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Some reasons why i belive ranked gameplay in SWTOR will die out.


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At first it will be alot of fun(for the few) then after some weeks it will slowely die out.

For the simpel reason when something is not fun and fair people stop doing those things.


1. Bad class balance. Always after a mayor patch a new FOTM class.

2. Sadly most republic players are casual carebears and i belive most if not all good teams will be Empire teams.

3. Half the AC is not wanted in any competetive PvP. And ranked will prove this.

4. WZ bugs glitches , teleporting because of server lag etcetc.

5. Lack of support for PvP in SWTOR will never improve the mayor issues as proven until now.


We all understand seasong 1 how long that will last is a trial and error period and unless they actually learn

from this period the developers and start taking feedback

(something they have 100% ignored up until this point)


that matters i see no future for ranked.I hope i'm proven wrong.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I actually think class balance is quite good. Any class in the hands of a great player is deadly (yes, even concealment operatives)


Also, I know quite a few republic players that are solid pvpers.


There is, however, a lot of hype over ranked WZ's. Hopefully they live up to that hype.

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What will happen is about 15, being generous here, 8 man groups will constantly que. Slowly the week ones who lose to the better ones will stop queing and go back to normal 4 mans until there's about 4 to 6 left. The que times will be so long they will eventually stop queing as well. My prediction is cross server ranked by 1.5.
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Personally I think class balance is good, and if you think pubs are bad, I welcome you to roll on our server :)


I'm not saying all. But i know that most hardcore pvp players do play imp. I used to be one of them.

But it is damd hard finding a good hardcore guild on republic side that is not run by some clueless

player that dont understand basic ingame iq things and gameplay.I'm on nadd eu pvp server. Been pvp

everyday since last september when i came into gametesting and have seen the change month after month.

I do consider myself a damd good player but without a team that understand teamplay i will get no were.

Most guilds have to many members and do both raiding and pvp as a side thing.


A good pvp team should be

no more then 8-10 players that train everyday 4-6 hours to try out tactica and new idees.I do see this mentality

on imp side in WZ and i know some of the really good imp teams have been training quite some time.And i dont

see this on republic side at all.I see some spamming chat ingame but i can tell those rep guild leaders are pretty

clueless . I just love when i ask in chat for a good dedicated mature pre made small pvp team and some guild leader with 40 members ask me what my gear is like...Not even a hello first.Not to mention those who just send you a copy paste reply they use to look for member with.And the most useless people are the onles who want you to make an application on their forum lol.Talk about caring more about your forum then talking to people and getting a good player.

On imp side i can get a good guild if i want to in matter of hours for my powertech.Will see how S1 turns out.

As i said, hope i'm wrong.

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In ranked WZ's you won't see many of certain classes, sorc and dps operatives will be rather rare while powertech, marauder, assassin and juggernaut will be the majority. There'll be far more melee than ranged.


If you've played WoW during arena and such, you'll know how that turned out, certain classes never made it into the arena (my shaman wasn't viable).

Edited by Sookster
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In ranked WZ's you won't see many of certain classes, sorc and dps operatives will be rather rare while powertech, marauder, assassin and juggernaut will be the majority. There'll be far more melee than ranged.


If you've played WoW during arena and such, you'll know how that turned out, certain classes never made it into the arena (my shaman wasn't viable).


Just like my commando, thats why i re rolled :rolleyes:

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I'm not saying all. But i know that most hardcore pvp players do play imp. I used to be one of them.

But it is damd hard finding a good hardcore guild on republic side that is not run by some clueless

player that dont understand basic ingame iq things and gameplay.I'm on nadd eu pvp server. Been pvp

everyday since last september when i came into gametesting and have seen the change month after month.

I do consider myself a damd good player but without a team that understand teamplay i will get no were.

Most guilds have to many members and do both raiding and pvp as a side thing.


