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>> With TTK Increased in 1.3 - Will Mercs NEED an Interrupt?


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Title Says It All.


TTK = Time To Kill


To Clarify, by TTK increased, I mean the removal of on use Relics/Adrenals for PVP, making it harder/longer to kill players. Classes with an interrupt will be that much more favorable in 1.3 especially if they offer more and or better utility.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Bioware screwed up here.


The merc has nothing unique to warrant not having an interrupt.


Arsenal is also in need of roots/leap and pull immunity similar to snipers.

Pyro needs 100% snare and instant cast PowerShot. Needs to be brought up to par to the pyro powertech.

Edited by Serpieri
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Bioware screwed up here.


The merc has nothing unique to warrant not having an interrupt.


Arsenal is also in need of roots/leap and pull immunity similar to snipers.

Pyro needs 100% snare and instant cast PowerShot. Needs to be brought up to par to the pyro powertech.


Dream on.....:/

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You guys did not get the memo on Merc 1.3 did you?


They are the training dummies now. If you’re still holding out that the Devs give a crap about Mercs then you need to call a Dr. and take your medication. Once again we get squat patch 1.3. The good news is that they made it harder to manage heat in PvE now. If you’re still playing the Merc have your head examined. The class is the two headed retarded step child of the game. It is kind of funny how bad they have made this class. A monkey with a scratch and sniff marker picken his butt could have come up with something better that what we got. It looks like they forgot to fire some of the Merc Devs last patch. I wonder what excuses they will come up with this time.

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To be perfectly honest, TTK has decreased overall due to the +262 power from 2x augmented war hero relics.


This and the fact you can put +power or + mainstat on everything now means that every DPS has effectively got a permanent +400 ish power (or equivalent mainstat contribution), this is like having a war hero power relic, pre-1.3, on permanently.


I played 12 ranked warzones yesterday and the damage of marauders/pyro(mercs/pts) is now frankly ridiculous. We had a pyro vanguard doing 950k damage in a huttball game versus us.


On my pyro merc I am hitting 5k railshots, yes it took me a LONG time to farm my gear up to thelevel it is (fully remodded eliminator war hero gear) but most hardcore pvpers have gear like this on 2-3 characters now.


Sorry for the lengthy offtopic stuff, with regards to your post I FULLY agree that we need some kind of utility (aoe stun/pull/interrupt/anything). For gods sake the pyro tree is the only option available in pvp (imo), but all the pvp utility is in the freakin arsenal tree!

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did about 10 WZ's yesterday, and i was pleasantly surprised at the DPS increase on UL, RS, and overall.


i consistantly faced multiple healer groups, warrior tanks/dps. a couple snipers (LOL...LoS them), couple mercs, operative...


i solo'd 2 marauders in alderaan (wide open away from objectives, i was going between nodes when jumped), kiting, stunning, mezzing, cleansing, healing, LoS...i was even boasting in vent...


then, i PvP'd vs the WH geared, well organized guilds on our server, and felt frustrated.


i didn't have the 'burst' to take down a healer with outside help (which i normally can). i had WH healers <20% i can't count how many times, but couldn't finish the deal.


i had a shadow kill me in <7 seconds, and i got him down 10%...meaning he had 90% REMAINING.


really, i only had problems with one Shadow and one marauder, both excellent players, but my contributions to the team was nothing but sustained DPS.


now, this is versus well geared WH groups. i am 2 piece WH, rest BM...so, i am a bit undergeared...all my gear is Aug'd (18aim/12end).


an interrupt would have gave me the edge i needed to kill those healers, and a root would have allowed me to survive vs the OP'd melee. (yes OP...i have a VR68 'sin...i know how easy it is).


i have always tried to remain positive concerning BH's...as i still play mine very well.


but, i can completely understand why Mercs have no place for SERIOUS PvP'rs now :(


with multiple healers being the way to go, my Merc/PT just doesn't have the skill set needed to contribute, when other classes do.


again, i still do GREAT in PvP. my 1st 1.3 WZ was a 475k 75-0 HB victory...but, that's HB...where mercs SHOULD dominate.


i'll see how much my patience is tested before i quit, dust off my 'sin, or sit on the fleet because i can't get an invite...


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Man 75 kills in huttball, it's hard to even get past 35 kills in huttball, you must've been working up a storm in the mid section the entire match.


On my pyro merc, I seem to be doing slightly more sustained damage, I wasn't having much trouble taking anyone down however I was being taken down fairly fast as well, mostly by sniper/slingers, and I never once overheated.

