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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is BW sitting on Paid Character Transfers?


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29461 posts... roughly ... at 25bucks a transfer ... I know I'd do several, but just calculating one per person requesting that's over 3/4 of a MILLION dollars. How could the opportunity cost of not having this feature be higher than the potential revenue.
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I really wanna transfer my other chars from Eu server to American server.


Am pretty sure they had said something, somewhere, about this not being allowed even after transfers are reinstituted. Hopefully I am wrong, for your sake, as I hear servers abroad are in bad shape.

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I, (along with MANY other folks) would like BW and/or EA to comment on this ASAP. The subscription players deserve a HARD answer. Not the typical "It's something we are looking into for the future". Give us what is going on with this. What sort of discussions are BW/EA having? Why is there a hold up? What is holding this up? It's sad when a company like Funcom has better customer relations than BW. My 2 cents worth.



Frustrated SUBSCRIPTION player. :mad:

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I don't know if it's been said in this thread, too many pages to read through. Bioware has stated (either in a Developer Diary Video or in the recent State of the Game post, I don't recall) that 1.7 includes the entire character transfer infrastructure which had to be rebuilt completely from scratch- which is why Character Copy for test servers became unavailable.


Subsequent patches _will_ see Character Copy reinstated. This was a necessary step in order to allow paid character transfers. We will likely see them either just before or just after the expansion.

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You have to code this process and automate it...it's not like someone can get out of bed one morning...snap their fingers...and *poof* it's automagically done.


If its going to take long, I hope they delay the expansion to get character transfers done first.

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BW is leaving cold hard cash on the table. Baffling. I'll pay for transfers with no hesitation. GIVE US PAID TRANSFERS NOW GOSH DANG IT!


Fine, OK... if ya'll want to start with transfers only to lower population servers, cool by me. I want all my toons on Gav Daragon anyway! ;-)

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As of the writing of this letter, we are in focused, internal testing on character copies for PTS. You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. It will provide free character copies to PTS at any time (with possible restrictions dependent upon our testing needs at any given time). This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year.


You're all ready to jump on the B****ing bandwagon and not actually read what the developers give us. Read before you look like a troll guys. ;)

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You're all ready to jump on the B****ing bandwagon and not actually read what the developers give us. Read before you look like a troll guys. ;)


Pretty sure we already read that, just desperate to have them ASAP and hoping it's bioware's number one priority to do it before the expansion.

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Really? Cause all I see is 40 pages or people acting like it is not happening. It may not be done before the expansion. If that alone limits you from enjoying the content, then I do not see how you are able to play as it is. The servers all have the same content. I am sure you have friends/guilds that are cooperating on every server.


If not, roll a new toon and buck up until later this year.

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Really? Cause all I see is 40 pages or people acting like it is not happening. It may not be done before the expansion. If that alone limits you from enjoying the content, then I do not see how you are able to play as it is. The servers all have the same content. I am sure you have friends/guilds that are cooperating on every server.


If not, roll a new toon and buck up until later this year.


already working on a new toon, not a problem with me, but hard to abandon 4 50s. When expansion comes out, I'd have to go back on the server I'm trying to transfer away from just to do the makeb 50-55 content on 4 characters then go back to server I'm trying to move to and do 50-55 content there while being unsure if I should purchase legacy stuff depending on how long it takes for char transfers to get here. "Later this year."=not a valid response to know what I should be doing with my legacy stuff. "Later this year." sounds alot like end of July/Beginning August where server merges happened.


Now, with 1.7 coming up, I have to go to the server I'm trying to transfer away from to participate in the Gree event........pulling me down the mountain I'm trying to climb.


It may not be a big deal to you because it doesn't concern you but it concerns others.

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already working on a new toon, not a problem with me, but hard to abandon 4 50s. When expansion comes out, I'd have to go back on the server I'm trying to transfer away from just to do the makeb 50-55 content on 4 characters then go back to server I'm trying to move to and do 50-55 content there while being unsure if I should purchase legacy stuff depending on how long it takes for char transfers to get here. "Later this year."=not a valid response to know what I should be doing with my legacy stuff. "Later this year." sounds alot like end of July/Beginning August where server merges happened.


Now, with 1.7 coming up, I have to go to the server I'm trying to transfer away from to participate in the Gree event........pulling me down the mountain I'm trying to climb.


It may not be a big deal to you because it doesn't concern you but it concerns others.


^this. so hard.

*sigh* gonna have to blow dust off crez 1.0

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You have to code this process and automate it...it's not like someone can get out of bed one morning...snap their fingers...and *poof* it's automagically done.


This is true, but at this point in the MMO genre how do you release a game without character transfers from the start? It's a little ridiculous that we're over a year from launch and still don't have it.


With how many people have bailed on this game you'd think they'd be giving people what they want.

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At least the reputation system shed some light on my decision if I should buy legacy stuff on the server I'm trying to go to and the answer is no, I shouldnt, I will transfer the entire legacy to the server I'm trying to go to. At least it has shed some light.
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