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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Fix it Bioware. I have all ready canceled and will only re sub if the issue is corrected. Running i 5 overclocked, 8 gigs DDR 3 ram, Radeon HD 6850 1 gig card, Widows 7 64 bit fresh install. My FPS is over 50+ everywhere except fleet and warzones. I average about 15-25 there which is unacceptable. I can even bet my PC is in the top 20 ish percent of systems. That means the majority is getting worse FPS then me. FIX IT or watch your game wither away and die.


Im running about the same system as you, only difference is that I got a 6970 and I get crap fps as well, 6-15 fps in the Imperial Fleet and 6-17 fps in WZ. This is unacceptable...fix it quick or you are going to loose most of your pvprs

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this may be a coincidence on both accounts but, Im convinced this is a server related or connection routing issue, a friend told me that he switched to a server and the warzone lag got better, and since hes from my country I decided to try aswell.

and from all the games I did so far, it IS much better, its not unplayable anymore, just very anoying most of the time still.


I really want to know bioware is on top of this and a solution is coming soon.

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Agreed OP, I have little to no lag anywhere else until I get into a WZ then I can barely function, its like playing on an etch-a-sketch. I only get lag in actual combat though which leads me to believe that the problem has to do with all the 'fancy' parries and blaster bolt deflections, which are fine for pve, but just seem rather unnecessary in a large PvP setting.
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This needs to be fixed and soon, you got between 1-3 weeks before this game falls flat on its face when everyone leaves after the free month.


I really really don't want this game to fail, but as it stands I will be one of those people.

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The lag on abilities is just rediculous. Seriously, there is absolutely NO fun at all having 60 ms, tho 2-3 sec delays on abilities. And enemies warping around like teleporters. Getting snared or stunned outta nowhere, then suddenly 1-2 sec later you realise the was sum1 actually jumping or attacking you but lagged out is beyond frustrating. Seriously, im all about the pvp, and if this isnt fixed soon there is absolutely no point at all for me to keep playing this game. What servers do they keep the warzones on? are they held together by ductape? Edited by Komby
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My FPS doesn't suffer that badly in warzones, but my ability lag is quite bad.


Considering I play Sniper, that really poses a problem. If I get knocked out of cover I'm looking at around 4 seconds before I finally get my cover back and can activate my first ability due to the activation delay. In PvE, it takes half that time to get back into the fight.


And don't get me started on how many times I've missed an interrupt because of the activation delay.


I'm confident that they'll fix the issue, but in the meantime it really messes with cover-based classes.


Yes, i am not sure about ranged.. but i think it's even more terrible for a deception specced assasin, we are realy fragile and need to act quick to finnish the job.. when ur stealth gets delayed by 5 sec someone hits u and there goes ur sneaky attack.. we need to be close ranged and it's soo frustrating when some one just teleports 10 meters away and then just dissapears cus he shouldn't be standing there cus of lag?...


I am all in pvp rank 54 right now but pvp is getting boring and even more frustarting cus we all know it's NOT our pc problem..

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The OP really needs to add which Processor/Memory setup that he's using...


After I upgraded my video card for SWTOR I was having these very same issues. I thought that of course a video card would be all I needed, but I was wrong. I also needed to upgrade my dual-core 2.6ghz proc and DDR2 800 RAM...


After upgrading to a 3.6ghz quad-core and DDR3 1600 RAM, all of those problems went away. I'm running all high settings and forcing 4x anisotropic/4x AAA


280 imperial fleet drops my fps just a bit and PvP on Alderaan is smooth.


Basically you need at least a 3.0 ghz or higher dual-core to play the game but for PvP I highly recommend something closer to 4.0ghz quad-core.

Edited by ZeroNeutral
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I have everything maxed out in the video setting. Outside of WZs I get between 80-90 fps. Once inside a wz, it drops in half to about 35-40 fps. Still playable but that's a dramatic drop in fps.


My PC is almost 2 1/2 years old running:

Win7 64bit home

i7 quad oc @3.8

6 bg ram @ 1600mhz

just upgraded to GTX 570 from GTX 285


My PC is 2 1/2 years old almost 3, but having a i7 quad processor and descent video card really helps.

Edited by appos
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I have noticed that there is times when you are allowed to move and deeps after the WZ ends, when the scoreboard pops.


I have noticed that during this time the FPS jumps up, it feels like I am playing at 200FPS. its so smooth and beautiful. I wish all the WZ was like this.


oh well.... wishful thinking

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Same issue here. Casting delay makes the game's pvp content UNPLAYABLE for a Gunslinger.


Reading all the people's feedbacks, (people saying switching from LOW to HIGH made it smoother) this is not a matter of hardware or connection, but the graphic engine of the game, which is pretty messed up.


This is a top issue, not a simple bug fix. Still, we got no feedback from BW and open tickets is preatty useless as they keep on spamming their FAQs.

Edited by Tarma
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