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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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I think you make it out to be too much of a big deal. They will fix these things. The bigger picture stuff is what matters at launch and also to survive the drop off after the three month honeymoon period ends with MMOs. Tweaking your shadow effects so that you save on a five dollar fan are not the first month big picture items that need attention in my opinion.

The war zones are fun, playable and need lots of tweaks and new content to stay fun - that's pretty standartd.


so what you are saying is...we need to go through 3 months of pointless 7+ hour maintenance times with no real noticable fixes? i dont know about anyone else but i dont feel comfortable paying for somthing that my PC has the hardware to run but for some stupid reason can not run smoothly.


sure i can be out in the world and play just fine..the only thing that looks like it takes a fricken super computer to run is PvP and that is unaaceptable..3 month honemoon period? screw that..1 month at most..thats when our free play time ends and as soon as you are forced to pay to play the game should run without trouble.

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I don't see these game breaking fps issues at all. Perhaps ppl don't know that nvidia has had beta drivers out for over a month with specific swtor tweaks. Maybe without that it runs slow. On the other hand if your box overheats, that's bad system design not a game issue.


For me, the health on frames not updating... Is poor effort.

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I love how someone posted that there should be a "to be announced" or "ETA till" sign that should pop up and let you know how long you will be waiting for an ability to actuate. I'm sorry but I just get irritated with getting killed by people due to lag instead of skill. I'm a smuggler and if my abilities don't pop off in a timely fashion I get owned. I have to be able to set up shop and start in with the ranged support to help my team but If I have to wait 5-10 seconds for my shields to decide to come up and then follow suit to whip on a hunker down before I can start tossing out debuffs and cover fire and other ranged bad news then I am useless in PvP at least as far as using my smuggler abilities, wasn't looking to be a saber sponge. And it is most definitely server side lag as it is such a widespread complaint and I know my rig is way overpowered for this game.
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i did the fps hotfix and it worked, no more fps problems in warzones.




however the ability lag is devistating. trying to use a CC break while in fire, or sprint to the goal line, or vanish when the enemy spots you only to not have it work for 3 seconds is killing me.

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I think you make it out to be too much of a big deal. They will fix these things. The bigger picture stuff is what matters at launch and also to survive the drop off after the three month honeymoon period ends with MMOs. Tweaking your shadow effects so that you save on a five dollar fan are not the first month big picture items that need attention in my opinion.

The war zones are fun, playable and need lots of tweaks and new content to stay fun - that's pretty standartd.


Saying that they "will" fix it doesn't change the fact that I spent 60 bucks to lag and not be able to hit anything. I've waited years for this game only to be met with nigh unplayable warzones with unresponsive combat. The "oh, they'll fix it.... eventually" chimes are just pointless.

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Just my 2 cents...


I have 2 computers, both higher end. Both run other MMOs fine.


1. My 2 year old system has a hard time with much of SWTOR.


2. My new sytem (current high end specs) has no problems with any part of SWTOR at all. No FPS or lag issues at all (on the same network). Runs SWTOR like a dream. Including all warzones.


May or may not be your issue.




That's funny because its the total opposite for me, my systems have almost the same specs but one has a 9600gt the other has a HD 6850. The 9600gt runs better then the newer card. Ganna try swapping some hardware but should I really have to jump through hoops to get an mmo to work properly?

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Is this lag -ever- going to get fixed ?? ... I mean comon , this is 10 days now that the whole PvP part of the game is unplayable...


+ because of this all you get are people standing around in warzones and leeching or something , or even leaving ... its devastating...

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I'm actually pretty interested in how Bioware managed this. ToR looks like total *** in comparison to other games but somehow manages to be so demanding.


Tera for example, manages to look quite beautiful and totally dwarfs ToR graphics wise.


...but it's also far less hardware intensive at the same time?



Because Unreal Engine 3 is a good and well programmed engine that performs really good,even on Mid Range systems,while on the other side the Hero engine is just a unfinished mess.Proof is SWTOR.

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One simple request to the devs - since you won't give us a nod here, how about letting us decide which warzones we want to play...Voidstar is the only one that is remotely playable most of the time, but it seems I get sent to alderlag 9 out of 10 times....pretty pretty pretty please with some force on top - let us decide what we want to play (Warzones) instead of this 'you must play all the content user - it is our will' crap.


Good Hunting,



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Thanks Mianera for laying it out (I appreciate details), I have a mid range laptop that was top of the line a couple years ago and the fps is bad. I can run everything thing on medium till warzones then nothing helps.


So BUMP BUMPITY BUMP BUMP for this topic.


Thank you everyone because I thought I was the only one.

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Somehow this game plays worse than Battlefield 3 on High when here I have everything on medium just to play, but even on LOW If I enter a WARZONE it drops to 5-10 fps, and take about 3 seconds for skills to actually function. Best PvP ever.


Hi all, sorry for my language im french, some people are like you, and me, we have the same problem, bump it too : http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=111821

Ive link your thread too.

Im playing on bf 3, Dead island, cod, wow, Aion ... having 50-100 fps, but on SWTor, in bgs i have 5-10 fps.. we cant play like this, and lot of ppl will stop the game, we need a fix :/ see you enjoy the game

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Im still having this issue on a new comp (not going to list the specs, but it is overqualified for tor on low settings). however, i have a friend on a 3 year old macbook (Not a pro) running xp who was also having this problem. but the other day for him the issue just suddenly disappeared. he now runs 20+fps in warzones, while i am still geting 5 fps on a much better computer. sigh. whats up with that
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I'm also having problems. Not just in warzones, but everywhere else as well. I usually get about 30 fps everywhere and 15 fps in combat. Here are my specs.


OS: Windows 7 64bit

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz (overclocked to 3.36) Black Edition

RAM: 8gb DDR3 1600MHz

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560

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Contributing a post from another user with the seemingly latency related issue.


I play with 60-90 MS at any given time, Warzones feel like 800+. Especially Alderaan.


Balance-wise the PVP is amazing, the most skill-dependant PVP I've ever done. The lag is the ONLY issue. That being said, this needs to be an incredibly high priority on your fix list BioWare.

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