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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Since this is only affecting certain people it has to be something to do with the type of comp/server location. I got a system better than most of the guys who tell me they do warzones with no lag so it cant be my computer not being able to play the warzones.


Has anybody had any luck with warzones on a different server maybe location causing the probs? Or has switching computers helped anybody? I played on a buddies laptop 1 weekend during beta it meets the qualifications but is far less setup for gaming as my computer and it ran em with no probs. I have a work computer that im thinking about trading with my gaming comp, even tho it isent as good as this 1 for gaming if it will get me acceptable warzones I dont have a problem using a gaming system at work for a while lol.

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fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it,. rank 17 on my lvl 20 sith marauder. So far I can imagine the pvp is supposed to be fun, but til now pvping has been a pure nightmare. The hutt-ball thing is pretty unplayable with fairly noticeable lagspikes and delays, making even getting a snare in on target a real challenge.


The other other warzones however are completely unplayable. impossible to do anything, not just abilities get delayed, but lagspikes ur enemies around making it impossible to even hit them.


Coming from 2400 exp + from arena in wow, this was a real letdown. I was really looking forward to pvp in swtor. I c no pint at all in playing this game now if this cant b fixed. 2 seconds delay with 60 ms is NOT acceptable. Outside warzones everything works perfect.

Edited by Komby
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hear hear....... I posted this....


Bioware are you there? ........

I am not the first, and I doubt I will be the last, to post about the horrendous FPS in pvp?


Even when my graphics settings are set to low and I mean low...800x600 and all other settings equally low or off I can't get above 10FPS in pvp and only pvp. In the open world I have my settings at 1600x900 on medium and still get 30 to 60FPS.


People with high end computers are having this same problem....


What annoys me the most is that you(bioware) are saying nothing about the matter like it does not need to be addressed or simply hasn't.


We need feed back from you(bioware) NOT users on forums recommending things that do not solve the problem. (I have tried everything on the forums and youtube videos to no avail.)


I know this game is new and has its problems but we need to hear from BIOWARE THAT ITS A KNOWN PROBLEM AND ARE ADDRESSING THE ISSUE!!!!


Bioware are you there.......knock knock?


P.S I am NOT that the game has problems I AM mad that we haven't heard from you about it

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Notice how Bioware acts as if they haven't noticed this problem, not only on this thread but the thousands of other threads posted of this problem.


I have a feeling they're too busy high-fiving each other to notice how messed up the game is.


The patches they've been releasing are almost insulting. PVP level brackets should have been in place before launch. I don't even like PVP, but for god's sake get the no-brainer stuff right.

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There are two parts of this game, like most mmo's.

One is pve one is pvp


One of them is working, so far from my experience, completely fine

The other is completely and utterly broken and shouldnt even be in the game yet


GUESS which they shud ****in focus on fixing. Getting so tired of this, I wanna pvp, not slay dragons.

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Same! Well not 5 but still far less. But it's playable though.



Did nothing for me.


Because it's bullcrap. Stuff posted there just made my mind explode.


"because your card is still being utilised for the GPU accelerated themes, and desktop composition. I use this on all my games."


Which is complete and utter bullsh*t on windows 7.


"you should also not play a game windowed, or even fullscreen. by default most graphics cards run underpowered when in windowed, or windowed fullscreen mode."


Which is complete and utter bullsh*t on all Windows OSs.


I general: The fix there is cool for really crappy PCs. If you have a high-end or at least a pretty decent rig it's gonna do nothing at all.




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was getting 25fps in the fleet... sub 15 in the combat training area of the fleet... but in wz's it can drop to single digits.


I upgraded by 4870ATI card to a 570GTX... still no improvement.


My comp is > 2 years old.


intel 8400 dual core 3.0 ghz

8 GB DDR2 ram

570GTX 2.5GB card.


total garbage frames on fleet and warzones. this is of course with all settings on low, shadows off, everything scaled to 0 (trees, grass).


sigh. the only ppl that tell me they have zero issue are running elite computers


quad core 4 ghz

16 mb DDR3



sux to need those specs to run this game with acceptable frames.