A good pvp team should be

no more then 8-10 players that train everyday 4-6 hours to try out tactica and new idees.I do see this mentality

on imp side in WZ and i know some of the really good imp teams have been training quite some time.And i dont

see this on republic side at all.I see some spamming chat ingame but i can tell those rep guild leaders are pretty

clueless . I just love when i ask in chat for a good dedicated mature pre made small pvp team and some guild leader with 40 members ask me what my gear is like...Not even a hello first.Not to mention those who just send you a copy paste reply they use to look for member with.And the most useless people are the onles who want you to make an application on their forum lol.Talk about caring more about your forum then talking to people and getting a good player.

On imp side i can get a good guild if i want to in matter of hours for my powertech.Will see how S1 turns out.

As i said, hope i'm wrong.



Cody two,

Green Fire,



and a few new ones


Are all viable guilds on TOFN pub side. I don't who you play with but I have maybe a 60% win ratio pugging and a 90%+ win ration in our premade. Also most good players are known by the respective guild leaders because they are scouted and even asked to join.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Well with the server transfers you have the population now to pull in whatever you want on your team.


5 maras, 3 healers, done, even if the requirement is full BM or WH.


I know that most teams will go with their guilds, but lets be honest, some AC backed by heals are near unkillable just as a pair, much less in a group setting. Juggernauts/guardians for example. Pre 1.3 shadows/assassins as well in their tank dps setup. Heck any AC being healed by 3 ops/sco. Thats SIX hots running at the same time(Btw roughly you would need to do more than 3-4k dps to even get their hps to move).


I did accidently see this happen in a pug. 3 scoundrel healers running around = no deaths unless it was a lone wolf. Literally had 3 maras on me and my hps barely oscilatted between full and 80%.


On my old server we once hit voidstar with 3 healers on both sides, good dps on both sides, was boring. No one died and it was a tie at first door. I would expect to see this after the first 10 matches. Especially in team rated matches.


Now...that being said my coworker ran into a group of 8 commandoes pre 1.2 and he said he lasted about 3s. Focused ranged dps is going to be an issue with a team on vent/mumble and using target of target hotkey.

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In ranked WZ's you won't see many of certain classes, sorc and dps operatives will be rather rare while powertech, marauder, assassin and juggernaut will be the majority. There'll be far more melee than ranged.


If you've played WoW during arena and such, you'll know how that turned out, certain classes never made it into the arena (my shaman wasn't viable).


Shamans were viable....if you played Resto, just like it is now for anyone who plays a Merc or Commando the only way you will get into any half-decent Ranked WZ team will be if your healing.


Little off-topic, it's kind of depressing how I did more damage in a mix of Centurion/Champion gear pre 1.2 then I do in full BM gear as an Arsenal Merc(thanks to all the ************ kids who don't know how to interrupt).

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Cody two,

Green Fire,



and a few new ones


Are all viable guilds on TOFN pub side. I don't who you play with but I have maybe a 60% win ratio pugging and a 90%+ win ration in our premade. Also most good players are known by the respective guild leaders because they are scouted and even asked to join.


Yes i'm sure they viable who knows. Ranked will prove it, i was speaking in general terms and i'm not gonna bad mouth any guilds or guild leaders.I hope they do good when the time come :)

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Initially I think there will be a lot of activity in the ranked warzone queue on the larger servers, but I think this will die down after a week or less and it will become niche. The reason is simple folks, it just takes too much time and effort for the casual players to get the War Hero gear together to become competitive, and then have all of that augmented. I think most of them will just head into non-ranked queue where they can slowly get gear upgrades or the PvE LFG. Fact is casual players don't like being ***** by the hardcore PvP pros and won't bother after one or two tries. On most servers we are talking the PvP queues and the larger guilds that may bother to field teams regularly, and we may well end up talking challenged matches where player from guild x gets onto his opposite faction alt to arrange any form of ranked match on most servers. In the end ranked will have to go cross server.
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What will happen is about 15, being generous here, 8 man groups will constantly que. Slowly the week ones who lose to the better ones will stop queing


You don't understand how ranked WZ will work, do you?


