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CE Vendor


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Hi there I'm just wondering when Bioware will put some more items in the CE Vendors. The game has been out for over half a year now and I'm excited to see what new content they have in mind or in store for it. I am particularly interested to see when they will make it "dynamic" rather than the static vendor it has been so far:


"Unique in-game vendor with a dynamic assortment of items available only to purchasers of the Collector's Edition."


Anyway I hope everyone enjoys patch 1.3, back to levelling my Assassin.


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give em time, they are already 4 years behind basic MMO features as it is. Hopefully one day they wont be chasing the market in everything except monthly pricing and have time to update the vendor. I think they should just throw us a bone and put on that containment armor or something.
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Pretty sure the word "regular" comes from latin "Regola" which stands for "Rule", and as a rule, they only need to update this "systematically", and it does not mean often.


so u would be happy with 1 update for SWTOR as a whole for 1 year as thats regular also


[continual presence , regular attention]. Hence [constancy; constant repetition]; 'epistularum', [regular correspondence


^regular and yes gg regola does mean rule i can google 2 :rolleyes: nothing about regular tho

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so u would be happy with 1 update for SWTOR as a whole for 1 year as thats regular also


[continual presence , regular attention]. Hence [constancy; constant repetition]; 'epistularum', [regular correspondence


^regular and yes gg regola does mean rule i can google 2 :rolleyes: nothing about regular tho


Dude, I studied Latin 10 years ago plus I am Italian, which is 95% similar to Latin , not used any google.


Anyhow, if you read what I said, it wasn't that I agreed on 1 update a year, I said, that technically "Regular" is a pretty free word, and it can mean, every hour, every day, or month, even years... unless they say "Every month regularly". So nobody lied on anything. Period.

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I think its way better on the imp side then the pub side. The social gear on the pub side I felt looked really stupid. Where as on the imp side you look like a trooper and its awesome, once again imo. I have my operative in full imperial trooper gear and my sorcerer just the chest with the rest of my gear matching it. So far I've only seen a few other people with it and it makes me like the CE Vendor. I do however think that they should update it and give us something awesome like perhaps an exclusive playable race or a beast mount before the other beast mounts come out to be purchased at a considerable amount of credits of course. btw does anyone else think that VIP vendor is a joke? I believe the only thing he sells atm is that one speeder? correct me if I'm wrong but he needs an update as well imo.
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Yellowstone (it's a volcano, not a park) erupts regularly. That is, it erupts every 75,000 years so.


Sure - while regular can mean every 75.000 years or even in astronomical terms every million year or something - we have to observe a context and that context is a computer game.

I doubt more than just a few of the Bioware supports that rush in would appreciate content updates every 75.000 years even if it technically is regular(ish)


Heck - if Bioware only patched the game once every year and claimed 'regular' - I suspect many of the defenders would also be a bit unhappy.


Fact of the matter is that the CE vendor, and the VIP area for that matter, was marketed a specific way because they wanted to hype up their CE box and the game in general; and yet so far have delivered almost nothing.

So while 'regular' might not be the semantically correct complaint - the gist of the complaint is still valid enough.

Despite some just want to rush in and try to ridicule the poster because they feel like Bioware must not be the target of anything that remotely can be seen as negative.


In the context of reality - and with a computer game with a life cycle like MMOs, then 6 months and more is a long time when told it'll see regular updates.

Edited by xandax
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In the context of reality - and with a computer game with a life cycle like MMOs, then 6 months and more is a long time when told it'll see regular updates.


Agreed. My (hyperbolic) point was that it's wrong (and silly) to read "regular" as "often". The term "regular" is a descriptor of how reliable the period between events is, and "often" is a descriptor of how short the time between events is. They describe completely different things. And yes, even the connotations match the semantics. New versions of Ubuntu are released regularly (every six months), but I wouldn't say they are released "often".


Would it be nice if the CE vendors were updated? Sure, I guess. I don't actually care because I am enough of a veteran to know that the CE isn't going to be worth it, but for those who decided to support Bioware with cash-for-little-in-return, I'd say it'd be fair to get an update. If the updates are every six months do the CE buyers have anything to whine about? No. If you thought they were going to update the vendors every couple weeks, then this is your lesson about buying collectors editions while under the influence of drugs.

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Sorry perhaps I wasn't clear in my original post. I wouldn't be overly bothered if they released stuff for it yearly or whatever. I'd even be fine if they never updated it again, but I would just like to know one way or another. The only two pieces of marketing blurb I can find after a cusory search are:


"Unique in-game store with a dynamic array of items to assist you from your humble beginnings through your journey to become a galactic legend." - http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20110721




"Unique in-game vendor with a dynamic assortment of items available only to purchasers of the Collector's Edition." - http://buy.swtor.com/en


Now I seem to remember in the pre-release buzz, there may have been an interview or panel at E3 or some other event where it was mentioned stuff would be added to it over time, but to be perfectly honest I don't remember exactly.


It could be the word dynamic that is the sticking point here. It is most often taken to mean a thing in motion, or ever changing. It can also mean forceful or powerful. Net result is that as a marketing word it can be taken to mean not very much at all. EA could argue (badly imo!) that dynamic could mean "visually powerful" and that the companion customizations, social gear and extra stuff on it already fits that description, and also that as the social gear is wearable from quite a low level it can "assist you from your humble beginnings through your journey to become a galactic legend."


Playing devils advocate here one can either chose to look like a powerful and menacing Imperial Trooper, or a High Ranking Republic Officer (depending on faction), thus fulfilling the dynamic portion of the statement. Whatever your individual perception of the gear there isn't a lot more to say (remember the old camp cheesy Batman and Robin TV show from the 60's, they looked daft beyond belief, yet still refered to as the Dynamic Duo).


All of that aside, Bioware do pay attention. I should imagine if enough CE owners raise the issue every couple of months, and it is shown there is a clear and genuine interest. I wouldn't be surprised if some extra stuff makes it on the store eventually, or just a clear response that nothing more is planned, and we can drop the issue once and for all.

Edited by Samiel
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