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The Least OP classes


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Since ive been reading these forums it seems that someone has complained about almost every class being OP. I have played against alot of good players across all classes and never noticed any class to be that much better than others, Just players that are better.


Anyway , for giggles, what is the least op pvp class? I had thought a dps trooper was the worst pvp class but then that was nerfed because of complaints of grav spamming. So what is it, DPS sage ?

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Dirty Fighting scound !!

Or it might just be me :D


Better than Scrapper Scound in 1.3.


Most Least Op classes would be Merc/Commandos in my opinion. Though Merc/Comm healing is going to get much better in 1.3. Without relic and/ adrenal burst to take them down they will be very, very hard to kill.


Apart from them, maybe Deception/Infiltration Assassins/Shadows? They have potential, but just lack the burst needed with the current TTK. Reduction to burst and buff to sustained across the board in 1.3 might help though.


Aside form them, the rest are ok with a few standouts.

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Just an opinion from what I have seen on 2 servers


Operative/scoundrel dps. Nerf after nerf has gutted these trees. Sure the fully augmented min maxed WH's can kill people but if you aren't that geared you may as well heal if you wan't to contribute. The lack of utility for the dps trees is the worst thing IMO.


Shadow Infiltration full specs. It is just not good for competitive play. Too predictable incredibly squishy and requires high gear once again to kill anyone. No group utility as well.


If bioware would re work this tree and balance to a degree there would be less tank specced assasins/shadows guaranteed!

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Commando heals.


Just a worthless spec.


Lol only ppl that claim commando/merc heals are underpowered are ppl that don't know how to play them.


DPS commando is Underpowered yes.


DPS Op/Scoundral


Sages both DPS and Heals. Far too squishy. More glass then Cannons

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Well with the most ppl playing ptech, marauder, tankasin, and now sniper is growing merc is the worst. The leaping, high dmg and high defense chars are what is the most difficult for a merc and so since there are so many of these out there now merc is in a tight spot.


A good merc can get a good amount of dmg into one of these chars before the player even realizes it and then hits tab a few times and the merc can still have a problem with finishing them. I know this because I have been drinking and lazy on my other chars and have done this to decent mercs. Also I have a merc and have had some geared ppl in these specs do that to me.

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Bounty Hunter is the weakest class in general, realized this when a lvl 24 smuggler was able to keep himself alive in pvp by out healing the DPS my level 38 Hunter was focusing on him. i know everyone is bolstered to make things fair but come on.
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Bounty Hunter is the weakest class in general, realized this when a lvl 24 smuggler was able to keep himself alive in pvp by out healing the DPS my level 38 Hunter was focusing on him. i know everyone is bolstered to make things fair but come on.


A well played Powertech is ridiculous at lvl 50 and can do more damage/burst than pretty much anything.

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I have a merc, a jugg and a shadow all 50.

PVPing with my shadow is as if I am immortal and can stand against 4 ppl. With the jugg it's ok,but with the merc I feel totally useless and die in 3,4 seconds when someone sees me.


Also lightning sorcs are very easy kills. Pitty, because the purple lightning contributed to my Star Wars feeling a lot and now I don't see it that much anymore..

No wonder the game lost so many subscribers - they made the two favorite classes of most ppl weak (mercs and lightning sorcs).

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when even the people that dont play dps merc/com says its the worst, then you know its bad


DPS Mercs / Commandos are in a pretty bad spot atm, unless you leave them alone to DPS, but every class is powerful then.


The rest is pretty much fine though, Sorc healers are generally the easiest healers to kill out of the bunch, but Sorcs in the hands of a good player (DPS & Heals) can kite like no tomorrow and keep on going.

Usually meeting a DPS sorc is a walk in the park for me, but there are some players that just blow you apart in seconds, much like before 1.2.

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The least OP classes are the classes that nobody plays, and thus, nobody dies to them. The classes are fine, actually....


But these "Underpowered" classes (That nobody plays) are commandos and scoundrels. I used to see WZs full of those two and sorcs, now I see more marauders, powertechs, snipers, and what not.

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I have seen eery class mentioned in this thread excel... by a lot. Smugglers, Healing Troopers, Mercs, etc. Honestly all I can say is do some howework cuz uhhhhhh, well.... you're doing it wrong.


And did someone really say sorcs and bounty hunters? UNDER powered??? YOU are REALLY doing it wrong. :rolleyes:

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I don't see how you guys are serious about merc/commando being underpowered, I have a low level commando that I get most damage/least deaths everytime I play him in WZs.


Talking about the 50 bracket, its way different.


I'd say dps mandos/mercs. The merc healers seem low output wise, but they sure as hell can survive better than my sorc healer and I think the adrenal nerf will help them out tons in 1.3. Dps ops/scounds seem pretty bad too, the concealment tree has some burst but not enough (unless way geared) to actually get somebody down and to top it off they lack any real gap closers. Sorcs bring allot of utility and support but it really sucks when you in full BM and get killed in a gcd by a pair of beastly ptechs popping adrenals and stems on ya, but it doesnt happen all the time.

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I have seen eery class mentioned in this thread excel... by a lot. Smugglers, Healing Troopers, Mercs, etc. Honestly all I can say is do some howework cuz uhhhhhh, well.... you're doing it wrong.


And did someone really say sorcs and bounty hunters? UNDER powered??? YOU are REALLY doing it wrong. :rolleyes:


nobody is saying these classes can't excel this thread is about which classes take a bit more work to excel in the current pvp environment. I understand pvp is situational and every class can do something better than the rest.

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