The ones that keep losing will lose rating. The ones that keep winning will gain rating.

After the 1st week, the high rated teams will be matched, and the low rated teams will be matched.


In other words, the weak teams will only lose a little bit, then they will start going 50/50 as they are matched against other weak teams.

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As far as Republic "carebears" goes, the only competition I have seen from the Imps after the transfers (Jedi Covenant) are the same Imps I have played against on Shii-Cho. Disappointed in the lack of competition/talent I have seen from the Imperials on this server... Just the Shii-Cho imps playing well.
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In other words, the weak teams will only lose a little bit, then they will start going 50/50 as they are matched against other weak teams.


If there were a large number of WZ teams on each server constantly queueing week in week out then this logic would be meaningful...sadly, we are probably talking a handful of regular teams who live to SWTOR PvP queueing all day long and a bunch of more casual teams who queue less frequently. After a week of ranked the novelty will have worn off and the queue will just be occupied by a few teams meaning that the weak ones will be matched against the strong ones simply because no server can support a large number of teams day in day out.

Edited by Ewgal
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RWZ will be a blast, especially with the WZ map changes that were on the PTS (sides being more divided in VS and no more wall hopping to mid in alderaan).


That said, RWZ will be fun, but they will also be influenced a lot by class stacking. Pretty much anyone who stacks op/sco healers, pyrotechs and maras will hage a huge advantage unless its a huttball match.


RWZ are fine, class balance is not. Well see how that is going to play along. I just HOPE they adress class balance before season 1 of rateds (1.3 will be pre-season AFAIK).

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RWZ are fine, class balance is not. Well see how that is going to play along. I just HOPE they adress class balance before season 1 of rateds (1.3 will be pre-season AFAIK).


My thoughts exactly. To quote AI, "We talking about practice!"

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Shamans were viable....if you played Resto, just like it is now for anyone who plays a Merc or Commando the only way you will get into any half-decent Ranked WZ team will be if your healing.


Little off-topic, it's kind of depressing how I did more damage in a mix of Centurion/Champion gear pre 1.2 then I do in full BM gear as an Arsenal Merc(thanks to all the ************ kids who don't know how to interrupt).


Mine was resto, always has been- I was able to keep myself alive (earthshield + resilience armor = ohmygod) but couldn't help teammates enough, defense/heal totems weren't that good in pvp.


My merc is pyro, I may go bodyguard if my healer operative struggles, operative is too squishy to withstand 3 or more people even with the best healing setup.

Edited by Sookster
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Well with the server transfers you have the population now to pull in whatever you want on your team.


5 maras, 3 healers, done, even if the requirement is full BM or WH.


I know that most teams will go with their guilds, but lets be honest, some AC backed by heals are near unkillable just as a pair, much less in a group setting. Juggernauts/guardians for example. Pre 1.3 shadows/assassins as well in their tank dps setup. Heck any AC being healed by 3 ops/sco. Thats SIX hots running at the same time(Btw roughly you would need to do more than 3-4k dps to even get their hps to move).


I did accidently see this happen in a pug. 3 scoundrel healers running around = no deaths unless it was a lone wolf. Literally had 3 maras on me and my hps barely oscilatted between full and 80%.


On my old server we once hit voidstar with 3 healers on both sides, good dps on both sides, was boring. No one died and it was a tie at first door. I would expect to see this after the first 10 matches. Especially in team rated matches.


Now...that being said my coworker ran into a group of 8 commandoes pre 1.2 and he said he lasted about 3s. Focused ranged dps is going to be an issue with a team on vent/mumble and using target of target hotkey.


So much misinformation. You can cast a billion probes from a billion operatives on the same person, only 2 probes will be active and heal at one time. 4 will show animation.

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