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Fight with Allies in Game Update 1.3


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Any my point was that if everyone who doesn't like a game just leaves, there is no game.


You shouldn't repeat what someone else says in an attempt to be clever. It's just rude and diminishes the impact of your point. Thanks anyway.


At this point those who hate it don't outweigh those who are enjoying it. Many people have resubscribed and the majority are very happy, thus making your point moot.

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Just sayin'.... A little thought beyond your own needs is often a good thing.


Pretty strong assumption don't you think? To assume a person ignores others needs while just expressing their joy in a game?? Funny.

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At this point those who hate it don't outweigh those who are enjoying it. Many people have resubscribed and the majority are very happy, thus making your point moot.


Any offical subscribtion numbers are yet to be seen, last anyone knows it was still on a downward trend. Encouraging more people to leave is counter-productive.

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I don't know why people think that paid transfer services are up. I haven't seen anything that it would come with 1.3. I remember seeing that it would NOT be in 1.3 but would be part of another tranfers phase later. So if someone could show me a quote and link to where it said it would be there in 1.3, it would be much appreciated. :)


Other than that, great job BW! I haven't had a chance to check out the new content, but I am very excited to get off work to do some FPs.

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I don't know why people think that paid transfer services are up. I haven't seen anything that it would come with 1.3. I remember seeing that it would NOT be in 1.3 but would be part of another tranfers phase later. So if someone could show me a quote and link to where it said it would be there in 1.3, it would be much appreciated. :)


Other than that, great job BW! I haven't had a chance to check out the new content, but I am very excited to get off work to do some FPs.


Your kidding me right? http://www.swtor.com/info/media/trailers/coming-soon-star-wars-old-republic


its suppose to be up, apparently it seems they are pushing it back(but trying to be quiet about it, say no word) like they did with ranked warzones and it tells me something......:rolleyes:

Edited by Jonoku
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At this point those who hate it don't outweigh those who are enjoying it. Many people have resubscribed and the majority are very happy, thus making your point moot.


Oooh tangible facts!


Oh wait.. my bad. Just opinion disguised as fact. LOL. I should be used to that by now.

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Any offical subscribtion numbers are yet to be seen, last anyone knows it was still on a downward trend. Encouraging more people to leave is counter-productive.


So is saying "This game sucks, I'm leaving for someothergamethatwillstilldisappointme".


They aren't leaving, if they were they'd just leave without the hysterics and the "don't let the door hit you" is a perfectly appropriate response to someone throwing a temper tantrum online.


But let's pretend they are leaving, they've really already cancelled their account and are just being rude on the forums. I can roll with that. But even in that case....


- The feedback is still useless

- All they have done is attempt to intentionally upset everyone else who isn't in the middle of a rage-quit inspired fit.


If they were serious about improving the game and they were leaving, the best way to get that information to the devs is via the "cancel subscription" form which I would assume includes some kind of comment about why one is leaving.

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Any offical subscribtion numbers are yet to be seen, last anyone knows it was still on a downward trend. Encouraging more people to leave is counter-productive.


I agree, which is why I'm going by RL friends and guildmates who have left and come back because of this update. I never said anything about official numbers, just stating that people, some of which I personally know, have resubbed and judging by my server and posts, there is a lot less hate going around. I just feel that the need to make comments based on people's joy of finally seeing somewhat of a light at the end of the tunnel are moot.

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I don't know why people think that paid transfer services are up. I haven't seen anything that it would come with 1.3. I remember seeing that it would NOT be in 1.3 but would be part of another tranfers phase later. So if someone could show me a quote and link to where it said it would be there in 1.3, it would be much appreciated. :)


Other than that, great job BW! I haven't had a chance to check out the new content, but I am very excited to get off work to do some FPs.


go watch the video in regards to 1.3 it is said in that video, as a matter of fact someone quoted the exact wording used in the video by the GAME DIRECTOR. but then again, it seems to be a fun thing with bio-ware.....



*Wheel of fortune music* "Iiiiiiiiiit's new update time! Let's hit the wheel to find out which feature we promised is NOT coming out with the update!!!" *spins the wheel of features* "Awwww, looks like RANKED WARZONES just got cut! see you next update!"



