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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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Read the post he replied to first, and can someone then tell me please, is this a troll or just pure stupidity?

Oh well, what's the difference..


im just stating that this is not wow thus thats why its different and im glad that they dont have and insta teleport because if you did u no longer see the sights, i remember back in the old days of wow the thrill of adventure walking to the dungeons now i dont get that sense of adventure however i do in this game and i really hope that they dont put in a cross realm insta teleport group finder (though a normal realm based group finder that does not insta teleport you would be fine) because that would defently kill this game considering the sights are an important aspect of this game.

Edited by SirJonC
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If you want to sit in a city, click a button, and level all the way to max, GO PLAY WOW. Stop this dumbing down of MMOs already. Not all the players are stupid 12 year-olds. If that's your category, please, go play WOW.



You are part of the scourge that keeps this game from becoming great so I ask you why not make your own niche MMO or play something else yourself?

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I don't think I remember one name of a person I have done heroic areas with or flashpoints with. As soon as we no longer need to be in a group it is, "Thanks guys". We don't exchange numbers or sign each others yearbooks after. It is the same thing most LFD groups do when their group is over.


Ditto. Back in the days before LFD, there were rare occassions when I'd add someone to my friends list, but it was usually after a low level dungeon not max level, and I can only think of one person I ever actually spoke to or played with again. Most I just trimmed after a while.


Pre-LFD WoW wasn't a social utopia. When the servers were small, sure, you often bumped into the same people a lot and that was nice. But you also spent the entire day sitting in a major city just to get one instance group. And once servers got larger (which happened pretty fast, really) they became just as impersonal as LFD is. More or less everyone I grouped with was someone I'd never seen before, and never saw again. When a server is heavily populated that's just what happens. It's about numbers, not LFD or cross-server matching.



I think some kind of LFD is fairly essential. Going back to the "sit in Stormwind spamming a macro" method of gameplay is not something I want to do. It's not social, no more than a same-server LFD would be.


Same-server LFD is going to be a happy medium. Less lurking in hubs spamming macros, more playing the game and instancing with people from your server. Whether I cast my vote for cross-server will depend on how the levelling pop stabalises. In WoW it's quite low on my server, meaning without cross-server nobody would get to do any low level instances.

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I'd agree that a same-server LFD would be a big improvement.


It would still promote a community on the server because, after a while, folks get used to seeing the same guilds/people in their groups, which would improve guild relations and reputations-much like WoW did pre-LFD/Cross-realm BGs. If folks are able to find a convenient way to get together on their server, it would improve their playing way of life. The fact that it's a server-only LFD would also limit the possibility of encountering jerks, since after a while, folks who ninja and are just bad party members would earn a reputation. Those of us who play during non-Prime Time playing hours would also find that it's a bit easier to find groups when we aren't all in the same area.

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I prefer a non cross server LFD group finder type thing. They allow you to carry on questing/doing whatever while a suitable group combo is found. Spamming is not fun nor is it always that productive. It is very time consuming and in some cases people are finding it very hard to find groups.


I think the current system encourages people to out level the heroic and then go back and solo it.

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Firstly there is a group finder. Try using it. Secondly, getting to a given level then complaining about the scarcity of people has nothing to do with a group finder, it has to do with your lack of finding people to play with in a multiplayer game. Social skills... or perhaps not out-levelling everyone else because you aren't taking time to enjoy the game.


That others are level 50 implies you are saying 'I am playing this game my way and inexplicably it's not entirely catering to me' - this is not entirely a shock. Perhaps it's useful feedback that more solo content is needed, or perhaps there is solo content you didn't do; only time & data will tell.


Either way, it has nothing to do with any 'huge mistake'.

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Personally I think it was an excellent idea not to include such tools, especially in the beginning.


The amount of people I met through LFG and general chat (and yes, compared to WoW people actually talk to each other and are nice to each other on top of that on my server) is countless. You keep on recognizing them, talking to them, meet them in quest areas and so on. I think this was a great move.


If we ever get such an automatic group finder, which I really wouldn't like to see as I blame part of what happened to WoW on the Dungeon Finder as well, please make it server internal at least.

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There is one. It is called guild chat. lol.


Yeah but you know most guildies arnt going to go out there way and stop what they're doing to run a low lvl fp just for a fellow member. Maybe if the guild has over 50 members, but if its a small guild, most wont want to help lol.

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If there aren't enough quests, then you're forced to level by either Instances, or grinding.


Stop reading here, if u are playing like a monkey it's nobody fault. The tons of quest in each planet is farrrr beyond what u need to reach the proper level to move on the next planet.

Stop pretending to be special, u are not.


For the records: Xrealm LFD is what destroyed wow community and it will never be in swtor. If , ever, a LFD version will be done for this game it will be very different from wow (no xrealm for example) to prevent the destruction of the community like it happened on wow.

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Stop reading here, if u are playing like a monkey it's nobody fault. The tons of quest in each planet is farrrr beyond what u need to reach the proper level to move on the next planet.

Stop pretending to be special, u are not.


For the records: Xrealm LFD is what destroyed wow community and it will never be in swtor. If , ever, a LFD version will be done for this game it will be very different from wow (no xrealm for example) to prevent the destruction of the community like it happened on wow.


The end is nigh! The end is nigh!


Destruction of the community? WHAT COMMUNITY!? If you're playing on a server with people who can't be bothered to talk to anyone else, there isn't a "community" problem, there's a maturity of the player problem that won't be solved by taking their toys away from them. Give people options. Or watch this game die as an antiquated dinosaur relatively quickly because someone decided to be arrogant, stomp their feet, cry, and proclaim "no no no no no" for features that other MMO players *expect*. If a feature isn't present, and there's no actual alternative that offers similar functionality, then there is a severe failure on the part of the developers. Harsh reality lesson.

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Yeah but you know most guildies arnt going to go out there way and stop what they're doing to run a low lvl fp just for a fellow member. Maybe if the guild has over 50 members, but if its a small guild, most wont want to help lol.


Then they shouldn't guild with those people.

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While I agree that the game needs a better system for grouping...


Wow. Get a job.


You powerleveled to endgame before the game is even released retail, and you're actually upset you've got no one to play with?


Slow down. Listen to the quest dialog. Take some breaks to eat and sleep.

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Gamers these days are lazy and want everything done for them.


People compare other MMO's to WoW because blizzard catered for the casual players who don't know how to play games and all the mid to hard core people got to go along for the ride.


After playing WoW do you even know how to do anything yourself? Do you need SWTOR to wipe for you as well?


We don't need these sorts of short cuts in games. Take some initiative, create your own groups, join a guild and start guild groups.


In this posters case your just going to have to wait for others to catch up, having a "Looking for Group" Que wont help you if there's no one else to Que with.

Edited by nivaskin
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