Edited by Sookster
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Man 75 kills in huttball, it's hard to even get past 35 kills in huttball, you must've been working up a storm in the mid section the entire match.


On my pyro merc, I seem to be doing slightly more sustained damage, I wasn't having much trouble taking anyone down however I was being taken down fairly fast as well, mostly by sniper/slingers, and I never once overheated.


looking thru my last few HB SS's: 74, 54, 43, 65...and a total of 3 deaths (all in one match)...again, HB is a kiters paradise!!!


but, i got a chance to play early, when the newbies are on and tore it up!!


6 straight wins, top damage (except the lazy defending alderaan, top kills(4 times), etc.


so, among the masses, we look great...


among the elite, we are in need of some serious love.

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This is definitely one of the biggest problems facing the Merc right now as a DPS class for both PvE & PvP. Our knockback ability doesn't pin the players for long enough for us to get away or to make use of it to kill them. Our knockdown abilities are tied to lack luster abilities.

To be quite Blunt Trooper Commados are in the same boat they also need this BADLY... Both classes with a Knockback ability do not get the Interrupt and both are ranged DPS classes.


From a PvP point of view how the hell is it supposed to work we sit there for 30m blasting someone then see they are casting a spell and have to run to them to then use our knockback ability in the hope we get there in time to interrupt the cast. Sorry that's JUST STUPID GAME DESIGN....


What needs to change Merc/Commando need to get Snare/Root/Interrupt. So they are at least able to kite. If you compare the two other ranged Non Force using DPS classes Sniper/Gunslinger both these get these abilities on top of cover bonuses to increase their armor and dodge we do not have any such abilities because we wear heavy armour? I hate to burst the bubble but Heavy armour doesn't reduce the same amount of damage that Snipers & gunslingers get with their abilities. They have a much higher survival percentage.


In summary Merc & Commando's desperately NEED AN INTERUPT but they also need a ROOT/SNARE ability that can't be dispelled like Snipers & Gunslingers have.

Edited by Nazuul
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This is definitely one of the biggest problems facing the Merc right now as a DPS class for both PvE & PvP. Our knockback ability doesn't pin the players for long enough for us to get away or to make use of it to kill them. Our knockdown abilities are tied to lack luster abilities.

To be quite Blunt Trooper Commados are in the same boat they also need this BADLY... Both classes with a Knockback ability do not get the Interrupt and both are ranged DPS classes.


From a PvP point of view how the hell is it supposed to work we sit there for 30m blasting someone then see they are casting a spell and have to run to them to then use our knockback ability in the hope we get there in time to interrupt the cast. Sorry that's JUST STUPID GAME DESIGN....


What needs to change Merc/Commando need to get Snare/Root/Interrupt. So they are at least able to kite. If you compare the two other ranged Non Force using DPS classes Sniper/Gunslinger both these get these abilities on top of cover bonuses to increase their armor and dodge we do not have any such abilities because we wear heavy armour? I hate to burst the bubble but Heavy armour doesn't reduce the same amount of damage that Snipers & gunslingers get with their abilities. They have a much higher survival percentage.


In summary Merc & Commando's desperately NEED AN INTERUPT but they also need a ROOT/SNARE ability that can't be dispelled like Snipers & Gunslingers have.


i think when BW designed the DPS classes, they gave each a certain amount of damage abilities, CC, and utility abilities...


for example:


sniper- cover pulse(kb), ambush(kb), debil(stun), flash(stun), root, dodge, shield, dome, and cover w/ entrench.


Merc- jet boost, snare(proc), dart(stun), conc missle(mezz), shield, cleanse, heal, heal, and kolto(HoT).


problem is, Mercs (Arsenal, especially) are easily interrupted on 3 of those abilities...and if your arsenal, a majority of your damage abilities are interruptable too!!


i believe my success is due to the using of all my abilities. but, well played SW/JK, JS/SI, and the occasional PT/VG can counter these abilites...which is the difference between life and death in a 1v1, 2v1, 3v1 scenarios...


that is where the situational awareness comes in...knowing your terrain, LoS, etc...


problem is, that doesn't fly in ranked WZ's, or even against well prepared teams, where the healer is guarded and in the rear, healing those who are covering objectives...


not much "run and gun" you can do in an Alderaan or NC...and VS you gotta be crafty...


an interrupt and a root...at the expense of something, if need be, needs to be done, in order for mercs to contribute in high-end PvP.


low-end vs. newbies...like i said, i can post the 5 SS's i had last night of 500k, 600k, 74-1, 63-1, 59-0, etc.


versus a well organized pre-made...cut that in half...

Edited by T-Assassin
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