edited by ChillWinterheart
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I think that some of you are taking the OP too literally.


Rather than saying "Why weren't these bugs fixed in 1.3?", he could have asked "Why were other bugs fixed and other features added, but these bugs weren't on the list?"


I agree that all of these are problems, and all of them bug me more than anything they fixed or added in 1.3. I skimmed through the patch notes, and never thought that these things would be fixed, but I'm still bothered that they're NOT fixed. Now, they've added a whole new batch of features that will probably also have bugs, and just add to the list of things that need to be de-bugged. That bothers me.


Like the lightsaber thing- your companions are supposed to be similar to real people. They look as real as your toon, have their own dialogue, and their own stories. And when you see them running around with their lightsabers out when they shouldn't be, it just reminds you that they're one big, walking computer bug. It's annoying, and it's annoying EVERY SINGLE TIME you log in, quick travel, take a speeder, or relocate in any way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's true bugs are important, but fixing a graphic issue such as this is the simplest function they can preform. It seems clear to me the image file is corrupted and needs to be reloaded. They should've addressed this in an earlier patch and moved on. Clearly since it has been known of for quite some time, they are either unable or unwilling to do so. One of the rarest drops in game and they blatantly seem not to care how it looks.


Sad, and further reason why many are leaving daily. Not because of the improper look of the said robe, but the lack of interest BW/EA displays with regards to quality control. It may not be BW themselves as EA has the reputation of pushing things out well before they should be.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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  • 2 weeks later...

My marauders robe CLIPS ITSELF, seriously?!?! I have never in all my years of MMO's ever seen a piece of armor clip itself...


Sadly, from the speed at which they seem to be fixing graphical issues, I doubt we'll see any fixes for quite some time. Unlike WoW where they fix their jacked up armor sets next patch.


Does Bioware even have an armor design team, or are they temps they hire then let go when they aren't needed for new armor?

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My marauders robe CLIPS ITSELF, seriously?!?! I have never in all my years of MMO's ever seen a piece of armor clip itself...


Sadly, from the speed at which they seem to be fixing graphical issues, I doubt we'll see any fixes for quite some time. Unlike WoW where they fix their jacked up armor sets next patch.


Does Bioware even have an armor design team, or are they temps they hire then let go when they aren't needed for new armor?


I wonder if the armor designs are 3rd party?

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  • 2 years later...
Hello Again. I`m glad to realize that at least the big butt problem has been addressed. The hood clipping however, is worse than ever, with so many different hooded robes sharing the clipping problem.


Welcome back? :D


Also, the big butt problem has reappeared, depending on the chest piece.




Same with this.


EDIT: (2)


This one too. Darth Marr is plagued by that one in the latest announcement trailer and even before that.


In fact, I dare say that most have either reappeared or remain untouched since then.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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