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  1. It's called a Carbine Rifle in cannon. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EE-3_carbine_rifle And if the broad argument is that bounty hunters wouldn't use rifles: I would like to refer to this source image: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090308014330/starwars/images/6/63/BountyHunters.jpg Which clearly shows 4 long arms and Fett's carbine. Pistols and dual pistols didn't appear until the new trilogy and even then it was exactly one bounty hunter that chose to use pistols over a carbine or a rifle.
  2. It's obvious what the intention was supposed to be. PvP players would work towards getting Centurion gear, and occasionally they would get surprised by phat Champion Gear with the RNG. The pattern would be repeated to some degree at battlemaster. You'd get commendations to replace any parts of centurion with champion, and you'd occasionally get battlemaster gear as a random drop. Nobody wants cent gear because champ gear was so easy to get with Ilum exploits.
  3. MMO is strictly defined as "A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously." Anything else you infer from the genre is irrelevant.
  4. You can get the same or better enhancements from daily quests.
  5. Force Lightning doesn't stun people. Inquisitors can't win games with a grav around effect either.
  6. IIRC, this is only true for large story arcs. The reason why they do this is because if you drop it and come back, it might be hard to find your starting point again.
  7. Then they shouldn't guild with those people.
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