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Where is the Ranked Solo que option?


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Solo Queue Ranked Warzones will be an option in a future update, as mentioned in Principle Lead PvP Designer Gabe Amatangelo's recent "Team Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.3" blog:


Before Season One begins with official rankings, we intend to rank and post the players and guilds with top Pre-Season ratings. Season One will begin with completely new ratings. Additionally, we do intend to have a Solo Queue Ranked Warzone option in the future.


We hope this sheds some light on the matter. Thank you!


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They pulled it for further development because pugging a ranked WZ team would be AWFUL.


Ranked warzones are for elitist players who say "you cant play with us because we have more gear than you"


Recruit gear should be free, why? because countless times i have seen fresh 50's terrorised in warzones for not having recruit gear. It is ridiculous, ranked warzones is the biggest joke ever.



Its segregation at its best is what it is. how do you form a community with this kind of pvp?

Edited by APNTerra
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Ranked warzones are for elitist players who say "you cant play with us because we have more gear than you"


Recruit gear should be free, why? because countless times i have seen fresh 50's terrorised in warzones for not having recruit gear. It is ridiculous, ranked warzones is the biggest joke ever.



Its segregation at its best is what it is. how do you form a community with this kind of pvp?


Uh what?


Ranked warzones are for competitive PVPers, non-ranked warzones are for everyone else. Sorry if I don't want to be judged partially based on the rest of a pugged WZ team. Join a guild, form a ranked wz team, have fun. Or solo queue in a non-ranked warzone where it doesn't matter.

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Ranked warzones are for elitist players who say "you cant play with us because we have more gear than you"


Recruit gear should be free, why? because countless times i have seen fresh 50's terrorised in warzones for not having recruit gear. It is ridiculous, ranked warzones is the biggest joke ever.



Its segregation at its best is what it is. how do you form a community with this kind of pvp?



Ranked Warzone's are awesome as it will keep the people with gear good enough to 3 shot you out of pug WZs a lot of the time. It give hardcore PVPers more competition and makes getting geared up a little less painful for fresh 50s. Especially since they get free recruit gear.

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