*Wheel of fortune music* "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's new update time! Let's see which which feature we are yanking from the hands of expecting fans this time!" *spins the wheel of features* "Awwwwwww character transfer service just got smoked! See you next update!!!"

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Your kidding me right? http://www.swtor.com/info/media/trailers/coming-soon-star-wars-old-republic


its suppose to be up, apparently it seems they are pushing it back like they did with ranked warzones and it tells me something......:rolleyes:


Alright, I missed that video. It almost seems like they weren't clear about transfers. That video was over a month ago before they actually started the transfer phase one. I can see how it's misleading, but I did hear anything about paid service. They gave us transfers and also told us we would get more phases later, not with 1.3.

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In concern to Augment slots. Gear with already existing augment slots, when you go to change the augment in the gear it requires you to upgrade using one of the craftable MK kits. Is this a bug or as intended? It seems wrong considering the amount of time and money spent to crit craft gear, to only have to then buy an MK kit to upgrade the already existing augment slot(Gear is Battlemaster crit crafted orange gear, which to my knowledge should already have the appropriate augment slot when crit crafted).


It depends on the base item level of the gear. If you crit-crafted a level 49 or 50 item, then the augment slot already is MK-6. If you have an item that is base level 15, then it's an MK-1 slot, and will need to be upgraded to MK-6 to hold a rank 22 augment. The fact that you only have to do this when you CHANGE augments is awesome, since they could have just tossed all the augments into your gear and made you upgrade them to start with.

Edited by Becvar
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Alright, I missed that video. It almost seems like they weren't clear about transfers. That video was over a month ago before they actually started the transfer phase one. I can see how it's misleading, but I did hear anything about paid service. They gave us transfers and also told us we would get more phases later, not with 1.3.


Then they lied. They said it wont come with 1.3 after the first phase of transfers which was after the video. They are trying to cover up facts that its being pushed back, by saying"We don't have a word on that yet." Because they know what happened with ranked wz, when it got pushed back everyone just gave up and left and cancelled. If they are quiet about things getting pushed back they have a more chance of not losing any players. But me, smart enough to figure this stuff out, they'll lose players.

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So is saying "This game sucks, I'm leaving for someothergamethatwillstilldisappointme".


They aren't leaving, if they were they'd just leave without the hysterics and the "don't let the door hit you" is a perfectly appropriate response to someone throwing a temper tantrum online.


But let's pretend they are leaving, they've really already cancelled their account and are just being rude on the forums. I can roll with that. But even in that case....


- The feedback is still useless

- All they have done is attempt to intentionally upset everyone else who isn't in the middle of a rage-quit inspired fit.


If they were serious about improving the game and they were leaving, the best way to get that information to the devs is via the "cancel subscription" form which I would assume includes some kind of comment about why one is leaving.



I agree with the point that I don't care when people say they're leaving because I'm not paid to care. I do care if a game I like is on a downward trend or looses subscriptions because that affects my enjoyment of the game FAR MORE than any nerf. Unfortunately, I've been on the fence for awhile for various reasons and most of them are being worked out. The more important issues (which do not negatively affect those who don't care - as usual) have not been worked out and I would like it to be finished. Commenting that I would like to see it finished is productive in the sense that I am not the only one who would like to see progress in my personal trouble area (again, which has no impact on those who don't care about it).


So, to say I (or anyone) should just leave when they are trying to encourage productive change (that, for the third time has no real effect on those who do not care) is more counter-productive than encouraging the change (that for the fourth time will not affect those who don't care). The only thing you are encouraging is for people to spend less money on the game which, in my view, defeats your own purpose.


Also, the only time you offer feedback where they don't tell you to post it on the forum for the Devs to actually see it is in the cancellation form (of which I have not seen because I don't pretend my one account cancellation provides any leverage at all... it doesn't and I haven't cancelled and have not pretended to). The good news is none of you work for BioWare so your "hit the bricks" comments is what are, in fact, entirely pointless. If BioWare told me that, it would make a difference. A few players who don't know how to mind their own business has no effect on me at all in regards to how I spend my subscription fee. The only thing that does is BioWare's action (or inaction) and I have a right to explain that to them.


Thanks for playing...