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+1 for this.


My PC might not be top of the line, but there's nothing so stressing about 16 players on one map, that should result in such a severe performance drop (from 30-50 to 10-20, less on Alderaan Civil War). Impossible to play, impossible to enjoy - no matter how good the game itself might be. Critical issue.

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+1? + freakin a million!!! what is the point on spending monthly money if all you get in return is a *********** lagg fest, i know i sound angry, and yes it is because i am angry!! i want to play this awesome game without all the ****** FPS issues
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Every spec is above recommended. Every Spec is above. I play BF3 on maxed out settings with 50fps. My parts aren't bottlenecking. they are all balanced. Ever since some patch, either the 2nd or 3rd, i now i play with 1-10fps everywhere, according to fraps. Before that, i played SWTOR on Maxed out settings with 60-80fps everywhere. It's obviously serverside.
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+1 also has there been any kind of blue post to say they are aware of the problem f**k fixing emotes and fix stuff that will stop ppl unsubbing also today i notice a new prob in warzone at certain angles of the camera it makes all toons dissapear and parts of the map anyone else having this prob
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This is absolutely horrible, I've been getting 5-15 fps in warzones since launch and I have a GTX 570, a new i7 CPU and a SSD I'm running SWTOR on. This should NOT be happening. And then we have ****heads like James Ohlen telling us stuff like this:


James Ohlen -


"However, we know that it's important that there is a SMALLER group of people usually with LOWER END MACHINES that are having problems in some areas. And one of the most important things for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines."


I mean *** bioware. A smaller group of people with lower end machines? Just look at this thread, and for gods sake, post something about this issue that lets us now that you're aware of the FPS issues on HIGH END machines. Stop dodging this issue.


And seriously, a content patch before every major bug is out of the game?!

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This is absolutely horrible, I've been getting 5-15 fps in warzones since launch and I have a GTX 570, a new i7 CPU and a SSD I'm running SWTOR on. This should NOT be happening. And then we have ****heads like James Ohlen telling us stuff like this:


James Ohlen -


"However, we know that it's important that there is a SMALLER group of people usually with LOWER END MACHINES that are having problems in some areas. And one of the most important things for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines."


I mean *** bioware. A smaller group of people with lower end machines? Just look at this thread, and for gods sake, post something about this issue that lets us now that you're aware of the FPS issues on HIGH END machines. Stop dodging this issue.


And seriously, a content patch before every major bug is out of the game?!


Which in reality is "at least 50% of the playerbase, regardless of machine."


Cool PR spin, bro, just what you need when your subs are already flocking away en masse.

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This is absolutely horrible, I've been getting 5-15 fps in warzones since launch and I have a GTX 570, a new i7 CPU and a SSD I'm running SWTOR on. This should NOT be happening. And then we have ****heads like James Ohlen telling us stuff like this:


James Ohlen -


"However, we know that it's important that there is a SMALLER group of people usually with LOWER END MACHINES that are having problems in some areas. And one of the most important things for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines."


I mean *** bioware. A smaller group of people with lower end machines? Just look at this thread, and for gods sake, post something about this issue that lets us now that you're aware of the FPS issues on HIGH END machines. Stop dodging this issue.


And seriously, a content patch before every major bug is out of the game?!



I really don't care if they call my computer a low end machine if they fix the problem for a low end machine then my computer will run it even better than if they just focused on otherwise.


Personally if they fixed it to where the lowest end machine at minimum requirements could play the game without FPS issues I'll be happy because it will mean that my computer will run it even better.


But all and all I don't think the "machine" is the problem that needs to be fixed and when you took that quote was it distinctly about the fps issues or something else?



I don't put negative spins on things like you though :)

Edited by SithtobeJedi
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