Edited by InnerPieces
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It depends on the base item level of the gear. If you crit-crafted a level 49 or 50 item, then the augment slot already is MK-6. If you have an item that is base level 15, then it's an MK-1 slot, and will need to be upgraded to MK-6 to hold a rank 22 augment. The fact that you only have to do this when you CHANGE augments is awesome, since they could have just tossed all the augments into your gear and made you upgrade them to start with.


I did not think about this. You make a greatpoint. BW could have made us upgrade and did not.

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go watch the video in regards to 1.3 it is said in that video, as a matter of fact someone quoted the exact wording used in the video by the GAME DIRECTOR. but then again, it seems to be a fun thing with bio-ware.....



*Wheel of fortune music* "Iiiiiiiiiit's new update time! Let's hit the wheel to find out which feature we promised is NOT coming out with the update!!!" *spins the wheel of features* "Awwww, looks like RANKED WARZONES just got cut! see you next update!"



*Wheel of fortune music* "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's new update time! Let's see which which feature we are yanking from the hands of expecting fans this time!" *spins the wheel of features* "Awwwwwww character transfer service just got smoked! See you next update!!!"


I lol'd :D

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Then they lied. They said it wont come with 1.3 after the first phase of transfers which was after the video. They are trying to cover up facts that its being pushed back, by saying"We don't have a word on that yet." Because they know what happened with ranked wz, when it got pushed back everyone just gave up and left and cancelled. If they are quiet about things getting pushed back they have a more chance of not losing any players. But me, smart enough to figure this stuff out, they'll lose players.


Based on what is actually in that video, I would say they actually told the truth. We got our server transfer service EARLY in fact with Phase I. The dev tracker even mentions that the reason transfers were happening before 1.3 went live was so it could done in preparation for the update and we still have it up with the update.


Nowhere in that video did it mentioned paid server transfers or give any details for the server transfers (It was basically just stated there would be transfers; it has the least amount of time mentioned in the entire video). Do not try to spin a web about BW lying when you are adding your own spin to things. Complain about something worth complaining about, like the poor PTS management or the bugs with Augmented gear.

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According to the video "you'll be able to transfer server to server" to play with your friends. There is no stipulation that it would be restricted to the same list of source -> destination servers. What happened?


The legacy stuff is pretty meaningless and the augment slots destroyed the crew skills market, so being able to consolidate characters was the big deal. Spinning up new toons is easy for a customer service person to say, but when you are dealing with very well geared 50s you don’t want to do that yet again.


So, when will we be able to transfer to any server so we can consolidate our toons?

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Based on what is actually in that video, I would say they actually told the truth. We got our server transfer service EARLY in fact with Phase I. The dev tracker even mentions that the reason transfers were happening before 1.3 went live was so it could done in preparation for the update and we still have it up with the update.


Nowhere in that video did it mentioned paid server transfers or give any details for the server transfers (It was basically just stated there would be transfers; it has the least amount of time mentioned in the entire video). Do not try to spin a web about BW lying when you are adding your own spin to things. Complain about something worth complaining about, like the poor PTS management or the bugs with Augmented gear.


actually no, they did not tell the truth. This guy explains it.


According to the video "you'll be able to transfer server to server" to play with your friends. There is no stipulation that it would be restricted to the same list of source -> destination servers. What happened?


The legacy stuff is pretty meaningless and the augment slots destroyed the crew skills market, so being able to consolidate characters was the big deal. Spinning up new toons is easy for a customer service person to say, but when you are dealing with very well geared 50s you don’t want to do that yet again.


So, when will we be able to transfer to any server so we can consolidate our toons?


So where the heck is server to server just like they mentioned in the video to play with friends? "Oh we lied we are putting out free transfers before 1.3 which means the actual transfers are being pushed back and the free transfers are extremely restriced to selected servers to very specific destination servers, screw you."

Edited by Jonoku
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loving the changes great job devs. I would like to see some sort of wardrobe feature or function in the future to allow me to custom create the exact look i want like wow rift swg and everquest have/had .........but all that being said im just happy you're adding to the already great game that i love with much needed content.


ignore the naysayers there are people who like and appreciate what you've done


/thank dev's and testers

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